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Chapter 132 The bad guys are getting old

After Li Shiqing listened to these voice records, she was so shocked that she was speechless. Wang Yue always said that he could never find anyone more stupid than her, but isn't this the same person?

After taking a few deep breaths, Li Shiqing raised her head proudly and said with a proud face, "There are many people stupider than me! You've seen it this time! I'll leave Ying Qi's matter to you! I won't let you handle it.

I'm satisfied, don't even think about getting into my bed."

Wang Yue is a bit over the head. How can he take care of other people's housework by himself? What's more, this girl seems to be willing to do it for her love. He wants to help, but others blame him for being nosy.

However, Wang Yue suddenly thought of a new idea. A girl can do anything for love, so her parents can seek justice for their daughter. If you do this, Shiqing will definitely like it.

Wang Yue quickly discussed his plan with Li Shiqing. Li Shiqing's big eyes blinked and she excitedly kissed Wang Yue. Wang Yue was a person who was willing to suffer, so he immediately fought back.

In the afternoon, Wang Yue first located the locations of Ying Qi and Cha Renshi, and then the two of them separated and went to get their hair.

Because it had long been discovered that this guy was a soft persimmon, Wang Yue was much simpler and more rude. Wang Yue grabbed Cha Renshi from behind by his hair and dragged him away from the surveillance area, shouting, "

Boy, I have found you, when are you going to pay back the money you owe us?"

Zha Renshi was frightened by Wang Yue's ferocity. Now his hair and arms have been treated and he can't move. He said miserably, "Brother, brother, you must have mistaken the person. I never owe anyone money!"

After hearing his screams, Wang Yue let go of his hand holding his hair, hid the hair in his pocket, and then said, "Aren't you an Oxford student? You were wearing these clothes in the photo they gave me.


Cha Renshi was relieved after hearing this, but he still forced a smile and said flatteringly, "My girlfriend bought this for me on the pedestrian street. Maybe it's a coincidence, it must be a coincidence!"

Wang Yue still remembered that when he came, Li Shiqing asked him to clean up this "dead scumbag", but he refused to listen to his explanation, so he kneed him in the stomach, and then punched him a few times, hitting his face

Pushing him to the ground, he said viciously, "I only saw one person wearing this outfit in the entire medical school. Are you kidding me? Pay me back immediately!"

Zha Renshi's face was pushed to the ground, and his face was covered with acidic water after being hit by his knee. He was very frightened, but his reaction was very sensitive. He heard the meaning of Wang Yue's words. Who was the person who was being collected from debt?

The student from the medical school hurriedly said, "Brother, brother, I'm from the School of Political Science and Law. I have my student ID card in my pocket. If you don't believe me, look at it!"

Zha Renshi clasped his hands behind his back and took out his student ID card from his pocket and showed it to Wang Yue. Wang Yue pretended to look at it carefully, then let go of his arm, kicked his butt again, and said again very fiercely,

"Hurry up and change these clothes for me, then get out and wander around the medical school wearing this clothes again. We will treat you as his accomplice!"

Zha Renshi fell far away, so he quickly took off his coat and ran out of the medical school without looking back. Wang Yue looked at his embarrassed way of running away, thinking that this guy would

Probably won't come to medical school again.

Because of Wang Yue's actions, Ying Qi, who was waiting for Cha Renshi, was destined to not be able to wait. This also gave Li Shiqing enough time to commit the crime. She quickly ran to make an appointment with Wang Yue with a long hair in hand.

Good thing, we went to the hospital together.

Under the influence of Wang Yue's money-making ability, the testing agency quickly provided the results. Wang Yue then pushed the testing results and the selected audio directly to the mobile phones of Ying Qi's parents. Then, Wang Yue and Li Shiqing

Personally, I started to watch the excitement through Wang Yue's remote monitoring.

Ying Qi's parents were very helpful. They forced Ying Qi and Cha Renshi to go and do another paternity test with their children, and then threw the results of the test directly in front of Cha Renshi's parents. The two families quickly arranged a wedding for the two children.


Such a magical turn of events made Li Shiqing a little depressed. She said with some interest, "I think if Ying Qi's parents marry off their daughter like this, Ying Qi may not be happy!"

Wang Yue touched her little head with his hand, and then said comfortingly, "This is mainly because the Ying family's parents have a daughter who is dragging her feet. Think about it, Ying Qi listened too much to Cha's mother, and she has this undercover agent.

Now, Ying’s parents don’t have much else to do.”

"Ying Qi will have a lot of trouble in the future! It feels like Ying Qi's parents have aged several years after dealing with Ying Qi's matter, but Ying Qi was just happy and didn't look back at his parents at all!" Li Shiqing was very unhappy.

What happened this time made me feel a little confused.

"Okay, this kind of thing is like a person knowing whether the water is warm or not. She won't listen to outsiders' opinions. Do you think we should have our own children? You looked at that little girl that day and couldn't take your eyes away.

"Wang Yue quickly changed the subject. He couldn't let Li Shiqing get immersed in this matter. If she accidentally gets a superpower again, she would have to work for a while. Having a girlfriend with superpowers would seem tiring, so let her

I'm busy having a baby and don't have time to focus on anything else.

As expected, Li Shiqing's attention was diverted. She leaned her little head on Wang Yue's body and thought for a while, counting something with her fingers. She stood up with a smile on her face, picked up Wang Yue and ran to the bedroom.

After Ying Qi and Cha Renshi got married, the parents of the Ying family took the young couple to the hospital again, paid back Wang Yue's money, and issued a birth certificate for the child in the incubator. Wang Yue and Li Shiqing declined Ying's request.

Thanks to his parents, Wang Yue didn't want to meet Cha Renshi. What if this coward recognized him?

Li Shiqing and Wang Yue looked at each other, and then they both breathed a sigh of relief. By now, the two of them were completely freed from this incident, and no longer had to worry about the child.

Wang Yue and Li Shiqing handled their children's affairs in a low-key manner at the medical school, and were recognized by the leaders of the medical school. Temporary IDs were specially issued for them, allowing them to borrow books from their school's library at any time. Wang Yue was very happy.

I'm happy. Although he can hack some information himself, he can't use the hacked information to ask the professor to ask his questions.

It's almost time for winter vacation again, and Li Shiqing, who is already a senior, has begun to prepare for the exam. After passing the exam, she can find a job for internship. This girl wants to work in the media industry, and Wang Yue also asked his direct boss to make arrangements for her.


Taking advantage of this gap, Wang Yue went to the base to participate in training. These training projects were trivial to Wang Yue, so Wang Yue quickly completed the special training content and hurried back, only to get off the plane.

Thinking about it, I seemed to have forgotten to buy a gift for Li Shiqing, so I quickly went to the shopping mall that was not closed.

However, when Wang Yue was wandering around the mall choosing gifts, he suddenly felt that his vision went dark. When he regained his vision, the scene in front of him had changed and he was back to the time when he had just gotten off the plane.

Seeing this situation, Wang Yue knew that there must be another problem with Li Shiqing, but hadn't she already finished her exam at home? She should still be sleeping in at the moment.

He couldn't care less, so Wang Yue quickly hailed a taxi and rushed home. Wang Yue hurried home and saw Li Shiqing running around in circles at home. He looked up and down at Li Shiqing carefully.

Seeing nothing wrong with her expression, Wang Yue hurriedly asked, "Are you okay?"

"I'm fine. It's just that I woke up early today to pick up the seafood I ordered. I took the No. 45 bus when I was passing by the farmer's market. I gave up my seat to an uncle who was buying vegetables, but he didn't give it to me.

She had a good face, but she also disliked me for being too slow to give in, so she went to the back door in anger and stood far away." Li Shiqing pouted, feeling that the bad guys now have become uncles.

After listening to Li Shiqing's subsequent description, Wang Yue realized that after Li Shiqing gave up her seat, before the bus had driven far, she heard someone yelling "fire!" The bus suddenly braked, and the door opened instantly, and Li Shiqing was crowded.

People squeezed out of the bus and fell directly onto the curb.

Li Shiqing got up and checked her knees. Before she could stand up, the burning bus burst into flames. She was too close and the flames hit her face. She was so frightened that she immediately started the bus.

Superpowers are back home.

However, at the moment when the super power was activated, in the still scene, Li Shiqing saw that although the young people in the car had some minor burns, they were actually fine, but none of the adults and aunts who got up early to buy groceries were injured.

Come down.

Li Shiqing thought about it now and was still a little scared. The No. 45 bus in Jialin City was too scary. She decided to listen to Wang Yue and learn to drive.

This chapter has been completed!
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