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Chapter 372 Return to the main plane

 Niya has previously introduced that the projection plane is just a possible projection of the main plane, similar to Shado's theory of parallel worlds before traveling, except that the parallel world here is just a projection.

But when it comes to gods, Xia Duo feels that there shouldn't be many possibilities for the emergence of this kind of existence. At this time, the Lord of Glory appears in this projection plane, so the reason for his appearance is likely to be consistent with the main plane.

Although this is just his conjecture, even if the reasons for the appearance of the Lord of Radiance in the projection plane and the main plane are different, it is still a possibility.

Possibility related to God!

From the mouths of these holy light warriors surrounding the pillar of light, Sha Duo learned that the appearance of the Lord of Glory originally originated from an unexpected sacrifice——

The death priests of Nese performed a grand sacrifice, but unexpectedly, the sacrifice did not extend their life span as they expected. Instead, a holy tablet appeared in the middle of the altar.

At first they regarded this holy monument as the gift of death, but later the new priests who sensed the holy power because of the holy monument had new powers that were completely different from them.

If it were just pure power, it wouldn't matter, and it wouldn't cause a split in the priestly class. But the problem is that the holy power itself contains God's knowledge and ideas.

The Lord of Glory is not death itself. The new priests who sensed the holy power from the holy monument understood the concepts of justice and love from it and firmly believed in it, so the priest class was divided.

All the new priests were purged, and the holy monument disappeared. However, the sacred source of the Lord of Glory spread, and even new priests who agreed with this idea were born from the common people. They were repeatedly killed and beaten to death.

Be rebellious.

The best among them formed the Holy Light Brotherhood, calling themselves Paladins. The leader, Erwin, even saw the Holy Monument with his own eyes while sensing the Holy Power.

"Holy Monument!" Xia Duo whispered this unfamiliar word, thoughtfully.

There are still some differences between the Nese language of the projection plane and that of the main plane. After all, the language is constantly developing, and the word "holy tablet" happens to have another explanation in the Nese language of the main plane -

"God-man Contract"!

Sha Duo didn't know whether this was some possible uniqueness of the projection plane, or whether the information about the holy monument in the main plane had been covered up in some way.

In addition, the "God-man contract" itself is not a noun, but an adjective, with meanings such as "firm as established by God" and "inviolable".

There has never been any talk of the Lord of Glory entering into a divine-human contract with the Nese people in the main plane. At least Xia Duo has never heard of it before. Maybe there is one, maybe not.

But now he feels that there should be such a contract, but the form may not be what he thought.

After taking one last look at the Holy Light warriors surrounding the light pillar and the crowds that were still coming from the southwest, Sha Duo decided to leave.

Now this place has become a place of right and wrong, and the old priesthood will definitely not let go of these Holy Light Warriors who are still inspiring new believers.

And these thirteen light pillars do not seem to be extinguished at present.

Judging from the current situation on the main plane, the new priests of the Lord of Glory have finally come into the light. On the contrary, the death priests or the priests of the Lord of Death on the main plane often still need to reside in the temple of the Lord of Glory.

In addition, what role did the mages, or later arcanists, play in this?

After leaving this time, Xia Duo simply stopped going to inhabited places. Seeing that the orc tide had been ended and the original owner of the house was about to return, Xia Duo decided to live in the forest.

Anyway, in this era, there are forests almost everywhere, and as a mage, don’t you still lack food and drink?

Before the storm hit, Xia Duo turned his head and flew directly out of the current Nese territory and into the southern forest. A wave of orcs broke out, and they were repelled in an almost crushing manner. It must have been short.

There will be no more outbreaks within a certain period of time.

And now there are some sporadic orcs who have not had time to escape, so Xia Duo is not worried. After the projection body recovers, he can fight and run. The forest is the most suitable place for him to "retreat".

He randomly found a taller tree and hung himself on the tree. Xia Duo then entered a normal learning state. In fact, at this time, it would be great if there was a spell to summon a house.

Considering that he will enter the projection plane in the future, Shado decided to go to the Tower of Time to look for it after returning to the main plane this time, or ask Aiboke to go to Severton to find a shelter similar to the wild.


This is simply a necessary spell for home travel, and there is no reason for Xia Duo not to learn it.

If it weren't for the fact that doing research on his own is time-consuming, he would have wanted to do it himself. After all, doing it yourself would still be free!

However, between time and money, Xia mostly chooses the former.

One year later, Southern Forest.

Stroking the simple tree house where he had lived for a full year, Xia Duo's eyes showed a trace of reluctance, but the reluctance was not for the tree house, but for the environment of the projection plane.

Different from the projection plane of the last elf city, this projection plane has persisted until now without any signs of shrinking or collapse.

Perhaps such a projection plane is what some mages in the main plane dream of, and it is a good place where they can live happily throughout their lives.

But Chateau is not——

Over the past year, he has memorized almost every book in the advanced plan, and his research on the nature of the magic network and the principles of magic has been very in-depth, but——

He's stuck!

In the projection plane, he can perceive the third level of magic network without restriction, but unlike the main plane, here he cannot sense the next layer of magic network further.

In other words, he can't upgrade here.

Many contents in the advanced plan are related to the fourth and fifth levels of the magic network. If he cannot access the next level of magic network, no matter how much he studies, it will be like seeing flowers in the fog and he will never be able to understand them thoroughly.

The most direct impact is that he is unable to conduct relevant experiments. He is restricted to death and can only access the third layer of the magic network at most. This may be the sadness of visitors from the main plane.

Their real destination is not here.

There was no way, he couldn't convince himself to live his whole life in such a world, he had to leave, but it was a pity that if he left, this projection plane might disappear within a few seconds of returning.

I don’t know how long it will take to find the projection plane again!

Ideally, one should be discovered a month, and it should be just in time.

"Astral Mage! Alas -"

With a long sigh, Xia Duo had the idea of ​​going back. It was not the kind of missing he had in the past year, but the real idea of ​​returning.

When this thought came to his mind, his consciousness quickly left his body, and the faint silver thread above his head pulled him into the sky. At this moment, the whole world seemed to be retreating rapidly.

And the last thing he saw when he entered the silver void was "Roll's body" that fell from the tree, "I hope he's not dead!"

Xia Duo didn't stay in the star realm for long. It was similar to when he came, just for a moment. What followed was the familiar "jump" scene, where the silver thread dragged him back to the main plane quickly.

Returning to the projection hall on the exploration level of the Tower of Time, under the familiar big ball of light.

The confusing feeling of traveling through time and space made Xia Duo a little confused. Even his original body seemed a little strange, with only his bloodline showing his existence without any concealment.

That familiar feeling is slowly coming back!

This chapter has been completed!
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