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Chapter 1,406 Entering your world!

After Qiqi finished speaking, she shed tears and said stubbornly, "I never want to go back to that home again! That's not my home!"

Wang Yue felt a little sorry for Qiqi after hearing what Qiqi said. However, Qiqi is only 16 years old, which is more than one year older than his sister Yuanyuan. What do her parents think?

He wanted to agree, but if Qiqi didn't come home for more than a day, or even less than a day, her parents might call the police, which would cause trouble.

Wang Yue hesitated for a moment, then said seriously, "How about you calm down before making a decision today. You stay at my house tonight, and I will go to Jiajia Game Hall to make DVDs. Uncle Li knows that I am going, so I guess

I was so happy.”

After Qiqi listened to Wang Yue's suggestion, she looked a little surprised. When she pretended to be asleep that day, she knew that Wang Yue didn't like her, so she took her home now. Is she meeting her parents-in-law?

Thinking of the content of the novel, she suddenly became a little panicked, but she didn't realize that she recognized her parents-in-law in her heart.

She was a little at a loss and said, "Let's go to your house? Can't I go to the game arcade?"

Wang Yue saw that Qiqi didn't seem to have much resistance, but was just a little nervous. Although he didn't understand why, he just thought that he and Mai Mai were too familiar, so Qiqi was very close to him.

He smiled and said comfortingly, "I'm afraid that won't work. Your mother went to the game arcade to find you. You ran away from home this time. If they wanted to find you, they would definitely go directly to the game arcade."

Qiqi felt that Wang Yue's words made sense. She really didn't want to go back tonight, so she said tangledly, "It's just that it's not good for me to go to your house like this."

However, Wang Yue directly pulled Qiqi onto the bridge, got on his bicycle, and said domineeringly to the troubled Qiqi, "Get in the car quickly. I will go home and tell my mother that I have good grades now and can do whatever I want.

It’s relatively free.”

Qiqi saw that Wang Yue was suddenly so strong, so she obediently got on the bicycle and followed Wang Yue home.

After Mrs. Wang opened the door to Wang Yue, she originally wanted to say something. After all, she didn't come home until late at night. As a mother, you have to worry no matter what.

But before she could say anything, she saw Qiqi behind Wang Yue. She was a little sleepy at first, but she immediately became energetic. She looked at Qiqi curiously, her eyes full of inquiry.

Wang Yue saw that Qiqi was a little uncomfortable, so he quickly said, "Mom, this is my classmate Qiqi. She will stay at our house for one night today and will go home tomorrow."

Qiqi also said with some embarrassment after Wang Yue said hello, "Auntie..."

But before she said anything, after hearing Wang Yue's words, Mrs. Wang's voice rose several decibels and said, "Stay one night?!"

Wang Yue saw his mother startled and frightened Qiqi, so he quickly explained, "The DVD equipment that Uncle Li and I made has been finished. I have to work all night today, so I won't stay at home."


Mrs. Wang breathed a sigh of relief, and immediately said in surprise, "You are still growing, how can you not sleep? Can't you do it tomorrow?"

Wang Yue felt a little distressed when he saw that Qiqi seemed to be very curious about the relationship between mother and son. It must have been a long time since he felt maternal love.

But now was not the time to talk, so he changed the subject and said, "Mom, it's too late. You go to bed early. Take good care of Qiqi!"

He finished speaking to Mama Wang, and then said to Qiqi, "You should have a good rest here tonight, and we can talk about other things tomorrow."

Qiqi nodded but said nothing. She actually wanted Wang Yue to stay. After all, this was Wang Yue's home. However, she also knew that it would be bad for her if Wang Yue stayed, so she watched Wang Yue leave eagerly.

Wang Yue didn't care what Qiqi and her mother talked about later. When he rushed back to Jiajia Game Hall, he surprised Uncle Li.

At this time, the game hall had not yet closed its stalls. Seeing Wang Yue coming back, the three of them quickly prepared supper and started working together.

Wang Yue's worries were unnecessary. Qiqi's mother did not come to Jiajia Game Hall to find Qiqi at all, so the preparations made by Wang Yue and Uncle Li were wasted.

The three of them worked all night while feeling sorry for Qiqi. Wang Yue then used the computer that Uncle Li bought and modified by him to complete the editing of the decoding program.

According to Wang Yue's request, Uncle Li Xiaobo also used the same production equipment to produce a batch of DVDs.

Wang Yue first moved the songs from five or six VCDs to the computer, then transferred the songs to DVD, and then played the songs through the DVD player made by Wang Yue.

Uncle Li waved his fist excitedly when he saw that it could actually be played, and that the capacity was many times greater than before.

He said very excitedly, "With so many things, as long as they register the DVD patent, they will continue to get a lot of money.

When we get the money, we can make a DVD player and make a lot of money all the time."

After Xiaobo Ge Jiajie heard this, he nodded excitedly and said, "That's great."

Wang Yue shook his head, and then said firmly, "You are wrong. We are exchanging this for a large amount of money, and then use that money to produce PHS."

Uncle Li and Squid were a little anxious after hearing this. How could they just sell it to others if they didn't want such a big cake?

Xiaobo was calmer than Uncle Li and the others. He saw that Wang Yue had a plan beforehand, so he quickly asked, "Wang Yue, what is PHS?"

Wang Yue did not answer, but took another batch of parts brought over by Uncle Li, and then quickly assembled the parts.

At the same time, he asked Uncle Li, the wavelet squid, to install it with him. The four of them worked for more than an hour, a dozen PHS, and a small signal generator. I made it.

Facing the doubtful looks of the three of them, he picked up one of the PHS phones and pressed the numbers according to the design. The other one soon started ringing.

Xiaobo was standing next to Wang Yue. He pointed at the beeping PHS and asked, "Why is it beeping?"

Wang Yue motioned for him to pick it up, and then said seriously, "This is called the original version of PHS. The two of us can talk through this. The distance depends on the transmission distance of our signal tower."

Xiaobo understood that this was a type of telephone, so he quickly picked it up and pressed the green button as Wang Yue asked, and the call was connected.

In order to verify the call performance, he quickly ran out and ran a hundred meters away. The PHS was still able to hear the recording clearly.

Cui Zui felt itchy after seeing this, so he quickly ran to Wang Yue's side, took Wang Yue's PHS, and started talking to Xiao Bo stupidly.

Uncle Li felt itchy after seeing this, and quickly asked, "Xiao Yue, what is the maximum communication distance of this PHS?"

Wang Yue did not hide anything, but simply said, "The call distance depends on the number of signal towers you build, so you need to find a relationship and obtain authorization from the telecommunications department. We can make money from this by selling DVDs. Just wait.

After a while, when people have figured this out, they can start producing mobile phones, which will have better signals."

When Uncle Li saw what Wang Yue said, he was very excited. This was the right way to make money. He felt that his previous way was too low.

So, he said very excitedly, "Then I will go to the telecommunications bureau tomorrow. No, I will go to the DVD business tomorrow first. Let's make the money back first. That thing can be sold for several thousand dollars."

Thousands of dollars?"

As soon as Wang Yue saw a black line on his forehead, he quickly said as a reminder, "Uncle, you go apply for a patent first. After the patent application is completed, I won't sell it to them for billions."

Uncle Li's hands shook. He didn't expect it to be so valuable. However, when he thought about it carefully, a VCD cost so much, and a DVD had more storage capacity, so it was natural to make more money.

Wang Yue went to bed after finishing his work, but Uncle Li didn't sleep all night. He took the materials prepared by Wang Yue and went to do patent work early in the morning. However, Xiaobo and Squid were busy working with panda eyes.


After Wang Yue woke up, he did not go to school immediately. He took several simple signal receiving generators and placed one on the roof of Qiqi's house, one on the roof of his own house, and one on the school.

Because he was busy with this, he was a little late when he went to school. When he got back on the road, he saw Qiqi and Lin Lan coming together from outside. Lin Lan's eye circles were still red, and she had obviously just cried.


After Qiqi sat down in her seat, Wang Yue asked with some confusion, "Are you going for a one-on-one duel?"

Qiqi couldn't help but roll her eyes at Wang Yue, and then said somewhat deliberately, "Don't you know? In the past, Lin Lan pretended to be pitiful when he came to the teacher, and other students could only be criticized. Today, I don't know what the teacher is saying.

What's wrong with Zhang? After seeing Lin Lan crying, she actually criticized Lin Lan, encouraged me to study hard, and asked me to come back with her."

Wang Yue saw that Qiqi was confused, so he explained with a smile, "I told the class teacher that you are very smart, and as long as you study hard, you will definitely be able to go to Tsinghua University and Peking University, so he is trying to find a way for me to save you with him.

, just wait for the class teacher’s favor.”

Qiqi was a little stunned. Only then did she realize the power of the good scholar in school, and she was also a little eager to try.

Just thinking about her current results, she said a little unsurely, "Can I do it?"

Wang Yue saw that Qiqi was not confident either, so he nodded quickly and encouraged him seriously, "Of course, you will study hard in the future, I will supervise you, and we will go to Tsinghua and Peking University together in the future."

Qiqi saw that Wang Yue didn't look like he was joking, so she lowered her head and said nothing. That was Qingbei, could she do it?

Wang Yue didn't know what Qiqi was thinking. When he was taking a break at noon, he took out a PHS phone from his schoolbag, handed it to Luo Qiqi and said, "Qiqi, happy birthday! This is for you so that you can contact her easily in the future.

Xiaobo and I."

Qiqi took the small and exquisite PHS, looked at it, and said with some confusion, "This little thing can make calls."

Seeing that Qiqi didn't believe it, Wang Yue took out his PHS and called Qiqi. The PHS in Qiqi's hand immediately started ringing.

The sudden sound startled Qiqi and even attracted the attention of other students.

Qiqi was startled and asked in a hurry, "Wang Yue, how do you turn off this sound?"

Wang Yue quickly went over to teach Qiqi how to answer the phone and turn down the volume, and then said with a smile, "You can also try calling Xiaobo. His speed dial is eight. He didn't go to class today. You

You can call him directly."

Qiqi didn't know whether Wang Yue's words were true or not, so she pressed eight according to Wang Yue's description, and then pressed the dial button.

Then she heard the beeping sound of the PHS, and not long after, Xiaobo's voice came over, "Wang Yue, or Qiqi?"

Seeing that Wang Yue hadn't lied to him, Qiqi said excitedly, "Brother, it's me. I thought Wang Yue was joking with me, but I didn't expect that I could actually talk to you."

Xiaobo is also very excited. He also knows that when Uncle Li comes back next time, they will all become rich people and he will be able to take his mother to see a doctor.

This chapter has been completed!
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