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Chapter 643 Super Energy Pumping Technique

Faced with [Qi Ling]'s criticism of human nature, Miao Pu dealt with it hummingly. As a village similar to artificial intelligence, it is of course good to be more humane, but the occasional mother-in-law also gives Miao Pu a headache.

Mom has a fighting chance.

Of course he knew the drawbacks of body superconductivity, which was the price to pay for power. In his cognition, Miao Pu believed that sometimes one should not take oneself too seriously. How many people are willing to pay the price to quickly exchange for abilities without even a chance?

.Even though he has now admitted that he is no longer an earthen jar, facing the treasure-like cave of the underground ruins, even porcelain must have the awareness to be used as an earthen jar.

Just as he thought, the more cleanly the demon souls are dropped, the higher the value of the crystals left behind. The crystals dropped by the two "short-lived ghosts" he directly killed were of particularly good quality, clear and

No impurities, just like gemstones.

The black rain is getting closer, and Miao Pu can already see more and more detailed scenes. This black rain has a viscous quality like asphalt, and there are often crystal-clear connections between them like sugar. There will definitely be no one

I want to take a taste, because the area enveloped by it only feels toxic and dead.

"Starting from Area -, Area 4, and Area 6, bury the fort deeply, protect the seeds with stone shells, remove all the life energy of the latent roots and vines, and cut off contact..." Miao Pu issued several orders in succession.

After these orders were executed, the damage to the campsite was a bit big. All the plants lying underground, including roots, tendrils and tentacles, were abandoned.

This is equivalent to withering the entire system. The plant warning network is also abolished, leaving only Yu Ku's corpse and the hidden seeds. It will take at least 46 days and more than 10 times the current time to recover in the future.

Recycled life energy. Of course, there are other options, such as spending more than half a month farming again...

Even so, Miao Pu's orders were still carried out resolutely and thoroughly.

Miao Pu, half lying on the floating seat, could clearly feel the surging underground life energy, as well as the rapid retreat of his control over the regional land.

The spread of black rain is an accelerating process. Miao Pu stared at the movement of black rain, and after a simple calculation, he knew that he should evacuate. When black rain got closer, even if he escaped at full speed, he would not be able to outrun the spread of black rain.


There are still "short-lived ghosts" appearing and attacking him, and thick energy beams shine from time to time, like the searchlight of a lighthouse on the sea at night.

These occasional pillars of light can only further highlight the majesty and majesty of the general trend of heaven and earth. The black rain is unstoppable and darkness is inevitable. The red light that originally occupied the entire sky is now only a circle around the edge, as if it is burning and spreading to

In the wilderness at the end, only the last bit of glory remains.

"All personnel have retreated, all areas have submerged, and the countdown to ultimate energy protection has started."

Miao Pu picked up several demonic soul crystals with his mind power, and ignored the newly appeared "short-lived ghosts", driving the floating seat to fly towards the open gate of the campsite.

The soldiers retreated from the balcony into the building. The ones who entered earlier than them were the guardians. These were living sculptures that had always braved the wind and rain with their own bodies. They were also ordered to take refuge inside the building this time. Even though most of them were of the underworld type,

But Miao Pu felt that the darkness this time was unusual and was not something they could bear. As a means of accumulating growing combat power, Miao Pu was not willing to use them to test the characteristics of the black rain.

On the side facing Black Rain, two demonic souls had already rushed into the inner defensive line with a radius of 3 meters of the camp. However, there was no firepower directed at them, and they could smoothly launch a mad attack on the wall of the camp in more than one second.

excavation work.


The door of the camping site was closed, the speed of the floating seat was reduced a lot, and the stairs were climbed. Miao Pu did not go to the basement but to the third floor. He wanted to stay with [Heart of Thorns].

On the first floor of the basement, Li Xuesong and the others have taken off their clothes and got into their respective rest cabins. This is also a benefit of breaking through the blue-blood base. It not only brings better rest to Li Xuesong and the others, but also helps them bit by bit.

Improve the transformation of origin.

Six, five, four, three, two, one

In the spiritual network, the countdown has reached its end. Round nozzles are rising or lowering everywhere in the building, and golden earth energy is spurting out. They look like mist, but in fact they spread much faster than the fog.

, in just two or three seconds, the entire internal area of ​​the building was completely filled with this light mist.

Subsequently, liquefaction, gelation, and lithification were completed quickly. The entire building seemed to have been poured with quick-setting cement, and in the blink of an eye it became an almost solid stone lump.

This skill was obviously learned from the enemy. Similar techniques are displayed in the upper area of ​​the underground ruins, the bead chain area, and the southern area of ​​the basin on the other side of the earth and sea. Now, Miao Pu has also mastered it, and he is learning and applying it flexibly.

, Lithification, this is the intuitive effect brought about by earth energy.

After completing this step, the camping site becomes more and more indestructible in terms of architectural structure.

Outside, the black rain swept across with a force that devoured the heaven and earth.

The "ephemeral ghosts" who were running into or scratching the wall a moment ago are now rolling around in the black rain, howling silently. There seems to be a huge suction force in the sky, so that the flames on the "ephemeral ghosts" are peeled off.

, slowly rising into the sky, like soft paper burning in the breeze, intertwined with the falling black rain, each going its own way, forming an extremely strange scene.

It didn't take long for the flames on the "short-lived ghosts" to be completely extinguished, but they did not explode like the killed ones, or were riddled with holes and quickly leaked the energy inside and died completely.

After the burning flames were peeled off, a layer of skin appeared on their body surface. Under the skin, you could see the extremely rapid flow of energy, but it was extremely chaotic. Under such a situation, the "short-lived ghosts" could no longer

The bodies that control them can only twitch passively. This kind of twitching is just a physical manifestation caused by the too turbulent flow of energy in the body.

Soon, the "short-lived ghosts" were covered by the dripping black rain. A certain component of these black rains penetrated into their bodies, triggering a series of changes, causing them to evaporate energy mist. These energy mist are extremely fine, only smaller than the free

The energy was larger and more concentrated, so it was visible, but it couldn't even emit light. The mist quickly rose and disappeared into the black rain, as if it was breathing in the winter rain.

In fact, various buildings and the ground are also evaporating and dissipating the energy mist, like a burst of ice rain falling on the scorched ground.

The transpiration of energy mist is everywhere, but it does not last long before it changes from tangible to intangible, just like the process of heat dissipating from the earth in winter. The heat goes away, the cold comes, and the water freezes...

In the lobby on the third floor of the campsite, Miao Pu was understanding the miserable wind and rain outside through the functions of [Weapon Spirit] and [Heart of Thorns].

Super energy is constantly being sucked out, including that contained in the source materials that make up the building. According to this stripping efficiency, the buildings in the underground city will lose all energy within 20 hours. And if this extraction continues for

At the end of the seventh day, there will no longer be any qualified source material within five meters of the ground.

One of the characteristics of the source material is energy flow, which is why it can be pumped away so quickly.

In terms of structure, the source materials that have had a large amount of energy taken away are still source materials, but at this time they have lost most of their magical properties in the eyes of ordinary people, and their structures will become extremely unstable (

It depends on the amount of energy lost, but the complete desolation will become stable, which is another extreme state corresponding to the abundance of energy), thus displaying an ability that is generally not very obvious - energy-devouring.

The source material at this time is like a hungry creature that needs to eat, ingesting all targets containing supernatural energy (the enhanced transformation of this characteristic is the true operation of the hair-like energy-absorbing plants scattered throughout the underground ruins). Relatively speaking,

, they are still easy to satisfy, but the huge number creates a truth that there is a terrifying demand for energy.

Therefore, what the urban environment will be like in the next period of time, the results have almost come out at this time. From extreme abundance to extreme shortage, this gap is like the intersection of scissor blades, which will make everyone used to it before

The living creatures of the environment are miserable.

This is just energy extraction, not black rain. The effect of black rain is still unclear. [Heart of Thorns] is already collecting and entering the laboratory stage, using [Yuan Shou]'s set of Niu Shisan

The tool begins to perform preliminary analysis. Afterwards, [Tool Spirit] will conduct further in-depth analysis to obtain more accurate results.

What Miao Pu is most concerned about now is the energy consumption of the camping site. Between the comprehensive transformation of the physical structure and the outer plant coverage, the camping site has a "thermal insulation layer" and also uses "heated insulation".

Houses made of air block building materials can effectively suppress the "cooling" effect brought about by weather changes.

What Miao Pu is most afraid of is the relatively intelligent attack. Taking the current energy pumping situation as an example, Miao Pu will not be able to bear it if he holds the camping ground and pumps violently. After all, his field of vision is much wider now than in the past.

, knowing that the operation of the entire Heavenly Hell can be understood as the use of magic skills. Such a magnificent and awesome skill can be displayed. Adding a few more rules to the law model will be enough to achieve the effect he is worried about.

Fortunately, it seems that the creator of the mysterious space has left him some way to survive. This large-scale energy pumping technique is relatively simple. In this way, the campsite barely escaped disaster, although it also required a lot of energy loss.

Miao Pu, who has a lot of money, feels like he is being cut off, but it is still within the tolerance range.

"I don't know what happened to the other human teams. I'm afraid it will be really miserable this time..." Miao Pu, who still had a warm and safe nest, thought silently.

Fang Zhenggang and the others proved with facts that the turtle flow is still the best defensive tactic. The "short-lived ghosts" outside were digging the ground like crazy, while they were working hard to build walls inside, and even though they killed several "short-lived ghosts" they could not capture them.

safe house.

Of course, there are also dangers. For example, when the oxygen ran out, the "short-lived ghost" indirectly helped to resolve the danger. Otherwise, they would not be able to penetrate the safe house due to the thickness of the wall.

In the later period, as the room for maneuver became smaller and smaller, the time to strengthen the walls became more and more urgent. The safe house was almost breached several times, even though Fang Zhenggang and the others managed to survive with their impressive fighting power, which was thrilling.

It still makes them frightened just thinking about it.

In this tug-of-war, they ushered in the black rain.

At that time, the safe house was already like a rag that was leaking air, with holes everywhere. Through these holes, they witnessed at close range the entire process of the "short-lived ghost" being stripped of the flames on its body, and they also truly felt the alien energy being sucked out of the air.

The horror of being detached from everything.

They were frightened and quickly sealed all the holes. Then they looked at each other in silence.

The original safe house was more appropriately called a crypt at this time. Everyone was silent, and the morale of the team fell to a new low. No one was a fool, and everyone knew the horror of supernatural energy being extracted on such a large scale.

, the environment later may become extremely scary.

They are all awakened ones, and superpowers are like water to fish for them. What's more, going from simple to extravagant is easy, and from extravagant to simple is difficult. Before, the abundant superpower energy in the Heavenly Hell environment became a problem. They simply couldn't

There is not much supernatural energy that can be stored. Now they are like fish jumping from the water to the sun-baked and thirsty earth. The environment is asking them for supernatural energy. How can people survive?

After a series of protracted wars without supplies, their mobile armors have been abandoned for a long time. Even the weapons have been completely classified. The only thing the entire team has that can be related to technology is the sealed mecha black boxes. Those

The little things can only be regarded as war bonuses, and will not help solve their real problems at all. When they think of the loss of supernatural energy, their combat power will drop drastically, and even their lives will be in danger, no one can deal with it calmly.

"We have been in desperate situations more than once, but we have survived, and I believe this time is no exception. There must be places where you can obtain supernatural energy in tightly sealed rooms, basements, and deep in the soil. As long as you work hard, you can

It’s rewarding.” At the critical moment, it was Fang Zhenggang who spoke first to stabilize everyone’s mood and boost their morale.

The dim light shone on Fang Zhenggang's face from the stone pier diagonally outside Mi Xu. The shadows and lights coexisted, making him more sharp-edged and his expression dignified and resolute.

Everyone present has long passed the stage where they can scream with a few passionate words, but it is precisely for the same reason that their hearts are so tough that nothing can really break them. They quickly

They recovered from their pessimism and fear, and realized that as long as they still have breath, they must continue to fight and fight against everything that wants to kill them.

"In order to survive," Zhuo Buqun said with a gloomy face and a hoarse voice.

This plain slogan won resonance, and everyone roared: "For survival"

They took action, first checking their respective power reserves, and then the common energy reserve.

Their own supernatural energy is still sufficient at the moment, all at 6, but the public energy is not much.

[Wolf Fang Team] did not carry out a land-scraping type of material sweep when they broke into the Blue Blood Base, so the public energy in their hands was not small, and could even be said to be considerable. However, they gave up part of it during the melee.

Building the safe house consumed some of it, then moved it here, built the bunker and turret, and finally dug this crypt to compete with the demon spirits, which consumed a lot more.

What's even more pity is that when they worked tirelessly to transport the materials to the upper floors, the demon soul suddenly arrived. Fang Zhenggang led people to pick up the key points and brought down the energy gathering array equipment for collecting supernatural powers, but there was no public energy.

I brought it all down. At that time, I felt that as long as there was equipment, collecting energy would just take some time. Who would have thought that the situation would change drastically overnight, the equipment would almost be scrapped, and supernatural energy would be as precious as a source in the desert.

There is no regret in selling medicine. Fang Zhenggang and the others could only swallow the bitter pill silently. Several people accidentally saw the high-energy cluster bombs sent to them by [Spike Team], and their eyes were all burning. These bombs contained pure alien energy.

Although superpower energy may not be suitable for their use, all superpower energy cannot escape the coverage of a few basic superpower attributes. With the ability of [Wolf Fang Team], maybe a small superpower ecological environment can be recreated

, then they can add abilities to it.

Several people immediately held a comprehensive and in-depth discussion on this topic, and quickly passed the decision to seek help from the [Spike Team], or to take refuge. At this time, no one said anything noble and cool.

The Autobots and Hawks are in a different situation at this moment.

In the middle and late stages of the arrival of the demon souls, they had been engaged in underground battles with the demon souls. They fought fiercely repeatedly in the small battlefield, and were constantly baptized by energy explosions. The fortification structure was not special and could not last long. The fortifications were lost section by section.

Far beyond the point of defending an inch of territory and losing an inch of blood, they are still inevitably embarking on the path of deterioration of the situation. There are fewer and fewer geographical advantages to take advantage of, and the space for maneuvering is also getting smaller and smaller. They have realized that it may be quite difficult.

But this time the demonic spirit has arrived.

However, just as the final fight to the death was about to come, the situation changed drastically, and the offensive of the Burning Demonic Soul suddenly dropped sharply.

Later they found out that the meteorites had actually stopped falling for some time, the black rain had already arrived, and there were too many demon souls gathered before, so it was delayed until now.

The weakening of the demon soul's offensive allowed them to see the dawn of surviving this disaster. However, because of their slightly different backgrounds, the hawks led by Hu Yaowu launched a small climax of counterattack and neatly eliminated the remaining demon souls. Liu Xiang's Autobot faction

It took a while to kill the last attacking demon soul.

But a new problem came. Both groups encountered the same situation, and their abilities were lost at a high speed.

In the initial stage, the terrifying situation of supernatural powers being stripped away from everything including the soil has not yet spread to the ground several meters deep. However, the effect similar to the replacement of air circulation was completed soon after with unstoppable power.

Looting of the underground parts of the two teams' bases.

In fact, except for the [Spike Team] who entered the Heavenly Hell step by step, none of them could build an independent ecological cycle system in their own base.

Of course, it's not like they haven't done anything. Like the Autobots and the Hawks, although the plant nest (mother tree) systems they control are half-dead due to energy supply problems, they have also played a considerable role in energy filtration, air replacement and other long-term problems.

Important issues for long-term residence.

Unfortunately, this system still relies too much on the external environment and is too sensitive to its changes. Not long after the trend of supernatural plunder swept across, the system turned on the red light. Faced with this situation, both the Autobots and the Hawks were a little bit

We are helpless and can only ask the members of the team who specialize in "serving" the mother tree to try their best to eliminate the problem, and they will assist in the fight.

"Hurry up and seal this place and seal that place."

This chapter has been completed!
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