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Chapter 85: The Dead Halfway

Bai Mo stopped.

In front of us are green rolling mountains with lush vegetation, mostly towering trees, with huge and dense canopies. The hanging vines are connected to each other, like large green nets, and even the sunlight is caught in them, making it difficult to penetrate.

The mountains are connected together, towering but not steep, and a winding path spreads from bottom to top. The road is full of deeply sunk footprints, and is covered with puddles and moss. It looks like it has been around for some time.

Next to the path, a dark stone tablet has been standing for an unknown period of time. It has the three words "Zaishou Mountain" engraved in blood on it, and there is a letter "D" below it.

"Is this the Hidden Beast Mountain? Why doesn't it look like someone lives in it?"

Bai Mo stood alone in front of the stone monument, his expression a little confused.

This mountain range looks similar to the virgin forest on TV. It seems that it has never been logged. There may be many dangerous wild animals hidden in it. If there is not a path up the mountain with footprints, it would be impossible to tell.

It looks like there is smoke.

He had explored the location of Hidden Beast Mountain after leaving the police station yesterday, and he ran here early in the morning just to see who was inviting him.

After seeing this mountain range, he suddenly felt that the invitation might be a prank.

Who would live in such deep mountains and forests?

And...he had never heard of such a lush mountain range in Dongyang before.

Just as he was thinking, a series of footsteps suddenly sounded not far away. It seemed that someone was coming, and it sounded like it was not just one person.

Bai Mo turned his head and looked around. After seeing clearly who was coming, he hesitated slightly and blurted out: "Lijun Lu, why are you here?"

Those who came were none other than Lu Zhan and Xia Yuxi. They were carrying hiking bags and followed by a big yellow dog wearing a muzzle.

This yellow dog is indescribably weird. There seems to be some problem with the eyes. The eyes are gray and lifeless. Standing next to Lu Zhan's legs, he looks particularly quiet.

"Mr. Bai? What a coincidence."

Seeing Bai Mo, Lu Zhan's face showed just the right amount of surprise, as if he was also surprised as to why Bai Mo appeared here.

Xia Yuxi nodded slightly, saying hello to Bai Mo.

She took the lead in explaining: "A group of criminals may have escaped into this mountain, and we plan to go in and have a look."

Bai Mo was stunned: "What criminal?"

"A group of murderers. They killed several people last night. Although most of the prisoners were shot to death, there are still a few people at large. According to reports from the masses, two criminals seemed to have escaped into the Hidden Beast Mountain."

After a pause, Lu Zhan continued, "More than ten people died, almost all of them were killed while walking alone. Their deaths were miserable, and they must have been tortured before they died."

After saying that, he pretended to be confused and said, "Where's Mr. Bai, why are you here?"

Bai Mo always felt that there was something wrong with what the other person said, but he still said truthfully: "It's because I received an invitation..."

Unexpectedly, after listening to his explanation, Lu Zhan's expression suddenly became serious: "As far as we know, those murderers used invitation letters to trick the victims into remote places before committing the crime."

“Deceive people with invitation letters?”

Bai Mo was stunned for a moment, then shook his head quickly and said, "But I picked this thing up, and you didn't say yesterday that the invitation was a lie..."

"No crime had been committed before last night."

Xia Yuxi looked at Bai Mo and said, "And have you ever thought about why you just happened to pick up an unknown invitation letter and just happened to see your name on it?"

Bai Mo pondered for a moment and then asked tentatively: "Because I have better luck?"

Xia Yuxi was speechless. After a long while, she shook her head and said, "No, in my opinion, someone deliberately left that invitation letter on your only way. Even when you picked up the invitation letter, that guy

Maybe I’ll hide in the dark and watch you.”

"That guy? You mean those murderers?" Bai Mo quickly understood what she meant.

"That's right, otherwise it wouldn't be such a coincidence."

"But I was alone at that time. If they wanted to kill me, they could just kill me. There was no need to deceive them with invitations, right?"

To be honest, in Bai Mo's opinion, if you just want to deceive, the invitation letter may not be as practical as some small advertisements with pictures.

"Don't use normal people's thinking to speculate on criminals." Lu Zhan said seriously, "Just like we can't guess that those guys will kill people on the street."

Bai Mo nodded and suddenly said suspiciously: "But the Army Corps, to arrest such a vicious criminal, are you two the only ones here?"

He always felt that their words were a bit far-fetched.

"The terrain of the Hidden Beast Mountain is too complicated. We just came here to investigate first, and then..." Lu Zhan showed a confident smile on his face, "They are just two murderers. Even if they encounter me, they can easily deal with them."

He looked particularly confident, as if he really didn't take small criminals seriously, but he was not as relaxed as he seemed on the surface -

"It seems that the truth certification will not have any effect on the tomb keeper. It seems that Bixian did not dare to predict him before... Is he really immune to the influence of all taboo sequences?"

He said calmly: "For the sake of safety, I think it's best for you, Mr. Bai, not to enter Hidden Beast Mountain today."

"No." Bai Mo shook his head firmly, "Since I have accepted the invitation, I must go to the banquet."

"But it's too dangerous here. If you encounter a murderer on the way..."

"It's okay, I'll just go in with you." Bai Mo shrugged and said.

Xia Yuxi frowned slightly, but Lu Zhan spoke before her and said helplessly: "Okay, but you must follow us closely along the way and follow my arrangements."

"No problem." Bai Mo showed a bright smile.

The three people and one dog set off quickly, passing through the stone monument and walking towards the path up the mountain.

A feeling of palpitations came over her, and Xia Yuxi knew that she had entered the scope of the Beast Hiding Mountain.

It was her first time entering the restricted area, so she felt a little uneasy, but thinking about Lu Zhan's strength and the fact that this was only a D-level restricted area, she quickly felt at ease.

What Lu Zhan was worried about was how to prevent Bai Mo from discovering abnormalities in the restricted area, but he didn't panic too much and took it easy as he came. Maybe he could take this opportunity to verify some of his conjectures.

The big yellow dog followed silently, with a calm expression, not like a dog at all——

Everyone had their own thoughts and climbed all the way up. Who knew that something went wrong just halfway up the mountain?

I saw a person lying not far in front of the path.

The man's face was facing the ground, he was wearing a green sportswear, his limbs were weirdly twisted, and his overall posture looked very weird.

Lu Zhan's eyes narrowed slightly. Based on his experience, this should be a corpse.

Without giving Bai Mo a chance to react, he quickly stepped forward and inspected the body. When he saw that there was no problem, he winked at Xia Yuxi.

The latter understood immediately, quickly moved over, squatted down and used [Telepathy] on the corpse.

The next second, a fragmented and bizarre memory flooded into Xia Yuxi's mind.

It was already evening when we arrived at the village.

Someone was standing at the entrance of the village. Under the bright light of the flashlight, I couldn't open my eyes and couldn't see the person's expression clearly.

"It's too late, go to my house and stay one night first."

A familiar voice sounded, and I saw the man's face clearly, it was Lao Zhang.

He handed me an umbrella and without any explanation, insisted on letting me stay at his house for one night.

It was raining heavily at this time, and I was really afraid of the village at night, so I accepted Lao Zhang's kindness.

Lao Zhang's name is Zhang Xiaoda, and he is the eighth eldest child in the family. I heard that his previous brothers and sisters have passed away one after another, but now at the age of eighty, he is still strong and healthy. In my impression, he was like this when I left many years ago.

It is said that Lao Zhang has some medical skills and has been treating people in the village for free, and he is very respected by everyone. At the same time, he has been inexplicably kind to me since I was a child, and almost treats me as his own son, so I don’t feel bothered by staying at his house for one night.


I came to his house and Aunt Hua opened the door expressionlessly.

Aunt Hua is Lao Zhang's wife, which is very different from the enthusiastic appearance in my impression. However, I heard that some people's temperaments change drastically when they get older, perhaps because they are close to death.

While I was thinking about it, Aunt Hua had already arranged a room for me without saying a word or even changing her expression.

There was a strong herbal smell on her body, and she didn't know if it was because she had been helping Lao Zhang cook the medicine.

It was late at night and I went to bed. I was used to the soft beds in the city, but I was still a little unaccustomed to sleeping in the village. I tossed and turned and couldn't fall asleep.

I was listening to the sound of rain and recalling some trivial things. Just when I was beginning to feel sleepy, I suddenly heard a strange sound outside the window.

I suspected that it was the sound of rain hitting the window. As soon as I walked to the window, a thunder sounded unexpectedly.

Under the light of thunder, I saw a face in horror!

The face was pressed tightly against the window, so that the whole face was a little distorted, and the eyes looking at me were full of unknown meanings——

That’s Lao Zhang’s face!

"Lao Zhang, you..." I was so frightened that I took a few steps back and screamed.

"It's okay," Lao Zhang wiped the water on his face, smiled at me, and said, "It's a rainy day. I was afraid that your window was not closed properly, so I came here to take a look. Go to bed quickly, there will be a storm tomorrow.

You have to be busy."

Run outside and close the window?

I couldn't believe it, I just thought this thing was very strange, and I couldn't sleep for a while.

When I returned to bed, I suddenly smelled a strong herbal smell, which seemed to come from under the bed, but if I remember correctly, there was clearly no such smell before.

Isn't this the smell of Aunt Hua?

I had an inexplicable feeling of being watched, and I was afraid that someone would come out from under the bed the next moment.

I didn't dare to think too much, and I didn't dare to look at what was under the bed. I spent a long time in fear, and then I fell asleep.

I don't know how long I slept.

When I opened my eyes, I felt cold all over.

Turning his head, he saw something seemed to be on the pillow——

Those were two smiling faces.

This chapter has been completed!
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