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Chapter 686 Desert Encounter

In the eyes of ordinary people, Miao Pu is probably already a divine figure who can control the wind and rain. Even in the eyes of Li Xuesong and others, he is an invincible and unstoppable strong man.

In fact, only Miao Pu himself felt that the more he knew, the more he felt his ignorance. The further he looked, the more he understood the vastness of the world and his own insignificance. Timidity, fear, confusion...these negative emotions never disappeared.

However, he was only firmly suppressed by victory and progress. Perhaps a defeat would cause these emotions to fully explode, pushing Miao Pu's state of mind into a terrifying abyss.

Nowadays, Miao Pu is more and more aware of warnings such as "it's too cold at high places". He knows that this is a sign of soul fatigue. He has been working at high load for too long, and sooner or later he will be exhausted if he continues like this.

Something went wrong.

The flying insect connection allowed intelligence information to be transmitted very quickly, and new information arrived, interrupting Miao Pu's reverie. The brigade of derived monsters had already changed direction and was coming towards them, and an air mobile brigade was going ahead. It was expected that at most a moment

After a few minutes, the two sides will encounter each other.

When driving a scorpion chariot, there is an enhanced mental network available, but [Heizi] itself cannot produce mental power. In order to save money, Miao Pu does not always activate it. Now that the war is imminent, it is natural to use steel on the blade.

Li Xuesong and the others quickly obtained the latest intelligence, and began to discuss through the mental network to make combat arrangements. The side of the derived monsters obviously wanted to disrupt the team's deployment through air strikes, making it impossible for them to effectively exert their team's combat power. This method is similar to

The early air strikes in modern warfare are very similar, except that Miao Pu’s squad is neither Saddam’s million-strong army, nor the Muslim or Croat armies in the Bosnian War. They have very sharp attacks against enemies from the air.

means of attack.

Long before the plague missile was successfully developed, the first thing to be successfully manufactured was the surface-to-air missile. The research on this weapon is the importance Miao Pu attaches to the air force as a modern person. In addition, it is also a fact that there are no powerful air units in the squad, so how?

Can't prevent it.

In summary, this has given rise to a series of original versions of surface-to-air weapons, which are roughly divided into three categories: anti-aircraft guns, missiles and aircraft. Among them, the aircraft category was derived with the successful development of flying insect detectors.

Of the new categories, its series background is relatively shallow. Others have several models and have been updated twice. But this time, these are just anti-aircraft weapons that have been updated two or three times due to the continuous emergence of new technologies.

, finally ushered in the opportunity for large-scale practical testing

The bird-men flew over overwhelmingly. This thing was actually not ugly. If you think about it for a moment, it actually looked like an angel in Western mythology. It had a human body and eagle wings. It was handsome in appearance, with snow-white wings. It was wearing golden armor and its wings were shining.

The flapping sound of their wings is continuous, making the sound of banners hunting in the long wind. The armor and weapons reflect the light of the fiery sky...

The number of these guys definitely exceeds two hundred. From a distance, they look like a platinum cloud advancing at a high speed.

This high-spirited air force did not notice that just a few hundred meters below them, the Ladybird aircraft, the size of a baby's fist, was flying quietly in the air more than ten meters above the ground. It did not reflect light, was not dazzling, and did not even

They will leave their backs in the sea of ​​sand. They cannot be invisible. Miao Pu has never made any commendable achievements or breakthroughs in stealth technology (the prerequisite for the death plague missile to be invisible is to be suspended). But they have some other cutting-edge features.

technology, they have no combat capabilities, but their detection and targeting capabilities are top-notch.

The sound waves emitted by the ladybug aircraft cause the energy-filled white sand to vibrate, and the resonance caused by this vibration makes it possible to spread information. There are other flying insects that are specially used to relay these special energy resonance signals, and their sizes look larger.

Larger, as big as an adult's fist, and similar to a dung beetle. The team did not collect many insect samples from the basin. They imitated the insect form and put it into practical use. The only ones with good results were these two. However, there are more of these big ones.

Sometimes they lurk in the ground. They have a pair of powerful front claws that are no less powerful than mole crickets. Even if the ground is made of granite, it does not prevent them from digging and lurking.

After receiving the signal, Miao Pu shared the information instantly through the spiritual network, and Li Xuesong and others could immediately learn about the situation of the Birdman who was still nearly a hundred kilometers away.

swish swish

Like a rocket launcher, the first wave of more than a hundred missiles, followed by more than a hundred missiles, took off into the sky. They were launched by soldiers. When they first took off, they looked like an enlarged firefly with a tail.

The obvious colored light can be seen clearly even in the daytime. Hundreds of colored lights are really beautiful. But soon after, this colored light disappears. After entering the predetermined height, they switch to another power mode, but

Missiles as short as chopsticks and as thin as water pipes can fly 150 kilometers at a speed of Mach 4 to strike targets. If the accompanying detection and locking system was not a hindrance, their launch time could be earlier and the strike range could be larger.

A few minutes later, as soon as the birds discovered the existence of the missile, it was inevitable that they would hit it, even if it was only in front of the flight formation.

There is no splendid light of energy, no roaring explosion, not even wails and screams of pain. The missiles achieve only two purposes:

First, break through the protection of the birds. Mach 4 speed and energy-breaking technology allow them to complete this step easily.

Then, inject the death plague toxin. This step is not difficult. Although the death plague toxin does not meet the characteristics of "take before giving", its vicious characteristics make it full of domineering power. Even the blackening is far from comparable to it.


Speaking of which, Miao Pu would also like to thank the [Creator of the Mysterious Space] for this. Without the radiation excretion from the mysterious space to the abandoned land, even if he could make epidemic weapons, it would be expensive and the cost-effectiveness would be greatly reduced. This would

Damage his enthusiasm for investing in the field (mainly time and energy).

The first wave of Plague A-type missiles won the bid for dozens of birdmen. These birdmen fell from the sky like oranges destroyed by a storm, but before they could land, the powerful death

The spread of the epidemic has turned their bodies into soot and scattered in the air, just like the death of vampires exposed to the sun in movies and TV shows. What finally fell to the ground was their armor, weapons and a small piece of Source Crystal.


Before the birds could recover from their shock and panic, the second wave of missiles arrived.

The killing effect this time is better. When the enemy is in chaos, the Ladybug aircraft can more boldly lock and aim. It is basically difficult for the panicked bird people to take into account this kind of aiming behavior that is difficult to detect.

, even if some of them are discovered, effective countermeasures cannot be taken. The missiles coming at high speed have already hit their faces. Faced with such an air strike, they are often hit before they have time to react.

In the second wave of deaths, hundreds of birdmen died this time, which meant that the air force was basically crippled. After two rounds of missiles, the birdman losses had exceeded two-thirds of the total. The survivors

Most of them still don't quite understand what caused such a horrific and sudden death. But one thing they know very well is to retreat immediately and report the failure of the operation to the headquarters.

On the far side, the soldiers had just finished loading their ammunition.

There are a total of 6 soldiers accompanying the team this time, which is almost the maximum limit for this type of soldier in [Spike Squad].

Miao Pu supports a total of more than 30 [Xuanlings], more than half of whom are involved in tasks such as controlling the Heart of Thorns in each branch base, and nearly a hundred more are training and replacing the [Xuanlings] in various positions for the second echelon. Also.

In other words, the non-working period is the study and rest period. This arrangement is not only for efficiency, but also for rationality.

As a parasite, [Xuanling] cannot leave the host for too long, even with his mental support. This problem was only fully confirmed after he learned how to write thinking modeling. Before that, it was just out of

Instinctively cautious, he was worried that [Xuan Ling] would undergo any changes if he was outside for too long, so he took it back from time to time. Fortunately, he did this, otherwise something might really go wrong.

According to this situation, those underground ruins left behind, such as the prehistoric lair and battle pets, may have already encountered problems even if they are still alive.

It would take 6 minutes at the fastest to reload the 4-round launch tube, so the third wave of shooting was about 10 minutes after the previous two consecutive shots. A single shot was fired, a total of 6 shots were fired to kill.

The effect of this attack was relatively average. During the escape process, the birdmen changed from a six-head formation to a one-head formation, and from time to time they made irregular flying movements in the air, and the formations were far apart;

Although the Ladybug aircraft can keep up with their speed, due to the limited number of its own forces in the relative area, it cannot still lock everyone in such a situation and can only focus on some targets.

Therefore, more than 3 birdmen were killed this time, and after this wave, the ladybug aircraft was no longer able to pursue it, and had to fly to the nearest mothership (large flying insect puppet) for supplies, even though the birdmen's escape route was

On the plane, there were still Ladybug aircraft, but Miao Pu finally gave up the pursuit of the remaining two Birdmen. The missile hit was completely dependent on the Ladybug aircraft locking on the target. The Ladybug aircraft wanted to track at high speed and lock on multiple targets.

This target consumes a lot of money and cannot be sustained for long. Considering that these eyes will be used to monitor the situation in the area, Miao Pu feels that continuing to pursue the target is not worth the gain.

Judging from the monitoring report, the Derivative Monster Brigade behaved almost indifferently after receiving the news that the air mobile force was almost completely destroyed. Its members did not have any commotion or panic, and their original intention of advancing towards Miao Pu has not changed. They still maintain a distance of 6 kilometers

Moving forward at a constant speed.

Miao Pu did not think that the opponent's commander was reckless and stupid. After all, the battle that took place in the subway tunnel area more than ten days ago was too successful. None of the derived monsters that entered that area escaped. The disturbance of the energy tide and the destruction of the space channel relay station made

Even if he wants to pass on information, he can't. He still lacks sufficient understanding of [Spike Squad] and the derivative monsters. On this basis, turning around and running away because the air mobile unit is destroyed is not the usual style of the derivative monsters.

"Since the other party is so persistent, just dig a hole and wait for them to jump." Thinking of this, Miao Pu issued a new order.

After the team was adjusted, Li Xuesong, Huyan Tie, and Qian Lihang, a total of 180 shooting puppets, 9 Moluo, and 2 newly born war ghosts from Miao Pu and Honghuang Lair, continued to move forward as the vanguard group.

Fight the army of spawned monsters, and the rest will be arranged in the area designated by Miao Pu, digging holes and waiting for Miao Pu and the others to attract the enemies.

The Pioneer Chapter, which does not even ride on a Scorpion tank, is a standard fast force, running at a speed of 70 kilometers per hour in the sea of ​​sand. For this force, it is as easy as walking and marching by ordinary human field troops in the real world.

So about 45 minutes after Ij hour, the two sides met in the sand sea.

It was Miao Pu who took action first.

dong dong dong

The mortar-like portable weapon fired a total of 18 special shells in three waves. These shells exploded in the air close to the derived monster legion in a high-angle parabolic flight trajectory.

The commander of the derived monsters ordered the team to disperse when they saw the flamboyant flight path of the cannonballs. They had no research on cannonballs, but they were very knowledgeable about explosions. They knew that if they dispersed, even without the help of the

The terrain and explosion damage are not a big threat to the derivative creatures with extremely high defense, and the derivative creatures have already begun to charge. Within a few rounds of such attacks, the two sides already need to meet with swords.

But what the monsters didn't expect was that the cannonball exploded in the air, and formed luminous spheres like flares that lingered in the air, causing no real damage to them at all.

What is this? They are puzzled.

Opposite the charging monster army, the shooting puppets were divided into three parts: left, right, and middle. They knelt in front and stood in the back, and began to fire volleys.

There is no way that even if you are just a fan of the puppet army, seeing this scene here, your first sense of doubt will be like this.

Although the two warring parties can already see each other visually, this is a sea of ​​​​sand. Seeing each other does not mean that the distance is very close. In fact, even the Leopard Man who is the front of the derivative monsters is more than the team's shooting array.

6 kilometers distance.

Even Barrett could only look forward to such a distance. Even if the projectile is powerful enough, it is absolutely nonsense to be able to hit. There are too many factors that affect the hit. Even with the high speed of the Leopards,

By the time the bullet arrives, the person is no longer in that position.

But unreasonable situations really happen.

As a result of the volley of guns, more than 3 Leopard Men were knocked down at that moment. Each of them had at least one bullet hole. With the special additional effect of the new weapon projectiles, more than three bullets were hit, not to mention the relatively weak strength of the Leopard Men.

It's so small that not even an ape-man can carry it.

The death of more than thirty soldiers naturally cannot affect the charge of more than seven hundred monsters in the entire battle group.

About 2 seconds after the first shot, the volley fired again.

Compared with Li Xuesong's big sniper and Qian Lihang's assault rifle, the weapons used to shoot the puppets look more like retro Mauser rifles. The length and shape are very similar, but the inside is very different. This kind of

The weapon does not require a butt at all, but there are strict requirements on the length of the shooting rail. The part that looks like the butt is actually a supercharger component. Compared with the external rail-type supercharger component of Li Xuesong's sniper,

This kind of pressurized component can better adapt to the environment, such as strong winds, underwater, etc., of course, it also pays some price for this, such as power.

The second volley fired and killed more than 3 leopard men again.

Likewise, about two seconds later came the third shot.

The sound of each gun is not loud, and the "puff" sound of shooting is even obviously different from ordinary thermal weapons. Even if a silencer is installed, there is no such sound. However, when more than a hundred guns fire at the same time, it still makes no sound.

It's a lot of movement.

Of course, the derivative monsters charging a few kilometers away cannot hear this sound. The loudest sound in their ears is the whirring of running wind, followed by the sound of feet stepping on the sand. The soft sand

This affected their speed to a great extent. Every time they pedaled very hard, especially the Leopard Man. The rustling and friction sounds came together, like many rattlesnakes constantly shaking their tail whistles.

There was a sudden "chirp" sound, followed by the sound of projectiles entering flesh, and then the leopard man fell down, and two seconds later he fell again.

Three rounds of volleys caused the derivative monsters to lose more than a hundred leopard men, which finally made the leader of the derivative monsters unable to hold on any longer. The air force was annihilated, and now the high-speed assault units are losing more and more. Once this branch is also defeated, they will be completely lost.

In addition to the ability to quickly attack the opponent, only some slow classic cars are left. Why not let the opponent fight while hanging?

A strange howling sounded, somewhat like a wolf's howl, but longer, as the leader of the derived monsters summoned the leopard men to retreat.

But in the process, the leopard men were hit by two more rounds of gunfire, and they were already being beaten when they wanted to retreat.

After six rounds of shooting, the Leopard Man's losses exceeded 20. There were only more than 300 Leopard Men in total. In less than a minute, two-thirds of them were killed.

Miao Pu, who was far away on the other side, looked at this scene and smiled and said, "I finally have some memory."

Although the height of the sand dune chosen by the team for the shooting array was eye-catching, and it was even higher, as the Leopards lowered their bodies, the sand dune between the two sides still became an obstacle to shooting.

However, until this moment, the derived monsters still did not realize that the light balls in the air were the culprit that enabled the team to shoot beyond visual range and maintain a terrifying hit rate.

In this case, Miao Pu naturally didn't mind letting his subordinates continue to enjoy target shooting. He even thought that if the opponent was at this level, then the traps set up behind him would be useless. The kite flow would be enough to kill these monsters.

They played to death all the way.

This chapter has been completed!
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