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Chapter 1371 Then cut it off

at the same time.

Relying on the tacit understanding of the long-term battle, the gods of Daxia also dispersed and vaguely surrounded this god.

The chill is intense!

But Yang Jian seemed not to notice it, and just stood there quietly, looking at the gods of Daxia, the God-killing mecha, and his disciples.

There was no anger or fear in his eyes, only coldness and indifference, just like a giant elephant facing the siege of ants, but it just felt a little interesting.

He smiled and said: "It's interesting."

Lin Fan held the Shura Sword and faced Yang Jian: "Yang Jian, what do you mean?"

"It's not interesting." Erlang Shen looked at the gods and warriors of Daxia who were facing formidable enemies, and chuckled: "I'm just curious."

"Why do you think so?"

"We are a family?"

"Don't you know, I am..."

Erlangshen suddenly took a step forward!


The Eight-Nine Mysterious Technique suddenly exploded, and the cold divine power soared into the sky!

Behind Yang Jian, the divine body is revealed, thousands of meters majestic, standing tall against the sky and the earth!

Erlang Shen said word by word: "Erlang Xianshengzhenjun!"

"I'm pretending to be your mother!" Bai Qi, who has the most irritable personality, yelled angrily: "I'm still the God of Killing in Qin!"

"No, it's different."

Yang Jian shook his head slightly: "I am the orthodox true god of heaven."

"And you are only human beings."

"Even if you are powerful, if you haven't been granted an imperial seal... you don't have any power."

"Even a land lord has to go through an imperial edict before he can claim to be a god."

"And those who have not been granted the title and are unwilling to serve the heaven...even the wild gods whose strength has reached the level of gods," he looked at the Bull Demon King, looked at Daji, and chuckled: "They are just monsters."

"Only the orthodox true gods of heaven who have been consecrated and joined the heavens are worthy of calling themselves gods!"

The Bull Demon King gritted his teeth, and all the demon clans clenched their fists.

The orthodox and true God of Heaven!


When these two words were spoken, Yang Jian's always cold eyes finally regained their luster, and incomparable glory and pride flowed from their eyes.

"Heaven..." He repeated these two words and said softly: "It seems that after that battle, Heaven has been sleeping for too long."

"So much so that you humans are so presumptuous!"

"You are so arrogant that you dare to say that man can conquer nature, that humans are the masters of this earth,"

"I think I can stand shoulder to shoulder with the orthodox people in heaven, why call myself the gods of Great Xia!"

"I even feel that I can stand side by side with you and give orders to you!"

It's really ridiculous. Throughout the ages, heaven has governed the three realms. During this period of slumber, humans actually felt that they had become the masters!

"Don't forget," Lin Fan said coldly, "You are the god of Daxia."

"I am indeed the god of Daxia. When the gods come, I will indeed protect my land and my people." Yang Jian said noncommittally: "But you also said that I am the god of Daxia!"

The point is, God!

Some devout and believing people knelt down and shouted: "Mr. Xian Sheng, you are a god! Why are you fighting us!"


Dao Wanqian also had an ugly expression on his face, and was surrounded by the charm of Dao. He gritted his teeth and said, "Why!"

A group of Taoist priests also shouted angrily: "Why!"

Yang Jian frowned and looked at these devout people and Taoist priests, and chuckled: "Because I am the orthodox god in heaven."

"You don't think I'm compassionate, do you?"

"Or do you think that after I wake up, I will be loyal to you... and give you orders?"

At this moment, Lin Fan suddenly understood something.

Heavenly Court is not entirely the help of Great Xia in the future.

It was a hierarchical fairy structure.

Even in many myths and legends, many gods save people from fire and water.

But in fact, it is not how kind they are, nor how close they are to the people.


In the eyes of these gods, this land and all the creatures on this land belong to them!

Just like a farm where cattle and sheep are raised, and they are the owners!

If your cattle or sheep get sick or suffer disaster, of course you have to take care of them.

The cattle and sheep are grateful and think that their master is kind and kind, but this is not what the cattle and sheep think. It is because the master wants to protect his own interests.

This is also why the Heavenly Court participated in the battle that year.

They are indeed protecting this land and these creatures.

But to be more precise, what they protect is their own land and their own lives.

Heaven governs the three realms!

That is the supreme power class!

In other words, they are no different from the gods who invaded the divine world. In their eyes,

This land and these creatures are precious assets under their jurisdiction!

Therefore, when the gods invaded, they did not join the battle immediately, but watched the Eastern Gods of War fight to the death.

The owner will naturally not come forward to solve the problem that cattle and sheep can solve.

It was not until they found that the cattle and sheep could not be solved, and even their own cattle and sheep suffered heavy losses, that they appeared, just like the masters who protect the cattle and sheep from being hunted by wolves.

Rather than protecting this land and its creatures, it is better to protect your own property.

The superior gods are not merciful.

It's just that people think they are compassionate, which is the gratitude of cattle and sheep.

On the contrary, they are essentially the same as the gods in the divine world.

How can those devout believers of gods not be grateful for the miracles and kindness shown by those gods?

The Heavenly Court that is at war with Zeus's lineage is just protecting its own power and property!

If they were exchanged with the gods of Zeus's lineage, they would enter the plane without hesitation and conquer with great force!

Even further.

Fortunately, Heaven fell into a deep sleep and lost its short-term rule.

Only then could Daxia break away from the piety of worshiping gods everywhere. Thanks to the pioneering efforts of countless sages, Daxia has gradually become what it is today!

People no longer attribute everything to gods, and begin to gradually understand that wind is the flow of air, clouds are the aggregation of water droplets, earthquakes are the collision of plates, and they explore the way for humans to understand the world.

Only human beings have the courage to fight against the unshakable mountains, build tunnels through the mountains, connect thousands of meters of bridges with rivers, and conquer the insurmountable chasms.

And now.

Heaven is back!

This kind of problem is undoubtedly revealed!

These problems were never exposed in the previous life, because in the previous life, almost no awakened ancestors survived, and they all died fighting the gods after awakening.

Even Erlang Shen, after waking up, fought to the death with Guan Erye and Chione, and finally turned into an ice sculpture that will never melt.

But now, through human efforts, Erlang Shen has survived.

The contradiction between heaven and today's human beings is finally revealed.

This is a herd of cattle and sheep that are out of control.

Lin Fan suddenly felt a chill running through his body.

"Is this the heaven?" Lin Fan sighed.

"It seems that you understand." Yang Jian chuckled and said: "What if? You don't think that heaven is also about equality like Buddhism, right?"

Erlang Shen is a thousand meters tall, looking down at the heaven and earth.

"Human, wake up."

"There are rules in this world, and I, Heaven, am the master who makes the rules."

"I, the Heavenly Court, have governed the three realms and herded all living beings throughout the ages."

"Everything must be done according to the rules. And in the laws of heaven, are humans worthy of standing shoulder to shoulder with God?"

"Gods naturally want to do God's things. Humans should also do human things."

"It's really ridiculous. When the gods of my heaven are sleeping, you humans actually call yourself gods, and imagine that you stand side by side with my heaven, and even lead the gods of the heaven... It seems that the heaven has been sleeping for too long."

"And now, Heaven has returned! The True God has returned!"

"It's time for people to do what people should do."

"Wait," he said calmly like a master looking at his cattle and sheep, "you can kneel down."

God’s command resounds throughout the sky.

This is the god of Daxia.

The first awakened god of heaven.

But at this moment, no one cheered.

Deathly silence.

The faces of the gods of Daxia were ugly.

The common people also looked ugly.

The only thing that responded to him was the cold sound of the soldiers loading their rifles and the cold muzzles of their guns.

"The parameters have been corrected," a soldier said expressionlessly: "You can fire at any time!"

"The First Flying Group can bomb at any time!"

Giant steel cannons were aimed at this god.

"What?" Yang Jian looked at Lin Fan indifferently: "Can't you kneel down?"

Lin Fan shook his head: "I can't kneel down."

"Why can't you kneel down?" Yang Jian smiled: "I still remember... when my Taoist sect and Buddhist sect ruled this place, this land was full of devout believers who knelt down to worship the gods of our Taoist sect."

"Didn't those people kneel down back then?"

"Why can't you kneel down when your blood is flowing with them?"

Lin Fan smiled: "Because, we stood up."

Once you stand up, it's hard to kneel down again!

In that ancient and ignorant era, the people believed in gods and Buddhas, knelt down and worshiped devoutly, and respected all incomprehensible things as the power of gods and Buddhas.

And with the emergence of sages one after another.

Human beings began to explore their own world and understand the world.

With the seismograph, the armillary sphere, and the Pythagorean theorem.

The indescribable divine power was stripped away and revealed to the world.

Human beings gradually understood that earthquakes were not the anger of gods, but collisions deep in the earth.

It turns out that the sky is not round, it turns out that the stars are not gods in the sky, it turns out that the nature of the world is so clear.

That unexplorable power has faded away from the dazzling light of God and is revealed in the human world.

The devout believers stood up from the Buddha statue one by one, and the teenagers picked up their schoolbags and walked into the school.

Some things, once learned, are never forgotten.

Some people, once they stand up, never want to kneel down again!

"I can't kneel down!"

"I can't kneel down!"

Countless soldiers and civilians are roaring!

"What about you?" Yang Jian looked at the silent Dao Wanqian and the Taoist priests, as well as the devout people holding incense burners before: "Can't you kneel down too?"

"Xian Sheng Zhenjun," Dao Wanqian said with a complex expression: "This junior will spend his whole life exterminating demons and defending Dao, can you give me some face..."

There are thousands of Taoists, and the leader of the Taoist sect is a devout Taoist priest.

Every time I visit, I must worship, do baptism day and night, and recite Taoist scriptures.

Every now and then, I bathe and change my clothes, burn incense and pray for blessings.

His greatest wish is to attain enlightenment and ascend to the immortal class after his death.

Now, his sect is under the most pressure in the audience. I really didn’t expect Erlang Zhenjun to do this!

Sandwich him directly in the middle!

"You all kneel before my statue. Even when I am sleeping, I often hear your pious whispers." Xiansheng Zhenjun looked at the Taoist priests: "Now, I ask you to kneel down. Is there any problem?"

Dao Wanqian was silent for a long time.

He suddenly burst out laughing: "Hahaha, my Daxia Daomen obeys orders!"

"Yes!" Thousands of Taoist priests responded one after another.

“Ask yourself if you are religious!”


"Then what if we, the devout gods, want to harm our country, Daxia, one day?"

The air paused for three seconds.

"Cut the motherfucker!!"

Thousands of Taoist priests smashed their incense burners and roared in unison!

In an instant, he transforms into a Taoist priest who is the only thing, the Lord, and Righteousness!

at the same time.



One by one, the common people threw the incense burner they had worshiped devoutly on the ground, smashing it into pieces, and even did not forget to stamp out the few sticks of incense with their feet.

"Fuck you!"

"Damn it, I'm in such a good mood that I'm going to kneel down to you, why the hell are you so embarrassed!?"

"I kneel down to you to ask you to bless me and do things for you! Why the hell do you want me to do things, right? Can't you tell who is the master!"

"Three generations of my family believe in it, but if the gods want to force me to fight, then I'll do it!"

Taoism has been passed down in Daxia for thousands of years and is deeply rooted.

Countless devout believers!

However, Daxia's piety is different from the piety of believers of gods outside.

The believers of the gods outside are so devout that they are almost crazy. They only need to say God's will and they will die for the god unconditionally!

And Daxia's piety... mainly asks you to do something!

If you are good at work, you will have many disciples and a lasting fragrance.

If things don't work well, don't blame us for being materialistic.

Not to mention Erlang Xianshengzhenjun, my younger brother is unfaithful and even dares to step on the statue of Guan Gong!

The simple people of Daxia completely use gods as cattle and horses. They mainly operate a wishing machine. I burn incense and you do things... Now you still order me to do things?

Give you face!

In Daxia, those who ask believers to do things are called cults...

Rather than saying that Daxia people believe in God, it is better to say that they believe in a certain obsession in their hearts and the help they imagine.

"Okay, okay, really good."

"Jade Emperor, open your eyes and see, even Taoist priests in this world dare to point their nose at me and curse! My majesty in heaven has been wiped out!"

"They even dare to offend the Heavenly Court! These Taoist priests are supposed to protect the human world on behalf of the Heavenly Court! Aren't they supposed to chant sutras devoutly, behave well, and ask the Heavenly Court to give you an organization?"

"Exterminate demons and protect the Tao... The Bull Demon King around you, Daji, is not a monster? You actually stand with the monsters! You are disobeying the heaven!"

At this moment, Erlang Xian Sheng Zhenjun's expression became angry for the first time. He looked at the Taoist priests who were originally pious, but now roared that they wanted to chop him down. They were so majestic!

Thunder rolls from the sky, just like venting the anger of heaven!

Dao Wanqian held a talisman in his hand and a whisk in the other hand, gritted his teeth and said: "Although we are Taoist priests, we are also Taoist priests of Daxia!"

"It's ridiculous that I have practiced Taoism for thousands of years, just to be ranked among the immortals. Now I know that the Tao I believe in is

Not the heaven, but the Dao of Daxia!"

"True Lord, you think we have betrayed Heaven!"

"As for these monsters... they just don't have the imperial seal from heaven! What a crime! What's more, they are willing to fight for Daxia! Today, I, Dao Wanqian, must go with the monsters of Daxia!"

"We are willing to associate with monsters!" A group of Taoist disciples laughed.

The demon clan also laughed loudly: "Good brother!"

"I'll buy you a drink later!"

In today's Daxia, after the monsters take refuge, these Taoist disciples and Buddhist disciples who are supposed to be at odds with the monsters are responsible for teaching the monsters and getting rid of their aura.

We attend classes every day and study Taoism and Buddhism together. We have already formed a deep friendship. We often go out to drink together and hold hands.

Especially after so many battles, we have already become comrades who have experienced life and death!

How can we kill each other just because Erlang Shen said a word?

They have long since betrayed the hierarchical heaven!

"You!" Yang Jian's face was cold: "Then I will clean up the door for Heaven today and kill you, the traitor of the door!"


Rolling thunder fell from the sky!

Bright as day, as if expressing the majesty of heaven that cannot be disobeyed!

Thunder is coming!

Dao Wanqian suddenly threw out a half-meter-long talisman and landed directly at Yang Jian's feet!

Yang Jian sneered: "Human Taoist priests dare to compete with the gods in heaven, but..."

The words have not yet fallen.


The rolling thunder and lightning in the air actually turned a corner, followed by the talisman, and hit Yang Jian directly. If Erlangshen hadn't stepped back in time, his skin and flesh would have been torn to pieces!

Dao Wanqian held a fly whisk in his hand and said with a smile: "Tao method? This junior knows a little bit about it. A little bit."

Behind you, thousands of Taoist priests are holding fly whisks, confronting God!

Erlangshen's eyes were shocked. He didn't know why the thunder came towards him that day!

Could it be that the teachings of this human Taoist priest actually surpassed his own?

What an exquisite talisman that is. Could it be that it came from the hands of the Supreme Lord?

"What kind of talisman is it?" Even Erlangshen couldn't help but ask one more question with a solemn expression.

Dao Wanqian chuckled and said: "Modern version of the thunder talisman."

"Although I have only lived for a few decades and my cultivation level is not comparable to that of the True Lord, fortunately, countless Taoist predecessors have improved the Taoism from generation to generation, allowing me to stand on the shoulders of giants... Although the Taoism of the True Lord,

Orthodox, but a little too primitive and vulgar.”

The talisman stood strangely on the ground, swinging in the wind.

But it couldn't be blown away by the wind.

Because there is an iron rod half a meter long embedded in the ground.

Modern thunder talisman.

"Rebellion, really rebellion." Yang Jian couldn't see why. He took a deep breath and gritted his teeth and said: "You want to be an enemy of my heaven? Human beings, do you really want to disobey God and disobey me!?"

Lin Fan lowered his head and sighed: "I have to fight with my ancestors again... what the hell kind of curse is this?"

Yang Jian frowned and said, "What did you say?"

Lin Fan raised his head and sighed: "Daxia respects every ancestor."

"But we will never surrender to our ancestors unconditionally or fear our ancestors!"

"In the land of Daxia, even the gods of heaven will never attack the people of Daxia!"

"And now you have endangered the safety of the people of Daxia." Lin Fan turned back and looked at Mr. Jin who was being supported, and then said loudly: "Everyone, if the returning ancestors, the revered gods, dare to harm Daxia, you should be punished


"Then chop to death the ancestors and the gods!"

Everyone is roaring from all directions!

Both the common people and the soldiers all roared!

Even the First Emperor, Bai Qi and others, who were returning ancestors, roared in the same way, but their expressions were weird...

This roar resounded throughout Daxia!

Like a dragon roaring!

Daxia certainly respected the ancestors and feared the gods.

But even the ancestors, even the gods, can never harm today's Daxia!

Today, mankind declares war on heaven!

"Okay, then chop it off." Erlang Shen smiled: "I will personally remind you of the majesty of heaven again!"

The words fell!

"You asked us to chop this!"


The divine power is stirring!

One after another, the figures of the gods of Daxia rushed towards Erlang God!

Amazing power!

The God of Death holds a sickle, the Sword Immortal holds a sword, the scholar holds a pen, and Shura holds a sword!

"Damn, there's so much nonsense, I just need to start talking earlier!" Bai Qi smiled ferociously: "Heaven is orthodox, right? If I don't beat the shit out of you today, you didn't eat enough last night!"

"It's so uncomfortable to endure!" The blood demon king tiger hugged the sea of ​​​​blood, like a bloody tiger, the devil said with a ferocious smile: "God, right? Hehe..."

This chapter has been completed!
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