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Chapter 340 Accidentally exposed

King Heng really left this time, but before leaving, someone actually pulled Wang Yue's half-finished hot air balloon away.

Wang Yue rolled his eyes speechlessly. It seemed that the contribution of the 40,000 to 50,000 rebel soldiers had nothing to do with him. However, he thought that the position of Minister of the Ministry of Industry was probably fixed.

Sure enough, it didn't take long for King Heng, the eldest son of the late emperor, to ascend the throne. He also showed his extraordinary imperial scheming and quietly stabilized the throne.

In the second year after King Heng ascended the throne, he was changed to Yuan Xining, and a series of personnel adjustments were made. Wang Yue was promoted to Minister of the Ministry of Industry and presided over the work of the Ministry of Industry.

None of the officials objected this time, mainly because after the hot air balloon was transported back to the palace, King Heng could not resist the temptation and let the guards pull it with a rope and fly low for a while.

Everyone knows why it is low.

Even so, it was considered a miracle in the Song Dynasty.

Flying has always been a dream of mankind, and it was realized immediately after King Heng ascended the throne. The effect was not too sensational.

It's just that Wang Yue still didn't go to court, and the current officials were not angry. They just asked the officials from the Ministry of Industry to go to work in Wang Yue's Taoyuan every day and listen to Wang Yue's arrangements there.

As expected, the officials kept their word. After issuing two edicts without inviting Wang Anshi, they went to Fuzhou in person and invited Wang Anshi out.

Wang Yue was also very sensible. The day after Wang Anshi came back, he immediately reported to the Ministry of Industry and stopped directing remotely.

Fujian has undergone great changes in recent years, which also made officials feel reassured about the reform. After Wang Anshi returned, three departments of regulations were quickly established, with Wang Anshi and Wang Yue presiding over the reform.

Because Fujian already had successful experience in reform, reforms were quickly carried out across the country.

This time it was a top-down reform. At the beginning, there were still some problems. After all, this is a country, and it is not a simple reform carried out by people. Some people will always take risks.

In order to solve this problem, Wang Yue suggested setting up an inspectorate, which would only be responsible for inspecting the progress of reforms across the country and reporting on the results.

Wang Anshi listened to Wang Yue's suggestion and quickly established such an inspectorate under the Reform Yamen.

With the efforts of the officials of the Supervisory Office, a large number of moths were caught, making the reform a lot smoother, but it was still a bit slow.

Even so, the Supervisory Council is controlled by the Three Regulations Department, and Wang Anshi and Wang Xianggong are still in charge. This has caused some criticism among some officials.

At a court meeting, after discussing important matters and preparing to disperse the court, a censor pointed out that Wang Anshi's power was too great. Without supervision, problems would easily arise.

After hearing this, the official smiled. His smile was intriguing, and he nodded and said, "What Ai Qing said is that Wang Xianggong does have too much power. I wonder if you have any suggestions?"

The censor was just the first person to be pushed out. He didn't know any advice. He was really questioned by the officials for a while.

However, he didn't need to say anything, as a conservative official immediately came out and said, "Why don't we arrange some manpower to supervise the three departments of regulations, so that everyone can feel at ease."

Wang Anshi and Wang Yue both rolled their eyes and ignored this group of people. This was because they were punished harshly and wanted to find other ways to make Wang Yue and Wang Anshi unhappy. Neither of them thought that the official family would agree with this opinion.

After all, although the current reform is slow, it has not had any setbacks. Taxation has increased significantly.

However, what Wang Anshi and Wang Yue didn't expect was that the Supervisory Office gave the officials inspiration. He was worried that he didn't have enough reasons to expose his hidden agenda and expand his supervisory powers.

Now someone has proposed the Regulations Department to supervise the three departments, and the officials took advantage of the situation and said, "What Ai Qing said makes sense, then I will separate the Supervisory Yuan and set up a Supervision Department to be responsible for patrols and arrests, as the eyes and ears of the orphan."

Wang Yue suddenly raised his head and glanced at the Guan family. The Guan family could not have traveled through time in the Ming Dynasty. Isn't this the same as the Jin Yiwei?

Wang Yue frowned when he thought about the power of the Ming Dynasty's Jin Yiwei. However, after thinking about it, he felt that the Ming Dynasty seemed to have more backbone than the Song Dynasty, so he didn't care. Anyway, he was not afraid of this, so he just let him go.

Those conservative officials did not expect that they only wanted to arrange someone to supervise Wang Anshi, but they were used by the officials to set up a department to supervise all officials.

From now on, how can their little actions escape His Majesty's eyes?

There used to be supervisory agencies in the Song Dynasty, but they were all composed of officials. After years of corruption, they were no longer useful and everyone ignored them.

Now that the newly established Supervision Department by the government is not so easy to corrupt, at least in the short term they will have to be careful.

For a time, conservative officials felt as if they had shot themselves in the foot.

With the influence of the newly established Supervision Department, the officials of the Song Dynasty became very honest, and the reform process accelerated a lot. None of the gentry dared to take any action anymore, and the reform progressed extremely smoothly.

Time flies very fast, and more than ten years have passed in the blink of an eye. After the reform, the Song Dynasty is now a prosperous country and a strong people, and the officials are also ambitious, always looking for an excuse to take action.

In recent years, due to the impact of the military rebellion, Wang Yue's Taoyuan has also attracted the curiosity of many people. There are always people who want to see what kind of forest it is that can control 40,000 soldiers and horses.

In order to prevent the courtyard inside the Taolin from being disturbed, Wang Yue activated the magic array. The people who were attracted were always lost and left the Taolin inexplicably.

As time passed, the rumors became more and more exaggerated, attracting more and more people. Even the number of people involved in the original military disaster gradually increased to hundreds of thousands.

One time, a tourist who came here saw someone flying around in a hot air balloon, and was mistakenly thought that there were gods in the peach forest, and more and more people came here to play.

There was even one time when Wang Yue couldn't stand Xiao Yuanyuan's entanglement, so when he took Minglan and Yuanyuan to fly into the sky in a hot air balloon, a malfunction occurred and the balloon plummeted.

Under the emergency situation, Wang Yue could no longer care about so much, and quickly used Qinggong to hold Minglan and Xiao Yuanyuan and float down. This scene happened to be seen by tourists, which further confirmed the rumors that there are gods in Taolin.

From then on, on every first and fifteenth day of the Lunar New Year, people came to Wang Yue's peach grove to offer incense. Some people even paid to build a temple outside the peach grove, and the incense was very strong.

Over the years, Wang Yue has made some strange things from time to time, which has greatly improved the lives of the people of the Song Dynasty. His improved weapons and equipment have made the Song Dynasty's military more powerful.

And this peach forest was built by Wang Yue, and coupled with Wang Yue's free and easy temperament, gradually, some good people gave Wang Yue the title of Immortal.

Even the officials, after seeing Wang Yue's modified Liannu, said with a smile, "Wang Aiqing, you are indeed a banished immortal. What a blessing to the Song Dynasty!"

This was originally a joke between Wang Yue and the officials, but after it was spread, it became the golden saying of His Majesty that Wang Yue was the direct immortal, and Wang Yue's name was completely confirmed.

What people didn't expect was that the civil and military officials of the Manchu Dynasty and even the common people in Tokyo knew that Wang Yue had an excellent relationship with the officials and didn't care much about this kind of joking name among monarchs and ministers, but some outside spies took it seriously.

Not long after this incident, when Wang Yue was riding back home, someone suddenly took a powerful crossbow and assassinated him in the street.

Faced with the sudden assassination, Wang Yue drew his sword and deflected the arrows, then flew deep into the middle of the ambush people and used several sword skills to kill several people in a row, leaving only one alive.

At this time, Wang Yue suddenly smelled a strong smell of gunpowder. Although he knew that the gunpowder was not very powerful, he was still worried that the amount was too large, so he subconsciously used Qinggong to fly into the air, and then landed lightly on the ground.

on the rafters in the distance.

Along with Wang Yue's figure falling down like an immortal, a huge explosion sounded from where he was standing, causing gravel to fly for a moment.

This is on a bustling street in Tokyo. Especially after the reform, people have rich money, the streets are more lively, and the people are more densely packed.

The scene of Wang Yue flying lightly was also seen by many people, and they couldn't hide it even if they wanted to.

Wang Yue was depressed. It was that bastard thing that disrupted his low-key life. It was so annoying. He felt that he must take revenge when this matter came to an end.

Amidst the cries of some ignorant people kneeling down and calling for gods, Wang Yue dragged the living creature and quickly flew across the roof, quickly disappearing into the alley.

But there is a saying that is good, that is, a monk who escapes cannot escape from the temple. Wang Yue lived in the Song Dynasty for so long. Many people know Wang Yue's mansion and his Taoyuan.

Of course, Wang Yue had thought about this problem when he ran away. He hurried to the house and said to Minglan and the children who were gathered together, "Hurry up and pack your bags. Let's move to Taoyuan."

Minglan was surprised when she saw Wang Yue's nervous expression. Wang Yue had always been very stable in her eyes. She also asked nervously, "What happened to make you so nervous?"

Wang Yue looked at Minglan and knew that he had to explain it clearly to Minglan so as not to worry her, so he sighed and said, "Someone assassinated me in the street today..."

Before Wang Yue finished speaking, Minglan stood up nervously, walked quickly to Wang Yue, looked Wang Yue up and down, and found no wounds. Then she breathed a sigh of relief, and then asked with some doubts, "

Who is so bold as to assassinate you in the imperial city?"

Wang Yue helplessly patted Minglan on the back, signaling her not to be nervous, and then said, "Whether it can be stabbed or not is a trivial matter. The key is that when I was stabbed, I subconsciously used Qing Gong, which made many

Everyone has seen it, and now my title of immortal has been confirmed. Let’s go hide in Zhuangzi. There is the Taoyuan Formation there, which is relatively safer.”

After hearing Wang Yue's words, Minglan opened her mouth wide and didn't know what to say. She quickly stood up and started to order the servants to pack their luggage. The two took their children and went to Zhuangzi overnight.

Fortunately, Wang Yue's disguise skills were so good that others wouldn't be able to spot the clues. Otherwise, they might not be able to get out of the city.

Not long after Wang Yue and his family arrived in Taoyuan, before the benches were even warm, the officials and Gu Tingye rushed over.

This chapter has been completed!
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