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Chapter 813 Take down the key

"That weir leaf is a secret document used by ancient elf judges to record privacy. It is wrong for you to interpret it this way." Shado reminded him as he emerged from the shadows in the corner of Gurnet's study.

An uninvited guest suddenly appeared in the room, which made Gurnet, who was concentrating on thinking about the problem, a little panicked. When he saw that the uninvited guest turned out to be a drow, his expression immediately changed and he cast the spell without hesitation.

However, Xia Duo would not let him take it easy. He would counter all the opponent's spells one by one.

The Secret Master of Domtos City opposite him was an elite elf mage similar to a high-level human mage, but his spellcasting clearly revealed his craftsmanship.

Not to mention an arcanist like Sha Duo who has a deep understanding of the nature of magic, even an ordinary human high-level mage can easily defeat him as long as he deals with it properly.

The biggest obvious difference between Elf magic and Nese magic is that elves have not given up using spells when casting spells on a daily basis.

Using spell assistance can indeed reduce the difficulty of casting spells to a certain extent, but in terms of spell casting efficiency, it is not as simple and efficient as Nese Magic.

There may be elves who simplify complex spells into monosyllables, but obviously only mages who specialize in combat do so.

Or magical warriors with only a few magical abilities, such as elven swordsingers, will use sword gestures or monosyllabic words instead of complex spells.

After all, there are not as many spells used to defeat the enemy in real battle as imagined.

Gurnet is not known for being good at fighting, but for being good at deciphering secret texts. In earth terms, he is a civilian with a gun.

Of course, Shado can be considered a civil servant or manager, but now in this projection plane, Netheril does not even appear, let alone the Netheril arcane magic system.

Strangeness means mystery, and mystery often means power.

To put it bluntly, Gurnet had never seen human spells before, and it was difficult for him to adapt to this unfamiliar way of casting spells and the form of spell confrontation.

Therefore, in just a few rounds, Xia Duo easily defeated the opponent.

After Xia Duo restrained the opponent, he first placed a layer of soundproof barrier around him, and then walked out of the shadows.

Facing the light of the magic lamp, he walked up to Gurnet, looked into his golden eyes, and said with a smile:

"Master Gurnet, this is not the way you treat guests!"


Gurnet did not speak, but his eyes were obviously full of disgust and contempt. Of course, there was also a lingering fear that was constantly brewing.

Compared to Genit's panic and fear, Shado seemed much calmer. He first walked around the desk twice, and then picked up the pile of weir leaf documents written in secret script on the table, one by one.

Looking over the ground.

Of course, it is impossible to interpret the true content of the document just by looking at it. A relatively special method must be used to truly interpret it.

When he transformed into an ancient elf in the [Projection Plane, Mayelita, Sukanwisa City], Shado heard a rumor about the Elf Judge, which was related to the Weir Leaf Document.

He just confirmed again that these weir leaf documents do have the marks left by the adjudicator, and perhaps they can be interpreted using that special method.

If it was what he thought, he could probably guess some of the contents of these documents.

Putting down the pile of leaves, Shado picked up some handwritten notes from Gurnet's desk and flipped through them. There was not much content related to spells.

Most of them are related to the interpretation of secret texts, and are filled with various speculations, scattered and unsystematic.

Obviously, Gurnett's research is not going well.

In addition to these materials on the desk, there were also several books related to Weir Ye Documents. Xia Duo casually flipped through a few pages and then stopped reading.

He was not interested in this kind of book, especially since he knew that these researchers were probably going in the wrong direction, so there was no need to read it.

As for other books, there were none in the study, but there were a few antiques on the bookshelves nearby, which intrigued Xia Duo.

One of them was somewhat similar to the ancient clay tablets he unearthed in the ruins of his territory, but the one was broken and a little more dangerous.

The arcane geometric figures on it are almost invisible, with only a few strange words here and there, which seem to be telling its origins.

Under Gurnet's angry eyes, which almost forgot his fear, Shado packed all the things he could take away from the study into his portable space, and then rummaged through Gurnet's body.

"Damn Drow, get your dirty hands off me!"

What followed was a series of sharp insults and curses. It was hard to imagine that an elf who always prided himself on being noble and elegant would do such vulgar behavior.

However, Xia Duo didn't care about this at all. He got the benefit, and it didn't matter if he was scolded. After all, he was a drow now.

In addition, many of the abusive words used by elves actually have the meaning of praise and praise in the drow language. Now that he is transformed into a drow, it can be regarded as the other party's praise for him.

There are no longer a few magic items on Gurnet's body. Although he cannot take them back to the main plane, in order to stimulate the other party to the maximum extent, Shado still took away all these items.

When he saw Xia Duo take off his robe, the golden elf secret master who had been holding on finally couldn't hold on any longer. He yelled loudly: "Drow, what on earth do you want to do!"

"Master Gurnet, I want to ask you to borrow something!"


Genit's eyes widened, as if he couldn't believe that Drow, who always presented a cruel and cunning image, would have such a simple purpose, "What do you want to borrow?"

Of course, Shado didn't say such embarrassing things as borrowing your head. Instead, he placed the magic items just found from Gurnet on the desk one by one.

After some inspection, he picked out an ornament that looked like a miniature scepter. He then brought the miniature scepter to Gurnet and said to him: "I'll borrow it from your library!"

This miniature scepter ornament is the only thing that Sha Duo cannot determine its general use. It is also connected to the strings of the dense magic network, and the deepest part is beyond the range of Sha Duo's perception.

If there was anything that was most likely to be the key to the small mysterious lock in the library, Xia Duo could not think of anything other than this miniature scepter.

With Genit's magical attainments, he must not have arranged the small mysterious lock himself, and he was not able to control it at all. In other words, if Genit wants to control the small mysterious lock, he must use some media to control it indirectly.

Otherwise, wouldn't it mean that once the creator of the Mystery Lock arrives, this library will have to change its owner?

Perhaps this is the real situation, but elves sometimes value face very much. Even if the creator can really regain control as soon as he comes, he will still leave some leeway for Gurnet, at least in terms of face.

This chapter has been completed!
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