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Chapter 359 Kingship has no eternity

"But Erwin, even if we inform everyone, those fallen ones will not agree with the news from us. They only want to maintain their rule!" The masked man who spoke before raised doubts again.

The other masked men also spoke one after another, "Yes! Erwin, the magical power we have is very limited, how can we compete with those fallen ones!"

"Once our identities are exposed, you can't escape!"

"It's better to wait a little longer. Not long ago, I just obtained a brand new magic from the envoy of Erlan, and I am willing to share it with you!"

The four masked men were noisy, but in the end they did not agree to spread the news.

Erwin, the strong man in armor, was a little disappointed. He was about to end this meeting and meet the next batch of emerging spellcasters when he heard the masked man who initially objected said hesitantly:

"Erwin, then the holy water this time——"

"Yes! Just ask Sam to get it when you leave."

Erwin knew that the holy water could heal the damage caused by the fallen, and even had a strong attack power on the fallen. This was also an important link between him and these emerging spellcasters, so he did not refuse and could not refuse.

"Thank you, Erwin, I was glared at by the old guy the day before yesterday, and I still feel uncomfortable all over!"

"Me too!"

"I can't disappear for too long, lest anyone suspects me, let's stop here this time!"

Erwin wanted to end the meeting, so he nodded, "Okay!"

After the four masked men left, Erwin angrily hammered the table with a bang, knocking the table that had finally come down from the ground to pieces.

"These guys!"

Although he didn't want to admit it, Erwin still felt that those emerging spellcasters might become new fallen ones in the future. Once they had some power, they would start to think that they were superior to others and ignore ordinary people. This was the partner he chose.


Erwin closed his eyes and sought enlightenment from God in his heart, but how could God interfere with such a confirmed promise? So he could only continue to adhere to the holy power and perceive the rules and mysteries within it.

Trying to gain some new insights.

In this holy power full of infinite brilliance, Erwin felt a vast and vast will, full of order and ruthlessness, but precisely because of this order and ruthlessness, he saw eternal justice and protection!

"My Lord, how can I, as humble as I, understand what you are doing!"

Giles Town, somewhere in a secret room.

An old man with gray hair and wrinkled face was kneeling under an altar covered with skulls and bones, muttering something from time to time in a very strange tone, and as he spoke, the candlelight around the secret room seemed to sway.


Behind the old man, there was a middle-aged man with a complicated expression standing. Seeing the atmosphere in the secret room becoming more and more strange, he finally couldn't help but said:

"Father, I heard news that there may be a wave of orcs in the south. Should we make some preparations in advance? There are also envoys from Yeerlan who are preparing to leave. Should I ask them to stay? Maybe it will be helpful."

The old man ignored the middle-aged man and continued to do his own thing, as if he had not heard his son's words at all.

"Father!" the middle-aged man shouted again. He knew that his father could speak at this time. In the past, his father had done a lot of his tutoring in this secret room!

"heard it!"

The old man's hoarse voice sounded, and the light in the secret room dimmed. Then the old man shook the bone staff in his hand, and the middle-aged man quickly stepped forward to support him, and at the same time asked:

"Then what should we do, father?"

"Don't worry, we are in the far north. Even if there is a real wave of orcs, we will have time to respond."

As soon as he heard his father's words, the middle-aged man became a little anxious and said quickly: "But father, we have already formed the Severnton Alliance! How can we just sit idly by and ignore our allies!"


A crisp sound appeared in the secret room.

As if he was still dissatisfied, the old man who was just about to go out gave his son another slap with his backhand, pointed the empty eye socket of the skull on the top of the bone stick in his hand towards his son, and scolded:

"Remember, there is no Sevington Alliance now, there is only Netheril! A brand new country! And I am the king of Netheril! And I will rule until the end of time!"

The middle-aged man covered his cheek and opened his mouth, but in the end nothing came out. He knew that his father was crazy. He had been crazy since the day the elves of Erlan arrived.

Immortality, royal power, and even the knowledge of magic were too obscure and profound, and he doubted whether his father even wanted to grasp magic.

Looking at his father who had walked out of the secret room, the middle-aged man looked back at the altar made of bones and skeletons, and then quickened his pace and walked out.

Sure enough, his father was waiting at the door. Even his own son would not be able to stay alone in that secret room. Thinking of this, the middle-aged man suddenly felt that such a life was really sad.

At this moment, the old man suddenly asked: "Did you just say that there was going to be a wave of orcs in the south?"

The middle-aged man was stunned for a moment, but then he felt even sadder. Didn't what he just said leave a trace in his father's heart? But when his father asked him, he ignited a glimmer of hope and felt a little lucky for his people.

"Father, the news coming from the paladin should be true, but even if it is false, the people are always innocent, and we cannot let the orcs wreak havoc!"

"Well, what you said makes sense."


Originally, the middle-aged man should have been very happy to hear his father's affirmation, but now he was a little stunned. While he was stunned, the old man had already continued:

"I decided to gather the army and all the mages to fight against the orc tide. If those paladins can make their due contribution to the orc tide, I am willing to promise to give them the right to walk in the sun!"


The middle-aged man was really happy now, "Are you telling the truth? Do you really agree not to hunt down those paladins anymore?"

"Yes, I agree! As long as they are willing to fight against the orcs instead of bewitching my people, then I will no longer hunt them!"

The old man's words made the middle-aged man feel very incredible. He instinctively felt that something was wrong, but such a decision was completely in the interests of the people of Nese, so he didn't think much about it.

He now wants to inform all the people of this news immediately. Not only is the paladin no longer being hunted, the people can freely accept the help of the paladin, but also the news of the incoming orc tide, so that the people can take precautions in advance!

"Father, I'm going to inform the others!" The middle-aged man suppressed his excitement and saluted the old man. At this time, he completely forgot about the two slaps in the secret room just now. His mind was completely occupied by the news.

Looking at his son running quickly into the distance, the old man's eyes were a little gloomy, and he squeezed out two low laughs from his throat. Then he summoned his subordinates and prepared to summon the army.

This chapter has been completed!
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