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Chapter 731 Fierce Showdown

This time when he went to a large research institute, he took a rail car. Miao Pu pushed his speed to the limit, which was faster than a swooping roller coaster. The iron wheel below rubbed against the track from time to time, creating brilliant sparks, and the two people riding on it were even more excited.

He grabbed the simple seat tightly with both hands to avoid being thrown out. But even so, there were constant exclamations along the way.

In the end, the two of them did fly.

Miao Pu's sudden braking directly disabled the rail car. How could people still stay on it? If it were an ordinary person, flying on such a low-tech aircraft, even if they didn't fall to death, they would definitely have only one breath left. But

The two of them had active armor on their bodies, and it felt like they were thrown onto the air bed where children were playing. After bouncing a few times, they stood up without any problems.

Ba Teng was not very sharp without Xuan Ling in charge. When Miao Pu saw him again, he had been destroyed, or more specifically, absorbed.

However, the energy of the vine plant is not so easy to absorb. Two blue-blooded monsters were buried with it. The thorn seeds grew rapidly in their bodies, pricking their internal organs with holes. After they died,

The entire body became fertilizer, and the thorn seeds grew into ferocious plants with wild postures.

Next, Miao Pu artificially caused a landslide in the tunnel leading to No. D passage.

The two accompanying people once again saw how an awakened person of Miao Pu's level survived. The dead Ba vines immediately revived, and the vines inserted into the tunnel wall like sharp swords, and then the tunnel roared like a shoddy project.

It collapsed.

Afterwards, the three of them went to pick up Kang Danian and the others. When they arrived at the landslide, Kang Danian and the others had just arrived.

Kang Danian and the others were not surprised at all that Miao Pu could achieve such efficiency. The group turned back again and headed towards the large research institute.

On the way, Jiang Shangqing told Miao Pu the information he obtained from the survivors.

According to what the survivor said, the scientific expedition team fell into the trap of the monsters, and then there was a one-sided strangulation. This is probably the situation.

Laying traps, setting up ambushes, and gathering in groups to kill is not good news. Any behavior that shows teamwork and intelligence is not good news for everyone.

"If we enter the pit now, the encounter will not be much better, especially at this location." After arriving at the original T-intersection and now the L-intersection, the team did not move forward in a hurry, but began to study the structure of the large research institute.


The core of the institute is a vertical axis, around which all functional facilities are developed, including the main passage where they are currently located.

The scientific expedition team was ambushed in the vertical axis area, which is connected in all directions, which also means that monsters can appear from all directions and launch attacks.

Of course, the benefits of completely occupying the vertical axis area are also obvious. The cabinet-type independent structure allows each unit to be locked.

Lockable means isolation, which means clearing one by one.

The final result of the research is that the route of this operation is no different from the choice of the scientific expedition team. The vertical axis area must be visited, and it is the first stop.

The only thing that needs to be strengthened is the details of operations. Generally no one will ignore a link like ventilation ducts, but another one will be, wiring ducts. The wiring ducts of this large research institute are completely companions to each functional department, and there is no area they have not reached.

Although they are all theoretically isolable, they are just theories.

Beyond the triple gate is the platform of the large research institute.

The size of the platform is almost the total area of ​​the two platforms of the Farm Reclamation Station and the Material Distribution Center. There are piles of items and rail cars parked. It will take a lot of time to conduct a thorough inspection, but the prerequisite is that there are no seedlings.

Park is such an awesome person.

Miao Pu has a strong psychic sensing range. Although this ability is not enough for those blue-blooded monsters with near-perfect invisibility, Miao Pu also has assistants, vines controlled by Xuan Ling. Their shapes determine that they can

Become a more detailed hunting expert.

Soon, a thorough investigation was completed. There were no monsters in the entire platform area, up to the ventilation ducts and down to the line pipes.

However, Miao Pu didn't feel very good. The alarm of his dangerous instinct kept sounding, which made him very depressed.

Miao Pu stopped and said: "Buji is arrogant and frivolous, but he is not necessarily a fool. More importantly, this kind of person should cherish his own life. It is difficult for people who cherish their own lives to make aggressive mistakes, not to mention that there are still people around.

Side note. To sum up, I actually just want to say one thing. I think there is a trick behind this seemingly simple trap, which has not been exposed until now."

Kang Danian and Jiang Shangqing looked at each other in shock, and then Jiang Shangqing asked: "Then what do you think we should do? According to normal procedures, the first thing we have to do is to restore power. Only the power of the institute has been restored, and the equipment

Only in this way can the control of the gate be realized."

"What I said is true, but if I play the cards this way, I'm worried that I will fall into the pit." Miao Pu said, flipping his wrist, and directly slapped a ball of life energy on his rattan armor.

Its rattan armor is definitely multi-functional. In addition to protection, it can also be a breeding ground for any kind of plant elements he masters.

As he shot, vines grew, blossomed and bore fruits. When the spherical fruits matured, they emitted the white light of fluorescent tubes. Miao Pu picked off these bent lamp heads, as if throwing them casually, and they were scattered one after another.

Throw them to various locations accurately, and the thorns on their tails allow them to be embedded into the wall without falling off.

Within two or three minutes, the entire platform was illuminated.

"They can maintain light for at least 2 hours."

Qian Lihang took off his night vision goggles and praised: "I like this open feeling."

This is also the voice of other people. Human beings are not dark creatures. On the contrary, darkness is often confused with the unknown, which makes people fear. As the platform lights up, people standing in this area have the courage to follow suit.

The feeling of climbing.

Miao Pu added: "Lighting is not the most critical thing. The most critical thing is that we have to do what we do about isolation."

Soon, the inter-regional interface of the line pipeline was found.


Those with professional expertise will completely disconnect the wires that are engaged by the dedicated interface and coil them backwards.

After that, Miao Pu blocked it with Tyrant Vine. This time, it was not hastily arranged like the previous T-shaped passage. At the platform entrance, with the corpses of Tyrannical Vine plants at the previous passage, Miao Pu gave birth to the Thorns.

Heart (promotes growth on plant corpses and saves energy).

Kang Danian and others had experienced Miao Pu giving birth to and controlling vine monsters before, and they didn't think much of it. However, this was the first time for the deputy and team members of the scientific expedition team to see them, and they were all shocked.


Miao Pu's strength has opened up a clear gap with ordinary awakened people. If ordinary awakened people are like those teenagers with powers in the school run by Professor

When it comes to tricks and tricks, Miao Pu is Jean Gray in Dark Phoenix state. The difference between them is not reflected in the amount of abilities, but in the degree to which they can be achieved and what purpose they can achieve.

When the Heart of Thorns was born, it really had the effect of a strange magic. The thick vines were like the magical pea stems in fairy tales. They grew wildly and completely contrary to common sense, and they also made some extraordinary things as if wisdom was born.

The ordinary knots eventually formed a huge, strange plant like fruit candy wrapped in paper.

The top and bottom of the plant spread out in all directions like umbrella ribs, and soon a network of vines was woven on the ceiling and ground, and was connected to the vines of the wiring pipes.

Later, Miao Pu performed similar treatment on the ventilation duct, and then he clapped his hands and said: "From now on, this area is considered our control area. No monster can sneak in without being discovered by us."

After appreciating the magic of Miao Pu's superpowers, everyone who heard this was boosted in morale. The arrangement in front of them was like a backup plan. Having a retreat and a solid rear was definitely more conducive to the development of one's personal strength.

Next is the comprehensive inspection channel.

It is said to be a passage, but in fact there are many rooms on both sides. It is an area that includes security inspection, biochemical testing and other functions to ensure that everyone who enters and exits is clean.

Compared with the platform, this area has more blind spots for monsters to hide. Even though Miao Pu directly closed the main interface between areas at the beginning, it still took more than half an hour to clean up each area.

Then, another area was illuminated, and it was cut into an area with a certain degree of safety. Everyone felt a sense of accomplishment more or less, although this achievement had little to do with them.

Only the squad deputy and the soldier were more concerned about the safety of their teammates, imagining that there were still brothers alive somewhere, waiting for rescue.

Xue Ming saw the anxiety of the two of them and persuaded him: "Look here, what did you two find?"

The two looked at each other, and then the shift deputy shook his head: "Didn't you find anything?"

"Yes, nothing was found. No body, no blood, no bullet casings, not even new traces. Do you think it's weird? Anyway, I think it's weird, and I'm very nervous. I hate being tricked to death, and I hate it even more because I committed a crime.

Being hanged to death for an obvious mistake, especially when someone has already proven the cost of making a mistake with his life, but he still dies because of the same mistake, do you understand what I mean?"

"Everyone understand, it's not that we don't want to hurry, it's because any negligence may make the same mistakes again. To save people, we must survive first."

Xue Ming patted the squad deputy on the shoulder, "We all want to save people. In this kind of ghost place, every time there is another person of the same kind, we can feel a little safer. But the premise is that we must try our best to ensure that we do not lose people.


After passing the comprehensive inspection area, the passage is still a straight line.

This area is called the reception area. Outsiders and even foreign materials will stay in this area. This is a confidential research institute. It is impossible to have luxurious reception facilities. The rooms open more like the residence of ascetic monks, with simple beds.

A desk, a chair, and a washroom with only a basin, a toilet and a shower head. This is all the room contains. All rooms have this standard configuration. The left and right corridors have doors facing each other, a total of 2 rooms.

In addition, there are some facilities, such as small conference rooms, small bathhouses, laundry rooms, restaurants, convenience stores, small gardens, tool rooms, sundry storage...the total usable area exceeds 10,000 square meters, and cleaning them also takes a lot of time.

More importantly, this area made Miao Pu pay attention to a new channel, the sewage treatment system.

Eating, drinking, defecating, excreting in daily life, and the probability of monsters emerging from the toilet may not be high, but the numerous excrements will always be classified into a large channel, and then lead to a special treatment facility. Such a large channel is definitely enough for monsters to lurk


"Including the two front areas, there are such facilities, which means there are special pipelines, but they are not shown in the three-dimensional diagram."

Regarding Miao Pu's question, Kang Danian gave an explanation: "There is indeed such a sewage system, and there is actually a water purification system. These two systems are completely independent of the facilities. In other words, each

The cabinet-type unit does not have access to clean water and sewage, and if you want to enter, you have to go through a special area,"

Miao Pu took over and said: "However, these two systems are connected to every room that uses them. In order to facilitate maintenance, their main points must be accessible in all directions. In such a deep underground area, we cannot afford to have water leakage at every turn.

For all the troublesome things, just dig walls, dig pipes, and carry out large-scale construction, and the 2-meter-thick soil layer is not much more difficult for the monsters than breaking through a wooden wall, as long as they are willing."

Jiang Shangqing said: "This possibility does exist. But in that case, there are too many things to be careful about. So far, we have not found any water purification and sewage interfaces that have been damaged."

"You can't ignore it just because it doesn't exist. This is definitely a safety hazard."

Jiang Shangqing opened his mouth, but he didn't say anything after all. In fact, in his opinion, in this business, there is never a time when one does not take risks. It is true to ensure the retreat and protect the rear, but you must have a degree of tolerance in everything.

.To be serious, is the direction of the passage safe? So what if it has been cleaned? The platforms of the agricultural reclamation station and the material distribution center are both T-shaped intersections, and the three gates are foolproof?

They can't get in touch with both sides here. Even if the two platforms are breached by monsters, they have no way of knowing. Isn't that dangerous?

If all aspects are taken care of, you are stable and the enemy is well-positioned. What is more critical is time. What does this area mean? Arriving at the vertical axis area is just the beginning.

Up and down, just like floors, each floor has a main corridor and functional departments with the vertical axis area as the core. The entire institute has a usable area of ​​more than 20,000 square meters, making it the first large-scale institute.

It’s not for nothing. How long will it take to build a large research institute according to Miao Pu’s method?

And this is just the outer B area of ​​the underground ruins. There are also three areas ABC of similar size, and then there is a larger ruins radiation expansion area and a core area of ​​the ruins that is larger than the Summer Palace. How long will it take for the Monkey Year and the Horse Moon?

It is unrealistic. No matter how powerful Miao Pu's powers are, it is impossible to spread the tentacles of vines throughout the entire underground area with such a heart of thorns. Not to mention the entire area, even a tenth of it is difficult. Jiang Shangqing even doubts whether it is possible.

The method radiates to the entire large research institute.

However, Jiang Shangqing was unwilling to argue directly with Miao Pu. He thought that after a while, Miao Pu himself should realize his mistake.

Isn't there a saying that if you don't have fresh meat to feed, don't use a whip to tame your son? Now the imbalance in combat power between the two sides is huge, and they definitely want Miao Pu, but they can't provide anything to Miao Pu. Basically,

He relied on his own awareness and will to advance his actions step by step to the current level. It would be too ignorant to accuse him of this and that.

In fact, Miao Pu naturally knew that his step-by-step strategy could not be carried out continuously. If nothing else, the long-term consumption of the Heart of Thorns was not what he could afford now. There is no such thing here

The ability to breathe for Heart of Thorns is entirely provided by him, but the upper limit of his ability is comparable to that of an oil tanker. Without circulation, it will eventually be unsustainable.

Everything is to force the other party to react. He has always believed that there is a behind-the-scenes manipulator here. The reason is not only because he has met [Wu] and knows that there are members of the Aragami here.

If there is no special entrance for water purification and sewage inspection, then it is necessary to create one artificially. Anyway, it is not difficult to destroy this kind of thing.

Two completely different systems, but the same thing is that they both have surprises.

The sewage system is indeed a place where filth and human evil can hide. Although it has been a long time since fresh sewage and excrement have been injected into the system, there is no such watery filth and stench in it, and even most sections are dry.

Yes, but the monsters hiding here still left a deep impression on people.

A group of people who once hid in filth in order to survive did not wait for rescue, but something happened, and they became the monsters they are now.

Their facial appearance is easily reminiscent of deep-sea fish. They are large enough, but their eyes are like cataracts and have basically degenerated. Only two small holes are left in the nose, which is more forward than that of monkeys.

The protruding lips and surroundings, and of course the sparse but sharp teeth.

Their epidermis reflects a waxy luster under the illumination of light, but this skin is not taut, but full of wrinkles. Combined with their thin bodies, they look like skeletons wearing borrowed clothes.

Wax leather jacket.

Like most angry monsters, these monsters immediately pounced on them regardless of being discovered. They made good use of the 2-meter-diameter tubular passage. At least it is impossible for humans to maintain their presence in such a narrow space.

The three of them moved forward together without affecting each other's speed. But they did it. Their claws and toes were similar in shape to those of a frog, but they had the adsorption function of a gecko.

Another characteristic similar to frogs is that their main means of attack is their tongues. Not only do these monsters' tongues shoot extremely fast, but what's even more strange is that their tongues can actually bifurcate and are connected to each other by mucous membranes.

This chapter has been completed!
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