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Chapter 611: A match made in heaven

Li Qixing also wanted to understand this, and he breathed a sigh of relief subconsciously. As for why he breathed a sigh of relief, he couldn't explain clearly. He looked at Wang Yue and David, and quickly said to Wang Yue, "Thank you, you

You're right, I'll go back tomorrow and ask my mother for her opinion."

Wang Yue looked at Li Qixing's reaction and knew what this kid was thinking. He suddenly felt a little disgusted with this person. You must know that even though Li Xun was sorry to everyone, he was not sorry to his son. Li Qixing's own subconscious mind

What he was worried about was not his parents' divorce, but whether his future life would be affected. Why did Wang Yue seem to have the same idea as David? This made Wang Yue very depressed.

Wang Yue, who was in a bad mood, had no intention of being polite anymore, so he said impatiently, "No matter how you plan to deal with your family affairs, one thing is not to disturb Fang Zhiheng again."

Li Qixing didn't expect Wang Yue to say that. He was sure that no matter what happened to his life, there would be no problems, so he was told not to harass Fang Zhiheng. How willing was he to accept this? He asked eagerly, "Why? I don't believe you can't see it."

I haven't even bothered with Lucy about my feelings for Lucy, why don't you ask me first?"

Wang Yue glanced at Li Qixing and said in a cold voice, "Because you are the son of Fang Zhiheng's enemy. Unless you expose your father's scandal with your own hands, you will not stand a chance."

Li Qixing felt a little discouraged when he heard what Wang Yue said. Although he didn't care whether his parents would divorce, after all, it was their parents' business, but he never thought of denying his father. Before today, he had always thought that he had

Such a proud father.

Li Qixing swayed feebly. He quickly held on to the car on the side of the road to prevent himself from falling. He looked at Wang Yue and said with some frustration, "He is also my father, I feel.

Less than."

Wang Yue was not surprised at all. He said seriously, "No one will force you. I'm just reminding you that you can continue to be a rich second generation with the money your father earned, but you can't harass Fang Zhiheng anymore. After all, under your father's control, you can continue to be a rich second generation."

In front of love, you have already made your choice, haven't you?"

David was confused when he saw Wang Yue's arrogant look. He retorted with some excitement, "That's Li Qixing's father's fault. Why should it be blamed on Li Qixing?"

Wang Yue didn't want to talk to this guy with unstable views, but he was afraid that David would mislead Li Qixing, so he said bluntly, "No one blames Li Qixing. Even Fang Zhiheng gave up and paid off his father's debt. The problem lies in

Li Qixing is the son of Fang Zhiheng's enemy. If it were you and someone slept with your woman, would you still be willing to be friends with him?"

David knew what Wang Yue said was right, but Que still said stiffly, "Brothers are like brothers and sisters, women are like clothes!"

Wang Yue rolled his eyes at David and immediately scolded, "Go away, whoever touches my clothes, I will chop off his hands and feet!"

Li Qixing watched the two playing around and didn't find it funny that two grown men were still playing such childish tricks. But he was not in the mood to laugh at them now. He understood that there was a bottomless gap between him and Fang Zhiheng.

This gap is not only the person of his father, but also the influence of his father.

Li Qixing also knew in his heart that even if he reported his father and achieved justice, Fang Zhiheng would still not be able to face Li Xun, the man who almost raped him.

Li Qixing wanted to understand and said nothing to the two of them. He said dejectedly, "I'm leaving first!"


Ye Zhenzhen was going to go to the laboratory to resign the next day, but when she came back from a day trip, she said she would attend a meeting before resigning, which made Wang Yue a little confused about what to say.

So Wang Yue could only change the topic and tell Ye Zhenzhen what he had said to Li Qixing and David yesterday.

Ye Zhenzhen was stunned for a moment. She didn't expect David to say that, so she immediately said in surprise, "What is David's family environment like, and how did he create such a weird person?"

Wang Yueye sighed and said helplessly, "There are still very few people with perfect views. Most of them have some flaws, but the flaws can't be concealed. I seriously doubt whether David's parents are the same as Li Xun. Otherwise,

, why is he so calm?"

Ye Zhenzhen glanced at Wang Yue suspiciously, and then she laughed unconsciously. She punched Wang Yue, and then said, "You mean that David suspected that his father was also cheating on him, so he wanted to

Pull someone of the same kind?"

Wang Yue didn't mean to be joking. He said seriously, "About that. Otherwise, wouldn't the normal view be to avenge Li Qixing's mother? How can you be persuaded to pretend to know nothing?"

Ye Zhenzhen nodded and thought it made sense. He thought of David's dog-like character and said with some gloating, "It's really possible. When I'm free, I'll ask my mother to help find out. That's it.

As you said, as long as Li Qixing's mother is willing to divorce and cooperates with Fang Zhiheng to contact nine girls, she can easily get evidence of Li Qixing's father's cheating. I believe that if Li Qixing's father cleans up and leaves the house, those nine girls will also be considered cheating.

Take a breath."

Wang Yue nodded and said nonchalantly, "Just keep your idea a secret. David's parents both run companies. Although they are not as profitable as your parents, the Dai family is bigger than your parents and has more means."

More powerful."

Ye Zhenzhen pushed Wang Yue down on the sofa, straddled Wang Yue fiercely, looked into Wang Yue's eyes angrily and said, "What do you mean, you mean my parents can't do it?"

Wang Yue saw the joking in Ye Zhenzhen's eyes, and quickly begged for mercy, "Queen Zhenzhen, please forgive me. I said the wrong thing, please allow me to reorganize my words."

Ye Zhenzhen also wanted to hear what Wang Yue was going to say, so she waved her hand in an imposing manner, and then said in a tight tone, "That's right!"

This chapter is not over yet, please click on the next page to continue reading! Wang Yue took this opportunity to turn over and push Ye Zhenzhen down on the bed. Then he came close to Ye Zhenzhen's cheek, blew a breath, and then said with a smile

, "Our parents are not as cunning as David's parents!"

How could Ye Zhenzhen not see what Wang Yue was thinking, but she was not as easy to succeed as Wang Yue, so she pretended to be ignorant and asked, "Well, I'm very satisfied with this answer, but why are you pressuring me!?"


Just as Wang Yue was about to explain his knowledge, the doorbell of his room rang. He hammered the sofa depressedly, and then sighed and said, "I guess I'm asking you to send me some kindness again!"

Ye Zhenzhen looked at Wang Yue's actions a little funny, so she didn't rush to open the door. He deliberately pretended to be curious and asked, "Guess who is here to bring warmth?"

Wang Yue kissed Ye Zhenzhen's neck fiercely, and after printing a red bean, he said angrily, "Yu Chuhui, who else could it be?"

Ye Zhenzhen was really curious this time. She had not gossiped recently. How did Wang Yue know about it? She asked in confusion, "Why does it have to be Yu Chuhui?"

Looking at Ye Zhenzhen's expression, Wang Yue knew that this woman was still suspicious again, so he explained helplessly, "Our neighbor Fang Zhiheng has big ideas and is very capable. She doesn't want to ask for help; Zhu Zhe only has to deal with his own family matters.

There’s no need to ask for help. The incident with her siblings just happened and she can’t ask for help at the moment. David and He Minhong are passionately in love, so He Minhong can’t ask you about your experience in bed, can he?”

Ye Zhenzhen blushed because of Wang Yue's experience in bed. She thought about the first time they went to bed, and she deliberately seduced them. She also thought about the intimacy between the two just now, and she immediately felt a little nervous all over her body.

Get hot.

But there was no time for Ye Zhenzhen to think about it, as the door was knocked again.

Now it was Ye Zhenzhen's turn to get out from under Wang Yue angrily. She straightened her clothes a little, then walked out of the room with a smile on her face.

Wang Yue felt amused when he saw Ye Zhenzhen's look. He just thought that when Ye Zhenzhen went back to resign, he would stay for an extra period just for an expert's report, which made Wang Yue not know what to say.

It's just a meeting, is it that important?

You know how to keep secrets from Wang Yue? Ye Zhenzhen can be made an "auditor" at any time!

After Ye Zhenzhen opened the door, she found that it was Yu Chuhui standing outside the door. She originally wanted to complain a few words, but seeing Yu Chuhui who was not very happy, she did not say anything and instead asked suspiciously, "You

What happened? Did you get cooked?"

Yu Chuhui burst out laughing and said in a very sultry manner, "Even the cannibals wouldn't be willing to cook a beauty like me."

Ye Zhenzhen was also defeated by Yu Chuhui's stinky beauty. She reached out and pinched Yu Chuhui's face, and then continued to ask, "What's wrong with you?"

Wang Yue lamented that Ye Zhenzhen's intuition was so bad, so he shouted at the door from inside the room, "What makes Yu Chuhui so depressed is that her mother has something wrong again."

Yu Chuhui didn't care much when Wang Yue saw through it. She knew that Wang Yue was the big boss and must have good eyesight, so she smiled and said, "I really can't hide it from you two, Zhen Zhen, I remember you said that you have a nanny at home, right?"


Wang Yue wanted to laugh when he thought of this. Zhenzhen's parents had two idle people at home, but they found two nannies to take care of them. It was purely because they were afraid of poverty in the first half of their lives, and they wanted to enjoy themselves in the second half of their lives. They had mastered their nouveau riche temperament.


However, due to Ye Zhenzhen's reputation, Wang Yue couldn't say this comment out loud, so he held back a smile and said, "Yes, your Zhenzhen sister has two in her family."

Ye Zhenzhen listened to what Wang Yue said, how could she not understand what Wang Yue was thinking? It was not easy to settle accounts with Wang Yue at this time, so she turned back and glared at Wang Yue, then turned back to look at Yu Chuhui, and asked doubtfully,

"Looking at your expression, I can tell that what you are going to say later must have something to do with your mother's job as a nanny. What happened? Just tell us and we will give you some advice."

Yu Chuhui got encouragement from Ye Zhenzhen, hesitated for a while, and then said angrily, "You don't know, they don't mean what they say. There are two old people in the family who can't move. Their work is already relatively heavy. We agreed to give it to them at the beginning."

The old man got a social worker to do the bathing work, but they changed their mind and let my mother do it. I won't talk about the bits and pieces. Recently during the holidays, they bought six hairy crabs and asked my mother to do them. They were afraid that my mother would eat them, as if to guard against thieves.

Staring all the same, I even had to count the crab legs, which made my mother so miserable that she even called me yesterday to complain."

Wang Yue was also speechless to Yu Chuhui and Yu's mother. He said very straightforwardly, "I won't talk about food. Before your mother became a nanny, Zhen Zhen told you that nanny is a special profession.

Of course you will feel comfortable when you meet a good host, but it will be very uncomfortable when you meet a weird host. You should be mentally prepared at that time."

Yu Chuhui didn't expect that Wang Yue was not sympathetic at all and would respond to her like this. She said angrily, "Their family has done so much. Can't I feel wronged?"

Wang Yue scratched his head and said helplessly, "Why are you wronged? Auntie is used to complaining to you, and you are used to helping your mother. This is just a job. If you don't feel comfortable doing it, just resign."

, it’s not like you can’t support your mother, just slowly find a suitable one.”

Yu Chuhui knew that her mother always liked to complain to her, so who else would tell her if she didn't tell her about her sufferings? She said very dissatisfied, "You said it lightly. If you don't find a good home, it will be like my mother."

Personally, I definitely don’t want to leave, so what can I do?”

When Wang Yue saw that Yu Chuhui was still arguing with him, he immediately responded rudely, "Don't be ridiculous. You don't know your mother's character. As long as you are tough, she will immediately become intimidated. How can you not listen to me?"

Your words?"

Yu Chuhui was speechless by Wang Yue. She immediately stood up and walked out. As she walked, she said, "I'm going to ask my mother to resign."

Wang Yue rolled his eyes. How could this man not recognize the good heart? He reminded me very depressedly, "If you go tomorrow, you go late at night. What was reasonable at first has become unreasonable."

Yu Chuhui didn't expect Wang Yue to say that, so he said dissatisfiedly, "They broke their promise first. Why did I go too far?"

Wang Yue was speechless. He wanted to drive them away, but looking at Ye Zhenzhen who was in trouble, he softened his tone and said, "They have broken their promise. You can resign, but you have to tell the other party in advance."

Apart from your mother, there are only two old people left here. You said that if something happened late at night, wouldn't you be in trouble? Besides, you did your best to notify us in advance, which can be regarded as reasonable and well-founded. You are still afraid of working for one more day.

, they don’t pay your mother a salary?”

Ye Zhenzhen Ye knows what Wang Yue means, that is, you can resign. You should inform him today and wait until tomorrow. The main reason is that he is worried that his employer only has two old people at home. You go and take them away at this time. If anything happens, really tell him

Not sure. She was afraid that Yu Chuhui would misunderstand, so she quickly said with a smile, "You call that Teacher Han right now and say that because they breached the contract, you are going to ask your mother to resign. The Professor Tao who I am following happens to live at home.

We need a nanny. His father is in good health, so the salary will be lower. If you want to do it, I will help you ask."

Yu Chuhui's eyes lit up. Unexpectedly, as soon as she thought about giving her mother a job, Ye Zhenzhen immediately found one for her. He was her lucky star. She quickly turned around and threw herself into Ye Zhenzhen's arms, with a small face.

She wanted to move forward for a kiss, but was dodged by Ye Zhenzhen, so she reluctantly said, "Zhenzhen, you are really a little fairy who saves people in distress. You are not like a certain person who is just a cold-blooded devil. Why did you marry me in the first place?"

Did you give it to him?"

Ye Zhenzhen glanced at Wang Yue proudly, and then said with a smile, "Isn't this normal? The fairy and the devil are a match made in heaven! They are not mortals!"

This chapter has been completed!
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