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Chapter 1229: A small soldier in Weicheng at night

Wang Yue thought about it and felt that this arrangement was good. After all, most of Luo Youyou's friends knew Liang Lu. Liang Lu took the initiative to propose it, which was more secretive and more reasonable than Luo Youyou's proposal.

Seeing that Luo Youyou was so cautious, he felt relieved and started watching TV series again.

This time it was time to travel to the extraordinary world, and he specially looked for a fairy tale drama called Jiang Ye.

The reason why he chose this TV series was that he accidentally saw it when he was looking for fairy tale dramas.

He found it very interesting, and even searched for the content of this drama. There is a state of distancelessness, in short, it is the distance that ignores space.

In Wang Yue's view, this is the power to see through the laws of space. Using the laws of space to continuously shuttle through a certain space is exactly what he wants.

Wang Yue has entered so many worlds, and he has a feeling that if one day he can break the barriers of the world, then he can return to the world he has experienced before.

If you want to break the barriers of the world, you must first understand the structure of the world. In his view, a world is composed of space and time.

For example, the space rings in some novels can store materials and ensure that the materials will not go bad. In fact, there is only space in it but no time, so the materials will not go bad.

If there is the passage of time, the objects in that space will slowly change with time, and they will no longer be static, and a world will be formed.

As for other elements that make the world a better place, such as light and life, that will be considered later.

Wang Yue has now learned time skills, and even has three time skills. In his opinion, he has only mastered three methods of using the law of time.

If he learns space skills, will he be able to create his own world in the future?

If he can create a world by himself, he can slowly study the world's barriers. Once he has thoroughly studied this thing, he may be able to travel at will.

Because the time has not come yet, Wang Yue thought it would be better to read the beginning, so that he could understand the setting of this world.

After all, many fairy tale dramas nowadays will introduce the world at the beginning. How did it come into being?

Sure enough, after the TV series started, in order to prevent people from understanding it, there was a preface that briefly introduced the world of Jiang Ye.

The story of Jiang Ye takes place on the Haotian continent. This continent has its own reincarnation. Every thousand years, a Hades will be born in the Haotian world and launch a world-destroying catastrophe called Eternal Night.

In this world, the level of cultivation is the initial level, perception, non-confusion, cave mystery, knowing destiny, and other five realms. Above the five realms, there are many wonderful realms, the most powerful one is the Wuju of the Academy Master.

Speaking of academies, we have to mention that there are several holy places for spiritual practice in this world.

There are the Haotian Dao of the Xiling Divine Kingdom who worship Haotian, the Demon Sect that worships Hades, the ascetic Tianqing Sect of the Yuelun Kingdom, and the academy founded by the Master who experienced the last eternal night, which is known as Yiguan.

, one temple, one gate, two floors.

Of course, there are practitioners and ordinary people. There are several secular countries in this world, such as Southern Jin, Yan, Yuelun, Dahe, Xiling Divine Kingdom, etc.

When Wang Yue saw this, he felt that this world was very suitable for him. After he arrived in that world, he could practice his own martial arts. He could even reach the level of flying with a sword, and he would soon be able to reach the five realms.

But his goal is still the academy, to learn the academy's non-distance. He feels that through non-distance, he can understand the laws of space.

Just like his Stargate, as long as he understands the laws of space, Wang Yue can gradually become familiar with and master the laws of space through other methods.

The more he thought about it, the more beautiful it became. Wang Yue couldn't help but smile. He felt that this TV series was tailor-made for him.

Luo Youyou happened to come back at this moment. He saw Wang Yue smiling and asked suspiciously, "What are you laughing at? Are you laughing at the TV series or at Lulu?"

Of course, Wang Yue can't talk about TV series. After all, he hasn't watched any TV series. When Luo Youyou asked him what was funny about the TV series, he couldn't tell.

So, he quickly explained with a smile, "I'm wondering if Liang Lu will have a crush on Xiang Dong after this incident. She will follow Xiang Dong wherever he goes, so that there will be a feeling of a woman chasing a man.

Yeah, thinking about Liang Lu’s temper, it seems quite amusing.”

Luo Youyou thought for a while, and she felt that with Liang Lu's character, she might be able to do such a thing, so she shook her head helplessly and said, "It is really possible, as long as Xiang Dong doesn't care about Lulu."

I think Lulu can help with the rest."

Wang Yue nodded. He didn't expect that his company manager would turn out to be a pretty boy. He was about to express some opinions when he heard a beeping sound.

"Hey, it's detected that the host is watching Jiang Ye, the system is loading..."

"Hey, the loading is successful, the time-travel function is starting..."

Wang Yue was speechless. He was becoming more and more willful in time travel. He didn't even let him finish his words, so he dragged him over. When he asked him to come out, how could he talk to Luo Youyou? What if he forgot?

Before Wang Yue had time to complain, he felt his chest was tight and his face was sticky. He quickly looked up and saw that he was covered in blood. In front of him, there was a barbarian man holding a giant hammer and pointing at

He was hit on the head.

Looking at this situation, it doesn't take much to know that the original Wang Yue accidentally fainted when he was hit by a sledgehammer, and he took the opportunity to time travel.

He seemed to have seen this scene at the beginning of the night. Isn't this the scene where the woodcutter from Subi Lake was attacked by a surprise attack when he went to chop wood?

By the way, Wang Yue feels that this is not in line with his character?

He is just a salty fish, how could he be so domineering and kill people?

It really doesn't make sense.

But it doesn't make sense, but it is more reasonable. After all, most of the soldiers who serve as soldiers are the children of ordinary people. Those who can come to the border to serve as soldiers are not orphans, but they are also helpless and can only rely on themselves to survive.

From this point of view, the reason why we in this world are not willing to take action is because we are helpless.

But at this time, it was not the time for Wang Yue to think wildly. The moment he lost his mind, the giant hammer swung towards his head was about to hit him.

Wang Yue didn't have time to make a handsome move. A donkey rolled up and came close to the big man's body. The simple sword followed the trend and slashed deeply into the big man's leg.

Then, while the giant man's calves were bent and his body bent down, Wang Yue stood up straight and swung his knife cleanly again, hitting the giant man's neck.

The giant man didn't expect that the person he had beaten just now would become so lively in the blink of an eye. He threw away the sledgehammer unwillingly, clutched his throat and fell heavily to the ground.

Wang Yue didn't have time to see the giant man's reaction. He had just made this giant man and solved the current crisis. He immediately felt a strong wind coming. He could only pounce forward and then roll, and rolled towards the earth wall.


The moment he dodged, an arrow grazed his scalp and penetrated deeply into the cracked earth.

While Wang Yue was rolling, he noticed a barbarian with a spear who was stabbing a companion in the chest. He threw the knife in his hand towards the man's waist and abdomen.

The moment the thrown knife pierced Wang Yue's companion with the spear, it penetrated deeply into the waist and abdomen of the barbarian, making it impossible for him to continue stabbing. The spear almost stopped at Wang Yue's side.

Jump on the chest of your companion.

Wang Yue quickly stood up straight, grabbed the spear, and shouted casually, "Follow me!"

After he finished speaking, he speared like a dragon and quickly rushed into the crowd of barbarians who were surrounding Tang soldiers. After a few afterimages as fast as lightning, he quickly felled several barbarians, which also prevented his companion from being attacked from all sides.


The companion who was following Wang Yue didn't need Wang Yue's orders at all, and took the opportunity to rush forward to share the pressure of the man who had just been besieged.

At this time, Wang Yue also went back in time twice before turning around and accurately flying two flying arrows before rejoining the battle group.

After the three men gathered together, their fighting power greatly increased. They chopped melons and vegetables and killed several horse thieves, but they also caused more horse thieves to besiege them.

However, this also has an advantage, that is, the horse thieves no longer dare to shoot bows and arrows, so they can only rush forward with various weapons, and the two sides fight together.

However, in terms of cooperation, the barbarians were no match for Wang Yue and the others. After a while, Wang Yue and his two companions killed these dozen horse thieves.

When everything was clear, Wang Yue realized that there were no horse thieves around. He was ready to go back in time to judge the position of the bow and arrow, but after waiting for a long time, no bow and arrow came.

Wang Yue then looked in the direction where he had just shot the arrow, and suddenly found a young man standing on the high slope on one side. The young man was cleaning the battlefield at the moment, with three knives stuck on his back. He also carried two

A hardwood bow.

Before he could say anything, one of the two companions, Gao Yang, looked at the young man and shouted loudly, "Ning Que, are there any more useless people?"

The young man picked up a stiff bow again and rummaged for something on the corpse. He said very coldly, "You were afraid of killing them all, and I shot the rest."

After hearing this, another companion immediately laughed and scolded, "You are the most thief. The few of us attracted those losers, and you shot the rest. As far as I saw, there were seven or eight."


There were seven or eight friends who came together, but now there are only four of them alive. The four of them were cleaning the battlefield while laughing and cursing to vent their excess passion after the fight.

After cleaning the battlefield, they gathered a few horses and rode them one by one. The remaining horses dragged their companions' bodies and trophies and quickly left the canyon and headed towards Weicheng.

While passing by Subi Lake, Gao Yang suddenly shouted, "Ning Que, do you want to take a shower before going back? Or do you want to put your things back?"

Wang Yue was depressed and covered in blood. After Gao Yang's reminder, he remembered that when we went out to cut wood together before, we would first wash off the blood on our bodies in the lake before returning to Weicheng.

He quickly turned the horse's head and said with a loud smile, "Trash, if I want you to go back, of course I will take a bath first. If we in Weicheng want to wash away the blood, don't we need more than ten buckets of water!"

A few minutes after his horse rushed out, several other people immediately followed, and Ning Que also said loudly, "I'll go too!"

Gao Yang followed the two of them and said with a smile, "Ning Que will feel sorry for others now and won't bully little Sang Sang!"

The three of them chatted and laughed and came to the lake. Wang Yue simply jumped into the water without taking off his clothes. When his head emerged from the water, he was completely naked.

Wang Yue washed his clothes in the water with low-quality soap locusts, then casually threw them on the sand by the lake, and took a good swim in the water.

When he returned to the shore comfortably, Ning Que was scrubbing by the water while keeping an eye on the surroundings. Gao Yang and the two were still playing in the lake.

Wang Yue's clothes were baked by the hot sun and sand, and although they still had some moisture, they were still barely wearable.

This chapter has been completed!
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