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Chapter 839: When Returning Favors

Wang Yue ignored the two brothers and sisters. He saw Zhao Xiaomai's worried eyes and walked out while handing the book to Zhao Xiaomai. Then he said with a smile, "Mai Mai, don't listen to brother Bingyi's nonsense. I am

It’s just that I’m faster at reading. If you don’t believe me, you can test me. I’ve basically finished reading this book quickly.”

Zhao Xiaomai really didn't watch Wang Yue study much, but she knew that Wang Yue seemed to be good at everything. In order to feel at ease, she actually took the book in Wang Yue's hand and asked two questions casually.

The result was no surprise. Wang Yue answered Zhao Xiaomai's question almost in the next moment without even a pause.

After hearing what Wang Yue said, Zhou Bingyi looked over in disbelief and asked with some surprise, "I always thought you were just bored with me, but I didn't expect you were flipping through the pages so fast and you were really reading."


Zhou Rong looked at Wang Yue in surprise. She often heard Zhao Xiaomai say how knowledgeable Wang Yue was. She always thought it was because of love. Beauty is in the eye of the beholder. After all, Zhou Rong still remembers Wang Yue's literacy dictionary.

, Zhou Bingkun gave it to Wang Yue. I didn’t expect Wang Yue to be so powerful now. This is too sensational, okay?

Thinking of the two lines of poetry that Zhao Xiaomai recited, that life is not only about the present, but also poetry and the distance, Zhou Rong felt that Wang Yue suddenly became very mysterious.

However, Zhou Rong didn't have time to think too much. They had already walked to the conference room of the Poetry Youth Activity held by the Literary Club, which reminded Zhou Rong of the purpose of calling a few people here today.

After a few people came to the classroom and sat down in the empty seats, it didn't take long for the classroom to be overcrowded, and there were many people standing in the aisles.

The host saw that the time was almost up, so he quickly stepped forward, looked at the crowded audience and said with a smile, "Now please enjoy the famous poet Feng Huacheng reciting Pushkin's "If Life Deceived You". Welcome with applause.


After the host finished speaking, all the students in the room excitedly called Teacher Feng. Their crazy look made Wang Yue feel like a groupie nowadays.

Only then did Zhou Bingyi glance at Zhou Rong, and then he understood why his sister asked him to come. He smiled and said, "Why are you so excited today? Feng Huacheng is here. I have to take a closer look."

Wang Yue looked at Zhao Xiaomai and found that her mood was quite stable, so he breathed a sigh of relief. Fortunately, his wife only had herself in her heart and no poetry.

Just then he heard Zhou Bingyi say this, and Wang Yue subconsciously answered, "Your uncle really needs to take a good look at your brother-in-law. How many years have it been? This is the first time I've seen him."

Wang Yue's cold words immediately silenced the excited two people, and their interest in poetry also dropped a lot.

Yes, there are so many tragedies in this world.

Zhou Rong's children are several years old, but except for her father, no other relatives have ever seen her husband.

There is also Zhao Xiaomai, who has been married for several years and has two children. Only then did the child meet his grandma, grandpa and uncle.

Such sad emotions formed a sharp contrast with the joyful atmosphere on the scene. Even the actors on the field saw it and had doubts in their hearts.

Is it possible that my uncle and brother-in-law are not very satisfied with the way they specially prepared to appear?

With such doubts, Feng Huacheng's poetry recitation was not so full of emotion. In the communication session after the meeting, he was a little absent-minded, leaving people with a very cold feeling.

In fact, Wang Yue did it on purpose. He felt that these two couples were a little too selfish and got together.

Let's not talk about those things in the past. As for today's situation, you, Feng Huacheng, came to the capital. You know that your uncle is here, shouldn't you meet him first with a gift?

And Zhou Rong went too far. Are you showing off your husband? Do you want to tell the Zhou family that you are not wrong?

But you got the wrong person. Well, it was Mother Zhou who almost cried her eyes out, it was Mother Zhou who almost died, and it is Mother Zhou who is still waiting for her daughter to go back.

Of course, there is also a little girl Yueyue who is waiting to meet her parents.

Because they enter school in the spring, they have to study a year's worth of stuff in one semester and become sophomores in the summer, so this semester is actually very busy and fulfilling.

Many romantic and leisurely moments are just interludes, and time passes so quickly.

During the summer vacation, Wang Yue, Zhao Xiaomai, Feng Huacheng, Zhou Bingyi and Zhou Rong took a train and left the capital. They got off the train in Liaoyang City, Liaoshen Province. The two of them had to go to the home of their children's grandmother to see their two children.

Not to mention, missing is contagious. Zhao Xiaomai talks about the child every day, and Wang Yue also misses the child.

When Wang Yue came to visit his relatives this time, he actually wanted to find his father-in-law and his uncle from the Communications Administration Bureau. He wanted to try to get a computer or a PHS phone to make chatting easier.

Unexpectedly, when Wang Yue was talking to his uncle about this matter, his father-in-law pushed the door open and came in. After learning about the conversation between the two, his father-in-law felt that if Wang Yue's idea was really realized, it would be a disaster for communication.

Technology is changing drastically.

It's just that although Father Zhao is the top leader in Liaoshen Province, this matter cannot be decided by him alone. After all, his partner is in charge of this. He also needs to discuss it with his partner. He reminded Wang Yue in advance,

Now that the country needs funds everywhere, Wu Wangyue's idea may be postponed.

Although my uncle Zhao Xiaodong was also very interested and could help bring him to study, he raised a very practical question, that is, the projects Wang Yue mentioned had a large initial investment, and there was no investment at all.

So much money to do it.

Wang Yue was speechless. He suddenly discovered a problem. Not only was it impossible to pick up wool in this world, but it seemed to be quite difficult for him to make money. It really made him feel a little numb when he liked people who picked up money.


With this depressed mood, Wang Yue came back to the town again before the end of the summer vacation. The town is still continuing the arrangements left by Wang Yue at that time, and is constantly undergoing construction to consume the money of the villagers in the town.

excess labor.

The cement factory in the town continued to produce due to the large demand, and the furniture factory in Wangjiatun finally expanded, not because of anything else, but because of Zheng Guangming.

Zheng Guangming has grown up now. Although his eyesight has returned to normal, he really doesn't have much work to do, so he sells furniture with his sister. Unlike his sister, he can't go far and can only linger in the photon film.

He was riding his bicycle near his son, but he could go wherever he wanted.

Therefore, Zheng Guangming took photos of various furniture to promote it in various factories and even streets and alleys in Jichun City.

The hard work paid off, Zheng Guangming really got a lot of orders, and his business was running fast. Wangjiatun'er's manufacturing speed couldn't keep up, so he had to expand his business.

The brick kiln factory in Wangjiatun has also expanded. After all, building houses in Dagu Town requires bricks and tiles. The original small brick and tile factory cannot supply enough houses in one town. In addition, buyers from other towns come.

As a result, the brick and tile factory naturally expanded its production.

Seeing that there is nothing to worry about in the town for the time being, and it has not entered a bad cycle, Wang Yue is not worried now. He needs an academic degree, coupled with his own qualifications, to gain greater rights.


The summer vacation passed quickly. Before leaving, Zhou Bingkun came to see them off. Wang Yue was mentally prepared, but to his surprise, Zheng Guangming also came.

Of course Zheng Guangming came to see Wang Yue off, and Wang Yue had to prepare something to eat. He was very grateful when he saw Wang Yue, and said many words. His sincere look made Wang Yue feel that he had not treated him in vain.

Good eyes.

Seeing that Zheng Guangming was a man who repaid his kindness, Wang Yue thought about it and felt that if he pursued an official career in the future, he would inevitably encounter money problems. He looked at Zheng Guangming with a sincere look and felt that the previous formula in his hand seemed like

It can be used, but the time is a little too late, which makes him a little confused.

Zheng Guangming is a thoughtful person. When he saw Wang Yue's tangled look, he immediately asked nervously, "Brother Wang, you cured my eyes and you are my reborn parents. If you have any arrangements, just tell me."

That’s fine.”

Seeing how sincere Zheng Guangming said it, Wang Yue thought he could let Zheng Guangming try it. If it didn't work, it was just some formulas. He had more, so he said in a deep voice, "That's it. I see you sell it every day."

Furniture is not an option. After all, that is your sister's job. Just give your sister the way down. I have some recipes here, but it is not convenient for me to come forward myself. I wonder if you dare to do this business?


Doing business at this time is really looked down upon, but when Zheng Guangming saw that Wang Yue was speaking so solemnly, he immediately said without thinking, "Brother, just make arrangements and leave the rest to me."

Wang Yue was a little dumbfounded. Seeing this child's performance, he felt relieved, and smiled and warned, "I will write to you when I arrive in the capital. Then you do as I say, and we will be together."

The business empire Yuan will need in the future will depend on your help to get started."

Zheng Guangming laughed when he heard what Wang Yue said. After his eyes recovered, he made a special trip to Wang Yue's house and saw Wang Yue's lovely children. He heard that Wang Yue said that he earned money for the children.

Wang Yue was going to have an official career in the future and it was not convenient for him to earn money by himself, so he entrusted him with the task. He suddenly felt trusted and nodded in agreement without hesitation.

Zhao Xiaomai looked at Wang Yue's arrangements and had no intention of interfering at all. He without hesitation took out all his family's assets and asked Zheng Guangming to find a place to set up a factory.

Wang Yue did not hesitate. After returning to the capital, he drew the drawings and paid his uncle to find a factory to help with processing. After the equipment was ready, he sent it to the factory prepared by Zheng Guangming. In this way, Yuanyuan Daily Chemical was established.

Got up.


Time flies by, and Wang Yue is already a senior in college. The quality of Yuanyuan Daily Chemical's products is so good that it has now become a famous brand and one of the top daily chemical companies in the Northeast, because Zhao Maimai occupies a very large market share.

The shares are large, so Wang Yue is now a rich man.

In fact, it was not possible to open up sales in Jichun City at the beginning. After all, neither department stores nor sales departments were willing to use this new product. Later, on Zhao Xiaomai’s suggestion, it was first launched in Liaoshen City, with a little bit of noodles.


Now that he was rich, Wang Yue would not treat himself badly and directly bought a courtyard house with good scenery and transportation in the capital. The two of them had a home in the capital.

On this day, at Wang Yue's house, Zhou Rong, Feng Huacheng, Zhou Bingyi and Cai Xiaoguang all came. They gathered together to prepare for a good meal. This has been a must-have for Wang Yue every month after he settled in the capital.


It's just that every time we get together, Feng Huacheng will be unhappy, not because of anything else, just because of the house.

After Feng Huacheng came to the capital, he compromised with reality for the sake of a house. He used his fame to become the deputy director of a library in a district of the capital just to get a house, which was just one bedroom and one living room.

After all, if there is no house, Feng Huacheng cannot take over his daughter Yueyue. Considering this, he compromised. But Zhou Rong felt that it was very uncomfortable to live with Yueyue in one room and one living room.

It was convenient, so he refused to bring Yueyue to the capital.

Both Wang Yue and Zhao Xiaomai tried to persuade them, but they were rebuffed by Zhou Rong. After all, they also lost their children to their grandma, so it was really difficult to persuade Zhou Rong.

Moreover, these words touched Zhao Xiaomai's heart. She originally wanted to take the two children with her, but the children's grandmother was unwilling and would let them take away one child at most.

How is this possible?

Wang Yue and Zhao Xiaomai have the same feelings for Tuantuan and Yuanyuan. If they only take one away, what will the other think?

As a result, this has become a point of depression in Zhao Xiaomai's heart. After being poked by Zhou Rong, she stopped trying to persuade her.

As Feng Huacheng gradually integrated into life, he also withdrew from the halo of poets, and became farther and farther away from Zhou Rong's heart. He was no longer the dazzling poet he once was, and he was no longer the one whom Zhou Rong admired.

that person.

Therefore, originally the family was centered around Feng Huacheng, but gradually as Zhou Rong's experience and knowledge increased, it gradually became centered around Zhou Rong, so even Feng Huacheng could not convince Zhou Rong.

From time to time, the couple would quarrel for various reasons.

It was like this again today. Everyone discussed the current trends in the South and Engels's sentence. Cai Xiaoguang subconsciously quoted a small poem, "Whoever likes the beauty of the rose must accept its pricking thorns."

In fact, it means that the pain of the current reform must be experienced. Zhou Bingyi felt that it made sense, but he still felt that he understood the deeper meaning. He wanted to understand, so he subconsciously asked.

Seeing what her brother said, Zhou Rong said dissatisfiedly, "I've told you that those who study philosophy should also study more literature, and don't always be like the third child, but you just don't listen. You seem to be behind the times.

Well, I don’t understand this.”

Feng Huacheng saw how many people were chatting happily, but he couldn't get a word in. He felt like he was being left out, which made him feel uncomfortable. Now that he finally got to talk about poetry, he felt that this was his area of ​​expertise.

He quickly answered and said, "It's just a small poem. If you don't know it, it's out of date."

Zhou Rong lost her original patience with Feng Huacheng. Seeing what Feng Huacheng said, she was very dissatisfied and said, "Do you feel bad?"

Feng Huacheng saw the disdain in Zhou Rong's words. He wanted to have a good chat, but his anger suddenly rose sharply in his heart. He immediately made a comment and said with disapproval, "The angle of this poem is chosen."

It’s good, but the form is a bit tricky. This is the current situation facing poetry, everyone is pursuing formal innovation.”

Zhou Rong didn't think so. She felt that Feng Huacheng couldn't do good things himself, so he only felt bad about others. She always said, "sour grapes mentality."

Zhou Rong's words successfully made Feng Huacheng lose face. This was part of the frequent quarrels between their husband and wife recently, and everyone was used to it.

Zhou Bingyi didn't want his sister and brother-in-law to quarrel like this. After all, they both had children, and it was impossible to continue arguing like this. So, he thought that his sister liked the poems written by Feng Huacheng the most, so he quickly asked, "Huacheng,

What new works have you recently produced?"

Feng Huacheng was stunned. He knew that his uncle had no ill intentions and just wanted to ease the conflict between him and Zhou Rong. However, he was busy with work recently and had no time to think about those romantic affairs. He said lonelyly, "No.


Zhou Bingyi felt a little embarrassed. He originally wanted Feng Hua to read a new work to make his sister happy, but he didn't expect that the great poet Feng Huacheng had no new works. This scene was like poking a scar.

As the hostess, Zhao Xiaomai couldn't let the scene get cold, so she smiled and joked, "What about my brother-in-law? Look at my Wang Yue. I was fascinated by half of his poems back then, and it turned out that I couldn't even get married."

It has been many years since I wrote a decent poem. All the flowers I have been waiting for have withered."

Zhao Xiaomai heard Wang Yue say this sentence casually once, and thought it was very funny, so he used it here and successfully made everyone laugh.

That half of the poem is really amazing. When Zhao Maimai read Wang Yue's poem to Zhou Rong, Zhou Rong was really surprised once. But he was about to graduate from college, and Wang Yue's new works never appeared again.

The ripples that had finally occurred in Zhou Rong's heart just disappeared.

Wang Yue saw that the atmosphere was harmonious, so he smiled and said, "Mencius said, fish is what I want, and bear's paws are what I want. You can't have both, and you can take bear's paws instead of fish.

.So, any choice will be a give-and-take, you can’t want both, right?”

After listening to Wang Yue's words, Zhou Rong knew that Wang Yue was trying to wake her up, but she just felt that there would still be a house in the future, but Feng Huacheng should not bow to reality and become lethargic and lose the vitality of the past.

So Zhou Rong turned her head away and said stiffly, "I still think spiritual needs are more important."

This chapter has been completed!
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