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Chapter 488 Limit Test

 At the same time, Savile Town, the former site of the Tower of Time.

This is where the portal between the Tower of Time and Savile Town is located. In order to protect this portal, a semi-permanent camp has appeared here, with soldiers stationed day and night.

Dean was still here by Sha Duo, and he had been holding the communication device that was the size of a human head and had not yet been encapsulated. The mithril structural parts shone silver in the sun, and the ones that were fixed by the locks served as the energy core.

Five colored gemstones.

Although the soldiers stationed around have no magical vision and cannot see magical auras, looking at it from an ordinary person's perspective, this laboratory version of the communication instrument looks extraordinary.

From time to time, soldiers cast curious glances, not only looking at the device, but also at Dean, wondering what the mage was doing here and why he looked so stupid.

Just when Dean felt a little uncomfortable being looked at by the soldiers next to him, a line of text suddenly appeared in front of his eyes——

"start testing"!

Dean was startled by the sudden vision and almost threw the communication device in his hand, but he quickly reacted and knew that this was Sha Duo notifying him.

So Dean activated the communication artifact with some clumsiness but without fail, then selected the twin mark, projected the text "Test 1", and activated the spell. The aura on the communication artifact suddenly rose a few points, and then dimmed again.

And on the other side, somewhere in the north, over a forest.

Xia Duo was waiting anxiously with a communication weapon in his hand, and he was always paying attention to the situation around him.

After using the 2-ring [Background Communication] to send a notification to Dean, Sha Duo's heart has been hanging. In addition to worrying about the unknown existence that may appear at any time, he is also worried about the failure of the test.

After a while, the communication device in the palm suddenly lit up, and then a line of text "Test 1" was projected.

This is the test method that Sha Duo and Dean agreed on before. Sha Duo sends test instructions, and Dean only sends test sequences to check the communication effect and whether there is any "packet loss" or the like.

The first communication was in good condition, and Shado did not notice any unknown entity suddenly appearing like the great arcanist Byron before.

My heart suddenly felt lighter.

Then the test continued, "Extreme Three Tests"

——"Test 2", "Test 3", "Test 4"

The three times the information is delayed, about two minutes, this is the time required for the spell to "reload". Of course, it can also be regarded as the "cooling time" of the magic item.

If magic items want to be reused, in addition to the element cycle created by [Magic Constancy], magic items made with mithril structural parts must use energy cores.

Of course, the role of the energy core does not lie in its own energy, but in the stimulation, exchange, and circulation of energy transmitted from the magic network.

This is a bit like the principle of automatic loading of bullets in modern firearms, except that here the residual energy "primer" after the spell is activated is used to "load" the spell again.

In theory, magic items can be used an unlimited number of times.

However, considering that when mithril structural parts carry energy and the energy core circulates energy, elemental mutations will occur, causing the purity of mithril to decrease and five-color gemstones to mutate. Actual magic items have a shelf life.

If you use it too often, it will break down later.

Of course, the higher the purity of mithril, the higher its tolerance when used as an energy core (arcanic crystals are very useful), and the longer its service life will be.

As for the "reloading" time, it is actually related to the spell-casting environment. Since magic items are used to cast spells, unlike human beings with subjective initiative, a relatively stable spell-casting environment is required.

To put it simply, after casting a spell, it takes time for the magic network to calm down. If this is ignored, the magic item will "protest", and the "protest" usually comes at the cost of damage.

Xia Duo does not need to do "beyond the limit" testing yet, just test a normal limit communication interval.

Two minutes would be very unaccustomed to earthlings who are accustomed to instant messaging software, but for local mages in Nese, it is very fast.

Moreover, the shorter the usage interval, the higher the frequency of use and the service life will be easily reduced, even if it is not updated.

If you want to implement instant messaging with a low threshold for use, you still need the support of a huge external system, which is difficult to achieve with a single communication device.

Xia Duo has no ambitions in this area yet, and will first make some money with low-cost communication tools.

Testing continues——

"Return to the Tower of Time"

A moment later, Dean sent "Test 5". Although in theory only an extremely calm magic network environment like a magic laboratory can block [background communication], when he actually received the information from inside the mage tower,

Xia Duo breathed a sigh of relief.

At the same time, a question also arises. Does this mean that there is a loophole in the defense of the Tower of Time?

Or in the future, only fixed communication areas will be retained in the mage tower, and the magic network environment in other areas will be reshaped to block external signals?

But there is no need to consider this for the time being. After all, [Background Communication] is not an electronic signal hacked by hackers, and the Mage Tower is not an electronic device whose authority can easily be usurped.

Next, Shado asked Dean to enter various areas of the Tower of Time to test the specific communication situation.

After some testing, only two areas, the Arcane Garden and the Spell Laboratory, completely blocked communication, while other areas also had some impact on communication, such as projection distortion, dimness, and blur.

Due to Dean's limited authority, Shado cannot contact Talling for the time being. Of course, even if he does, there are some places where Dean cannot go.

Overall, Xia Duo is quite satisfied with the test results. After all, it is his own work!

Returning to the Tower of Time, Shado took back the communication weapon in Dean's hand, and then began to conduct the last test - the real limit test.

Once every two minutes, use it non-stop. Even when Xia Duo ran out of patience, he still couldn't wear out this laboratory version of the communication device. It seemed to be somewhat acceptable.

However, the test still had to continue. Xia Duo himself did not have the patience to use the magic weapon until it broke, so he sent the test task to "Jin Xue Xue" through the tower spirit.

Anyone whose identity is marked as "entering the academy" in the Tower of Time can see this quest, whether they are apprentices or formal mages. The only restriction is that the quest location can only be at the quest management office.

After sending both communication instruments, Xia Duo only had to wait for the results.

However, during this period, he was not idle. The communication instrument the size of a human head was still a bit big after all. If the "encapsulated" crystal material was included, it would be very inconvenient to use in practice.

It is natural to shrink it slightly.

In addition, "encapsulation" also requires several attempts, which is different from the laboratory version. At this stage, mithril is mithril, and five-color gems are five-color gems. The two sides are only connected with locks.

However, encapsulation requires the use of other materials, such as cheap gems such as crystal, or even metal and wood, to seal the mithril and five-color gems for aesthetics, protection, encryption and other functions.

Once the encapsulation fails, the mithril and encapsulation materials will be mixed together, and it will not be so easy to separate them again.

This chapter has been completed!
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