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Chapter 720: The Experiment Missed

The experimental subjects of [Aragami Gods] will send cannon fodder to explore the road every half hour. They hope to keep [Heizi] busy and unable to escape. Among them is a guy codenamed [Clay Man Zhang]. The puppet he creates can entrust his consciousness.

In terms of control, it is slightly better than the soul projection used by Miao Pu. The only disadvantage is that it leads to dual personalities. The different personalities are called Ni Da and Ni Er by his companions.

Ni Er dived through the pool again, but he was dumbfounded as soon as he landed. The original passage was gone. Only transparent crystal stones were left in front of him blocking the road and they were tightly fitted. There was not even a seam on the edge. He shined hard on the crystal stones.

When he punched, it was like a sledgehammer hitting a large piece of limestone. White powder appeared only in the limited area of ​​the impact point. Considering the power of his punch, this crystal was really extremely strong.

Ni Er returned to the other side and told his teammates about the situation. [Heizi]'s behavior can be said to be harmful to others and not self-interested. This passage is very important. If it is blocked, it will not benefit anyone, including Miao Pu.

The other bank personally confirmed the situation, and then they gave up on digging and were blocked for hundreds of meters. There is abundant free energy here, and the rock mass is all source material. Even if they concentrate on digging and have all the tools, there are not more than ten or twenty people.

I can't get through it even for hours.

"Isn't there a secret passage? We might as well try it," someone reminded.

These experimental subjects are relatively familiar with the terrain here. They know that a difficult secret path can indeed be bypassed.

After climbing up and down, and walking for more than two hours, they finally bypassed the tunnel through a secret passage. However, they didn't go far when the road was blocked again. It turned out that they happened to meet each other.

[Heizi] found a section of road that had been blocked in advance.

It has to be said that [Heizi] didn't know that there was a secret passage here. He just did his work more carefully. He noticed that the ventilation and free energy of this section of the tunnel were somewhat abnormal, and felt that it was not safe, so he blocked it.

. But after all, it was done casually, and the thickness was not that disappointing, so the experimental subjects decided to dig a passage from here.

However, not long after they started working, they were discovered by the puppets arranged by [Heizi] to be responsible for patrolling. According to the pre-instructions, the puppets summoned the grenadiers. The grenadiers, who were carrying a large number of honeycomb bombs, immediately started filling the work.

There is no doubt that the experimental subjects were really depressed. This time they had witnessed with their own eyes the abnormal speed of the condensed entity of the hive bomb. They got mad and tried to fight for speed, but found that it was not possible at all, so they could only give up.


The experimental subjects gathered together to calculate the countermeasures. According to the distribution of boundary points they knew, there were 4 boundary points in the area on the other side of the blocked road. This means that if the other party understands and masters Hou Fukuan by controlling

In terms of the ability to enter and exit energy veins through boundary points, the four boundary points are four entrances and exits. Their goal of trapping the opponent has not been achieved.

These experimental bodies can also bypass these four boundary points, but there is a problem of cost and power consumption. The energy context is divided into areas, and each area is subdivided. Dingwu Research Institute and No. A Base both

Belonging to Area 9, it is subdivided into four divisions: 14. When they came, they took I and the four boundary points blocked by the tunnel were all at 2. Crossing the two requires passing through a section of the main vein. For them, even in the tidal decline period, it is

They had to risk a narrow escape. Moreover, they also considered that if the boundary point exit was blocked, then they would have to walk back and forth in the main vein, and the risk would not be doubled, but at least tripled.

There are no tricks to travel in the main line, it's just a waste of energy. It's possible to do it one way, but the round trip is absolutely terrible, and it's scary to think about it.

There is another problem, that is, they don't know whether the crystals that are blown up like bubbles can be quickly eliminated under certain circumstances. If so, it would be even less worthwhile for them to take a detour.

They stepped forward, but others opened the blockade with the back foot. Not only did they not achieve their goal, but they also took a big risk and went the wrong way. How can they be angry to death?

After much deliberation, there was no good solution but to admit that the operation failed. A few people discussed it, don't be conspicuous here, withdraw, go back and plan, and then think of new strategies.

But when it comes to withdrawing, it is not that easy. They came through the tidal decline period before. The tidal decline period is short, about 20 minutes, and it fluctuates about 6 minutes. The high tide period is 176 minutes, up and down.

It floated for 3 minutes. In other words, they had to stay in the earth's lung water veins for at least 2 hours before leaving. And their back-and-forth confrontation with [Heizi] lasted only a few hours in total, and there were many more

It takes time.

Just endure it, it's the tide period anyway, and the opponent can't use the energy veins either. At least in this period, the opponent's progress should be hindered by them.

Indeed, [Desolate Gods] A did create obstacles for Miao Pu to explore, but Miao Pu had to deal with enough things, so the actual effect of this obstacle was very limited.

[Heizi] After leaving the Dipulmonary Water Vein, he went directly to the bridgehead. With the help of the terrain and fortifications, he was able to defend the place well, but Miao Pu was worried and unwilling to accept it.

After [Heizi] came, he personally investigated and found out the existence of several superpowers. So Miao Pu felt more confident, [Desolate Gods] were really serious this time and sent

More than a dozen superpowers fought against him, suppressing him on both sides.

Miao Pu thought about it and felt that the price to break the opponent's predicament was not small. The important thing was that breaking the opponent's predicament was not necessarily the best choice, especially after two major victories in the battle with the derived monsters. He quickly made a decision

Decided to withdraw [Heizi] back.

It is difficult to recover when covered with water. The mental power injected into the [Sunspot] Source Crystal brain using soul projection cannot be returned to the body after the skill ends, but it can remain in the Source Crystal brain and infect the Source Crystal brain with energy.

More adapted to his mental frequency.

After the situation stabilized slightly, Miao Pu rushed to the raccoon girl's lair in person. He was going to collect the water essence. At this time, he was already very tired. After all, he had given a lot of mental energy to [Heizi] before, and then participated in two more battles, but

The extraction of water essence cannot be delayed, especially since there is a formal conflict with the [Aragami]. The conflict area is not far from the tanuki girl's lair. Since the water essence is inevitable, it should be taken as early as possible.

The specific process of absorbing water essence is naturally dangerous, and from a certain perspective, this process is lackluster. It is pure energy consumption and confrontation. If you can endure it, there will be no danger. If you cannot endure it, everything will be over.

Miao Pu felt that it was similar to the feeling of walking in the main energy vein. Even emotions had no time to brew and release. It was completely a hard test to test the total amount of superpowers, the maximum output limit per unit time and the activation degree of superpowers. Whether it works or not

, it’s really hard to do even half a cent, but he can obviously bear it.

To be on the safe side, Miao Pu took a total of three portions of water essence, which consumed a large amount of his supernatural power reserves, but he didn't feel bad. When using it became a habit, he compared energy to money. Problems that can be solved purely by energy,

He didn't think it was a big problem.

In this way, although Miao Pu's five elements still have gold and water elements that have not yet awakened, they are complete in advance. Awakening is just a matter of time, and the reserves of these two elements for awakening are relatively abundant.

The gold element comes from the energy tide in the subway tunnel, which is still providing a steady stream of energy to the [Spike Team]. The various explosive bombs used by Miao Pu today are basically derived from the energy compression there. The wood element is born naturally.

The fire element is obtained from the demon soul shell, and the earth element is obtained from the blue-blooded man of the Sand Crystal Department.

Speaking of which, no matter what it is, he is not so embarrassed that he only has one, and he must succeed if he uses it. It can be seen that this underground ruins is indeed a treasure house, and his in-depth exploration is indeed worth the money. After all, this kind of material

, even when the Yuan civilization was prosperous, it was only in the hands of those powerful people, and it was rare for ordinary people to see it, let alone enjoy it.

After collecting the water essence, Miao Pu was stuck in time and started to sleep. Recently, the conflicts and frictions between him and various forces have accelerated significantly. His mental energy was consumed a lot. He rushed through the day, and there was no more.

It was a good thing before that I could rest and relax for a long time.

Although life is hard, he is very satisfied with the achievements of himself and the team. The growth and development of [Spike Team] is obvious to all, and there is no need to say more. His own growth, he feels that from a certain perspective

, is more difficult than the growth and development of his team. From the perspective of the external environment, he has caught up with the best of times, but also the worst of times.

The good thing is that Miao Pu is a pioneer and a leader in the first echelon. He enjoys all the benefits brought by the new industry and leads the trend. A little bit of rubbish is worth a lot. The bad thing is that as a pioneer, he has no one ahead of him.

He himself is the one who opened the way. Looking back on the past journey, taking the expedition to the ruins as the longest experience so far, at the beginning, Miao Pu had no plan at all for his own growth.

There is no goal. He doesn't know what is here, or even what he should get from here.

Technology and matter, yes, are nothing more than these two, but this is too empty. It is like everyone knows "refining Qi to transform, refining Qi to transform into God, and refining Soul to return to void", but how to refine it? How to transform it?

What do you rely on to practice? What do you use to transform it? What are the signs? What are the symptoms? What does it feel like to succeed? What are the consequences of failure? How many people can explain it clearly?

The source civilization has related technologies, but after all, the source civilization is a civilization that has passed away for a long time. Its inheritance may not be completely suitable for the current environment. There are considerable differences from the natural environment to the intelligent population environment to the humanistic environment. What's more,

The intelligent creatures of the Source Civilization did not intend to pass on the Source Knowledge unreservedly to another intelligent species who did not know how many thousands of years later. On the contrary, they were very serious about taking advantage of it and left many traps.

Therefore, it is difficult to interpret, coupled with artificial obstacles, it is not an exaggeration to say that this source knowledge is shrouded in clouds and fog. Miao Pu himself actually does not have much grasp of it now, and the majority of other awakened people can even call it the source knowledge.

Illiterate people basically rely on instinct to use their powers, and rarely rely on source technology to drive or control their powers. This is really like an illiterate who can only speak and cannot write, and can only speak the whitest and whitest words.

It is very similar to being unable to use some level of word choice to form sentences.

But even under such external conditions, Miao Pu still relied on tirelessness, courage to explore, instinct, desire and luck to reluctantly find a way out and reach where he is now. Even if he wins again and again.

It has made him extremely confident. Looking back at all this, he still feels unbelievable panic and incredible surprise.

These achievements made Miao Pu satisfied, made him proud, and gave him a great sense of accomplishment. His hobby is traveling and trekking, the essence of which is the exploration of the unknown and adventures in unfamiliar areas again and again, and he is in a foreign country.

The experience of achieving success in sports is exactly in line with the feelings of exploration and adventure. Therefore, he also feels that his hobbies are the biggest reason for his success. The work he is engaged in overlaps with his hobbies, no matter how hard it is, no matter how risky it is, he still has it in his heart.

There is also a sweet taste

Miao Pu occasionally realized that he was an explorer, and that was true to his core. Wanting to live a leisurely life of being rich and content was just a yearning when enduring hardship, just like wanting to eat all kinds of delicious food when you are hungry.

But this does not mean that he prefers to talk or is a gourmet. He discovered himself in the real adventure life, and he understood his true nature. He knew that his life was a journey of experimentation and a journey of adventure.

, grandeur is the main theme, and a leisurely life will soon make his restless heart feel bored. Although business can also give him a sense of accomplishment, it is difficult to truly enjoy it. He prefers fighting with the sky than fighting with others.

, to see the vastness, to feel the vastness, to appreciate the magnificence, to touch the mystery...

So when Miao Pu figured this out, he felt that his mind had grown again, and his perspective on things was different from before. The Ark Plan was originally an escape plan.

, I won enough money from gambling to buy the casino, and I felt that I really shouldn’t escape by going all-in every time. The layout is only so big. My heart first kneeled down, and then I became timid and relented. I all know that in this state, I am afraid of luck.

It will subside soon, so get away as soon as possible.

After I figured it out, I jumped out of this box and looked at the problem from another perspective. It was not just a matter of winning or losing, at least not entirely. It was a matter of "I'm here, I saw it, I won."

It means "I won". Especially the last "I won". Victory includes victory in the conventional sense and spiritual victory. When a person no longer needs to use victory to prove himself to others, then the distance from victory in the conventional sense gradually begins.

Fading away. Full of thoughts, Miao Pu felt that he had almost touched the threshold of pursuing spiritual victory.

Making one's own enemy and transcending oneself, such lofty words used to make Miao Pu himself feel that the thunder was rolling in the sky and the B level was too high. Now, it has gained some flavor. He felt that this should be a way out.

The leader, the leader's ambition and confidence. So the Ark plan, which was never an escape plan, became a round plan. After this round, when I get off the field, I will have a drink of water, wipe my sweat, and tell the onlookers

After the applauding crowd thanked them, they returned to the field to fight again.

This is what Miao Pu is thinking now. For both emotional and rational reasons, he should communicate with his family, relatives, friends, colleagues, superiors... These relationships must be maintained and should be maintained. And if he can change the relationship between leaving home before leaving,

If you wait a long time and take them back, it will be truly perfect. Then the next round will be a pure adventure, not rescuing people. To be honest, just relying on the emotion of rescuing people

The thought of taste cannot support an adventure of the level of underground ruins. There may be love in this world, but the relationship between him and Zhang Wang and others is really not that good. Even he can't deceive himself.

How can you deceive others? Li Xuesong and the others are embarrassed to say it, but he can't continue to be shameless. It's almost enough. Under the guise of saving people, he has armed himself to the teeth. If he doesn't give in, it would be too cheap.

On a new day, after three hours of sleep, Miao Pu woke up. The first good news he received was that the convoy had completed the delivery of supplies. The desert was okay, but the cliffs and mountains were really a bit tricky.

, that is also because the beetle moves on multiple legs. If it were wheeled or tracked, it would definitely have to open a way out of the cliffs and mountains first.

As soon as the convoy arrived, the first thing to do was to set up the space door. All of a sudden, the road became smooth. The cliffs and mountains base went directly to the Heavenly Hell Upper City Camp, to the No. 2 Base in the Aggregation Area, and to the mountain base, respectively.

The rapid transportation of high-end combat power, food, weapons and equipment, even if the base on the cliffs and mountains has been exposed, is not very scary.

The Ark had already been launched. In the early stages of the Ark project, Miao Pu had excavated the underground dock. Not long ago, the barrier between the dock and the open sea was opened, seawater poured in, and the Ark was parked.

It's in the water.

The next most difficult task is obviously not to transport supplies to the ship, but to further repair the barrier between the dock and the open sea and clean up the rocks on the channel. These are all underwater operations. The seawater in the Earth Sea has high energy content and strong erosion.

, I experienced this personally early in the morning. Isn’t it because of this that the big ship that came in was destroyed to the point where not even the scum was left?

The only thing that is stronger now than before is that we are richer in terms of energy. We continue to input energy into the Ark so that its hull can resist the erosion of sea water. The same is true for people going into the water for work, so overall it is still slightly

Sadly, this is a helpless thing. After all, compared with the Earth Sea, the huge ark is just a drop in the ocean. They are not on the same level as each other. If you want to maintain your own characteristics without being assimilated, consumption is inevitable. This is why Miao Pu is so popular

The reason why he is nervous about the earth energy collection department is that since the launch of the Ark, he has been burning the earth power crystals one after another. From an energy point of view, he has just turned from silk to well-off, and he does not have the kind of wealthy people.

He has the courage and strength to spend huge sums of money without blinking an eye, so it would be strange if he wasn't nervous.

This chapter has been completed!
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