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Chapter 61: The ending of a small sacrifice

On that similar day, the epidemic still broke out. Wang Yue seriously suspected that the problem was with the TV series. The TV series must have mentioned this incident, otherwise why wouldn't it be on other TV shows?

At this time, a lot of masks in Wang Yue's factory were also sold by Tian Yulan. Therefore, people only thought that the change of the factory was a coincidence and did not take it too seriously.

However, a lot of masks were sold in the warehouse, but there was more inventory. After all, Wang Yueding had too many raw materials, and several production lines produced them every day. The amount of inventory can be imagined.

The first thing Wang Yue did after the epidemic broke out was to donate all his inventory, and subsequent production continued.

Wang Yue even expanded production when the epidemic was less serious. Since then, Yuan Yuan has continued to donate, and the community where Wang Yue lives has also received a lot of donations.

Through this donation of masks, Wang Yue's friends truly understood how strong Wang Yue's financial resources were, because it was not until most companies resumed work that Wang Yue's mask factory stopped donating masks.

Wang Yue said that financial resources are tight.

After the epidemic, Wang Yue asked Tian Yulan to officially assume his duties as the general manager of the factory. Then he no longer took care of the factory's affairs, and the masks were sold normally, but the price was still low.

Because of the epidemic, the relationship between the protagonists of Xiao Shenzhen has become very good. Even Nan’s mother no longer hates Nan Jianlong. The relationship between Nan Jianlong and Cai Juying is really like an old couple. This makes

It feels incredible, but everything seems so reasonable.

Seeing this result, Wang Yue, who had two comeback experiences, felt sensitively that the plot might be coming to a finale, a happy ending.

Wang Yue feels that the finale of the TV series is magical. No matter how serious your conflict is, no matter how deep your contradiction is, at the end, most of them will be forgiven in various ways, and the grudges will be forgotten with a smile at the end.

When I think about the end of the plot, when I have recognized skills, I will go back. Wang Yue thought, if he can stay in this world for a few more years, can he use his foresight to create something when he returns?

Big business?

As a result, Wang Yue stopped dancing and only occasionally danced with his children a few times, but his level had hardly improved. He was afraid that if his dancing skills passed, he would not be able to go back immediately.

In the field of architecture, Wang Yue feels sensitively that if he wants to get skills recognition, he must at least have a great reputation in the domestic construction field, otherwise it will be difficult to obtain skills certification. In this case, he can stay here for many years.

Used to learn leading technologies.

The fact is indeed different from what he thought. In this world, Wang Yue uses his hacking skills more and more powerfully. In the field of construction, he also won some domestic and even foreign awards, but Wang Yue still failed.


By the time Wang Yue's granddaughter was in elementary school, he still had not passed the skill recognition. This made Wang Yue a little surprised. He was about to retire. He hadn't learned this construction skill yet?

You know, for this skill, Wang Yue learned all the Chinese and foreign architectural knowledge and integrated it, but he still failed.

Wang Yue wanted to ask the system, what are your criteria for judging?

Now Ruan Guan has retired and is taking care of his grandson and him at home. The two of them have never blushed in their lives, and their relationship has always been enviable. Nan Li often visits Ruan Guan to chat or go for a walk.

Square dance.

Wang Yue went to work normally that day. Although he was an old man, he was still in good health because of regular exercise. Before leaving, Wang Yue looked at Ruan Guan with emotion as he walked out of the door, and stretched out his hand to help her tidy up.

With messy hair on the temples, he turned around and got into the car.

After Wang Yue arrived at the Design Institute, he went directly into his office, because Wang Yue was now the vice president of the Design Institute. Wang Yue had only started working for a while when he received a meeting notice that a large meeting of the institute was about to be held.

After Wang Yue sorted out the documents slowly, he slowly set off to the conference room. It's not that he didn't want to be faster, and he was quite old, so sometimes he really couldn't be faster.

On the way to the conference room, everyone he met nodded and said hello to him, and Wang Yue mostly responded. After he sat in his usual seat, the dean officially announced the meeting.

At the end of the long meeting, the dean said he was retiring, that the retirement process had been completed, and that he now had an appointment read out.

At the beginning of accepting his fate, he first affirmed Wang Yue's achievements and contributions over the years, and then appointed Wang Yue as the dean.

After the dean read out the appointment, everyone present, including Xia Junshan, applauded. According to the procedure, the old dean next asked dean Wang to say a few words.

Wang Yue just picked up the microphone and was about to say a few words from the bottom of his heart when he heard a "beep" sound.

"Hey, the host has learned the skills of architectural design and has been recognized by all members of the design institute!"

"Hey, the host has met the return conditions of the Xianyu Film and Television System!"

"Hey, the time travel system is starting!"

"Hey, the startup is successful, ready to return to the original world!"

"Dip, the return is successful!"

"Hey, the time travel system is cooling down!"

The shaking of his body made Wang Yue come back to his senses, and he quickly grasped the handle. Fortunately, he stabilized his body. He was still young and had very quick reactions.

At this time, the two young ladies were still looking at their mobile phones. Wang Yue suddenly remembered the world of Xiaoshe he had traveled through and hurriedly got off the bus, but his back was wet with cold sweat.

Because Wang Yue just remembered now that after the plot ended, the world he had lived in for nearly thirty years actually only had years and ages increasing. And the earth’s technology, economy, etc., were still where they were at the end of the plot.

There has been no change in one year. Only the matters involving Wang Yue will have some slight changes.

But Wang Yue, who was living in it, didn't even feel any sense of violation. His IQ couldn't be so low. The system had unknowingly affected my thinking. This was too scary.

At first, I wanted to stay in the world of Xiao Shede for a few more years just to learn some new technologies, but then why did I focus on construction skills and couldn't help myself, but I didn't even have the slightest idea of ​​wanting to learn about other things?

It seems that the system has some kind of prevention mechanism that prevents the memory from knowing the future of the main world. Or maybe even the system does not know the future of the main world, so everything in Wang Yue's time-traveling film and television world is stagnant?

Also, the triggering mechanism for Gou System to come back is to be recognized by the scope or the circle, which is more important than the level of learning skills. It was only when Wang Yue was about to retire that all the staff in the institute recognized him.

It's ridiculous to kill yourself.

It is said that literati look down on each other. Does this architectural design also belong to the ranks of literati?

Perhaps it is not only the literati who despise others, but also any profession that cannot give intuitive results.

Or maybe that guy Xia Junshan has always been dissatisfied with him, and he didn't admit defeat until he became the dean first? Maybe, that must be the case.

After all, he is the protagonist, and the protagonist’s approval is very important. In Youth, wasn’t it because Zheng Wei approved it that he returned!

Xia Junshan, this bad old man, is so bad!

This chapter has been completed!
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