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Chapter 438: Sending the Mark, Preparing for the Bachelor of Agriculture

"In the long run, knowledge will inevitably spread to lower levels, which is very dangerous." Leonard also gave his own formal answer to Chateau's formal question.

However, he changed the topic and said, "But this will also expand the base of spellcasters, which is beneficial to the current situation Netheril is facing. As for more specific pros and cons analysis, I am not good at this aspect."


Intermediate mages can naturally set up a separate research laboratory. Xia Duo did not waste any time on this aspect. He just mentioned that he could help guide him into the academy when he had time.

To this end, Chateau provided "Arcane Geometry" from elementary to advanced levels. This was of course not only the price of Leonard's guidance into the society, but also the training of those with potential.

In his opinion, a more theoretical book like "Arcane Geometry" should be fully open to the public, and only specific technologies need to be kept secret. Of course, registering a spell patent might be more appropriate.

However, the general environment is such that Xia Duo can only proceed step by step.

As for why it is Leonard and not other mid-level mages, this actually has to do with potential. Of course, Leonard himself is a student of Lord Epps. It is also a very important reason.

Although other mid-level mages are not old, they are not as good as young people like Leonard. Their potential is really limited. Becoming senior technicians in the future is the plan given to them by Xia Duo.

During the transformation period of the Tower of Time (production method), Xia Duo tried not to touch them. If they could actively embrace the transformation, Xia Duo would also give them certain preferential treatment in the further deepening of the transformation (talent training).

Maybe a few arcanists will actually appear!

After leaving Leonard's residence, Shado discussed various decisions with Ai Burke. Whether it was as the only arcanist in the Tower of Time besides Niya, or as Nia's, and of course his elder, Ai Burke

Burke has the right to know.

Afterwards, Xia Duocai flew back to his territory.

It was rare to fly a few more times before mastering [Long Distance Teleportation], so Xia Duo was very happy.

After returning to the territory, after a few words with Layton, he immediately turned on the "retreat mode". He was not going to come out again unless he mastered [Long Distance Teleportation].

With the background of [Short Distance Teleportation] and the reference of several spell books, Xia Duo was very good at studying [Long Distance Teleportation].

[Teleportation Technique] From level 4 to level 5, there is not only a breakthrough in teleportation distance, but also a breakthrough in positioning methods. Currently, the [Long Distance Teleportation] studied by Xia Duo can also be called [Fixed Point Teleportation].

It's not that there are no other information such as fuzzy transmission, random transmission, and precise transmission, but [fixed-point transmission] is the most accurate and the simplest to operate, with almost no accidents, making it the first choice for beginners.

If you want to teleport at a fixed point, you need to leave a [Teleport Mark] at the target location in advance, similar to the 0-level [Arcane Mark], but this [Teleport Mark] is a 5-level spell.

According to the spell book, this spell actually casts the teleportation spell in advance, thereby creating a "reverse teleportation" effect. After that, as long as the caster does not exceed the limit of the teleportation distance, he can return to the place where the mark is located at any time.


This spell can also be blocked by [Dimensional Anchor] and [Restriction].

There is another type of fixed-point teleportation, but that requires extremely precise positioning, and compared to this method of "reverse teleportation" first, the risk is still higher.

Xia Duo does not consider the difficulty of the spells, because for him, as long as he is not completely incomprehensible like a heavenly book, he can eventually learn and master them. His main considerations are safety and accuracy.

If you can't teleport into rocks or magma, it would be a tragedy.

At the same time, this spell involves the long-term retention of marks, which is related to [Magic Constancy]. In fact, [Magic Constancy] is not a specific spell, but a design theory for specific spells.

It allows the elements of the spell to circulate and begin again and again, so that the spell is not disintegrated by the tendency of the magic network to recover independently, so that the spell effect can exist permanently.

However, Xia Duo does not believe that there is a magic that can last forever. Even the Mystery Lock will naturally collapse and disintegrate one day, let alone just a spell!

But the long-term retention must have been verified by many mages, and the verification time is indeed very long.

In addition, the spell casting complexity of "Constant Magic" is far more complicated than that of a normal one-time spell. After all, it involves element recycling. Even if the plan is studied in advance, the actual spell casting is still quite complicated.

In fact, it is easy to understand from another angle. "Constant Magic" is equivalent to casting a spell countless times. If the difficulty of casting the spell is very low, then why do we need normal spells?

When a researcher devotes himself wholeheartedly to research, time flies by, and more than ten days pass in a flash.

After more than ten days of research and sorting, Xia Duo sorted out the preliminary elements and structural design of [Transmission Mark]. In this version, there are more than 500 elements in total, divided into more than ten element units.

The largest cyclic unit contains more than two hundred elements.

Even the 5-level [Mage Armor] does not require two hundred elements. This 5-level [Teleportation Mark] is also extremely complicated.

Moreover, the difficulty of casting a spell is not directly proportional to the number of elements. Instead, as the number of elements increases, the difficulty of casting a spell increases almost exponentially. Just think about the difficulty of doing two things, three things, or four things.

When casting a spell, the caster must accurately control the operation of every element. If the spell fails, the best consequence will be. If it is serious, he will die on the spot.

This is determined by the nature of spellcasting. If alternative spellcasting tools appear in the future, allowing tools to cast spells instead of humans, by then, perhaps mage apprentices will be able to control 9-ring magic at will.

Of course, correspondingly, the emergence of this revolutionary technology will also smooth out the power gap between individuals. Perhaps that is the era when magical civilization truly flourishes.

Now Xia Duo couldn't think that far ahead, so he could only try hard to cast this super complicated spell by himself.

This is the preliminary plan, and it has not been fully completed. Xia Duo is perfecting it, getting familiar with it, and practicing at the same time. Except for eating, sleeping, and focusing on training, he makes full use of the rest of his time.

During this period, Leiden hardly bothered him with matters related to the territory, except that Atwood wanted to select a druid apprentice in the Great Xia Territory.

I don’t know what Atwood was thinking. He had lost all his holy power and still wanted to train druids. For this reason, Shado came out of isolation to have a detailed talk with him.

In the end, he was given three places, two Nese children and one Langas child.

Atwood refused to go to Cormanthor to worship the main elf god, and was later expelled and lost his holy power. This incident made Shado doubtful. Although the game information before the time travel said that druids did not need to believe in gods, but in

In the real world, I don’t know what the relationship is between druids and the main elf god.

Therefore, he is still more cautious in making choices in this area.

These three children are more like "preparatory agriculturists" than druid apprentices. Although Atwood has lost his holy power, his knowledge and insight are still there, and he is still a proper expert in the field of plants.

Xia Duo also took a fancy to this and kept him in his territory.

This chapter has been completed!
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