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Chapter 589 Elemental Transmutation, Magical Industrial Master Machine

 On the public floor of the Tower of Time, in an independent workroom.

Sha Duo skillfully manipulated the alchemy circle on the alchemy table to soften a mithril flower from the Mysterious Ruins. Then a burst of light and shadow flashed, and translucent auxiliary lines appeared on the alchemy table.

Immediately afterwards, Xia Duo cast [Mage's Hand], a classic transformation spell, to control the softened mithril to continuously spin and twist according to the design drawing, forming a miniature dense tube network-like ring structure.

Just like a ring made of fine silk.

Immediately afterwards, Sha Duo controlled the alchemy circle to solidify it instantly, and he himself temporarily gave up control of the mithril structural component and allowed it to float on the alchemy table.

After that, comes the assembly of the energy core. The energy core in the permanent magic item is generally not consumed, but is only used as a buffer for the magic item to extract the energy of the magic network. This mechanism is somewhat similar to the "automatic loading" of a rifle on Earth.

After actual use, gemstones as the core of energy, as well as mithril structural parts in which energy often circulates, no matter how high their initial quality is, after long-term use, a phenomenon called "element transmutation" will occur -

A very small part of gems and mithril will be converted into other substances, which will reduce their quality, eventually causing the magic items to fail or break, and of course, they may self-destruct.

Permanent magic items are not permanent or eternal in the true sense, but their "shelf life" is really long.

Although Xia Duo only planned to make a collection and was not planning to actually use it, the materials used were not sloppy in the slightest. The five-color gemstones as the core of energy were all selected and cut high-quality gemstones from the Tower of Time.

In particular, one of the rubies used as the main core to carry the cycle of the fire element was even more valuable. In the past, he would definitely not have been willing to waste it like this.

But now, there is actually a better option, which is to use arcane crystals as the energy core, but it is somewhat worthless to use it on a fireball ring.

Furthermore, Xia Duo still has a portable space that needs to be "recharged with krypton gold", and he doesn't know how to use arcane crystals.

After the energy core is assembled, all it needs to do is connect it to the magic network. In theory, the fireball ring will be completed. It also has many functions that a magic item should have.

However, generally speaking, mithril wire is very soft, and a slight deformation will cause the magic item to break. If deformation is really needed, the design can be adjusted in advance, which will increase the difficulty of the design.

If there is no need for deformation, then it is simple, just encapsulate it.

Xia Duo did the same thing, but the packaging material he chose this time was different from the previous communication instruments. As a ring for personal use, its sturdiness must be taken into consideration.

Therefore, he chose the combination of "silver + fine gold". Most of it is silver and a small amount of fine gold. It is both beautiful and practical. Moreover, this non-gem encapsulation material only needs to consider the relationship between the material level and the main body of the magic item.

Just tolerate and hide from each other.

Relatively speaking, it is simpler than using crystal packaging.

Xia Duo is already familiar with these processes, and the main body of the ring has already been completed. Even if it is only packaged into an iron lump at this moment, it will not affect its actual use.

But if it were to be packaged like that, it would be a complete waste of the micro-dense tube mesh annular structure Mithril component he designed for the ring through the revolving door. Of course, Chateau would not really package it into an iron lump.

It is still the familiar [Mage's Hand]. After improvements by Xia Duo, the fine operation is improved compared to the original version. It may be called [Refined Material Manipulation].

Theoretically, he can also design a separate plastic spell for each alchemical plan, and other spellcasters can use this spell to directly complete operations similar to Shado.

It's just that the more complex the shaping, the more complicated the spell will be. If it is cast by a person, it will be extremely difficult to cast the spell. Even Xia Duo uses the method of real-time shaping of auxiliary lines to do it.

However, in the future, we can also make special magic items for producing mithril components. The core of them, in addition to the alchemy circle, is the customized [Mage's Hand], which is formed in one piece, nothing more than that.

However, this requires a huge shipment volume before it is necessary to specially manufacture such a production machine. Otherwise, manual manufacturing costs are lower.

In fact, Xia Duo can already imagine that in the future, magic items will be like electronic products on earth, taking the world by storm——

There are many factories on the floating city, and identical quasi-magical items are continuously produced from the assembly line, and then connected to the magic network by magic technicians one by one, and finally reach the hands of consumers.

And even without the floating city, the assembly-line production of quasi-magical items is still possible. There is only one thing that Xia Duo still has no clue about, and that is the link of "Linking the Magic Network".

As long as the caster factor in this link is eliminated, the automatically generated items are no longer quasi-magical items, but real magic items that can be actually used as soon as they come off the assembly line.

Once this technology is broken through, a magical version of the [Industrial Mother Machine] will appear, so that even ordinary people can develop a prosperous magical civilization.

But why is this style of painting so familiar? Isn’t it just a replica of the technological civilization on earth?

Of course, this is just an imagination of Xia Duo. It is hard to say whether reality can really develop to that extent. The individual power brought by magic is probably the biggest variable.

If individuals have no power and rely only on external objects, then many experiences on earth can be directly copied. But individuals have power and often transcend the system.

Perhaps in the future, the development of external objects will completely smooth out the variables of individual power, similar to the emergence of machine guns on Earth, so that many experiences on Earth can be copied again.

But the question remains, can individual strength tolerate foreign objects developing to the extent that they threaten themselves?

Xia Duo currently supports it. After all, weapons and guns on earth can threaten humans, but order still dominates, and individual safety is actually maintained by order.

As long as the order is reasonable, Xia Duo has no reason not to accept it. After all, development is the last word. If you don't develop, if you encounter a strong enemy one day, will you just end up in despair?

And as long as it develops, it will eventually exceed the limit of individual power. This may be a transformation of magical civilization.

If it succeeds, there will naturally be great development; if it fails, good luck and development will stagnate. If bad luck occurs, it will not be a problem for an individual with powerful power to launch a world-ending disaster and re-cultivate a wave of human beings.

It would be terrible if it really got to that point.

Fortunately, today's Netheril is always surrounded by strong enemies. Otherwise, the upper class will fall in just a matter of minutes. From this point of view, Shado is quite grateful to the elves.

However, he also thought about the [Miser Energy Core]. Once this thing comes out, there is a high probability that the floating city will also appear.

Once the floating city appears, not to mention anything else, even if it continues to carry out airdrops, it will be a great deterrent to the elves, not to mention the ultimate leap, directly falling from the sky, or even [Myser Energy Nuclear] bombs or something.

Will the Nese mages be swollen by then?

And once the elves find out that the Nese people own the floating city, will they join forces to cause trouble?

This chapter has been completed!
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