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Chapter 1 Awakening

In the golden autumn of October, the sky is high and the clouds are light, the sun is almost reaching the sky, but Huangcheng City is quiet as if it is still sleeping.

A bird with a wingspan of two meters flew down in the wind and landed on the top of the eye-catching signboard of Quincy District First Central Hospital. After looking around, it was finally attracted to a window glass on the side. I don’t know if I was appreciating the glass.

The dove-like figure reflected on the screen was still the scene behind the glass. In any case, it stayed for a while, making some intermittently meaningless "coo" sounds before fluttering its wings and leaving.

In the special intensive care observation room on the 23rd floor of the Central Hospital, a young patient is lying on the bed, with a disease course record at his feet:

October 2, 2013 14:23

Name: Miao Pu; Gender: Male; Age: 22 years old; Date of birth: July 7, 1991; Job: Second year, College of Biological Science and Technology, Huangcheng Forestry University.

Main complaint: The left hand and left forearm were bitten by a wolf, with 5 wounds, mild muscle and ligament damage, no fractures, slight infection and high fever.

Treatment: Disinfect and clean the wound, suture and bandage, and take oral analgesic and anti-inflammatory drugs.

October 2, 2013 17:49

Chief Complaint: Acute shock accompanied by high fever

Physical examination: body temperature: 42°C, obvious congestion of the oropharyngeal mucosa, congestion and swelling of both tongue and palatine arches, 11-degree enlargement of both tonsils, punctate purulent secretions in the crypts, red and swollen lymph follicles on the posterior pharyngeal wall. No obvious inducement.

Petechiae appeared on the skin all over the body, especially on the limbs, accompanied by systemic sweating.

Examination plan: Routine hematuria, complete biochemistry, infection screening, chest X-ray, electrocardiogram, bacterial culture and drug sensitivity if necessary.

Diagnosis and differential diagnosis: unknown viral infection, emergency isolation, emergency life-sustaining treatment.

Disposal: At 18:00 on October 2, 2013, the superior ordered the transfer of emergency patients, and the transfer party was unknown.

His body was covered with tubes of different thicknesses and colorful cables, and there were more than a dozen instruments parked around the hospital bed, some of which were not necessarily available even in top medical research institutes.

However, such a sophisticated instrument was not in working condition. To be more precise, none of the instruments were running. It seemed that the power cords were well connected, but the power indicator light did not light up.

The patient on the hospital bed was lifeless. The room was so quiet but his breathing could not be heard, and his chest could not be seen rising and falling. It seemed that he had been dead for a long time.

Suddenly, the patient opened his eyes, his eyes were not focused, his expression was distorted and his mouth was wide open, as if he wanted to shout, but it seemed as if a pair of invisible hands had strangled his throat and made no sound. The whites of his eyes were very white.

The skin is quickly congested, and the skin is quickly turning red; the neck, temples, forehead, blood vessels, and veins are bulging out, followed by spasmodic twitching of the limbs...

Extreme torture-like pain tortured the patient. The hospital gown and even the sheets were soon soaked with sweat that kept leaking out from under the skin. As time passed, the torture showed no sign of stopping or slowing down. The instinct of life

The patient makes a hoarse sound subconsciously, but cannot get any help. Now he can only rely on himself to survive or die!

Just like a suffocated person suddenly got a chance to breathe, the violent and long-lasting inhalation sound sounded like it came from the deep underground. "Ha... cough... woo..." During this long inhalation process, he seemed to

It rekindled the fire of life and gained vitality.

Miao Pu struggled to sit up from the bed.

His desire to say something seemed to be blocked by the rubber tube inserted in his mouth, and his blurred, dazed, and anxious eyes gradually came into focus.

The skylight outside filtered in through the cracks in the blinds, and it was so dazzling that it took me a while to squint and adjust to the indoor light.

He shook his head and raised his arm as a reflex. A stinging pain further restored clarity to his eyes.

Looking along the infusion needle inserted in his hand, he saw that the infusion bottle hanging on the infusion pole was half a bottle of dark red blood. He frowned and pulled out the needle on his hand, moved his fingers, and pulled it out of his mouth with difficulty.

The rubber hose was half a meter long, and the violent coughing and violent vomiting that followed drove him to death.

Gradually the various discomforts subsided, and I took out the various tubes and cables attached to my body. I was already sweating profusely, panting like a dog, and finally found two very fucking things.


First, there is actually a thin tube inserted into the dick, and there is a bag attached to the back. The bag is full of liquid, golden and bright in color...

Secondly, his anus is also connected at this moment...

"Uh, what's wrong..."

"Doctor, doctor... Is there anyone here... Someone is here..." After calling for a long time, no one was seen, so he got worried, took out his butt, pulled the tube at the back with his hand, and slowly pulled it out.

Oh my goodness, it seems like it can be done.

For a long time, Miao Pu looked like he was insulted, his cheeks were red, sweat was visible on the tip of his nose, and his breathing was getting faster. If his expression were a little charming, it would be easy to think of something. But...

He was currently holding the edge of the bed with both hands, raising his plump buttocks, his facial features were rarely closer than usual, and he was breathing heavily and humming from his nose.

Miao Pu frowned and stared straight at the small tube inserted into his brother's head, as if thinking about something. He frowned for a while, as if a strong man was going to die, and gently supported his second brother with his hand, "Brother

I'm sorry for you..."

Wishes are always beautiful, but reality is always cruel. Accompanied by waves of trembling moans and trembling gasps, he gave up the idea of ​​trying to get out the thin tube, as it seemed to be stuck by something.

, can't get it out.

"No, it's not that serious. It's just a few bites from wolves. Do you want to do such a big thing?" Facing the various instruments surrounding his hospital bed, some of which he couldn't even guess what they were used for, he was obviously very shocked.

I muttered and moved my left hand, but found no discomfort. Although the gauze on it was not removed, I instinctively felt that the problem was not serious.

Struggling out of the hospital bed, he looked at the bag filled with liquid in the tray with a bitter look on his face, "Catheterization? Hey..." After a helpless sigh, he pinched the edges in disgust and took the bag off the tray.

I picked it up and looked at it, and found a twistable stopper at the end of the bag, so I went straight to the bathroom.

Smelling the strong, indescribable smell of the air in the hospital, I walked towards the window and prepared to open it to let in some fresh air. As a result...

Miao Pu was stunned. The scene he saw from the window was deserted streets, chaotic and dilapidated shops, vehicles smashed into pieces, hazy buildings in the distance emitting black smoke...

"What the hell is going on..." Miao Pu murmured, and his brain instantly went into panic.

The city seemed to have experienced some kind of catastrophe, and at the same time it felt a deadly silence. At this moment, the city seemed as quiet as death.

This chapter has been completed!
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