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Chapter 1,153 Time flies by

As soon as Huang Shu saw her uncle, she thought of the time when her mother had just gone to the south. At that time, her uncle only cared about gambling and didn't even care about her being a girl at home. He just brought all the bad people home.

, sometimes when I go to the toilet there, men will open the door and come in.

This was also the reason why Huang Shu didn't want to stay at home for a while and always ran out.

The house was so chaotic that there was no place where she could be independent.

Grandma was okay with her, but she couldn't talk to her in that family. Or rather, compared to his granddaughter, her son was the most important thing.

Wang Yue thought for a while, he was afraid that Huang Shu would be entangled by his uncle. After all, with an uncle who is a gambler and a deceitful mother, Huang Shu's future stardom would be very difficult.

You should know that after Huang Shu became famous, Huang Shu's mother was persuaded by Wang Yue to surrender. With Wang Yue's help, she performed meritorious service and recovered a lot of fraudulent funds.

Huang Shu withdrew a large amount of money from Wang Yue to cover the fraud her mother had participated in, and obtained the victim's forgiveness. In addition, since she was not the mastermind, her criminal law was reduced.

Moreover, due to the early divorce, Huang Shu's mother was diagnosed with a mental illness. After the divorce is over, there is a high probability that she can be released on medical parole.

He was afraid that Huang Shu's mother would not be here during this period and Huang Shu would be deceived by his uncle, so he carefully reminded him, "Don't forget that your uncle is a gambler. If you let him know that you have a lot of money, he will definitely pester you."

I'm attracted to you, and since you're a celebrity, there will be a lot of trouble coming your way."

Huang Shu was not a child. She knew this situation without Wang Yue's reminder. She didn't look at the direction where her uncle was being pulled and followed Wang Yue.

Time flies by, and three years have passed in the blink of an eye. Shen Mo has graduated with a doctorate, and she is now the vice president of the mysterious base hospital.

The reason why she was promoted so quickly is because he not only improved his academic qualifications, but also proved his strong strength through his clinical performance in the past few years.

Of course, in addition to the fact that Wang Yue is the person in charge here, there is no one to stop Silent's promotion. Basically, he will be promoted immediately if the conditions are met.

In the past three years, domestic technology can be described as rapid advancement.

Originally, the country's strategy was to sacrifice the market for technology, but because of Wang Yue's existence, there was no need to do this at all, so the strategy was immediately adjusted.

Especially Wang Yue's last move was so beautiful that it made people see clearly the true nature of foreign countries.

The export price demanded by Wang Yue was six times that of the domestic price. The foreigners who were above us resisted at first, but later found out that the thing was really useful and they couldn't produce it for the time being. They really had to sell their kidneys.


Seeing this situation, the North American Federation immediately began to impose sanctions on Honor Technology, hoping to force Honor Technology to compromise and disclose its technology.

Who would have thought that Wang Yue saw that some parts could no longer be imported, so he immediately started making 100% domestic parts, and the export price was higher than before.

The main reason is that today's mobile phones are more convenient than before. They not only have functions such as taking pictures, but also with the development of APPs, people have discovered that this small mobile phone is a computer. Even the popular games now have APP versions.

It also frees many people from the trouble of having to be in front of a computer to play games.

This is a devastating blow to computers that have just emerged in China. Almost no one uses them except for office work.

Rogue organizations have always been arrogant, and everyone follows their lead. I have never encountered such a thorn in my side.

There is nothing they can do with Honor Technology

Their easternmost land is originally connected to the northeast, so they import from here at six times the price, and then sell it to Europe at more than ten times the price, making money faster than they make by selling energy.

The apparent opponent of the gangster organization was originally the polar bear. Seeing their enemies making money so violently, they had no choice but to cancel the anti-dumping investigation and even the fines.

But they canceled it, but Wang Yue became more energetic. He just restored some sales points in countries that had not joined the North Atlantic rogue organization.

This is the first time in the world that an incident involving a company or an organization has attracted global attention.

As a result, countries that are really scarce in these products find that the North Atlantic rogue organization is unable to benefit them.

As a result, a certain romantic country in the West of Asia decisively withdrew from the gangster organization. On the day they quit, they received product orders from Honor Technology, and they also joined the ranks of selling these products. Like polar bears, they continued to

Earn the difference.

With the first one, there will be the second immediately. The rogue organizations know this. They are afraid that the building will collapse, so they decisively find a reason to launch an attack on a country in the Middle East, hoping to show their force.

Let those countries that want to withdraw think clearly.

The reason they gave is also very funny, that is, they actually have laundry detergent of mass destruction, so they must be eradicated to maintain world peace.

It’s just that this time they thought wrong. These tycoons in the Middle East are all wealthy people, and they are all big customers of Honor Technology.

Since they are big customers, they will not only buy luxury goods such as phablets, but they are also very interested in the export-oriented Fat Girl Honeycomb in which Honor Technology participates.

Anyway, money comes for free. If you are short of money, just buy two more barrels of oil. They purchased several sets of export-type Fat Girl hives without hesitation. Even the export version of Fat Girl transport aircraft has a division, and even more

Not to mention the Fat Niu Honeycomb supporting early warning aircraft, destroyer aircraft and escort aircraft.

In order to thank China for allowing this sale, they directly purchased hundreds of large domestic aircraft to use as their own passenger aircraft, replacing Airbus and Boeing.

This chapter is not finished yet, please click on the next page to continue reading the exciting content! So when the rogue organization wanted to let people experience modern warfare, their aircraft carrier formation had just appeared in the nearby waters and was classified as an organic one.

Fat Girl's hive was attacked by surprise.

After the First World War, the rogue organization lost hundreds of fighter planes and even five or six aircraft carriers. Their air firepower advantage was suddenly wiped out.

Originally, if there was a major setback, everyone would suspend the offensive, but now that the arrow is ready, the ground forces can only resort to forceful attack.

They made rapid progress at the beginning, but soon they were stuck in the desert and unable to move forward. The number of casualties increased rapidly every day, so they had to retreat beyond the border to reorganize the attack.

It's just that they don't have air superiority, and the regrouping planes haven't arrived yet. At this time, they don't agree to fight others.

Therefore, the local tycoons in the Middle East decisively chose to continue the attack, vowing to eliminate the countries that provide offensive strongholds for the evil forces, and drive the soldiers of the rogue organizations into the Red Sea to feed the fish.

So a massive war to destroy the country was turned into a battle of defense. However, before the defense could be defended, not only did the small accomplice country become a province of the local tyrants in the Middle East, but even the soldiers of the North American Federation were captured.

Tens of thousands.

This is embarrassing. Instead of destroying the country, a little overlord from the Middle East has been destroyed.

Originally, there were some members of gangster organizations who joined gangsters because they were afraid of being bullied by gangsters. Now it seems that gangsters are so weak. In order to make profits, some countries have decisively withdrawn from gangster organizations and joined other Middle Eastern tycoons.

Hurry up and purchase Honor Technology's Honeycomb series products. With this product, it will not be so easy for anyone to bully you.

After all, the reason why gangsters bully others is because there is profit to be made. If there is no profit, how can they do it if they are not stupid?

Originally, when things got here, the gangster organization would disappear. After all, there was no profit to be made.

But what makes people very speechless is that Polar Bear saw that the gangster organization was so bad, and thought that the three thorns in the back were about to officially join the gangster organization, but the gangster organization did not let them join, and everyone acted hooligans together, so they decisively launched military operations


The polar bear marched so fast that the gangster organization didn't even react. He quickly pulled out the three thorns on his back that lacked strategic depth, reestablished contact with his enclave, and acquired many gangsters.

Organizational supplies.

Many members of the gangster organization originally wanted to quit, but suddenly they found that the polar bear they had bullied before had begun to take revenge, and they suddenly did not dare to say anything.

The North American Federation decisively took advantage of the opportunity and led rogue organizations to retaliate against polar bears to prevent some member states from wanting to secede.

However, they were afraid that the polar bear would become anxious and throw mushrooms around, so they had no choice but to send ground troops and start a hand-to-hand fight with the polar bear.

Although the rogue organization is more powerful than the polar bear economically, it is on par with the polar bear militarily. Although the rogue organization is more powerful with more people, it is not easy for him to defeat the polar bear, not to mention that they have lost the first move.

Moreover, Polar Bear was obviously more prepared and quickly used its advantage to push the war zone into the territory of Spinach. Only then did the rogue organization react.

Both sides later suffered casualties on each other, but neither side could do anything against the other, so the stalemate continued.

A lot of funds came back from China all of a sudden, and many domestic companies that were in urgent need of funds were revived with the technical support of Honor Technology.

As a result, the country has entered a stage of rapid development. It is changing with each passing day. To describe it, it has become the second largest economy and is rapidly approaching the first largest economy.

In addition, the domestic version of Fat Girl Hive is still in an invincible state, so the Eastern Continent is extremely quiet, and all countries have entered a state of rapid development by taking advantage of the domestic spring breeze.

Therefore, Wang Yue is particularly important. The security level around him is getting higher and higher, but because of his low profile, Xu Gang was assassinated many times.

If Xu Gang hadn't kept a low profile and obeyed the arrangements, and was basically impeccably defended, Wang Yue might have been a corpse when he saw him again.

On this day, Qin Li had graduated from college and officially entered Wang Yue's construction company. In order to celebrate him, a small party was held.

Apart from Qin Li's brother and mother, the only ones attending this gathering were Wang Yue Momo and Shen Weidong Huang Shu.

As for Feng Xuejiao, because she transferred to another school and wanted to be farther away from Wang Di, she applied for a school in the south during the college entrance examination. Now she is interning at a company in the south called Qili Finance. She probably won't be able to come back.

As for Wang Di, he was dropped out of school because of what happened back then, and his parents had no money to help him change schools, so they had no choice but to go to a vocational high school.

Vocational high schools at this time were all a group of kids who wanted to get the same academic qualifications. They basically didn't study. Everyone was just having fun. Falling in love here was tacitly approved by the school.

After Wang Di came here, he really felt like a fish in water. He got to hang out with the classmates here and quickly adapted to the trend and got a girlfriend.

It's just that the girls here are more mature than the girls in high school. They are really the ones who don't let the eagle in sight.

Therefore, although Wang Di can take them to a free barbecue, and her girlfriend is willing to let him touch and scratch her, or find other ways to vent her anger, it is impossible to win the last line of defense.

After graduating from a vocational high school for more than a year, Wang Di did not go to college, so he had to help sell barbecue. His girlfriend had not broken up with him by then, but the two of them had made little progress over the years.

When he received Qin Li's call, Wang Di's barbecue business was busy, and he couldn't leave, so he didn't follow him.

Although Qin Li was a little regretful that Wang Di didn't come, he didn't force it. He knew that in life, there are always people who leave their own world and others who come back.

What Qin Li didn't expect was that in the middle of the dinner, Feng Xuejiao suddenly rushed back. With him was a man named Yin Li, the boss of her company, and her boss's hometown was also in Hualin.

We came back together this time.

Huang Shu was also very happy about Feng Xuejiao's arrival, so she and Shen Mo chatted happily with Feng Xuejiao, leaving Yin Li aside.

Qin Li was worried that Yin Li would be bored alone, so he took the initiative to chat with Yin Li. Only then did he find out that Yin Li's company was actually a financial company involving foreign countries.

As soon as Qin Li heard the word foreign, he immediately became wary, but he did not show it. He just never mentioned Wang Yue's affairs, nor did he introduce Wang Yue's identity.

This chapter has been completed!
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