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Chapter 274 The Beginning of the Yellow City Cataclysm

After learning the information and friend information brought by Wei Pingping, Miao Pu was naturally overjoyed.

He specially set aside half an afternoon to get together with his three brothers. After surviving the catastrophe, they reunited. Naturally, there was a sigh of relief. The four of them told each other their farewells. Only then did Miao Pu realize that Cheng Fang and the other three were typical pioneers.

Sweet but then bitter...

During the National Day holiday, they met for a party but did not go camping.

When the biochemical crisis broke out, college students with the characteristics of the information explosion era played a vital role in their mixed knowledge and wild imagination, becoming the first batch of refugees to escape the city.

Hou Liang recalled with some nostalgia: "Although the process of virus infection is very fast, it can be said that it spreads in geometric multiples, but in the first few hours, the situation was not particularly bad. You also know, the crazy boss has always commented

As for the bad taste of the news, we followed him and ended up watching a real-time news break. It was said that someone called the police and found a monster in the residential area in the southern section of Youyi Street. The special police were dispatched and reporters accompanied them. I guess the intention was to show off the wisdom and martial prowess of our powerful special police force.

A charming joke. You must know that after all, the Shentai Group donated 30 million yuan to manage and strengthen the security of Huangcheng. Where is the money spent? You have to show off. If you have such an opportunity, it can be considered as a pillow to sleep on. "

Miao Puzhen didn't know these details. Although he had learned about the outbreak of the crisis from other people, he might not be able to tell much about the reasons, especially the initial situation. Huangcheng is as big as Huangcheng and has three districts spanning dozens of kilometers.

, in daily life, who ordinary people would care about things that are a few kilometers, ten kilometers, or even dozens of kilometers away? When most people discover the situation, panic has completely spread, and many people have already started to run away.

, then pay attention and take the initiative to ask about the situation, and then analyze and judge to make a choice. Of course, when the panic reaches a certain level, you will not have time to think so much, and blind obedience will prevail.

Wei Pingping had connections, and Miao Pu obtained the most comprehensive information about the crisis outbreak from her, but it was only a rough idea. Only now did she know that the southern section of Youyi Street was one of the initial outbreak points. Although they were just chatting about the past at this time,

But Miao Pu carefully remembered this useful information.

"It started out as a typical legal film, bold, high-spirited, and thunderous. But then it turned into a thriller and suspense film, quite low-budget, with a messy room like a thief, and blood splashing everywhere.

, the camera was shaking violently, and figures flashed by from time to time. In the end, it turned into a horror movie, and the special police officers were massacred very suddenly, including reporters, photographers, and the cameras did not have time to turn off, and they were still there a few seconds after landing.

The video was being filmed, and then it suddenly cut off. The crazy boss said that the communication vehicle parked outside probably saw something was wrong and turned off the live broadcast relay signal."

Miao Pu asked thoughtfully: "Didn't you see the attacker from the beginning to the end?"

At this time, Xu Junfeng said: "No, it was too fast. The scene was very chaotic. I saw a bloody claw, similar to the one in [Resident Evil]. Although it was a glimpse, it left a deep impression."

Miao Pu asked in surprise: "Based on this, you immediately concluded that a biological crisis occurred?"

Ma Xiaobo scratched his head and said: "More or less, I can't remember clearly. Anyway, the crazy boss asked us to call our relatives right away, and then we started a shopping spree..." He paused and looked at the other two.

The person said: "I still regret not maxing out my mother's credit card at that time... If I had known this..."

"What happens after that? Do you build a fortification first to defend yourself, or do you just start running away?"

"Damn, of course I'm running away." Hou Liang explained: "The idea in movies and novels of relying on shelters and starting to kill monsters with simple tools is pure nonsense. Faced with an absolute numerical advantage, you can't fight again."

It’s also scum, and we are porcelain monsters and clay pots. At that time, we didn’t know whether it was airborne or how it spread. It would be very troublesome if something happened!”

Miao Pu nodded and sighed: "If we really found a place to hide and missed the best opportunity to escape, we probably wouldn't be able to see each other now..."

After talking about the catastrophe, Hou Liang said with envy: "You are lucky. You have become an awakened person and joined the military. It will definitely not be easy to get us out of the Xihewan Refugee Camp!"

Miao Pu did not go into details about this. Not only was it not easy, Miao Pu found it difficult even when he thought about it. Miao Pu knew how much help Wei Pingping had in this.

Ma Xiaobo was very concerned about what happened to Miao Pu, and rushed to say: "Third brother, please tell us about your situation. The people who came to us were so serious and scary, we didn't answer anything, we just said that we will know later. You now

What exactly is going on?"

This was like a barrage of firepower, he kept talking, and he was begging because of his young age: "Tell me, what level are you? Non-commissioned officer? As far as I know, there are some Awakened people who are doing well in the Xihewan Refugee Camp.

, was promoted directly to become a non-commissioned officer, and the most awesome one is already a second-class sergeant major. That beautiful woman who is willing to throw herself into his arms, tsk tsk... is so awesome!" Ma Xiaobo was foaming at the mouth with a look of fascination on his face.

Haha, when Miao Pu saw Bobo like this, it was rare for him to let go of the troubles in his heart and he smiled from the bottom of his heart. Those who are younger and have not suffered serious crimes still don't know the taste of troubles, or it is easy to let go. I miss him.

Having been tortured like this, Ji quickly became older. They were almost the same age. He could still see shadows of his past in Ma Xiaobo, but what about him? He was no longer the Miao Pu he was before...

In fact, Xu Junfeng and Hou Liang are also very concerned about Miao Pu's authority. They are not philistines. On the one hand, they are really concerned about Miao Pu's current situation, and on the other hand, they are really curious. Of course, some of them are forced by reality.

That pride has long since disappeared. In the heartfelt words of a refugee: I don’t want to be a successful person, but I just want to have a basic guarantee that I will not die in this disaster. If I really die in the hands of a monster, I will accept it.

, but how miserable would it be to die at the hands of a fellow human being?

Sighing, Miao Pu said in a calm voice: "I am an officer now. After this mission, I was promoted to lieutenant."

"Nani? Lieutenant officer?" Ma Xiaobo looked in disbelief. His eyes were as wide as cow's eggs. He leaned forward and stretched out his hands to tightly grasp one of Miao Pu's arms. He shook him back and forth without knowing how much he was going to say.


"I mean, Bo Zai, why are you so excited?" Miao Pu was a little dumbfounded by him.

"Really? Do you think you've traveled back in time to a feudal society? Getting a military position is just a matter of a word from the lord. This is modern! Information age! China has been at peace for more than sixty years. Even if the commander of the military region wants to arrange for his nephew to become an officer, he can't

You have to do enough foreplay. Have you ever received a day of formal military education? Have you ever been in the army? Have you ever attended a military college? You have no one, and you will die for the common people! Why are you an officer? Or a lieutenant! Recruit training

There are still 3 months to go! Tell me, are you trying to make my buddy happy?"

Miao Pu stood up with a smile, reached the end of the bed, took out the second-class merit medal and certificate from the closet, walked back, put them on the table, and pushed them in front of Ma Xiaobo. "The rationing materials are not in place yet, but this should be enough proof."

This chapter has been completed!
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