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Chapter 776

When the black-skinned man saw this scene, his heart felt cold. He had no idea at all, and even his breathing became faster unconsciously. The strength shown by Miao Pu was really terrifying. With this kind of

With their level of strength, if they really wanted to fight, it would probably take more than a meal to kill all of them, but fast food.

There was no guilt in killing Wu Ma Miao Pu, and the killing was no burden to Miao Pu now. Not only that, but he felt as cheerful as if he could see the bright moon after the clouds opened. The high-end powerful men from various forces in the past had caused him a huge psychological impact.

Pressure. Although it was partly caused by his conspiracy theory thinking mode with a hint of persecution, it was mainly because these forerunners were indeed strong.

Today, the veteran strongman has been surpassed by him, and a feeling of being relieved of a burden arises spontaneously, at least part of it. This feeling is obviously more refreshing than simply leaving the fighting career, and the feeling of life in one's own hands.

How good is it?

Of course, it is not without regrets. Those veteran strong men have been the targets of his pursuit for a long time. Before he could train hard on his internal skills and move his patience, he could kill them casually. This story is no longer legendary.

Point, at least there is nothing to remember, the exciting battle that was promised has disappeared... Although the truth is not the case, he led his own team from scratch, and he is also quite hardworking, those legendary old masters

The masters and masters have basically never met each other, but the sudden encounter is already a glimpse of everything.

These reveries only passed by in a flash. Miao Pu shook his head secretly and said in his heart: "This guy! He is so fucking difficult to maintain. He won't deal with him no matter what." Fortunately, he was not in danger of being lonely like snow. He was originally

He is not a fighting maniac, and he can survive without fighting.

Miao Pu sensed the black-skinned people's breathing, pulse, and brain wave activity... He knew that he had succeeded in establishing his power, and the effect was very good. Going too far was not enough, so he decided to comfort these people to avoid having the opposite effect. "I

I’m not here to confiscate my property, I just want to talk.”

Talk? As for, talking about it requires thunder and lightning?

The black-skinned people have all kinds of thoughts in their minds at the moment, but no matter what they think, they definitely don’t want to die. They have basically been frightened by Miao Pu’s strength. In addition, they rely too much on their own foundation. These assets

They couldn't take it away in a hurry, and no matter what, they didn't want to lose this inheritance, because without it, they would basically die, sooner or later, and they would die one after another in suffering and torture.

Miao Pu's victory came quickly, and those who were dissatisfied and dissatisfied were also killed. The black men showed great sincerity, and they seemed to know everything and talk about everything.

Miao Pu's wish has basically come true, because including Zhang Wang and Wen Shiyin, the past stories of the group of people he cares about have been basically completed. He finally knows what happened to them, even if there are some details

It is not difficult to speculate due to the lack of witnesses.

Their experience was relatively boring, there were not many major events, and the results each time were unsatisfactory. To be honest, it is not difficult to imagine that the underground ruins are too dangerous for them. Their experience can be regarded as

The struggle for survival, a series of humiliation and helplessness, but each suffering lasted for a long time. In the end, it became an extremely boring tragedy.

A tragic experience and a tragic ending. Many people who escaped from Huangcheng with him died for one reason or another. They were trapped in a dead situation. There was no miracle, they only had a dead end.

Zhang Wang was considered good and did not die in the first few large-scale attrition incidents. In the later stage, because Miao Pu gradually entered the field of vision of various forces, Zhang Wang's value increased invisibly. This is why Zhang Wang managed to survive until he was found.

The main reason. As for the reason why Zhang Wang survived before, it was not because he was much stronger than others in combat or had much better luck, but because he was seriously injured early on because of the rear. Zhang Wang, who passed out, was a blessing in disguise, and he recovered from his injuries.

Almost there, the team just happened to be chased in a large circle like sheep, and returned to the starting point, so he unexpectedly got the opportunity to return to the team again, but soon he was unable to follow the retreat because of his unrecovered injuries.

team, so he was taken to the rear again, but this time he was captured. After several twists and turns, he finally fell into the hands of Azaram.

It is completely conceivable that from the perspective of the whole incident, apart from seeing some secrets, he was not able to spend most of the remaining time with his familiar teammates. Until he fell into the hands of Azalam, he did not

Knowing that all his teammates were basically dead, Zhang Wang's only deep memory was seeing too many Miao Pu clones, which drove him half crazy.

As for Wen Shiyin, she disappeared early in a battle with the [Guardians], and she was not the only one who disappeared at that time. According to the survivors, and based on Azalam's words, these people were [

The possibility of being imprisoned by [Guardian] is relatively high. Azalam obtained Zhangwang from [Guardian]. Although Zhangwang fell into the hands of [Guardian] only later, it at least shows that [Guardian]

One side's attitude towards human beings is mainly to capture and capture people. Of course, at that time, the [Guardians] had the strength to play like this and imitate the indigenous series of artificial beings, but that may not be the case now.

As the saying goes, the greater the expectations, the greater the disappointment. This is how Miao Pu feels now. Fortunately, he always likes to prepare for the worst, which makes him somewhat prepared, so this result is expected.

.Isn’t it just to make the psychological damage caused by the sense of loss at this moment less severe? He is even a little lucky that he is not obsessed with saving people, but follows the principle of taking advantage of the situation.

Only then did the team gradually grow stronger and gain a place in the multi-party competition and become qualified to become the final winner. If he had not done so, he would most likely have gained nothing now.

In the final analysis, challenging an enemy that is too powerful or taking on a task that is too difficult is the root cause of most tragedies.

"You, you, you, you, the four of you, come with me." Miao Pu's voice was very calm, and there was no trace of sadness or joy. The four people he named were all sent by the 8733 Division after Zhang Wang's team.

members of the rescue team. One of them was from the second wave, a member of the rescue team who was directly looking for news about the Zhangwang team. The other three were from the third wave. They were typically unlucky and caught the last train of the quagmire incident.

After finding the previously trapped rescue team, they were forced to join the battle before they could ask about their past. Then they fought and fled all the way. For a long time, they didn't even understand what happened.

Miao Pu had seen the information of several rescue teams sent by the 8733 Division before following Kang Danian and the others. With his photographic memory, he naturally remembered the appearance and characteristics of these people. At this time, there was no problem in identifying them.


The four people who were named didn't know what to do. After looking at each other, they all turned their attention to their leader, Heipi.

Miao Pu was already very impatient because of his disappointment, so he directly used telekinesis to point these four people towards the soldiers, killing them with a brutal method that was close to arrest.

Heipi was naturally dissatisfied, but forced by the situation, he didn't say anything, and his expression didn't even change.

Originally, Miao Pu was indifferent to this group of survivors, whether it was the group in the Gobi area or the group here. This was a matter of cognition. Miao Pu could no longer use ordinary people's thinking to influence his cognition.

.Heipi is not a good name, but whether it is good or bad is not seen from his perspective, but from the perspective of the middle-aged uncle and the others. Miao Pu is completely uninterested in the grudges between them, and even finds it disgusting.

If you can't fight against foreign enemies, you will be a good fighter in the nest.

It is precisely because of this kind of behavior that Zhang Wang and other soldiers who have a bounden duty to obey orders are taken advantage of by these guys time and time again, and without exception, they quickly lose their captain. Not only Zhang Wang, but also the second and third rescue teams.

It was the captain who died in the battle, and none of them survived until now. As for the fourth rescue team, they had the worst luck. When they were ordered to take action, the underground ruins had already undergone great changes. Soon after entering, they were attacked by many derivatives of the mother tree system.

The endless fatal blows of the creatures failed to join the survivors at all. Only the [Yuanling] line witnessed their destruction. The two awakened ones in their team relied on their own strength to survive the longest, but they also failed.

It fell into the hands of the [Yuanling] series.

After learning about the situation from the two of them, Azaram sent fake Luke and Shen Xin to set up an ambush in Channel E. As a result, Miao Pu and Kang Danian's team arrived. Since the 4th rescue team was not 8733

Miao Pu, who belongs to the division, did not obtain detailed relevant information, and [Yuan Ling] could not get plastic surgery easily? Therefore, although Kang Danian and Jiang Shangqing had information, they did not identify the two.

True or false. The purpose of the two counterfeiters was naturally to deceive Miao Pu and his party. However, Miao Pu's combat power was too abnormal, and the two could not find a chance. Later, Bu Ji and Xie Hongjun arrived one after another, and the two immediately changed their goals.

Sure enough, Xie Hongjun and his party were tricked in the Counterfeit Dingwu Research Institute. They are now in the hands of Azaram. Azaram originally planned to transform these people and send them back to humans to serve as informants... This is under the Black Square.

Qionglong said this in order to win Miao Pu's trust, so Miao Pu knew about this past.

Miao Pu flicked his fingers, and a ball of spiritual energy sank directly into Hei Pi's head. Hei Pi suddenly felt as miserable as being pricked by thousands of needles. The pain lasted for several minutes before it stopped. Hei Pi's clothes

It was soaked with sweat, as if it had just been fished out of the water, and the whole person was exhausted.

"For your own selfish desires, you used the rescue team as cannon fodder several times, and tricked each captain to death. Although I have insufficient evidence, I am not a judge. Since you are cruel to others, you should also be cruel to yourself. From now on.

Every day from now on, you will bear the pain just now. The stronger your resistance, the longer the pain will last until your self-consciousness completely collapses or until the mental energy I invested is exhausted.

. Just sacrifice yourself for the country and the people... In addition, I can give you a reason to persist. I am doing this for your own good. As long as you can survive it, your mental strength will grow to a level that can be called terrifying.

If so, just take it as a trial, and you will be rewarded handsomely if you succeed."

Heipi, or General Ruan, finally revealed his true thoughts at this moment. He stared at Miao Pu with a ferocious face and gritted his teeth. The reason why he dared to do this was because he already knew that Miao Pu was not

He was prepared to kill him, but was prepared to play with her to death and let him die in despair. However, General Ruan secretly vowed that he would get through it and would pay her back a hundred times a thousand times in the future.

Of course Miao Pu could guess what the other party was thinking. It was not difficult to guess. From the moment he learned who the other party was, he had already estimated General Ruan's thoughts. Miao Pu didn't think that the person named Ruan had that chance.

After completing the trial, this was his confidence in his ability. Of course, he also thought about that one ten thousandth. As a strong man who came from a weak position, he would not spy on any living opponent, so he thought about it.

With the help of internal and external factors, General Ruan created a miracle and was a blessing in disguise... But so what? Miao Pu was 100% confident that he could crush him to death.

Miao Pu did not do anything to harm Heipi's gang again. He left here, but before that, he did not let go of the technology mastered by Heipi's gang just because of showing off his face. The breeding technology mastered by Heipi's group

He is more scientifically inclined. Although he is not very clever in Miao Pu's eyes, it helps him better integrate science and source technology, especially in the field of life and creation.

Another more valuable technology mastered by the black skins is the use of world energy. The so-called world energy refers to the spatial abilities in the mysterious space. The reason why we specifically point out a range is naturally because the mysterious space is a system of its own.

, its rules are much looser than those of the outside world, so the loopholes are larger and easier to be exploited. The hackers mastered this technology, starting from the original relevant scientific research, and then made breakthrough progress, and gradually became more effective.

The current results have been achieved. However, Miao Pu is a typical castle in the air in this field. Now that he has obtained relevant technologies from Heipi, it has just made up for some content in this field. Even if there are still some minor flaws, it is completely acceptable.

Completed with the help of the computing components of [Qi Ling], it can be said that from the time he obtained these technologies, [Spike Team] has its own space gate, and there are no major technical obstacles.

As for some other technologies, they are relatively fragmented and basically not worth mentioning, but they also help to increase the thickness of Miao Pu's basic technologies.

It is worth mentioning that at the end, General Ruan provided another piece of information, which successfully disgusted Miao Pu.

Miao Pu's grandfather, Miao Guoping, was once the leader of the human refuge in the Gobi area. General Ruan also deliberately exaggerated his modesty and said that he was not as good as Miao Guoping in terms of evil intentions and ruthlessness. Miao Guoping was the one.

The villain behind the scenes who has everything under his control.

Miao Pu knew that General Ruan said this and was suspected of using him to attack his old enemy. Therefore, it is difficult to guarantee the authenticity of this gossip. But based on all the information, he had to believe that Miao Guoping was still alive and was involved in the entire incident.

There is a huge connection.

In the end, Miao Pu decided to go to the Gobi refuge again. Since Miao Guoping is a real person, he must not be able to get around it if he wants to untie his knot. He will not deliberately escape, and there is no need to escape.

He doesn't owe the other party anything, but the other party owes him an explanation.

Before Miao Pu could leave, the energy veins entered the surge stage again, and Miao Pu could only temporarily stay in the swamp. He was not in a special hurry to arrive. Naturally, he would not use Heipi's space channel for convenience. That would be the case.

It's too dangerous to entrust his own life to his enemies. For him, there is never a shortage of things to do, such as grooming himself, which is a big project.

After the tide decline period came again, Miao Pu went to the Gobi area, but was blocked by the [Desolate Gods] in the energy vein.

This is of course not a coincidence, but the black skins notified the [Desolate Gods], and even if Wu Ma died without notifying him, the [Desolate Gods] would have known about it through means similar to the soul lamp and life fire.

This time, [Zun] personally led the team, and [Zun] had roughly guessed Miao Pu’s identity. After all, at this stage, the only one who was so interested in the survivors was Miao Pu. Although [Zun] didn’t have enough

The evidence links Miao Pu with the Black Square Underground Dome Incident, and it is not certain that Heipi’s news that Wu Ma was killed with one move is correct, but Wu Ma’s death in battle is absolutely true, [Zun] is very

He knew how powerful the opponent was who could give Wu Ma no chance to escape, so he personally led the team here.

The enemy was naturally extremely jealous when they met, and Miao Pu also had enough reasons to be angry, because [Zun] did look exactly like him. Judging from age alone, he was much younger than him, that is, he had just left his youth.

Category. This is more and more proof that his origins are indeed as Azaram said.

Even the top command of the [Desolate Gods] could get involved, and it is not difficult to imagine Miao Guoping's role in the entire incident. Miao Pu only had one idea at this time, and that was to smash everything, especially the culprit who caused the entire incident.

【Desolate Gods】.

Don't let anyone go! No matter what the difficulties, no matter what the last resort, it's all a fucking fart. Just blame them for what they did and the impact it caused, and just for the lives lost at their hands. Even if you die a hundred times, it won't be unjust. Miao Pu thought to himself

He is already in the abyss of hell, and what he has to do now is to send all those executors who caused trouble to purgatory!

Miao Pu with such determination is terrifying. Everyone who comes with [Zun] this time is a witness and party. It can be said that this is the Jiyanggu Mine Killing Eagle Youth Group, Lancaster

After the battle with Hiken, Miao Pu Sanshi fought without reservation and sacrificed his life!

This chapter has been completed!
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