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Chapter 568 Another mysterious resurgence

 A young man from the Universe Country was sitting in an empty room, with a numb expression and empty eyes.

He was not involved in the evacuation.

But I want to stay here and wait for death.

The water supply system was broken, the air supply system was also broken, and there was no electricity at all. The whole house was cold and without any warmth.

He hadn't eaten for two days, but he didn't feel hungry. Instead, he looked at a photo on the table.

Photos taken with him, his parents, and his sister.

"Dad, Mom, sister, I'm not going to leave." The young man said softly: "They left because they wanted to live, but... you are all dead... Grandpa, grandpa and grandma are all dead... Aunt,

My uncle is also dead..."

"I think it would be good for me to stay here and accompany you."

The young man seemed unable to feel hunger and thirst, and sat on the sofa with chapped lips.

Suddenly, a horn sounded outside the window!

"But don't you all want revenge?"

That was the voice of the stupid leader of the universe who caused him to lose his parents!

The young man clenched his fists and stood up suddenly, trying to close the window.

He didn't want to hear this stupid leader's voice!

But then, he was suddenly stunned!

The hand pressing on the window stopped, and only heard a loudspeaker held by a Daxia soldier outside. From the loudspeaker came a roar: "The god who descended from the sky destroyed our home! Killed our relatives!

Let us leave our homes!”

"To be honest, we are no longer qualified to resist!"

"Now, Daxia has given us a chance for revenge!"

"Although we people cannot go to the battlefield, we can grow food for Daxia, produce bullets for Daxia, and produce bricks and tiles for Daxia!"

"The warriors of Daxia can carry our will, eat the food we grow, use the bullets we produce, stand on the Great Wall made of bricks and tiles we produce, fight with the gods, and fight with sea beasts!"

"They will help us get revenge!"

That stupid leader... is right!

I heard Lao Li preaching on the loudspeaker.

The young man who had no intention of evacuating suddenly clenched his fists, and fighting intent suddenly burst out from his lifeless eyes!



A chance for revenge!

"Dad, Mom, sister," the young man looked at the photo and said in a hoarse voice, "I won't accompany you anymore... I'm not afraid of death... I just want to make revenge bullets there! Even if I can't take revenge with my own hands! I

The bullets made can also help Daxia kill sea beasts!"

Immediately, the young man opened the window, waved to the Daxia soldiers below and shouted: "I'm here, I haven't left yet, wait for me! I'm going to Daxia!"

For a moment, looking at the reactions of the citizens of the Universe Kingdom in the communication screen, Mr. Jin nodded slightly.

"Lao Li's speech was good. In this way, these people will cooperate with us."

"Sigh. I thought that the citizens of the Universe Country were all bloodless."

"But I didn't expect that I'm still a bit temperamental."

Mr. Chen on the side snorted coldly: "But what's the use of being angry? The country is dead and they are full of fighting spirit. What's the use?"

"You really have a temper, just like me in Daxia. Before the gods have arrived, everyone grits their teeth and fights hard to defeat the gods. This is the temper!"

The Kingdom of the Universe, the belated bloodshed!

After the country was subjugated, they realized the value of their homeland!

"The anger of the subjugated slaves cannot be said to be useless." Mr. Jin shook his head: "For example, I can select some young people from the universe country at my discretion, preferably those whose family members died at the hands of gods and whose parents were killed by sea monsters.


"Form them into a death squad from the Universe Kingdom and place them in the most dangerous parts of the Great Steel Wall. To put it bluntly, they are risking their lives!"

"Although I'm not from Daxia, I still don't have much affection for this land."

"But I believe that when they see gods and sea monsters, these subjugated slaves will not retreat even if they die! In this way, the casualties of our soldiers will be reduced."

"Universe Kingdom Death Squadron..." Guo Zuo nodded slightly: "This plan is okay, you will be responsible for it, Mr. Jin."

Shang Weitian appeared on the screen again.

"This is the current situation."

"As for the subsequent transshipment work and the acceptance work in the northwest production area, I have made arrangements before." Shang Weitian said this and rubbed his dark eyes.

In the past two days, he had gone back and forth to make arrangements. Daxia had to do a good job in accepting them, and Universe Country had to issue ID cards, organize evacuation, and accept resources from those consortiums. It was quite tiring.

Guo Zuo said softly: "Thank you for your hard work during this period."

"Haha, it's not hard." Shang Weitian smiled: "No matter how tired I am when I move things home, I don't feel tired! Let me tell you, yesterday, that Li family member contacted me... Good guy, I'm just

You know, these chaebols are so rich! Just the steel resources and the Lee Consortium alone have eight million tons in their warehouses!"

"Okay, let's do this for now. I'm going to make preparations. I'll have to discuss acceptance with the Park Foundation later."

"When Daxia's ship arrives at five o'clock in the afternoon, we can start the official transportation."

Shang Weitian hung up the communication.

In the conference room.

Mr. Chen nodded and said: "In this way, resources and labor are all solved."

"The chip talents we urgently need have also been solved." Mr. Chen said, but there was no smile on his face, and neither did Guozuo nor Mr. Chen.

Although Daxia has obtained much-needed talents in the chip industry.

A large amount of labor and resources were also obtained for free.

But it is based on a broken country and tens of millions of people suffering!

Although Daxia and the Universe Kingdom had many differences before, the Universe Kingdom and even the Free Kingdom were the springboard used to contain Daxia.

However, no one could laugh when they saw those innocent people with disgraced faces, dragging their luggage like bereaved dogs.


Once Daxia fails, the fate of these people will be the fate of 140,000 compatriots!

Being in a state of panic all day long, leaving home and living under someone else's roof, he became a bereaved dog!

In fact, Daxia may not be as good as the people of these universe countries, because the universe country can ask Daxia for help, but who can Daxia turn to?

140 million people, which country has the ability to accept it!

The scenes of the people of the Universe Kingdom leaving their homes made everyone unable to laugh.

"Alas." Even Mr. Jin couldn't help but sigh.

Lin Fan changed the subject and said, "Mr. Chen, how is the third phase of the Great Steel Wall project going?"

"very nice!"

Mr. Chen smiled and walked to the window.

Outside the window, buses full of people and trucks of building materials roared towards them. Supporters from the private sector were lining up, and building materials such as cement bricks and tiles were being moved into place. An army of animals and the shadow of a huge sea beast also began to help carry it!

"It has started now." Mr. Chen said happily: "I originally thought that our 50 million soldiers plus 10 million official construction personnel would not be enough."

"But in just three hours, 100 million people filled out volunteer applications on the official website!"

"One hundred million!"

“Far exceeded expectations!”

"Moreover, the materials and equipment supported by private parties... although we purchased them at a fair price, they also solved the current problem!"

Mr. Chen said, his eyes full of pride.

Lin Fan nodded, feeling equally pleased.

These are the compatriots of Daxia!

This is Daxia’s confidence in facing the gods!

"But we have to stop it..." Lin Fan said solemnly: "Too many people come to help, which may affect the normal operation of society."

100 million people!

What is the concept of everyone coming to help?

One in fourteen people!

"In this way, if people in the agricultural production industry and transportation industry volunteer to help, let the soldiers persuade them to go back. Their positions are very important. If they all come to help, it will affect the lives of the people! Priority will be given to recruiting people working in the construction industry.

And people who have experience in the construction industry." Lin Fan mused.

Mr. Chen nodded.

It is a good thing that there are many people coming to help!

But too much is not a good thing...

The advertising and entertainment industries have many people coming to help, but they have little impact on the lives of the people.

If more people from the agricultural production industry and transportation industry came to help, it would have an impact on national life!

In order to build the Great Steel Wall, food rotted in the ground and supermarket supplies were cut off?

This is not advisable!

The Great Steel Wall is used to protect our compatriots in Daxia.

How can it affect the lives of citizens just for the sake of building the Great Steel Wall?

In order to build the Great Steel Wall, supermarkets are out of stock, schools are closed, food and vegetables are unavailable, and even breakfast shops are closed. This is putting the cart before the horse!

"Yes, I specifically explained it," Mr. Chen nodded: "We mainly keep those civilian construction teams, or volunteers who work part-time on weekdays. Other industries can also stay for short-term training, but agricultural production

, the transportation industry, the education industry, the catering industry and other important industries related to people's livelihood, as well as students who are in school, the soldiers will flexibly persuade them to return."

"Yes." Lin Fan nodded: "Then the rest of the transportation of the Universe Country and the third phase of the Great Steel Wall project will be left to you, Shang Weitian and Jin Lao."

"I'm not good at this, and next...I have things to do."

Lin Fan stood up slowly, turned around and said to Xingye and others: "Inform the God-Slaying Army and all the patron saints of Daxia!"

"When Bai Qi and the others are out of school tonight, everyone will assemble!"

"Is there a battle?" Xingye was stunned.

"Not necessarily." Lin Fan shook his head: "However, there may be. It all depends on whether the other party cooperates."

The king asked in a deep voice: "Lin Fan, what's wrong?"

"A secret, I'm about to wake up." Lin Fan replied in a deep voice.


"Not necessarily," Lin Fan shook his head: "In the last life, he was indeed an enemy, and he himself was also a man-eating monster."

"But in this life... Daji, since she can help us fight..."

Lin Fan's attitude has changed!

Since Daji can change, and since the Destroyer can become a freedom fighter fighting for mankind, then what's wrong with other secrets!

"The monster...is the same as Daji, in mythology?" Guo Zuo asked with a frown.

"From Journey to the West." Lin Fan suddenly smiled, "By the way, let's call the junior fellow apprentice of Mercy too. Speaking of which, he and that guy are still old friends."


This chapter has been completed!
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