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Chapter 2818 Achievements of Universal Education

After Oripus left, Shado continued to watch at the observation tower for a while. After a while, Jose, Clark and others also found an opportunity to get off the floating building platform.

"Lord Lord."


Sha Duo nodded, then looked at Clark and others, and asked, "How are you learning here? What are your thoughts on the elves' construction technology and concepts?"

The people who were asked looked at each other, and finally decided that Clark would be the first to answer. On the one hand, Clark was not a construction worker, so answering the question wrongly would also help the following people eliminate wrong options.

On the other hand, Clark is the leader of the territory, and of course he must take the lead at this time.

"Lord, let me talk about my personal thoughts first!"

Clara organized her words a little, and then spoke slowly, "Actually, we are here to visit rather than to learn. The elves' construction technology is really too high-end for us.

"Even if the territory can catch up quickly, it will probably be a matter for the next generation, so I have nothing to say in terms of technology. Here I will only talk about the architectural concepts of the elves.

"Before coming to Evereska, although the territory often organized exhibitions and lectures related to elves, my impression of elves was still closely related to the forest.

"Now that I have come to the Elf City in person and seen this city with my own eyes, I understand how serious the stereotypes were in the past. This city has a lot of green landscapes, but it is not a forest, but a city that I could not imagine in the past.

A city across the ages.”

Speaking of this, Clark paused for a moment, as if to calm down his excitement. Of course, the reason why he was excited was not because of what Evereska did, but because he thought of himself.

In the past, he was a slave. Not to mention an elven city like Everriska, even the ordinary towns in Netheril were beyond his imagination. He was only driven to work by whips in dark mines every day.

, without any thoughts of his own.

Until he came to the Daxia Territory, he became the real power manager of the territory as a slave. Later, he was able to escape from slavery, learn writing, acquire laws, and even see art exhibitions that he had never dared to think of in the past.

This time he came to a real elf city, which made Clark even more grateful to the Great Xia Territory and grateful for the opportunity given to him by the lord.

"Sir, I have visited many elven buildings during this period. I found that elven buildings focus more on aesthetics and practicality. Of course, excellent buildings are often compatible with both, and this is what I think is worth learning from.

The place.

"But on the other hand, paying too much attention to beauty may be ordinary for elves, but for us humans, it is too complicated and too extravagant. Therefore, I feel that there is no need to completely copy the development path of elves in the architectural development of our territory.

, but we must combine the actual conditions of the territory and find the path that suits us best.”

After Clark finished speaking, several people beside him fell silent, including Xia Duo. He didn't expect Clark to say such profound words, which made him couldn't help but praise:

"Well said! It seems that you have put your heart into Everesca during this time."

In fact, more than that, Chateau also felt that he might have underestimated Clark in the past. Clark was not only good at organizing and managing a large number of people, but also had his own unique concepts in architecture and aesthetics.

This is enough to show that Clark is a genius, and genius is not necessarily limited to those fields that have been discovered. He may also achieve higher achievements in other fields.

For example, take the field of magic.

It's not that Xia Duo wants to train someone to be a mage when he sees him, but the future is an era of magic. If you don't understand magic, you are destined to be unable to keep up with the trend of the times.

Did Shado send Clark and others to Everesca to have fun? No, Shado’s real purpose was for Clark and others to get in-depth contact with the elf construction process, and then return to the territory to set up a preliminary magic

Architectural shelves.

Magic must be learned, but you don't have to receive a systematic general education like the members of the Tower of Time. You only need to learn magic related to architecture, and you don't even have to learn how to cast spells. You just need to understand the necessary details.

"Who's coming next?"

"Lord, I'm coming!"

Next, four construction workers from all over Netheril with ordinary backgrounds talked about their views on elven construction technology and concepts.

It was different from what Xia Duo thought at first. He thought that these construction workers might briefly describe the differences between the elven buildings and the buildings in the Great Xia Territory that they saw during this period in relatively simple language.

But what I didn't expect was that these construction workers used standard written expressions, even interspersed with a variety of rhetorical techniques, and the content of their expressions was quite profound. At least a few low-level mages from the mainland of Netheril said that

You can't say anything like this.

Only then did Xia Duo fully realize that the results of popular education in the territory had been displayed in front of him. The popularization of education in the territory could be roughly divided into two parts. One part was the popularization of magic education for school-age children.

The other part is the popularization of education for adults. This part generally does not contain specific magical knowledge, but more about literacy and reading.

On this basis, it is the liberation of the mind. They are no longer labor tools trapped in the land, but become the masters of labor and realize their self-worth in labor.

Although this was just a small achievement, through this, Xia Duo saw that in the near future, a new era would be created by these people.

After leaving the observation tower, Sha Duo continued to return to the Time-Related Magic Research Laboratory. Currently, the Northland Alliance has initially established a wide-area monitoring of time-related magic rituals. Related research is still continuing, but for Sha Duo, more

Just wait and wait.

In Daxia Territory, this is also a peaceful time that needs to be waited for.

On March 10, 840 in the Nese calendar, the main body of Linshui Town was initially completed, and some residents of Linshui Town who could not wait had already excitedly moved into their new homes, which were still in a rough state.

At noon that day, Xia Duo participated in the largest field granting ceremony in the new year. A total of more than a thousand households were assigned fields.

Also on the same day, 20,000 preparatory citizens were successfully converted into regular citizens, most of whom were immigrants from the three dimensions of Tianshui.

That evening, Sha Duo attended the opening ceremony of the new cemetery near Xinshi Village and blessed the two deceased citizens who were among the first batch to enter the cemetery.

The opening of the new cemetery does not mean that the previous cemetery is abandoned or full, but taking into account the fact that the territory has forgotten to open up the north at this stage, the old cemetery at the southern end of the territory remains relatively unchanged.

Another reason is of course the capacity of the old cemetery. Chateau is not prepared to expand the old cemetery without limit. It is inevitable to build a new cemetery after reaching a certain capacity.

The one near Shinshi Village is just one of them, and there will definitely be more in the future.

This chapter has been completed!
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