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Chapter 3310 Everriska’s choice

Next, Shado and Ted split up. Ted and his subordinates temporarily stayed in Yongle City, waiting for Ambassador Tirion to send someone over, and then took them to the Dark Territory.

Xia Duo, on the other hand, took the envoy Qi Qi, who was transformed into a human mage, and set foot on the secret passage to Ye Erlan. It was said that it was a secret passage, but it was actually a hidden passage.

On the way, Shado received a summons from Larian. After discussion, Everesca had already made a decision. They wanted to stay around Yongle City until the Mystery Lock transformation was completed.

Shado is not surprised by such a decision, because the foreseeable situation is that once Everriska returns to the ground, the alliance will almost 100% find a way to expand the previously occupied Everriska city mystery lock.


The excuse was even ready-to help Everriska fix the mystery lock, just like before, without changing a single word!

As a country with long-term development expectations, Evriska certainly cannot allow this situation to develop. It will definitely look for opportunities to take back the authority of the Mystery Lock, or transform the Mystery Lock, so as to gain higher autonomy.

And now is an excellent opportunity. If you miss this time, it is hard to say whether there will be such a good opportunity again in the future.

Therefore, even though there may be a risk of being attacked if you continue to stay near Yongle City, Everesca still made such a decision, which has a bit of "Give me freedom or give you death"!

However, the elders of Everriska are not all tough-headed fools. While making the decision to stay around Yongle City, they also made a request to Shado——

It is hoped that the civilians of Evereska can be allowed to temporarily enter Yongle City to take refuge when necessary.

Shado agreed to this and provided Evereska with a long-term access key to a public teleportation circle in Yongle City, so that the Evereska elf could go to Yongle City at any time while the key was in effect.

The reason why it is a teleportation circle is because although the teleportation gate is safer, it cannot achieve many-to-one teleportation. In a preset emergency situation like Everesca's, where civilians are evacuated for refuge, the teleportation gate will not

It's so suitable.

After all, it is impossible for Shado to build them many portals that can evacuate all the millions of civilians in Everesca in a short period of time. This is unrealistic. Even if he is willing, the time is not certain.

It's too late.

In terms of flux per unit time, the teleportation circle is better. As long as they know the pass key, anyone can teleport there, and there is no need to teleport the magic circle.

The magic circle only allows multiple people to teleport at the same time, and does not require knowledge of teleportation spells. For the special need of evacuating a large number of civilians in a short period of time, the teleportation magic circle is the optimal solution.

You only need to set up teleportation circles in various urban areas of Evereska in advance, and give a notification when you need to evacuate, and you can evacuate quickly.

Compared with the portal, the construction of the teleportation circle is easier and less time-consuming. Of course, for Evereska now, the only option is the teleportation circle.

And it has to be faster, because Sha Duo has already begun to track the Moon Shadow family, and the final decisive battle may suddenly break out at any time. Sha Duo also hinted at this, but I don’t know if Larian can understand it.

After ending the communication with Larian, Shado and the Archangel Rich continued to move towards the direction of Erlan northwest of Everiska.

On the way, Richie also used the Holy Book to pinpoint the Yueying Family's location again and again. In order to obtain more accurate positioning, Shado even took Richie on several detours, so as to gain more angles of perception.

And many different directions of perception converge at one point, and that point is Taivi Mansa that Sha Duo actually doesn't want to see at all!

"Arrogant Rich, are you targeting the member of the Yueying family who signed the contract with me, or most of the members of the Yueying family?" Although he already knew the answer, Xia Duo still asked with some reluctance.

What if Archangel Rich targets the elf with whom he originally signed a contract? Then it wouldn’t be surprising for an elf with legs of his own to run wherever he goes. In this way, Taivi Mansa won’t be the worst.


"Of course it's most members of the Yueying family. After all, the other party to the contract is the Yueying family, not a certain member of that family."

Divine Envoy Rich repeated the object of his pursuit again. He actually didn't quite understand why Xia Duo cared so much about whether it was the majority of members or just one member. As long as he found one, wouldn't he be able to find the others?

Xia Duo remained silent, and Richie didn't take the initiative to talk. The two of them just kept walking in silence.

Although Xia Duo consciously avoided the big and small cities in Yeerlan along the way, there were always some that he couldn't avoid. Xia Duo didn't have much fear about those cities, he just didn't want to cause trouble.

When passing through those cities, he clearly felt that those cities were under martial law, and there were even fires soaring into the sky for a long time in some cities.

Under such circumstances, he could only sigh silently in his heart that the Illuminati would do a lot of harm to people, and at the same time accelerated his pace towards Taivi Mansa.

After ten hours of walking out of Evereska, Shado finally saw the tall trees on the ridge where Taivi Mansa was located, but at the same time he discovered a fact that he had foreseen on the road——

Martial law has also been imposed in Taivi Mansa!

"Arrogant Rich, can you confirm which tree the Yueying family is on?" Sha Duo asked.

"Now that the distance is a bit close, the interference from mortal magic has become particularly strong. If you want to accurately locate it, you need to at least break through this layer of barrier protection."

"That's it!"

Xia Duo pondered, thoughts running rapidly in his mind. Taivi Mansa's city myth locks and Ye Erlan's territory-covering unified myth locks were completely different in terms of protection against individuals.

The latter is simply unable to monitor the entry and exit of every individual life. As long as it is not too prominent, there is no problem at all in latent entry. Yeerlan's territory is not small, and the border is so long. How can it be possible to arrange for all living bodies to be monitored.

Even if it is a living body monitoring, it must rely on the function of the mystery lock itself, rather than letting the mage cast spells on his own to maintain alert magic for 24 hours.

But this is the Unified Mystery Lock. Its main function is to unify other Mystery Locks within the territory. Monitoring and protection are only incidental. In fact, before the construction of the Unified Mystery Lock, the borders that Ye Erlan could actually control were the boundaries of independent city Mystery Locks.


The urban mystery lock of Taivi Mansa is such an existence. Whether it is in the past or now, it is enough to monitor the entry and exit of any individual.

When Xia Duo came, he wanted to see if he could find a loophole in the myth lock, and then let him and the Archangel Rich sneak in. After all, when he came to Taivi Mansa before, he had used the magic lock on Taivi Mansa to do it.

After a certain level of exploration.

Now it's just a step further on the previous basis, trying to find loopholes and exploit them.

This chapter has been completed!
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