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Chapter 1428: Eye to eye

When Peng Hao saw that Wang Yue had agreed, he couldn't help but smile. He originally felt a little desperate because Cheng Yong stopped selling medicine, but he didn't expect that things would suddenly turn around.

It turned out that after Cheng Yong and Lu Yiyi obtained the QQ group from Liu Sihui, they contacted Pastor Liu and Peng Hao to form a drug selling team.

After the four of them sold out more than 100 bottles of medicine that Cheng Yong brought back, they obtained the agent qualification of Glenin from India. So, they began to expand the purchase volume, and the QQ group expanded the scope of sales, and they really made money

a lot of money.

Of course, it was Cheng Yong who made the money, and they only received a salary and their own medicine.

At this time, a man named Zhang Changlin, who claimed to be a medical academician, made a fake glenin and killed a free leukemia patient.

The leukemia patient initially thought it was caused by taking Cheng Yong's medicine, but later he realized that something was wrong when he discovered that most of the people who took Cheng Yong's medicine were fine except for their old lady.

After Cheng Yong inquired, he found out that it was a man named Zhang Changlin who had sold counterfeit medicines, defrauding the patient of his money and causing the patient's death.

As a result, Cheng Yong, Peng Hao, Lu Yiyi and Pastor Liu couldn't sit still. They took advantage of Zhang Changlin's promotional meeting to expose his crime.

When Zhang Changlin saw someone causing trouble, he immediately started a fight with Cheng Yong. After the conflict between the two parties, Zhang Changlin was taken to the police station for detention.

It's just that what this person was selling was fake medicine made of flour pills. Taking this stuff would not cure anyone or the disease at all, and he didn't know why he left, so he got out of the detention center early.

After he came out, he approached Cheng Yong, and after some coercion and inducement, he obtained the agent qualification from Cheng Yongsheng.

Cheng Yong was afraid of being exposed and jailed, so he disbanded his small team and took the money he earned to open a textile factory.

Cheng Yong left gracefully, but Pastor Liu who benefited from Peng Haolu was not so lucky, because after Zhang Changlin took over the medicine, he raised the price from 5,000 that Cheng Yong sold to 10,000, and these people who followed Cheng Yong

, a bottle only costs 5,000.

It's just that many patients can't even afford medicine that costs 5,000 yuan, let alone medicine that costs 10,000 yuan now. Therefore, a few of them are back to the situation of having no medicine to take.

Peng Hao was a very loyal person. After hearing Liu Sihui say that free treatment was available, he called all the people he knew who could not afford the medicine. In just three days, more than 100 people came to Wang Yue's experiment.


Fortunately, Wang Yue is rich now. Otherwise, talking to more than 100 people would require tens of millions of treatment fees. Not everyone can afford it.

However, the laboratory equipment that Wang Yue plagiarized and designed was very powerful. After several months of testing, several substances were easily analyzed from more than 100 people. It is these substances that play a role in the human body, allowing

These patients' health gradually improved.

One of them is the residue of glenin. These people have been eating glenin for many years, and they still have this ingredient in their bodies.

According to the analysis of the laboratory staff, it is under the action of glenine that the medicine provided by Wang Yue can work so quickly. Therefore, if you want to use traditional Chinese medicine to treat diseases quickly, you need to contain glenine in the medicine.

, otherwise, although it can be cured, it will be very slow.

Wang Yue frowned. He didn't expect that he would go around in a circle and come back to the matter of purchasing Glenin.

Therefore, Wang Yue began to ask the laboratory staff to synthesize a batch of drugs without glenin, and at the same time, make a batch of drugs with glenin. The two plans were tested simultaneously to conduct clinical trials to compare which one was more effective.

Which one is cheaper?

The staff were originally worried that Wang Yue would not use Grenin, which would cause trouble for them, and they might be doing useless work.

Now it seems that the suggestions provided by Wang Yue are actually more reliable. They have spontaneously conducted research on several other substances and are preparing to do several more combinations for experiments.

Wang Yue didn't have to worry about the laboratory, but the trouble caused by his experiments made him very depressed.

It turned out that no one knew who had spread the news about Wang Yue's future medical treatment of leukemia, which cost tens of millions to invest in leukemia, so many reporters who heard about it began to go to the laboratory to inquire.

It's just that the laboratory of Wang Yue's Future Medical is relatively tight, and those reporters can't come in for interviews. However, this can't stop them at all. The reporters with great powers quickly found a breakthrough.

That's Father Wang.

Father Wang originally had a record in the Sixth Hospital and was diagnosed with leukemia. However, recently, Father Wang returned to the company to work. Everyone in the company knew about this.

It just so happens that the media is currently discussing Wang Yue's investment in the treatment of leukemia. Colleagues at Wang's company thought that Wang Yue had the secret recipe that cured his father's disease.

So, after those reporters got the news, they tracked down Mr. Wang in the company and wanted to conduct an interview.

Although they didn't interview Mr. Wang, they still secretly took some shots of Mr. Wang. His body looked so fast that he didn't look like a patient at all.

As a result, some newspapers helped Wang Yue advertise with just one photo, and many weird headlines appeared.

"Shocked, my son actually experimented on his father!"

"Shocking, good news about leukemia!"


Various similar headlines swept through newspapers, big and small, and everyone in Shanghai knew about this matter at once. Some newspapers were even more influential and spread the news everywhere.

It's just that many people don't believe this kind of thing. After all, it's all just speculation and there is no real truth at all.

Of course, some people believe it. After all, a person can lie, but can a person in a company lie?

But these two arguments often make it very popular, so Future Medical, a newly established medical company, suddenly became very famous.

It happened that at this time, the more than 100 leukemia patient volunteers recruited by Wang Yue's company had gradually recovered after a course of treatment. All they had to do was return to the laboratory of Future Medical at regular intervals for blood tests.

As a result, the media had a new place to interview, and they did not hesitate to pay for it themselves. These patients who had just left the laboratory went for a physical examination.

Only a small number of people refused their temptation of profit, and most patients still paid money to go to the hospital for an examination, and the results of the examination were also published.

By comparing the test results when they were sick before and this time, we found that these patients have completely recovered. This is simply a medical miracle.

Therefore, reporters with great miraculous skills compiled a list of the conditions of more than a hundred patients and wrote them in newspapers, which also attracted more people's attention to this point.

However, compared to the attention of ordinary people, leukemia patients believe it more. They are originally connected to each other through patient groups and are better informed than those reporters.

As a result, a large number of patients gathered at the door of the Future Medical Laboratory every day, shouting that they were willing to volunteer and asking the boss of Future Medical to save them.

It's just that the experiment at this time is still in progress. It is not that fast to make medicine containing the corresponding substances, and Wang Yue cannot spend millions to treat one person and help these people cure their diseases.

Moreover, even if Wang Yue has so much money to treat diseases, he does not have so many medicinal materials to buy. After all, the reason why many medicinal materials are expensive is because they are rare.

However, because Future Medical did not agree, it didn’t take long for the trend of those newspapers to change. Future Medical changed from being a good news for leukemia to a cold-blooded capitalist, and it only took less than a month.

Facing the doubts from the outside, the employees of Future Medical were also under great pressure. Fortunately, Wang Yue never asked them for anything, so they breathed a sigh of relief.

It's just that they are competing with themselves. After all, they have really witnessed the process of treating patients with the medicinal materials Wang Yue bought. Knowing that their medicine can really cure diseases, they need to know more about how precious those medicinal materials are?

As a result, the future medical building was almost brightly lit, and the people mentioned were all voluntarily working overtime in order to synthesize medicines that could cure diseases as soon as possible.

This process is actually quite complicated. You want the pills to contain the desired elements, but not to include elements that are harmful to the human body, and also to be easy for people to absorb. After making the medicine, you still need to conduct various tests.

I'm afraid it will have any impact on people's genes or pathology.

This was nothing at first. Wang Yue was a person who had seen big events and didn't care about these things at all. But what he couldn't accept the most was that the medical representative of the Swiss company Novavax actually took the opportunity to criticize Future Medical.

They probably sensed danger, so they found the more than 100 patients treated by Wang Yue and extracted glenin from their blood. So they subjectively assumed that it was because glenin treated leukemia and was not purchased by Future Medical at all.

Those medicinal herbs cure diseases.

They invited many experts to demonstrate, and the final result was that the future of medical care was just a gimmick, selling the Swiss Glenin drug to make themselves famous.

Moreover, the representatives of the Swiss Glynin even vowed that the future of medical care is to prepare generic drugs to imitate their Glynin.

Therefore, reporters and ordinary people who do not know the truth regard Future Medical as a shady businessman. Even among the patients who are waiting for life-saving services from Future Medical, many of them who still have money have left the door of Future Medical, leaving only those who have basically nothing.

Money, patients ready to die.

Wang Yue is not the kind of person who won't fight back if someone slaps him, but he didn't take action immediately now. He was busy dealing with Liu Sihui who came to the door.

Liu Sihui appeared in the media and made negative comments about future medical care. She was worried about what problems would happen to Wang Yue, so she quickly asked for leave and brought her daughter to Wang Yue's home.

It happened that Father Wang was very angry with the unscrupulous media, so she very aggressively kicked out the reporters who blocked the door.

Wang Yue rushed back after hearing the news and wanted to take the opportunity to tell his father about moving. After all, he had bought a house elsewhere. But what he didn't expect was that as soon as he entered the house, he saw the three of them happily together.

Niuniu and Dad Wang were talking happily. Liu Sihui was cooking in the kitchen and looking at the living room from time to time.

After Wang Yue opened the door and entered the house, he happened to look at Liu Sihui, which made Wang Yue feel a little soft.

This chapter has been completed!
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