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Chapter 746 Negotiations with Yuanling

The arrival of the demonic soul this time occurred about 3 hours after the [Wolf Fang Team] night attack on the Blue Blood Base. At that time, Miao Pu had just come down from the third floor where the Heart of Thorns was.

He has been cultivating the mother tree based on the Heart of Thorns system for some time. More than ten hours ago, the original cocoon has matured and can enter the second stage at any time. The primary form of the mother tree officially breaks out of the cocoon and grows.

As for the second phase of development, he temporarily planned to postpone it after some calculations. The reason was naturally the issue of energy consumption.

To say that the system of [Spike Team] is still very good in terms of the efficiency of collecting supernatural powers, but the key to the problem is that life energy is quite special. It needs to be converted or extracted from living creatures. In the current heaven domain

Free life energy is very rare, almost non-existent, so it is difficult to accumulate life energy due to this limitation.

Speaking of the so-called farming production, it can only be said that self-sufficiency will have good guarantees. In terms of efficiency, of course robbery and plundering are the first priority. If the productivity of farming is high, then bandits since ancient times will not have to be keen on robbery.

Miao Pu is squandering the most earth-type abilities right now. Wasn't that something he plundered? If he really had to save a little bit, he would definitely be reluctant to use it like he is now, even if he has some in stock. The so-called people who don't work hard to make money don't know.

There is a reason for saving, such as the so-called rich second generation, the dandy kind.

The ability to absorb efficiency tests the basic ability, which is a situation where it is easy to sing a small song but difficult to sing well. In this regard, Miao Pu did not have a particularly good way for a while, so he could only make more fuss about reducing expenditure. Considering that

The demon soul is coming soon, and there are potential consumption gaps everywhere. The mother tree, a big energy consumer, can only postpone the discussion.

Miao Pu had just finished counting the inventory of various supernatural powers. Miao Pu was walking and thinking about the subject of indigenous people when he suddenly felt something, so he raised his wrist to look at his watch.

The things that Feng Jianguo got for him to open a small stove were actually outdated. With Miao Pu's current technical strength and materials, he could make a pretty awesome functional watch for fun, but he was nostalgic and felt that this thing was commemorative.

I have always cherished the meaning, and even specially bought a sapphire wrist wheel. The watch was sealed in the wrist wheel. Now seeing Ali’s extraordinary personality and money, there is no place to buy it.


According to this time, it should be noon outside, with plenty of light.

However, the change in weather happened in an instant. It was like the effect of an accelerated total solar eclipse. The sky quickly darkened, and soon became darker than ordinary nights. The stream of light that was originally as bright and colorful as a nebula,

It turned into a dark plate with orange-gold light marks all over it, like cracks on a huge stone slab, projecting the light of lava.

I don't know if the light flashed too fast or there was some other problem. Before it hit the ground, it was swallowed up by the dark sky. It looked like lightning flashing across the sky.

On the edge of the balcony and the top corner of the building in the campsite, the bodies of the guardians who were originally sculptures glowed with a layer of dark golden light. Then they moved their limbs, fluttered their wings, and moved as if they had stood for a long time.

They came over. When their eyes opened and closed, they released a dense fluorescent blue light mist. Their eyes were a piece of ice blue. This color was the same as Miao Pu's, alluding to their souls and fully proving whose servants they were.

The rich nether energy was like the heat in a boiling pot of water, steaming up and quickly filling the entire space. Feeling this energy, the guardians of the underworld system roared or flapped their wings to express their excitement. And the two bottles of fighters at the door

The sculpture is covered in golden light and has a solemn face. For both of them, this environment represents an intensification of danger.

At the same time, the entire underground city became agitated, and all kinds of howls were like a pack of wolves howling at the moon, one after another with great momentum. Those were the cheers of the monsters with the magic word lurking everywhere, and most of their supernatural attributes were related to the dark energy.

They are inextricably linked. When the dark energy is full, the energy that breeds and transforms will accelerate. This effect is like the stimulation of the brain by people breathing pure oxygen, which makes them particularly excited.

From a certain perspective, excessive excitement has the same effect as being drunk. Common sense is no longer a constraint, and those who are usually cautious become crazy and crazy, daring to pounce on invincible targets without considering what they have to pay.


Of course, the situation is different for demon soul host bodies. They are madmen themselves, and it is not surprising to do anything they do. For them, the current drastic changes are just fire cooking oil, making them more active.

The storm is about to come, but the demon soul has not yet arrived. The underground city, which is filled with a quiet or dead atmosphere most of the time, has already begun a killing spree.

No one can expect lunatics to be clear-headed and able to form an alliance and then massacre the aliens. One of the symptoms of lunatics is that they will attack any target, whether it is a wall or another lunatic, just because they want to.


Because of the sharing of PI brain needles in the Active Civilization version), even if Luo Zhiqing is still receiving treatment in the treatment cabin, she can still check the situation outside immediately, and from different angles. She can even view the situation farthest from the campsite

Zhu Ba Teng Zhi Yu’s perspective allows him to experience the changes around him.

After thinking about it, Luo Zhiqing said to Miao Pu through the team system: "It seems that a big situation is about to happen, which may require every ounce of combat power."

The treatment procedures in the treatment cabin are relatively complicated. If she wants to join the battle in time, she must start modifying the treatment instructions now. Even so, it will take about Ij hours for her to adjust her condition.

"Haha, it's okay. You can treat it with peace of mind first. For us now, all we need to calculate is more gains or less gains." Miao Pu said very firmly.

Luo Zhiqing did not stop being polite. She understood Miao Pu's temperament. Even if Miao Pu wanted to grant her a complete treatment, he would not use bragging and harsh words to achieve his goal. Since Miao Pu said so, then

It means that he is quite confident in controlling the situation and his own combat power.

Li Xuesong, Hu Yantie and others have already consciously begun to prepare for the war.

The weather changes outside and the commotion of the monsters outside are quite alarming, but no one will be panicked by it. They are even in a good mood to make a few harmless jokes while putting on their equipment. This is different from the veterans.

Calmness and coolness are certainly relevant, but more importantly, everyone in [Spike Team] knows that they have a strong backing. They dare not say that they are invincible, but they can say responsibly: "Unless this time the enemy

The combat power is ten times stronger than the last time the demon soul descended, otherwise it would be nonsense to take over the camp."

At the same time, Fang Zhenggang and the others were yelling and yelling.

Their bunker and turret plan is in the middle of construction. It can be said that the ground floor of the bunker has been basically completed, but the three-story building above has not had time to be renovated. Under normal circumstances, they would not be afraid. After all, it is limited by the environment. According to them

As far as I know, there are no monsters that can attack high-rise buildings with flying speed. But the current environment has suddenly changed, and psionic energy is everywhere. It is obviously not an ordinary situation. If this is a meteorite falling from the sky, this building may not be able to withstand it.

Fang Zhenggang could not care less about the half-built camp that took a certain amount of time and effort, but he could not care less about the instruments and equipment stored in the building. Previously, considering that the lower floor was under construction and for safety reasons, the equipment was stored high up, but now he discovered that

How stupid is this approach? There is no elevator and it is more than thirty floors. How difficult is it to transport it down?

"No matter how difficult it is, you still have to be lucky." This is what Fang Zhenggang means.

These instruments and equipment are not only related to whether they can submit a decent answer sheet after the incident, but also related to the subsequent life in hell, whether to eat chaff or eat meat. No one wants to beg for help again and again. Although [Spike Fang]

Team members have never shown their superiority in front of them, but deep down, Fang Zhenggang and the others always feel a little uncomfortable when facing the "Spike Team".

No exaggeration.

However, Fang Zhenggang's order was questioned by Xie Zhongxuan and Zhuo Buqun. Their reasons were simple: "If you lose people and land, you will lose both people and land. The key to everything lies in people. In the current situation, we should conserve our energy."

Rui, get ready for the war. They have been either fighting or working these days, and have not even had a decent chance to rest. Now they should seize all the time to recover, instead of dwelling on those external things."

"Foreign object?" Fang Zhenggang was furious.

The truth is correct, but foreign objects also score what kind of foreign objects. His companions have obviously forgotten that it was because of these foreign objects that they could escape the blue-blooded people before. Without these foreign objects, let alone the future.

Whether you have to serve the [Spike Team] wholeheartedly as a spearman or whether you can survive today is still unknown. The members are in poor condition, so they need to rely on foreign aid. If they can win by willpower alone, how can they survive?

This step today?

However, Fang Zhenggang also knew that it was most foolish to argue at this time, so he adopted a compromise approach. The three of them stayed and made emergency arrangements, then adjusted and recovered to prepare for the possible war, while the remaining people ran several times upstairs.

, at least the most important and urgent items must be transported down.

Unlike the painful choices faced by the [Holy Light Armed Forces], the [Black Skins] do not need to think too much. They only need to think about one thing now: "How to deal with the war that is likely to come."

They have always adhered to the style of attacking instead of defending. From a defensive point of view, their stronghold is the worst among all human teams. There are only some defensive arrangements that follow the trend. To put it harshly, it takes half an hour to build it casually.

The temporary stronghold they set up will not be much worse than their stronghold.

In the past, this lack of defense was not obvious because Longhuo Chi had a large number of people and its combat capabilities were not bad. But now? Nearly half of the people are dead or injured, and there are no hunters, even

The plant nests brought here before were not very effective, so they were traded to the blue-blooded people some time ago...

To sum up, the current situation of the [Black Skins] is that they have sufficient combat supplies, but the manpower is just...

Looking at the drastic changes outside, even though the brazier not far away was filled with light and heat, all the [Black Skins], including the Dragon Fire Chi, felt as cold as if they were in an ice cellar, which was a fear from the bottom of their hearts.

The Autobots led by Liu Xiang and the Hawks led by Hu Yaowu are also preparing in a hurry at this moment.

These two human teams are the same as [Black Skin] and [Holy Light Armed Forces]. After a series of thrilling fights and escapes, they were driven into this heavenly prison.

While ensuring their survival, they also work hard to explore and understand the world, trying to decipher its secrets in order to harvest and leave. But they are like prisoners being led into prison with hoods on, seriously lacking an overall view of the mysterious space.

There is no way to know the essence of the operation behind it, and the key point has never been found, so the action seems aimless. So far, even if the situation is slightly better than struggling to survive, it is still limited, as if it has been drifting into the ocean.


They themselves knew all this, so when they saw the drastic changes in the world today, they all realized that the stormy waves that could capsize their sampan were coming, so they became very nervous.

The members of the [Aragami Gods] are not nervous, they are still immersed in sorrow at this time, and in this sorrow is brewing the flames of revenge that may erupt at any time.

As the first human beings to arrive in Hell, they have always played the role of observers. An abnormal environment like today is originally valuable for observation and research, but after being blinded by emotions, it is obvious that they cannot continue to conduct research calmly.

.Someone proposed a way for everyone to understand the idea as soon as possible, which is to take the opportunity to destroy all [Black Skin].

This proposal was quickly passed, so the [Aragami Gods] sharpened their swords and left their stronghold in such weather.

When Miao Pu had tidied up and was sitting in a floating chair on the balcony admiring the scenery, a strong wind was already blowing between heaven and earth.

Wind is a relatively rare phenomenon for Heavenly Prison.

But now it has it. Miao Pu doesn't know where its source is. He only knows that it is in the north direction, because the wind is from north to south. The wind is strong and powerful, rumbling and sound, filling people's eardrums, and it is so close.

It was very difficult for both of them to speak clearly.

Fortunately, [Wolf Fang Team] now communicates through telepathy through the spiritual network. This network is particularly sensitive within the coverage of the Heart of Thorns. Usually, chatting at the dinner table is done deliberately. I am afraid that I will not speak for a long time. It is normal.

Communication skills deteriorate.

"This wind..." Feeling the howling wind, Miao Pu was shocked and horrified at the same time.

In fact, the most shocking thing now is Hu Yaowu and his party who are about to return to the stronghold and the members of the [Desolate Gods] who have just left the stronghold.

In myths and legends, a certain kind of vicious wind ecstasy corrodes bones, which is extremely terrifying. They have learned the lesson today.

This violent wind is basically an energy storm. It is eroding all materials in its path every minute and every second. If you look at it from an energy perspective, the entire underground city is performing a wind and sand erosion, and particles are constantly coming from it.

Various buildings were peeled off and carried away by the strong wind. The effect was like a long-weathered sand tower dissipating in the wind, except that it was much slower, and the particles were even smaller than dust. With normal vision, it was

Even though Miao Pu had excellent eyesight, he couldn't see many clues.

But in this strong wind, there is another countless substance that ordinary people can see: ashes.

These ashes look like flakes of snow, but in fact their properties are closer to volcanic ash, and this is not ordinary volcanic ash, but volcanic ash that constantly radiates supernatural power. If you inhale this thing into your lungs, then

It's like being hit by the legendary Wu Du Powder, just waiting for your lungs to completely rot under the erosion of the mixed and chaotic supernatural radiation.

Moreover, if the strong wind is an invisible, rapidly rotating grinding wheel, then these ashes are the emery sand contained in the grinding wheel. Their friction effect is so sharp that the awakened people traveling outdoors see with their own eyes that the appearance of their armor looks like that of someone wearing it.

The laser lights in the hall dance like fire. The effect is brilliant, but the cost is terrifying.

Seeing that the whole world seemed to be submerged in the strong wind and ashes, Miao Pu was also amazed, but he was just amazed and did not panic at all. In order to cope with similar drastic changes in weather and powerful monsters attacking the camp, he spent a lot of time

energy and time to prepare.

Now, it's time for inspection.

As the order was issued, Heart of Thorns had already put all the vines underground.

The biggest difference between today's plant warning network and the original one is that it has root nests. Just like a snail and its shell, plants can be housed in the root nest. After switching to this underground mode, the work of absorbing energy continues.

.After all, it is not about absorbing sunlight, but about superpowers. The soil also contains superpowers, and plants usually have the effect of fertilizing the soil, which is why this is the case now.

The collection of plants underground does not mean that the warning network has disappeared or that it has lost control of the relevant areas.

After such a long period of cultivation, root tentacles specially used for fighting have been developed. They are like spear guns buried in the ground. They can spray out tentacles at any time to attack targets in the area. There are also dense roots in the soil.

The beards are like sensitive pressure reactors, and even a cockroach traveling above the soil cannot hide from their sensing.

However, if the target is floating in the air, then it can only be located by the detection tentacles that stick out of the ground and work like sonar and the dual monitoring of the monitoring eyes at the campsite.

After putting away the plants, Miao Pu ordered to activate the soil assimilation stance.

This is actually a spell-like ability that he has mastered. For him, this spell-level ability application is a bit useless because it consumes too much. After being adjusted by [Weapon Spirit], it acts on the protection of the campsite.

The effect is excellent.

With the opening of the stand, a large amount of ashes were like fluff with static electricity meeting the fiber cloth, and they quickly stuck together. With little effort, the area covered by the stand, including open spaces and campsites, and even the guards, all followed

The newly unearthed ruins of Pompeii were wrapped in a thick dark gray coat, and with the influence of the dark energy in the position, the color continued to deepen, until when the spell's effect expired, it had turned into an iron gray color.

This chapter has been completed!
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