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Chapter 230 Do you want to live

Lu Zhan called several times in succession, but Mo Qingcheng on the other end of the phone never answered. He could only sigh, throw the phone on the table, and press his eyebrows with a headache.

As expected, that guy still has the same stubborn temper and doesn't care how much he weighs. Now that it's so chaotic outside, he doesn't mind staying in the safe zone, but he still dares to run around without fear of encountering danger.

And even if she does find the dean, she may not have a good result. The old guy has gone crazy, and staying away from him is the clearest choice.

Whenever he thought about the scene he saw at night many years ago, Lu Zhan could not control his emotions, and he never mentioned the truth to anyone.

After a moment, he suddenly remembered that since Mo Qingcheng was now working under the Xinhai Group, someone might know where this guy was and maybe he could inquire about the situation from them...

He sighed, picked up his cell phone and coat, and walked out of the office.

Although it was a bit far, whether it was to retrieve that important box or to find out the whereabouts of Mo Qingcheng, he had to go to the ruins of the orphanage.

Mo Qingcheng's current residence is nearby.

"It seems that you don't care at all about how to solve the hidden dangers of this grassland, nor do you care about whether you can regain your freedom."

Seeing that the leader of the men in black ordered his men to close the tunnel exit and everyone's escape route was completely blocked, Bai Mo's tone suddenly turned cold.

"I said, I can help you solve the problem. When you regain your freedom, you can go out and find women as you like, but you can't touch this person."

While he was speaking, the Zhang Tao brothers and sisters behind him had their hearts raised in their throats, and they had a vague understanding. No wonder there were more than one extraordinary beings in the market, but there was little relevant information outside. It turned out that these guys couldn't

Leave the market.

So as long as we can escape from the market, we should be able to avoid these guys...

However this is impossible.

Now that the only exit of the tunnel has been closed, and there are so many extraordinary beings guarding it, they may not have a chance to escape.

And once the other party really chooses to take action, Bai Mo may not necessarily be able to stop them. After all, he just woke up not long ago and his body has not recovered. He also mentioned before that he is still in a weak state. Even if he was really powerful before, he might be able to do so now.

It can't show any strength either.

Therefore, the two of them did not have much hope for Bai Mo.

On the other side, the stall owner selling fake charms had already shrunk into a corner. He greeted the eighteenth generation of Bai Mo's ancestors countless times in his heart, thinking that if this guy hadn't been so entangled, he would have left the market long ago. Where could he use it?

Do you have to face such a situation?

He could see that there were many extraordinary people among the people across from them. At this moment, they showed their true colors, and they all carried a strong evil aura. They were probably not good people, and kneeling down to beg for mercy would probably not be effective.

Otherwise, with his temperament, he should have kneeled at the opponent's feet and begged for mercy.

Hearing Bai Mo's words, the man in black opposite shook his head and said: "No need to threaten me, this is my territory, it's not up to you whether you want to speak or not. You can be stubborn and not tell me what you know, but I have many ways to make you speak.


He didn't talk too much, and waved his hand to his subordinates, "My brothers haven't had any contact with meat for a while. We are all men. You should be able to understand their feelings. As for this woman... just

Think of it as compensation for the injury to my hand."

As soon as the words fell, the men in black suddenly burst out laughing, shouting "Second brother is wise", and then rushed towards Zhang Rouzhu impatiently.

Like a wolf and a tiger, beneath the rapid breathing is undisguised desire.

Zhang Rouzhu's face turned pale instantly.

The so-called extraordinary people are people with special powers. Their abilities and Taoist skills are like extensions of their bodies. They are also the key to distinguishing themselves from ordinary people and can greatly enhance their power.

However, even without using extraordinary power, the physical quality of the extraordinary person is far superior to that of ordinary people, and even surpasses that of genetic warriors of the same level. At this moment, so many people swarmed up, and the terrifying momentum instantly suppressed Zhang Tao and Zhang Rouzhu, unable to move.

They seemed to be facing a group of the most terrifying beasts. Their bodies were so stiff that they couldn't even think of escaping.

However, even so, Zhang Tao still moved hard to block his tall body in front of his sister.

Zhang Rouzhu quietly took out the blade from the gap in his clothes and was ready to commit suicide at any time.

It was self-evident what these people wanted to do to her. Once she was in a desperate situation, she would rather die than give them a chance to humiliate her.

However, just when the two of them felt desperate, a cold voice suddenly sounded in front of them.

"To be honest, I'm very disappointed in you."

As soon as the words fell, the air seemed to suddenly freeze, giving people a vague sense of oppression.

The people in black clothes in the market felt their hearts tighten. The people in front of them clearly had no breath, but their movements were inexplicably stagnant at the same time, and a faint fear could not help but arise in their hearts.

This fear comes from nowhere, as if it comes from an instinct deep in their hearts, but they don't know why they have this instinct.

This guy is clearly not an extraordinary person...

However, the next second this thought flashed through his mind, everyone saw Bai Mo in front of them suddenly raise a hand and lightly pinch the neck of the person rushing in front.

The latter didn't even resist at all.


Rather than saying that Bai Mo grabbed the guy's neck, it was more like the person took the initiative to give his neck to him, as if it was an old-fashioned script prepared in advance, giving people a very absurd feeling.

However, seeing this scene, the man in black who was called the second brother not far away felt his heart sink. He could see clearly that this was not a script, but the result of the huge difference in physical skills between the two parties.

The guy on the opposite side had extremely precise control over his timing and himself. All he did was to slightly adjust his position, but he happened to be blocked in the path that his men must pass.

The latter only had Zhang Rouzhu in his eyes at this time. It happened to be the moment when the old strength and the new strength were not yet regenerated, and it was difficult to reduce the buffering force, so he just bumped into him, creating the illusion that he was actively sending his neck over.

As for the reason why he couldn't resist, it was also very simple. The second brother had personally experienced the guy's exaggerated arm strength. Being strangled by such a force, it was naturally impossible for him to resist.

He is indeed a master...

Thinking of this, the second brother was filled with admiration. There are many extraordinary people nowadays, but physical masters who specialize in fighting are rare. This guy is a talent, and he seems to know a lot of secrets. Maybe he can absorb it...

And just as he was thinking about it, Bai Mo took action without mercy.


A clear and loud voice was heard from the tunnel, and everyone could hear it clearly.

The second brother was stunned for a moment, and then he saw the body of his subordinate being thrown to the ground casually like garbage by the guy opposite. He was full of contempt and didn't even take a second look.

This scene was like a lightning strike, and a ball of anger instantly arose in his heart.

This guy actually broke Ashan's neck like this... He actually dared to kill someone! How dare he kill someone?!

Not only him, his men were also stunned

Obviously, in the eyes of the second brother and his men, Bai Mo could not have the confidence to kill, because he could not bear their anger, and at most he would only use Ah Shan as a bargaining chip to negotiate terms.

But that was not the case, this guy was much more ruthless than they imagined.

"Revenge Ah Shan!"

Everyone had been living in the market for nearly half a year, and they had already developed feelings for each other. When they saw their companions being killed, some people's eyes instantly turned red, and they immediately roared and turned around to attack Bai Mo.

Others responded one after another, and a few people surrounded Bai Mo in an instant. They attacked different parts, blocking all the space for Bai Mo to retreat. The attack was so fierce that even if he had two more hands, he would not be able to stop it.

"Watch out!"

Zhang Tao wanted to go over to help, but Zhang Rouzhu grabbed him and said calmly: "Don't go there, we can't help."


Zhang Tao clenched his fists. Although he was very unwilling to do so, he had to admit that his sister was right. He couldn't even see the movements of those people clearly, and in the past he had only been a disservice.

But it would be too dangerous for Brother Baiwu to face so many people alone...

Looking at Bai Mo who was surrounded by people, Zhang Tao hoped more and more that he could become a transcendent. In that case, at least he wouldn't have to be a bystander at this juncture.

Just when the two of them were worried, the talisman stall owner who was huddled in the corner watching the battle suddenly focused his eyes, as if he had seen something incredible.

Although the Zhang Tao brothers and sisters could not see clearly, they heard a very loud sound.


It sounded like the sound of a sharp weapon being pierced into the body.

The two people's hearts sank, and then they became worried.

Although he doesn't want to admit it, with more fighting and less fighting, Bai Mo is undoubtedly more likely to be injured at this moment.

However, when they saw clearly the situation ahead, they were stunned.

I saw a purple vine growing out of nowhere under Bai Mo's feet, about three meters long, dancing like a snake -

The familiar shape and color are undoubtedly the hand vines.

However, what shocked the two of them the most were the breathless corpses around Bai Mo.

I saw that all the men in black who had just participated in the siege were pierced by the snake-like body of the hand vines. Each person's wound was exactly at the heart, strung together by the hand vines.

Killed with one blow, cleanly.

At this moment, death seemed to dispel the outpouring of desire, and all the heavy breathing sounds disappeared.

The second brother saw it clearly. At that moment, a purple vine suddenly appeared and pierced everyone's body at once. It was so fast that he had no time to warn him.

Only Bai Mo is still standing.

There was no blood flowing out of the body. It seemed that all the blood was absorbed by the purple vines, and the vines became more and more monstrous as they were soaked in blood.

Not sure if it was an illusion, but everyone just felt that the purple vines were swaying in a strange way, as if they were trying to please the man in black in front of them.

In fact, from the fact that the purple vines only attack other people and not Bai Mo, everyone can guess that this is Bai Mo's method, but they are a little incomprehensible -

"What is this?"

Not all of the second brother's men had chosen to take action just now. At this time, there were still two people standing beside him, so they narrowly escaped with their lives. They were horrified when they saw this scene.

"Because of the influence of the grass seed on the eldest sister, it should be impossible for other plants to grow around now. In that case, what's going on with this vine?"

"Is it a supernatural ability? But why doesn't this cause grass species to react?"

"I underestimated you."

After a short silence, the second brother said in a cold voice, "But you killed so many of my people just because you wanted to fight me to the death?"

He stared at the purple vine that appeared out of thin air, wondering what he was thinking.

"When you ordered your men to take action, we were already fighting to the death." Bai Mo said calmly, his voice full of coldness.


The second brother sneered, "Do you think that just such a vine can protect you?"

The scary thing about this weird vine is that it appeared unexpectedly. No one took precautions in time, so it could kill so many people in an instant.

According to his judgment, the real level of this vine is probably between D-level and C-level, which is not something to be afraid of. Moreover, he has the ability to control fire and is confident that he can quickly deal with the vegetation.

What he really cares about is how did this vine appear? Does the other party have other means?

Bai Mo said calmly: "You can try."

The second brother thought for a moment, but finally did not dare to take the risk, and whispered to one of his subordinates: "These guys are weird, go and call someone down below."

The latter was also unambiguous, and even wanted to leave this place of right and wrong for a long time, so he quickly turned around and left.

However, before he could go far, he suddenly felt a pain in his chest. He lowered his head and saw that a purple vine had appeared on his chest at some point, emerging from a bloody hole and swaying in front of his eyes.

At the last second before losing consciousness, he cursed secretly.

The second one...is actually the second vine!

The second brother was shocked, how could this be possible?

Bai Mo seemed to see his shock and said coldly: "I know far more about Wuji Grass than you think... But it's a pity that not only did you miss an opportunity to regain your freedom, you will also lose your life soon.


Zhang Rouzhu stared blankly at Bai Mo's back in front of him, feeling that at this moment, the figure of the other person had grown infinitely taller.

"You want to kill me?" The second brother sneered, "This vine can't save your lives. The more you know, the happier I will be, because all this knowledge will soon be mine."

Bai Mo also knew that this guy was stronger than the others, and the vines alone might not be able to do anything to him, so he suddenly turned to look at the charm stall owner huddled in the corner, and asked: "Do you want to live?"

The stall owner was stunned for a moment, feeling that everyone's eyes were focused on him, and he shuddered immediately.

No, it's none of my business if you hit you...

Don't look at me, don't even look at me!

He swallowed, and once again greeted Bai Mo's eighteen generations of ancestors in his heart.

This chapter has been completed!
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