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Chapter 3436 Authorization obtained, application of the power of time

After all, these alliance representatives did not completely disappoint Shado. They did not wait for the twenty minutes he gave to end. It took almost only four or five minutes. In the face of Tirion, Devin and other representatives who had already expressed their support clearly before,

The leader jointly signed the authorization document under "coercion".

And at Chateau's strong request, the validity period of the authorization document starts from the Battle of Teardrop Lake and ends after the war.

The end time does not have much impact, the key is the start time, which is related to the time point when Xia Duo can reasonably and legally intervene in the past.

Now that the new authorization is obtained, it is equivalent to countries allowing him to directly intervene in the battlefields of time-related signal source points within their borders during the decisive battle through methods other than direct sending of personnel, war spells, etc.

This is of little significance to the present world, because no matter how far back the authorization is, it is already in the past. But for the real decisive battle on the timeline, this is the greatest guarantee after the war.

After receiving the new authorization, Xia Duo immediately returned to Yongle City and came to the secret room where the prophecy was made before the war. It had not been long since the last prophecy, and the furnishings in the secret room had not changed in any way.

What concerns Shado the most is the altar located in the center of the secret room, which still maintains the present world anchored before he made the prophecy.

If he wants to carry out a new round of prophecy next, then maintaining the anchoring state in the past will not be conducive to his current prophecy. It is best for the prophecy to use the present as the anchor point.

If the past is used as the anchor, or if Sha Duo does not update the state anchored in the past, then when making a prediction, everything from the time node anchoring the past to the present moment when the prediction is made may be

will occupy the prophecy's share.

Since the possibilities from that time point in the past to the present are actually experienced by the prophet personally and are certain, the prophet does not actually need other possibilities during this period, which is equivalent to diluting the needed predictions with unnecessary predictions.

And the act of predicting itself is like panning for gold in the waves. The so-called dilution is equivalent to less gold, but there is still so much water.

Therefore, even from the perspective of someone like Xia Duo, who is new to prophecy, when choosing an anchor before making a prophecy or choosing a starting point in time, it is best to choose the present moment that is closest to the time when the prophecy is being carried out.

But this time, Xia Duo did not want to make a prophecy, but hoped to change the past. From this perspective, the anchor point existing in the past would be more beneficial to him.

Because the past from the anchor point to the present should be certain for the current Sha Duo, it is not what Sha Duo wants to retain. He hopes to find other possibilities that are better for the alliance.

In this case, anchoring with the past becomes very appropriate.

Moreover, there is an uncertain benefit of doing this, which is that you can "never meet" the time-related ritual controllers of the Illuminati and be in a relatively advantageous position.

Originally, it was impossible for Xia Duo to do this, but the power of time gave him unexpected support.

In previous research, Shado discovered that the power of time, which was naturally dispersed by Daphne's time gem and then collected by him, naturally had the effect of blessing prophecy spells.

Even if he holds the strange crystal used to preserve the power of time he has re-collected, he can gain the ability to observe the timeline out of thin air that normally requires the use of prophecy.

However, there are many restrictions on casting prophecy spells, and a time anchor point must be established first. However, as long as you hold such a strange crystal that preserves the power of time, you can gain such an ability.

Although it was not continuous and very unclear, it was like some pictures that he had never experienced before suddenly flashed in his mind. At first, Xia Duo did not think that it was a prophetic picture, but he was very sure that those pictures were definitely not his.


Being able to produce such a picture or perspective out of thin air is difficult to explain using communication or projection spells.

What really convinced him that it was a prophecy spell was that it could accurately predict the very near future - about two to three seconds - and also automatically obtain such a future perspective without casting a spell.

For example, if Xia Duo watches a small ball fall from his hand, he will immediately see the ball bouncing on the ground, and then the small ball will fall to the ground.

The closer we are to the present, the more precise and clear the prophetic scenes are. The further away we are in the future, the more fragmented and blurry the prophetic scenes are.

In this regard, he has not tried much, just a taste, because any attempt will consume the power of time, and for him now, this power of time, which is unique, must be used in more critical places, and of course it cannot be used casually.


Even though he only had a taste of it, he still gained a lot. Among them, the least important but probably the most far-reaching impact for him now is that after being exposed to the power of time and consuming it, he can already sense the power of time.

The force exists.

The power of time didn't feel like any specific elemental energy to him, but more like a trend, like ripples caused by the continuous extension of the timeline into the future.

But it is also a real and powerful force, powerful enough to change the past.

With his current perception of the power of time, he cannot quantify the power of time and can only make a rough comparison. This is also the reason why he was able to judge the time-related rituals of the Illuminati underground in Elam before.

If he cannot sense the power of time, he may have to find a way to get closer and judge from the details of the ritual, which may waste a lot of time.

If there is any power similar to the power of time, Sha Duo can immediately cite one example, that is the power of blood, which is also an unconventional and difficult to quantify power.

But compared to the traceable power of blood, the power of time is too elusive. Shado just collected the power of time dissipated in Daphne's time gems and consumed them to conduct some simple experiments.

Gained the ability to perceive the power of time.

If he is allowed to study in depth and get in touch with it in depth, will he gain the ability to directly control the timeline or even travel around the timeline at will?

In fact, he can already control the timeline, but the power of time he currently controls is too rare and does not support his direct control of the timeline. Instead, he must use other methods to combine the characteristics of the power of time itself.

Magnify to the extreme.

It's similar to the leverage effect.

What Xia Duo chose was prophecy. The time-related rituals of the Illuminati are already two completely different technical routes. Of course, if you want to say that it is more advanced, it must be the Illuminati.

After all, time-related rituals have been able to change the past without the power of time, but his current method still revolves around the power of time.

Once the power of time is gone, the Illuminati can still continue, but there is nothing he can do anymore~

This chapter has been completed!
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