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Chapter 2637: Vacation to find out the source of intelligence

 At present, the territory has packed up two batches of supplies and sent them to Severton. It is very convenient to go through the portal in Codex Square. There are still about two or three batches left, and they will be completed by the end of this month at the latest.

In addition, the civilian heaters that Jay is responsible for have also been put into production, and the current production capacity is still relatively low. Xia Duo's original plan to support some of the immigrants from the three dimensions of Tianshui had to give up.

It can only be used by its own citizens first. As for using Jingling automated equipment for production, it is not necessary. The situation is not that severe.

When the time comes when ordinary people can't survive without heaters, Xia Duo will definitely think of other ways, such as building a Hengchun barrier within his territory.

When he visited Evereska before, one of the gifts he received was the Mysterious Lock Secret Scroll containing the Eternal Spring Barrier.

If we don't build it now, we just think that this thing is not necessary, and it doesn't count as a basic living security, at least under the current circumstances, it doesn't count.

Moreover, Xia Duo's attitude towards the development of the territory has always been to involve the territorial residents as much as possible. He only provided guidance and did not fully contract. For example, the heater was an idea that Jay came up with. He just made some suggestions.

With the magic affairs officer and magic industry gradually integrated into the territory, Shado believed that his people would be able to create an unprecedented civilization.

In the days that followed, Xia Duo felt at ease. He had been busy for the past few months and could just take a break. Of course, his so-called rest did not mean doing nothing.

During this period, he will still pay attention to the progress of water vapor migration, the development status of the territory, the promotion of the Void Warehouse, and the upcoming fog events in the prophecy!

Especially the last one, whether he takes a break or not, he will never relax.

If there is a fog event, we need to be prepared for the next sudden climate change, and we may actually have to build the Hengchun Barrier; but if there is no fog event, we need to be more careful, because it is likely to point to a future of all-out war.

Of course, these two kinds of futures were not the only ones he predicted before. The other ones were that there would be no big events and big scenes would appear, so it was considered stable and over-the-top. Xia Duo actually hoped for such a future.

The current time point until February next year is the time when the predicted fog event will occur. The specific time is not mentioned in the predicted moiré announcement.

It is only mentioned that the investigators of the Northland Alliance were trapped in the fog and their lives were unknown. This has a specific time, but the time when the fog incident was predicted was different every time.

The earliest one occurred in January 840 in the Nese calendar, and later it occurred in March after the sudden change in climate. Most of them occurred in February.

Immediately after that, there was a sudden change in climate in March. This time in different prediction pictures also came and went, but it did not exceed March, and the interval was not large.

According to Xia Duo's own guess, this may be a certain conclusion, similar to the feeling that "small trends can be changed, but big trends cannot be changed."

In the same way, the earliest appearance of the fog should also refer to this situation, perhaps due to a specific plan of the demon with a clear date.

The so-called fog incident was only discovered by the Northland Alliance, and it did not happen on that day.

If the fog incident did not occur, it may be that the demon's plan changed for some reason or other, which ultimately led to a more tragic future.

Therefore, Shado not only asked the Member Secretariat of the Sevington Parliament to collect information on major events in the North for him, but also asked Ava, who was traveling in the North, to go to Evereska to inquire about the information.

In addition, considering the possible concealment of the elves, he also asked Elder Larian of Everriska to help keep an eye on it. Of course, he also mentioned the matter of Oripus leading a team to Everriska to open up the market, and asked the other party to follow the rules.

Provide certain convenience.

Evereska's main focus now is to be "neutral", and of course he will not refuse Sha Duo's request that is not directed at others, not to mention that the two parties have a certain degree of friendship before.

After getting all the intelligence sources, Chateau went on vacation. During the day, he would either go to the Territory Theater to watch new plays by Lawrence and others, or drink tea with Epps in the adjusted Arcane Garden.

Nowadays, the Arcane Garden has been transformed into a tea garden, which is also suitable for people with poor health to cultivate themselves. What Epps does most now is drink tea here and help take care of Pegasus.

Originally, Niya wanted to release the two Pegasus from Irfalan outside, but within a day after they were released, the two guys flew back.

The reason is that Pegasus is similar to unicorn. They are close to positive energy and are more comfortable in the Arcane Garden.

Of course, the Arcane Garden, which was converted into a tea garden, also has a disadvantage, that is, their natural food is gone. Traditional crops were grown in the Arcane Garden before, and Pegasus' favorite food was the tender wheat that had just headed.

But now they have planted tea trees, and Xia Duo does not allow them to nibble the tea leaves. In fact, the tea leaves are not delicious to them. They are just curious about changing the taste, but even so, they can't eat it.

Xia Duo had tea with Epps these days and heard Epps mention that Pegasus was in a low mood, so he thought about it and sent Pegasus to the Arcane Farm in the Floating City.

The space there is larger than the Arcane Garden of the Tower of Time, and the environment is almost the same as before. The only difference is that there are still a large number of Mulan people living in the Arcane Farm of the Floating City today.

Xia Duo requires them to at least learn the Nese language before they are allowed to return to the surface. If they can pass the language, laws and regulations, and customs and common sense tests, they can immediately become the official citizens of the Great Xia Territory.

Nowadays, a considerable part of the nearly 100,000 Mulan people have become official citizens, and a very small number have even completed the land transfer.

The reason why they are not directly resettled in the ground territory like the newly recruited more than 200,000 Tianshui three-dimensional immigrants is mainly because the Mulan people are a completely strange nation.

The language, culture, and living habits are completely different from those in the West Continent. Forcibly twisting them together can easily cause riots. These are not dozens or hundreds of people, but nearly 100,000 people. If it is not handled well, it may cause chaos.

It lays the foundation for future disaster.

That's why Xia Duocai temporarily placed them in the floating city and required them to at least learn the Nese language before they could return to the ground.

As for why the Langas are not like this, it is because although the Nese and Langas despise each other, they still have some contact and understanding.

Not to mention, some Langas refugees joined in the early stages of the territory's development, providing a lot of help in the early stages of the territory, such as the brave and loyal Langas hounds, and the Langas witch doctors who were good at treating poisonous injuries in the forest.

If the Langas, the earliest Kaban tribe, had not joined, the cost of developing the Bactria Territory would definitely have been greater than it is now.

This chapter has been completed!
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