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Chapter 3321 The other hero

Based on more than twenty exchanges and practices that he has personally experienced, this recorder analyzed the development of the Seven Towers Mage in many aspects such as combat skills, new spell development, and magic theory.

He also gave a high evaluation that it is not enough to pose a threat to elven magic for the time being, but it is very likely to surpass elven magic in the future. He even proposed in the report to find ways to curb the development of magic in the Seven Towers and Netheril.

The recorder himself put forward many suggestions, and Shado could even see the shadow of these suggestions in the actions of the elven countries in recent years.

For example, through communication, the development direction of Nese magic can be guided to the direction of exquisite and delicate individual duels, rather than the direction of war spells that win by quantity.

Another example is dumping a large number of cheap civilian magic weapons to Netheril and cutting off the development of Netheril magic in the direction of civilian magic weapons. After all, the prosperity of civilian magic weapons will inevitably feed back the development of war magic weapons.

Another example is restricting from the perspective of strategic resources, blocking mithril refining technology, controlling mithril mines in Netheril, guiding wrong technical routes, etc.

The most amazing thing is that this report clearly mentioned that other elven countries can be united to limit the scale of magic activities in the entire North. The reason is that elven magic requires more archaeology than experimentation.

On the contrary, Netheril magic, a new type of magic system, requires a lot of experimental support. As long as the scale of magic activities is restricted, the development of Netheril's magic will inevitably be greatly restricted.

At the same time, supplemented by the extreme devaluation and rejection of Nese magic, it finally led humans back to the right path of elven magic.

Shado carefully flipped through the report and discovered that it was written more than a hundred years ago, because there was a paragraph in the report that mentioned that "Netheril is preparing for a decisive battle with the orc tribe in the near future, and is very interested in exchanging magic."

"Minus", so the author of the report did not continue to follow up, but chose to "summarize past exchange experiences for Wang's reference."

In other words, more than a hundred years ago, elves foresaw the development potential of Nese magic, and even suggested that Erlan take the initiative to curb it.

The method mentioned in it to curb the development of Netheril magic by restricting the scale of magic activities in the North was the later "Magic Restriction Treaty"!

It's just that it was Cormanthor who initiated the later magic-restriction treaty, not Erlan, but this may be the so-called "heroes think alike."

However, the author of this report did not expect the subsequent establishment of the Northland Alliance, and Cormanthor did not expect that due to the establishment of the Northland Alliance, the development of magic in the elven countries would also usher in a major opportunity.

Although the Demon Limitation Treaty can restrict Netheril, it also limits them themselves. Therefore, the Demon Limitation Treaty that no one wants to abide by becomes a piece of paper.

Of course, Cormanso's apparent reason for making this suggestion was very correct and sufficient - to protect the Magic Network environment.

Due to the abuse of magic in the past few thousand years (wars and other uncontrolled magic activities), the magic network environment has long been inferior to what it used to be, which is specifically reflected in the low efficiency of the magic network energy acquisition within the unit space.

Or it can also be understood that the energy density of the magic network has become smaller.

This is a fact recognized by all countries, so the subsequent Demon Restriction Treaty began to discuss the protection of the Demon Network. Until the recent Elan attack, which caused seven huge demons that were likely to spread.

Net decay area.

This made all countries completely determined to invest resources and manpower in protecting the Magic Network.

Shado also supports the protection of the magic web. Most arcane masters in Netheril do not object to repairing the magic web, but only if it is easy to repair. After all, doing so can gain divine favor.

However, only a very small number of arcanists are willing to repair those difficult-to-repair kinked points or dead areas of the magic network. The former requires sorting out the larger-scale structure of the magic network, while the description of the latter as "dead silence" is enough to explain the problem.

It is a long-term free labor that costs 120% of the effort but may not result in any results.

Some arcanists may be able to try it occasionally on a whim, but if they are asked to do this kind of thankless free labor for a long time, I am afraid that 99% of arcanists are not willing to do it.

Including Xia Duo, even if he knew that doing this would benefit the public, it would benefit the public interest but he would have to bear various costs personally. In this case, the role of selfishness would be infinitely magnified.

Unless you are a saint or someone supported by certain beliefs, you can engage in this kind of free service for a long time, "Sacrificing yourself to help thousands of families".

Therefore, it is good for the alliance to take responsibility for this matter. After all, the alliance can really provide money and resources instead of letting others work in vain.

As long as such a reward and punishment mechanism is established and maintained, the magic environment in the North and even the entire main plane will gradually improve in the future.

And such behavior can probably only be mentioned when the Northland Alliance is established and countries do not need to worry about war for the time being.

In the past, even if countries had friendly relations, they would still worry about being backstabbed by their allies one day. In this case, who would sacrifice their own interests to serve the public interest?

Now, although some of the countries in the Northland Alliance seem to have bad or even bad relations, within the framework of the alliance, cooperation still outweighs conflict.

Only in this case can the countries in the Northland work as a whole and jointly bear part of the cost for the benefit of the whole.

Of course, the alliance is not perfect. Not to mention threats from the outside. As long as all countries in the alliance work together, they can still be overcome, but internal crises are very fatal.

For example, the conflict between the "golden elf supremacy" doctrine and the concept of "equality and common prosperity of the five races" that Sha Duo has always kept in mind, as well as the conflict between the upper-class family's desire to achieve eternal rule and the lower class's desire for progress, etc.

These may only be a few sparks now, but if not handled well, it may cause the entire alliance to fall apart.

After putting down "Exchanging Experiences at Morien Tower", Shado picked up the next book. This should be his first contact with the undisguised true thoughts of the upper elf.

Although such true thoughts can be seen from the daily interactions with elves, it is almost impossible for any elf to tell him how to contain Netheril in front of him.

Almost all elves wear disguises when facing humans. Those with low status have to pretend to be respectful, because those with high status, even humans, can decide the fate of elves with low status.

Those with high status also have to pretend to be aloof in order to suppress the identity and interests of human beings, or they may pretend to be stupid and cause human beings to misjudge.

Of course, there is no shortage of elves with true temperament in this world, but more of them are in the middle and lower classes. The higher you go up, the less difference there is between elves and humans. This is also an inevitable manifestation of social intelligent creatures at a certain stage.

Xia Duo was unhappy, but there was really nothing he could do to change it for the time being. All he could do was continue to develop.

This chapter has been completed!
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