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Chapter 133 You are so stupid

Bai Mo leaned back comfortably on his chair and showed great cooperation with this interrogation.

The female officer named Xu Han asked him a lot of questions, most of which were related to the case, but some were completely unrelated to the case.

He answered these questions truthfully. Anyway, he had a clear conscience and did not find any special reaction from the polygraph during the process.

But I don't know why. He had clearly just woken up, but he was getting more and more sleepy at this time. He lost consciousness before he knew it, and his eyesight became dark.

Vaguely, he seemed to have had a very long and strange dream.

There was a slight sound of water in his ears, and the salty wind blew through his nose. When Bai Mo opened his eyes again, he only felt that his eyes were blurry, as if covered with a hazy veil, his eyes were full of darkness, and he could not see anything.

, can’t hear it either.

This is a completely silent dark world.

His body seemed to be weightless, and the whole figure seemed to be floating in the air. He could clearly feel the presence of his limbs, but he was unable to move.

The strange thing is that he was clearly in darkness, but he gradually 'see' the surrounding scenes.

Looking around, there is endless pitch-black sea water all around. The sea water is liquid, but it seems to be solidified without any movement. It is like a shackle, blocking Bai Mo's movements and most of his consciousness.

"I'm in the water..."

He lay in the center of the ocean floor and said to himself.

There is heavy sea water in all directions, and Bai Mo seems to have been floating in it. There is nothing but water, and there is nothing else to see. He is the only one left in the world, and there is no other living thing.

Gradually, he felt a little lonely.

I don’t know how long it took, but suddenly, very far away in the sky——

No, it's not the sky, it should be the sea. Far, far away, a tiny white spot suddenly appeared on the sea, expanding rapidly at a speed visible to the naked eye.

It was as if a hole had been melted out of the huge darkness, and a very weak light was projected in.

The light was so weak, like a grain of corn on the dark sea. Bai Mo opened his eyes desperately just to see clearly the figure in the light.

At the same time, the figures on the sea also lowered their heads, seeming to be looking for something in the endless darkness.

The moment their eyes met, Bai Mo was stunned.

Because the figure on the sea was clearly his own, but he was dressed a little weirdly.

'I' just stood on the water, staring coldly at everything under the water, with no extra emotion in my eyes.

But Bai Mo was sure that the other party was looking at him.

"This guy...is my reflection in the sea?"

He thought for a while and quickly put aside this idea.

The person standing on the water is this guy, and the person lying under the water is me. If you think about it this way - am I actually the reflection?

Bai Mo smiled bitterly in his heart and saw 'himself' on the sea opening his mouth, as if he was saying something.

But he couldn't hear clearly.

His eyes, ears, thoughts... everything seemed to be covered by black sea water.

But 'himself' was very patient. He seemed to know that Bai Mo couldn't hear him, so he simply sat on the sea, waiting silently for something.

The sea surface became more and more turbulent, and the water gradually began to flow and even churn, but it was still unable to extinguish the weak beam of light.

And just at the moment when the sea water was flowing, Bai Mo finally heard the other party's voice clearly——

"You are so stupid."

The same voice as his, but a completely different tone.

Bai Mo was stunned, am I stupid? Where am I stupid!

He smiled coldly.

Call me stupid... I'll just react!

"Aren't you stupid enough if you can't even detect this little trick?"

The 'self' on the sea seemed to be able to hear his voice, but because of the light, Bai Mo couldn't see his expression clearly.

"What trick?"

He still couldn't move, but he could make a sound.

'Myself' was silent for a moment, shook his head and said: "What a stupid trick, it's as stupid as you are now -"

His voice was full of exhaustion, "Our consciousness is as vast as the sea, so vast that it can swallow everything. Sometimes even we forget who we are, and yet someone tries to erode the sea with a drop of water... You said

,Are they stupid?"

Bai Mo was confused by the other party's words and said blankly: "What are you talking about?"

"You don't have to ask, you don't have to understand, that's good...cough, cough, cough!"

The 'self' on the sea coughed violently several times, with no intention of explaining.

He just slowly stood up from the sea, shook his head and sighed: "But you are so stupid..."

"Aren't you just me?" Bai Mo looked at him dissatisfied, "Isn't it fun to keep calling yourself stupid?"

"To be honest, I would rather be you -"

'Myself' said calmly, "No need to think about anything, no need to do anything, no need to worry about whether the sun will rise as usual tomorrow, no need to calculate every minute, no scruples, you can act according to your own will.


"Perhaps it is precisely because of experiencing such happiness that you become more stupid."

The 'self' on the sea said, shaking his head as if he was a little disappointed.

Bai Mo's heart suddenly became heavy. He didn't know why, but he didn't want to let the other person down.


Suddenly, the 'self' on the sea changed the topic and said, "...No matter what, this was our original choice, and it got the result we expected, didn't it?"

There was some lightness in his words, and even though Bai Mo couldn't see his expression, he could clearly feel that the other person was smiling.

This feeling is very strange, as if they are the same person.

The sea surface gradually calmed down, leaving only slight waves.

'I' walked away into the distance without saying a word, without stopping at all, and took away the only beam of light.

All light sources disappeared and the world returned to darkness.

Bai Mo wanted to stop the other party, but his body was extremely heavy. He tried to struggle hard, and the entire dark ocean suddenly changed violently, as if being controlled by a big hand, turning it over violently.

The world seemed to be shaken.

When he came back to his senses, he suddenly found that he could move, there was a sound in his ears, and there was a solid touch under his feet.

There was still endless black water on all sides, but he was no longer at the bottom of the sea, but standing on the water, surrounded by a burst of pure white and warm light.

It was pitch black under the sea, but he could feel a line of sight looking at him underwater.

He knows that it is ‘himself’.

The other party's face was pale, floating on the bottom of the sea like white ink at the beginning - quietly, the situation of the two people seemed to have changed.

Perhaps because of the serious injury, 'myself' under the sea suddenly coughed violently several times, with the corners of his mouth turning red.

Bai Mo was startled and suddenly noticed that the other party opened his mouth, but he still couldn't hear anything this time.

He thought for a while and simply followed the other person's previous behavior and sat on the water to wait.

As the sea water surged, he finally heard clearly what the other party kept repeating -

"Time is running out..."

'Myself' was laughing. He seemed a little anxious, but there was no hint of urgency in his tone.

"Cherish the time you have now...me."

Just as Bai Mo was about to speak, the light behind him suddenly disappeared.

Along with the black ocean, everything seemed to be wiped out out of thin air, except for that figure.

He lost consciousness.

Another long period of darkness.

Bai Mo opened his eyes suddenly and subconsciously wanted to get up, but found that he was still lying on the "lie detector" that looked like an electric chair, and the green helmet on his head had been taken off.

Two men in military uniforms were removing the strings on his body, perhaps because the lie detection process had ended.

"Is this a dream? It's so strange..."

Bai Mo's mood was complicated. He straightened up and looked at the short-haired woman sitting in front of him. He apologized: "I'm sorry, I seem to have fallen asleep..."

Xu Han smiled slightly and said: "No need to apologize, this is what I want. After all, people in a sleepy state are less defensive and can get a more "sincere" answer."

Bai Mo understood what she meant and raised his eyebrows: "Your lie detector also has a hypnotic effect?"

"This is just one of its functions." Xu Han did not deny it and continued, "In fact, there are many things it can do, which may be beyond your imagination."

"Like being an electric chair?" Bai Mo half-joked.

Xu Han stared at him for a moment, half-smiling but not smiling: "If you need it."

As he spoke, everyone in the room turned to look at Bai Mo, as if they were ready to give him electrotherapy at any time.

Suddenly being watched by so many eyes, Bai Mo became guilty even if he wasn't guilty. He stopped trying to be clever and said with a smile: "No, no, no, I don't need it."

"That's such a shame."

Xu Han shook her head slightly, and it seemed that she really felt it was a pity. She returned a mobile phone to Bai Mo and said, "Now it returns to its original owner, Mr. Bai, you can go."

Bai Mo took the phone and didn't react for a moment. He said in surprise: "It's over so soon? I'm not guilty?"

"Yes, Mr. Bai, it is already six o'clock in the afternoon, and we were not idle while you were asleep."

Xu Han explained, "We investigated other clues and combined them with your previous testimony to prove it, and we have temporarily ruled out your suspicion."

Bai Mo was stunned, it was already six o'clock? Did I sleep for that long?

Also, are these military guys so efficient in handling cases? Speaking of which, the body that the Army promised to help me find has still not been found...

While thinking, Xu Han suddenly stood up in front of him, bowed deeply to him, and said seriously: "I'm sorry."

"What's the meaning?"

"As agreed before, if Mr. Bai is not the prisoner, I will apologize to you - I'm sorry, I wronged you."

Xu Han apologized and bowed again.

Seeing this, her men looked at each other with doubts in their eyes. They couldn't figure out why the always proud Commander Xu would make such a gesture.

Bai Mo quickly waved his hand and said: "It's okay. After all, it is your duty to arrest Annoying. And to be honest, just looking at the surveillance video, I am a little doubtful whether I am a suspect..."

"So you forgive me?"


"Oh, that's okay."

Hearing this, Xu Han immediately changed his expression and said, "Then it's time to send you back, but in order to keep it secret, I have to trouble you to wear a hood for a while."

Bai Mo was stunned, shocked by the speed of this woman's face change.

"No trouble, no trouble. At worst, just sleep again. I've been really tired lately..."

He smiled cheerfully and was quickly put on a hood and sent out of the room.

Xu Han watched him leave, but did not follow him, but quickly came to another room densely packed with instruments.

"how's it going?"

“Awesome, everything went well!”

Dr. Chen stared at the ideal data on the screen and said with excitement, "The first phase of the plan is going very well. The next phase can be started at any time - Sir Xu, when do we start?"

He licked his lips, obviously impatient.

Xu Han shook his head and said: "I'm afraid the second phase plan needs to be postponed."

"Suspension? Why?"

Dr. Chen was stunned, hesitated for a while, gritted his teeth and said, "At this time, shouldn't we work hard and complete the plan in one go?"

Xu Han glanced at him: "The council's actions are much faster than we imagined. We will arrive in Dongyang City tonight at the latest."

"There are so many urban areas... why would you choose Dongyang City first?"

Dr. Chen looked worried, obviously knowing what the arrival of the parliament meant, "But what does this have to do with the plan?"

"Jianwu is back."

Xu Han didn't explain too much, because the name itself is the most intuitive explanation.

Dr. Chen suddenly looked solemn.

"There is no need to rush the control plan for the time being. Once the seeds are planted, they will sprout and bloom one day."

Xu Han said, "But another thing is worth noting. There seems to be something wrong with the C-level restricted area 'Equality Paradise' between the second city and the third city. It is suspected that some unprecedented changes have occurred."

"It happens to be one of the recently expanded restricted areas. The bureau has tried its best to get some information. You can check it out later and focus on this matter for now."

Xu Han's face showed a rare solemnity, "The restricted area is expanding very quickly. It must be dealt with as soon as possible, and the reasons behind it must be understood. This is the top priority, do you understand?"

What an eventful time...

Dr. Chen sighed in his heart and had to temporarily put aside his desire to complete the plan and nodded.


This chapter has been completed!
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