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Chapter 835: Spell Batteries and Multithreaded Spellcasting

 After arriving in the jungle where the previous training was held, Essers first proposed: "Lord Shado, I wonder if we can conduct a joint exercise before Lord Fulstrum arrives?"

After most of the contact yesterday, he already roughly understood who among the eight people had the most say. Niya undoubtedly had the highest status, but she always respected and was willing to listen to Xia Duo's opinions.

Therefore, Essers directly proposed to Shado this time, knowing that as long as Shado agreed, other people would not be a problem at all.

After hearing Essers' proposal, Shado looked at Niya and Belera as a matter of course. Seeing that they were also interested, he directly agreed.

"Mage Essus, this is a good suggestion, so how do you want to practice?"

"If the mission had already begun, I would be willing to obey Lord Savile's leadership. However, it is still in the training stage, so I hope that each of us can have the opportunity to dominate the resonance state."

Chateau thought for a moment and agreed.

According to his speculation, the form of the task is likely to evolve into some kind of head-on confrontation, rather than actually playing hide and seek in the forest.

In terms of personnel, it is likely that a high-level mage will lead multiple mid-level mages to form a team, rather than a combination of multiple high-level mages.

Of course, it is also possible if multiple teams join forces.

In short, these more numerous mid-level mages must be fully utilized and incorporated into a joint spellcasting system led by high-level mages, in order to maximize the significance of their existence.

Then after the mission officially begins, these high-level mages will most likely have to lead their own teams, and at this time, competing for dominance during the exercise will make no sense at all.

It only makes sense who will take the lead when multiple teams collaborate in the future. At this point, Niya has a great advantage, but only if she performs well in training, others will be truly convinced.

Of course, if Essex or Belera were truly born leaders, then Shado would not force himself or Niya to take the lead. After all, this was also related to his own life.

One general's incompetence exhausted the three armies, and Xia Duo took a warning.

The high-level mage made a decision, and the remaining mid-level mage had almost no chance to speak.

In fact, apart from political significance, their real value may be as a spell battery for high-level mages and as an additional spellcasting thread.

In the first practice, Xia Duo acted as the leader. Everyone took out the Resonance Spell Book and each performed a simple trick with the help of the Spell Book.

In this process, spell books within a certain range will automatically "lock" other spell books to form a resonance network, and the dominant position is also determined in this process.

Xia Duo held the [Pioneering Scepter] in one hand and the resonance spell book in the other. He felt an invisible wave radiating from his spell book, linking himself with the other seven people. A very

A familiar feeling arises spontaneously.

It was as if he was in an advanced laboratory at this moment, and the magic network around him seemed to be completely ready, following his will and bursting out with magnificent power at any time.

A powerful illusion!

Xia Duo quickly realized this. Normally when he and Niya jointly cast spells, the feeling was not very obvious, but when there were more people, it was easy to feel that the magic network could easily change.

Although this is true, this power does not come from himself, but from the assistance of the other seven people.

Once the others give up, or even if the mid-level mage among them is distracted for a moment, they will immediately knock him back to his original form.

Of course, this is just a state of the Resonance Spell Book, a state dominated by the caster. It is characterized by flexibility, and its role is only to provide spell batteries for the leader of the Resonance State.

In this state, others only need to stay focused and do not need to worry about casting spells. The casting of spells is entirely controlled by the leader of the resonance state.

The other state is a multi-threaded state, but compared to being controlled by only one leader, this state is very mechanical and can only cast fixed spells preset in the spell book, without any room for free play.

Even if Xia Duo and others have mastered joint casting without the help of the resonance spell book, they can also perform multi-threaded spell casting. However, once the spell book is used, they still have to follow the rules of the spell book.

In fact, during Fustum's teaching yesterday, Shado already understood that the Resonance Spell Book is an imitation of the elves' joint spellcasting. Although the threshold is lowered, the flexibility is much worse than the elves' joint spellcasting.

Of course, humans can also train true joint spellcasting, but the problem of multi-person resonance alone is difficult to solve, let alone multi-threaded spellcasting.

Let every caster in the resonance state participate. This is a coordination problem, which is easier to solve than multi-person resonance, but it also requires a lot of time to contact.

It seems that for humans, the Resonance Spell Book is more suitable.

As long as you work hard to update the preset spells in the spell book and take various situations into consideration, it will be almost the same as the joint spellcasting of elves.

After practicing a state dominated by one person, Sha Duo quickly ended the practice. This state was almost no different from when he was casting spells alone, except that the number of spells he could cast increased.

The price is naturally that other people can cast fewer spells, which may be useful in certain situations, but as long as there is no need for Xia to cast more spells and his energy is not enough to complete the spell-casting task, it is very useless.


What Xia Duo focused on practicing was the second type - multi-threaded spellcasting.


This specifically refers to the Protection Spell Class - Level 2 - Spell No. 14 in the Spell Book!

As the instructions were issued, Xia Duo deliberately waited a while longer to make sure everyone was ready because he was practicing before starting to activate the energy guidance link in the initial state of this spell.

Just like queuing up to count, when Xia Duo reported "1", the others quickly followed "2", "3", and "4", and occasionally there were "x-1" and "x-2" during the period.

” and wait for the operation at the same time.

But compared to true multi-threaded spellcasting in which each element must be performed personally, the form of dividing element units into specific modules, solidifying them into magic items, and separately activating them by multiple people is almost a fool's errand mode.

When the last spell element unit was activated, the spell quickly took shape, and a protective force field divided into countless diamond-shaped pieces appeared around everyone and continued to spread to the outside world.

Although this is a 2-level spell, its complexity is no less than that of 10 2-level spells activated at the same time, and its actual protection strength is far beyond the normal single-level 2-level protection strength.

If integrated and simplified, this 2-level spell recorded as [Rhombus Protective Field] in the spell book can also be converted into an equivalent 6-level spell.

This chapter has been completed!
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