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Chapter 452 Spell catalog, entry spells

 Putting the "General History of the Empire" back on the bookshelf, Xia Duo didn't want to think too much. After all, it was just a projection plane. As long as he returned to the main plane, everything here would eventually dissipate.

Just satisfy your curiosity a little, and more importantly, use the time, environment, and resources here to improve yourself.

There are only 15 Grand Arcanists in total on the main plane, but here, there are already more than 20 named Grand Arcanists, so there must be a lot of gains.

But the strange thing is that the names of the great arcanists from the main plane do not appear here.

Chateau could only attribute it to the different timelines.

Leaving the historical zone, Xia Duo came to the magic zone again.

Yes, there is a special magic section here, and students are allowed to watch it, but they cannot copy it. Even the previous textbooks were taken back when the students graduated.

At this moment, Xia Duo only regretted that he did not bring a brain with him. The human brain is really not enough. There are rows and rows. Even in the library of the Arcane Law Federation on the main plane, Xia Duo has never seen so many.


And similar to the "General History of the Empire", most of these books are well-typed batches of printed matter. The most direct evidence is that Chateau saw two identical books, which should be "On the Principles of Material Changes of Elemental Energy" of the same printing.

This is just what he saw casually. If he looked carefully, there should be more. Books like "On the Principles of Material Changes of Elemental Energy", which are very high-end books at first glance, are also placed here for anyone to read, without any setting.


This really surprised Xia Duo!

Due to limited time, Xia Duo did not immediately find a book to start memorizing. Instead, he chose to browse the objects here. Even though it was just a table of contents, it also provided a lot of useful information, at least an idea in the field of magic.

Even the library of the Tower of Time was not so open for him to see.

Of course, the naming of books on the main plane is not as "academic" as here. There are even very few professional theoretical books. Most of the information is mixed in styles such as diaries and travel notes, which is not easy to read at all.

It is much more convenient here. Most of the book titles can point directly to the key points, and people will know what they are about when they read it. Although they cannot understand it at the moment, they may use it in the future.

"On the Principle of Material Change of Elemental Energy"

"Arcane Geometry"

"Element Transformation Theory"

"Twelve Equivalent Alienation Transformations of the Third Layer 'Bridge' Structure of the Magic Network"

"About the application of the ring structure theory proposed by Grand Arcanist Fran in [Teleportation]"

"Arcane Principle"

"Detailed Explanation of Practical Magic Cases for Judges"

"The Rise of an Empire Series - About the Structural Evolution of [Transcription] and [Printing]"

Xia Duo almost read them one by one. Some of the names of these books were understandable to him, some were half-understood, and some were completely confusing, as if he was reading a book from heaven.

But this really increased his knowledge and broadened his horizons.

He even saw a book called "Some Improvements in Mithril Refining Technology" here, which showed that the Arcane Empire in the projection plane had mastered the Mithril refining technology.

Seeing the name of this book, Xia Duo stopped browsing on the spot and opened the book. It did contain mithril refining technology, although it was only briefly mentioned.

But Xia Duo already knew how the Arcane Empire did it. He never thought that the mithril refining technology could be so simple. The principle is very simple. It uses the different sensitivity of mithril and ordinary metals to the magic network to refine it.


Arcane Empire uses a method called [Elemental Extraction], which is a complex ritual spell involving multiple casters.

During the subsequent browsing, Xia Duo deliberately paid attention to this name, until he discovered the "[Element Extraction] Magic Circle Construction Guide", what else could he say!

It's unbelievable that you got it so easily.

This time Xia Duo did not open it to read. It was getting late. He planned to go through all the titles of the books here before talking about them. In this way, even if he returned to the main plane tomorrow, there would be no loss at all.

But depending on the situation, he should be staying in the projection plane for a long time now.

Browsing through all the book catalogs in the magic area, the library has not yet closed, but Xia Duo is ready to leave.

After the guards checked his belongings, Xia Duo finally walked out of the school. Following the process introduced by the principal at the graduation ceremony, Xia Duo came to the Transport Department with a graduation letter of recommendation and a graduation badge.

After some conversation and confirmation, a high-level mage activated the teleportation circle for him alone.

White light flashed, and Xia Duo disappeared from the teleportation circle. When he reappeared, he had arrived at Jilan City where he was about to join the company. After another conversation, he confirmed and left the Teleportation Department.

The next stop is the final destination - the trial court.

Joining the company went smoothly, with basically no hiccups. The interpersonal relationships between spellcasters here are very similar to those on earth, and all procedures, laws, and order are implemented very well.

This gave Xia Duo the illusion that he was on a demon-altered earth.

His current position is as a trainee judge, the lowest level, but even so, the accommodation is different from the mixed dormitory in the academy, but a separate small villa.

Arrangements had been made here before he arrived.

On the table in the living room, Shado found his new identity badge, work clothes, work manual, and imperial code. The work manual also came with several spells——

[Inquiry], [Trial], [Shock], [Instruction]

"It's actually a psychic spell!"

Xia Duo feels that this projection has really made a lot of money, not only the mithril refining technology, but also psychic spells. Although he excludes others from using psychic spells, what should he reject if he uses it himself?

After reading the work manual, Xia Duo realized that his specific job was to preside over the trial of ordinary people in Jilan City, and before he actually learned these spells, he was a trainee.


Early the next morning, Xia Duo officially went to work, changed into work clothes, and came to the Fourth Court of Jilan City, but his colleague, the official judge Charlie, never arrived.

It wasn't until almost noon that he arrived late, "Sorry, Eddie, I'm late."

"It's okay." Xia Duo's tone was a little harsh. Anyone who was left here for a long time would be unhappy.

Seeing the newcomer Eddie was a little dissatisfied, but Charlie didn't care. Anyway, as long as you stay here for a long time, you will gradually get used to it. "Eddie, this is your first time here. Let me introduce you to the daily work process."


"Our fourth court mainly hears cases of ordinary people. It is not difficult. If there are spell casters involved, they need to be transferred to other courts. Please pay more attention to this."

"Me?" Xia Duo was a little surprised. What did he mean? Could it be that the fourth court would be handed over to him in the future?

"That's you, that's right!" Charlie said calmly, "It's not difficult to try ordinary people's cases. Just scare them and they will tell you everything. When the decisive moment comes, I will arrange for you to become a regular employee."


Ignoring the newcomer's surprise, Charlie continued to introduce some trial techniques to Xia Duo, and explained the storage locations of various case files, and finally emphasized:

"Make a record of the trial. The higher authorities will send someone to check it. If something goes wrong, you and I will not be the only ones to be unlucky!"

"Yes, I understand."

"Well!" Charlie nodded with satisfaction, "Then I'll leave this place to you! I have something else to do, so I'll leave first."

After Charlie left, Xia Duo got into work mode. The profession of judge was quite novel to him, but he waited and waited, but no case came.

After lunch, Shado continued to work. While waiting for the case to arrive, he learned psychic spells that he had never encountered before. Occasionally when he got tired of studying, he would look through the Imperial Code.

To be more precise, it should be the "Imperial Civilian Management Measures".

The empire manages civilians with some leniency or strictness. Except for childbirth, the empire's civilians are generally very happy.

"Maybe this is breeding~" Xia Duo thought maliciously.

Just like that, Xia Duo's first day at work in the projection plane ended.

This chapter has been completed!
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