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Chapter 500 New Territories, Rehearsal

 According to Leiden's report, excluding the dozen or so people who died during transportation, a total of 504 people were able to reach Linshui Village alive, including men and women, old and young, some with families, and some singles.

At present, these people have all arranged their accommodation, and have broken up and joined various working groups in the previous territory. Currently, they are a group of twenty people, which is considered to be relatively large.

For the time being, this is the arrangement to allow these new citizens to become familiar with Daxia’s unique development model.

"Are there enough food and tools?"

"Sir, we have prepared a lot of tools, so we don't have to worry about shortages for the time being, but the food -" Leiden was hesitant in speaking.

"What happened to the food? Didn't someone just send a boatload before I left? Why is there a shortage of food now?"

"No, no, sir, there is no shortage now, but with the sudden influx of more than 500 people in the territory, the food consumption rate has almost doubled. If this continues, it is estimated that it will not be able to support even June."

Leiden had been looking forward to the return of the lord, but he also knew that the lord had gone to Sevington, where he could not contact the lord at all, or the people of Savileland. If the lord did not come back, he was ready to wear it.

Went back to Savile Town through the forest to borrow food.

Hearing this, Xia Duo couldn't help but feel glad that he came back early. Otherwise, if he stayed in Severton until after watching the game, if there was any further delay, the people in the territory would be in trouble.

The territory is not yet self-sufficient in food and must rely on input from the outside. This is a problem that any pioneering territory will encounter, not just Xia Duo.

In fact, it is quite convenient to transport grain from Savile Town, but the pioneers who pioneered in the Conchi Plain were in misery. The nearest city of Conchi not only did not sell grain, but even levied a toll tax on passing caravans.

This is simply forcing people to a dead end, but not everyone can afford to transport people and goods through the teleportation circle. During his time at Giles Tower, Shado often heard news from the Conchi Plain.


It is said that the princess was very angry about this, but there was nothing she could do. After all, after many compromises, it was not easy to be able to develop the land in the Kangqi Plain that Kangqi City had set its sights on.

However, Xia Duo also heard that Her Royal Highness the Princess intended to open another road connecting the core area with the Kangqi Plain, but this rumor was just a rumor and did not receive a clear reply from the Princess.

Xia Duo speculated that this might be a means to force Kangqi City to make concessions. He had seen the map near Kangqi City. Although it was not very detailed, he could roughly tell that the shortest way to the Kangqi Plain was through Kangqi City. A detour or even a new road could be opened.

Not worth it at all.

Of course, leaving aside troubles such as Conchi City, beasts, gnolls, goblins, trolls, etc., it is much easier to open farmland in the plains than in the forest.

Xia Duo still envied the plain environment there, but he only envied the environment. He didn't want the trouble there at all.

While contacting the Tower of Time to start a plan to increase grain production, Shado continued to listen to Leiden's report. Finally, he put forward two opinions:

"I will be very busy in the next period of time, and there are two things I need you to do.

"One is that as the population of the territory increases, the pace of development will also speed up. In order to facilitate defense, the size of the territorial guards also needs to be expanded. You, Gibb, Simon and the others are selecting four teams of people in the territory, giving priority to the original Savile Territory.

And people from the original Kabu tribe.”

The four teams are forty soldiers, which directly doubles the number of territorial guards. At present, the territory has more than 500 new people. There are only more than a thousand people in total. There is a territorial guard of more than 80 people, which is enough for the time being.


When the next batch of citizens arrives, Xia Duo will select another group of soldiers from this new batch of citizens.

Then, Xia Duo continued: "The second thing is to talk to the new citizens one by one. Not only should we publicize the new policies of Daxia Territory to them, but we should also sort out the information about themselves and their past locations, summarize it, and hand it over.

Give me."

This group of new territorial citizens does not come from the same place, but from several territories. From the mouths of these lowest-level civilians, Shado may be able to have a relatively basic understanding of other places in Netheril.

"Yes, sir."

"Very well, let's go get busy."


After Leiden left, Xia Duo also had a general understanding of what happened in the territory during his absence. As for the more detailed information, it would not be too late to understand it after he advanced. Now he can't even understand the new territory residents.

Haven’t seen it yet!

In the following days, Xia Duo was addicted to meditation every day and couldn't help himself. Of course, when he felt that the efficiency of meditation dropped to a certain level, he would not forcefully meditate and waste time, but began to become familiar with and even rehearse the advanced process.

The essence of meditation is actually a kind of concentration training, and the goal of concentration training is for the caster to perceive his own soul. The soul only needs to be used in the last step of the entire advancement process.

If you put aside the advancement, just to generate arcane fire, Sha Duo can do it now, but when he does not perceive his own soul, he cannot combine the arcane fire with his own will, thus becoming a true arcanist.


Therefore, there is no problem in rehearsing the birth process of Austrian Fire.

However, Shado must consider the actual situation of the Tower of Time. He will definitely rehearse it, but just like the advanced arcanists of the Giles Tower must apply, this is not entirely for the purpose of mastering the following, but for advancement.

The price is really high.

First, it is necessary to isolate an area of ​​the Magic Network from the entire Magic Network environment. However, because we do not know how many layers of the Magic Network there are, it is actually impossible to completely isolate it. However, the higher the degree of isolation, the easier it will be to advance.

This is because if you want to generate arcane fire, you must seize the essence of the magic network. In the normal environment of the outside world, it will not be so easy for you to succeed. Even in a specialized advanced laboratory, it is not that easy.

Moreover, every time it is activated, it is expensive. Except for those who really hope to succeed in the advancement, or the tower owner himself, it is estimated that few people are willing to try it in advance. After all, activating it once, for an individual, is actually equivalent to bankrupting everything.


Xia Duo is still very cautious about previews.

On the fifth day after returning to the territory, Xia Duo felt that he was already familiar with the process. After all, he had been studying it for a long time, but he was just lacking in sensing the soul.

On this day, he returned to the Tower of Time. However, he did not go to the advanced laboratory immediately. Instead, he found Ai Burke and wanted to get some more experience guidance.

In theory, Xia Duo is extremely certain about whether he can generate arcane fire, but advancement is not only theory, but also practice, and in terms of practice, experience is needed.

When he was in Severton before, he also asked Niya, but wouldn't it be better if she had more experience? If he wasn't worried about making others resentful through their shallow talk, he would even want to ask the ten Olympians he trained before

I would like to ask the magician for his experience in this area.

Now is the time to "harvest" the "experience package" of Aibo.

This chapter has been completed!
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