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Chapter 3294 Research on Excited State Magical Weapons

Xia Duo brought the divine envoy into Ye'erlan to track down the Yueying family for public reasons, but it did not prevent him from using this as a reason to seek some personal gain for himself. He had long been greedy for the high-density books of the master plane elves. This was even if he entered the projection position.

The secrets that cannot be obtained even by the incarnate elves can only be obtained from the main plane.

After all, there is a certain deviation between the projection plane and the main plane. At most, there are only some general directions, and there are too many differences in details.

However, Osmantus could not easily agree to Chateau's request. The entry permit was still within the scope of his powers as a plenipotentiary ambassador, but when it came to the domestic library authority, he did not have the direct power to deal with it.


Even if you agree now, you can only go back and find a way to find the King Mian or the parliament to do it, instead of him promising on the spot that he will definitely provide it.

The most important thing is that Osmantus figured out a possibility from Shado's words, and he asked almost subconsciously:

"You know who the core members of the Illuminati are, and you can also find their information in the Starry Library, right?"

But it was impossible for Xia Duo to answer this question. He just told the other party: "After I have finished speaking, it is your turn. Will you grant me entry permission?"

"Here, I can't give it to you! But can you reveal more, are the core members of the Illuminati really in Yeerlan?"

In fact, regarding the latter, the upper echelons of Yeerlan also have speculations. If the core members of the Illuminati were not in Yeerlan, they probably would not be able to trigger the current exaggerated civil strife in Yeerlan.

But that was just a guess based on the analysis of the current situation, and there was no evidence. Now, Osmantus felt that Shado must have evidence, and could even directly lock in the identity of the core member of the Illuminati. This made him an Erlan elf.

Calm down!

At the end of his words, his tone even contained a hint of pleading unconsciously, but Xia Duo remained unmoved and just reminded him:

"Don't mention the name Illuminati casually. If you want to deal with them, you can't be too cautious."

That is to say, the name of the Illuminati is now widely known. Otherwise, like at the beginning, if Osmantus mentioned the Illuminati here, he would probably be stabbed in the back and commit suicide in two days.

Just mentioning the Illuminati now is unlikely to be dangerous, but there is still a risk of being noticed by the other party.

"Consultant Xia Duo, you——"

Osmantus hesitated to speak. He walked back and forth in the reception room excitedly, and finally stopped in front of Sha Duo, staring closely into Sha Duo's eyes:

"If you weren't the first to discover a lot of the Alliance's current information about the Illuminati, I would even suspect that you are a member of the Illuminati!"

Speaking of this, Osmantus seemed to have thought of something, suddenly woke up, pointed at Xia Duo with a trembling finger, and said word by word:

"I understand, I finally understand! It turns out that a long time ago, you mastered a lot of information about the Illuminati that we still don't know. That's why you "accidentally" discovered traces of the Illuminati so many times, and even arrested you directly.

To the Illuminati!"

"Whatever you think, but I want to remind you that if your guess is true, then you'd better pretend you don't know anything. If your guess is not true, then I hope you won't cause trouble for me.


"I understand, I understand!"

Osmantus was completely immersed in his speculation at this moment, "You want to enter the territory of Yeerlan just to completely eliminate the Illuminati. I will have someone send the entry permit to your office later. It will not delay your action, but

Can you tell me if there are any Illuminati members hiding in the Council of Elders in Gaoshu?"

Sha Duo couldn't help but shake his head when he saw this, and then he shouted loudly: "Osmantus! Do you think the war with the Illuminati is a brain game? Can you please wake up! Think about the chaos in Erlan!"

"Sorry, I lost my temper."

After Osmantus calmed down, he still tried to find out from Sha Duo the identities of the core members of the Illuminati, and at least to confirm whether there were Illuminati members in the upper echelons of Yeerlan.

But Xia Duo still refused, "I have said everything I can say. If you ask me again, I won't tell you what I can't say. You just need to remember one thing, spiritual examination is the most effective method. If you don't pass the spiritual examination, don't do it."


It is almost inevitable that there are members of the Illuminati at the top of Yeerlan, but Osmantus is not. As he said, the psychic examination is the most effective, and Osmantus passed the psychic examination, otherwise he would not have said this to the other party.

After saying that, Xia Duo chose to leave directly, and then sent a message to the other party on the road: "Give me the entry permit as soon as possible. In addition, I also ask the ambassador to reconsider the advanced reading rights of Fanxing Library."

After returning to the office, he was about to ask Charles to pay attention to the people sent by Representative Yeerlan at all times, when he remembered that Charles had stayed on the floating city with the Sequia family.

At that time, Xia Duo felt that this was a sign that Charles wanted to join the Great Xia Territory, and he was happy. But now he is in trouble because Charles is not around.

But no matter how troublesome it was, it was impossible to call Charles back, so Sha Duo could only grab an operation and maintenance man from the computing power pool monitoring hall to help him keep an eye on the people sent by Osmantus.

As for himself, he turned his consciousness back to his true body and went to Yongle City to take out the excited state magic weapon that the Illuminati had previously stored in the void warehouse of the Tower of Time.

This is not the first time that he has taken out the Illuminati's excited magic weapon. After he handed over the Illuminati prisoners to the Alliance, he took out the excited magic weapon.

But even if he took it out before, it would still be stored in the stasis space. Now, he is ready to completely "dissect" this special magic weapon to see what the Illuminati's intentions are!

In the past, in order not to be noticed by the Illuminati, and to avoid damage to the only sample, I could only conduct superficial explorations. I was unable to fully understand the nature of this special magic weapon. I only knew that it existed as a key component of a certain spell.

But as the day of the decisive battle is getting closer and closer, and the Ruth Chamber of Commerce where the magic weapon was stored has been destroyed, this magic weapon has become a magic weapon involved in the case that can be studied openly, without worrying about being discovered by the Illuminati.

After all, the Ruth Chamber of Commerce has been arrested, and the Secret Palace has also been arrested. If the Illuminati hadn't noticed it yet, it wouldn't be worth the tension in the entire North.

As for the possibility of sample damage, this is inevitable. Xia Duo has conducted a more in-depth inspection of it than before in the Void Warehouse some time ago, and has also made multiple analysis plans.

Even if there is no guarantee of 100% success, it is imperative to continue the analysis. When Osmantus sends the entry permit, he will summon the divine envoy to track down the Moon Shadow family.

This may be the trigger for the decisive battle. By then, it is almost impossible to have time to study this excited state magic weapon, and this thing is likely to be a key existence in the Illuminati's plan, so Xia Duo cannot help but not pay attention to it.

What else can we do? We can only find a way to squeeze in some time, and by accelerating the magic circle with time, we should still have a chance to fully analyze it before the decisive battle.

This chapter has been completed!
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