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Chapter 870 Who is the target?

Xuan Mo looked at the shopping guide's expression. Although she had never bought anything before on earth, she still guessed something, so she asked in confusion, "Not enough?"

When Wang Yue saw this scene, he felt that he had been deceived. If this woman really traveled to ancient times and asked him to travel back in time, how could she be so ignorant of the value of money? Even in ancient times, gold, silver, and copper coins were used.

You can understand purchasing power with just a little bit of thinking.

Sure enough, no matter where women are, the more beautiful they are, the better they are at deceiving others.

However, Wang Yue would not expose it. Since the other party wanted to buy a car, it would be very cost-effective to trade with the other party if he could use a car so that he could learn from the other party's abilities.

So, Wang Yue hurriedly walked over, stood in front of the shopping guide, handed over a black card, and said casually, "My friend is just kidding you, we want this car, so hurry up and swipe your card!"

The shopping guide was stunned for a moment. He glanced at the bank card in Wang Yue's hand and knew that it would cost at least 100 million to have such a card. He quickly held the card respectfully and said, "Sir, your girlfriend is so funny! I

I’ll go and handle the procedures for you.”

Wang Yue casually dealt with the shopping guide girl and walked away, then turned to Xuan Mo who was looking at him and said, "What do you want? Just tell me directly. Our transaction can be concluded at any time."

Xuan Mo was obviously not happy about Wang Yue's sudden appearance, so he frowned and looked at Wang Yue. He did not answer Wang Yue's words, but asked seriously, "Are you following me?"

Wang Yue also knew that it was not good for him to spy on others like this, so he quickly explained to Xuan Mo patiently, "Actually, this is not stalking. As you know, there are cameras everywhere on the street. I just want to find you."

, I just used network technology to find you."

Seeing what Wang Yue said, Xuan Mo analyzed that Wang Yue's network technology should be very powerful, and he was a little happy and subconsciously asked, "Can you contact Skynet?"

Wang Yue's heart moved when he heard Xuan Mo's words. He could feel that Xuan Mo seemed to be very eager to answer the question just now.

But, Skynet? Isn’t that something from the legendary Western science fiction movies? How did this woman know about it and was she so anxious to contact it?

Wang Yue also became serious. He frowned and looked Xuan Mo up and down, thinking that this woman seemed not to understand basic common sense of life at all. This situation was either caused by ancient people who traveled through time, or it could be something else.


Thinking of this, he tentatively asked, "What is Skynet? Are you not from Earth?"

Xuan Mo just saw Wang Yue's great network skills and thought that Wang Yue had some powerful computer and might be able to connect to Skynet. However, after seeing Wang Yue's reaction, she realized that she had made a mistake.

But she was the fearless Marshal Abdori. How could she be afraid of an earthling? She looked at Wang Yue coldly and said, "So what if it is, so what if it is not?"

Wang Yue saw that Xuan Mo wanted to get angry, and he didn't want to have a conflict like this. He quickly said comfortingly, "It's nothing? It's just mutual benefit. If you are not from Earth, I can help you adapt more to the world."

Life on Earth, what do you think of you helping me learn your energy control methods?"

It's not that Wang Yue wants to be a prostitute, it's just that he has his own ideas. The play is called Classmate 200 Million Years Old. It probably means that this person outside has lived 200 million years but is still in school, which proves that this person is still in school.

What are the constraints on the earth? Come on, Wang Yue can practice in this world. He is increasing his strength every moment. Even if he faces alien warships in the future, he will be able to kill them with his sword.

Xuan Mo didn't know what Wang Yue was thinking. She thought Wang Yue's request sounded fair, so she looked at the car next to her, then at Wang Yue, then nodded and said, "For the sake of this car,

For your sake, I can promise you."

Wang Yue didn't expect to learn the skills he wanted so easily. He was very happy and said kindly, "Well, before you can drive, I will give you a better one."

When Xuan Mo heard what Wang Yue said, she looked unhappy. She said dissatisfiedly, "What do you mean? You are not going to trade with me today?"

Wang Yue saw that Xuan Mo said something he didn't like, and immediately wanted to get angry. He was very speechless. It seemed that this man was a real alien, but his temper was too bad. He quickly explained, "No, I remember you."

I’m only 16 years old, you need to be 18 to drive here.”

Xuan Mo looked at Wang Yue suspiciously. She felt a little unbelievable. After all, it’s enough to know how to drive. Is there an age limit? She felt that Wang Yue was deceiving her. After all, it depends on the shopping guide’s reaction to a car.

, it should be very expensive!

She didn't really believe Wang Yue, so she looked at Wang Yue suspiciously and asked, "Really?"

The shopping guide happened to rush back after swiping her card and overheard the conversation between the two. Although she was very curious about this girl and even knew this common sense, she still didn't say anything. She was also afraid that Wang Yue was about to quit, so she quickly replaced Wang Yue.

Yue said, "Little sister, your boyfriend didn't lie to you. You can't take a driver's license until you are 18 years old, which means you can drive after you are 18 years old."

Xuan Mo automatically filtered the word boyfriend. She was eager to know the authenticity of Wang Yue's words to facilitate future transactions. She looked at the smiling shopping guide and didn't find anything wrong, so she believed it.

After getting the exact answer, she looked at Wang Yue impatiently and asked, "It's really troublesome, can you drive it? You can just come and see me off."

Wang Yue twitched the corner of his mouth. He didn't expect the alien to be so anxious, so he said helplessly, "I'm old enough, but I haven't taken the driver's license test yet. How many days can you wait for me?"

Xuan Mo didn't expect that Wang Yue couldn't drive either. She looked at the car next to her and said dissatisfied, "You're writing a bad check. What's the use?"

Wang Yue knew that it was impossible to exchange for the skills he wanted so easily, but he didn't want to give up the deal. He rolled his eyes and said quickly, "Then let's give this car to your parents. Do you want to go?"

Where? Let them take you there, or you can wait for me for a few days, and I will be your full-time driver after I get a driver's license."

Xuan Mo frowned and felt that there seemed to be no good solution, so he said dissatisfiedly, "Then what should I do these days?"

Wang Yue now has something to ask for. He must satisfy Xuan Mo's request. He immediately came up with an idea and said, "We can find a driver. As long as we have money, we can go wherever we want."

Xuan Mo saw that what Wang Yue said was sincere and she also analyzed the meaning of acting as a driver. She nodded in agreement and said, "Okay, then you can quickly call for a acting driver. I'm still in a hurry to get out."

When Wang Yue saw that Xuan Mo agreed, he immediately wanted to find a driving agent. However, at this time, he didn't know if there was a special driving platform, and he was afraid that if the ink stains were stained, the irritable alien would regret it again, and he was in a dilemma.

, he saw the eager shopping guide standing there. He rolled his eyes and said to the shopping guide, "Can you drive us? I'll come back to you in a few days to buy a car."

The shopping guide lady was not very willing at first, but after hearing what Wang Yue said, her eyes lit up and she immediately said happily, "No problem, I'll tell the supervisor right away."


It didn't take long for the shopping guide to rush back. She was very excited and drove Wang Yue and Xuan Mo out of the 4S store. However, Wang Yue and Xuan Mo didn't say their destination, so she just drove.

He asked with some confusion, "Where are you two going?"

When Wang Yue saw the shopping guide looking at him, he quickly shook his head, pointed at Xuan Mo and said, "Don't ask me where I'm going, I don't know. She has the final say."

The shopping guide didn't expect Wang Yue, a rich man, to listen to a girl like this. When she looked at Xuan Mo, there was some envy in her eyes. She unconsciously asked in a sour tone, "This little sister

, Where do you want to go? Sister will take you for a ride today."

Xuan Mo felt very awkward listening to the tone of the shopping guide lady, and frowned subconsciously, but she didn't hear anything wrong, so she said coldly, "Just drive, and stop when I tell you to."

Just stop."

After hearing Xuan Mo's words, the shopping guide subconsciously applied the brakes. Fortunately, Wang Yue and Xuan Mo reacted quickly and held on to the car seat in time. Otherwise, the two of them would have bumped into the table and chair.

After Xuan Mo sat down, he said dissatisfiedly, "Can you drive? You drive such a low-level means of transportation like this."

When Wang Yue heard what Xuan Mo said, his heart suddenly felt like it was being scratched by a cat's paw. This alien seemed to have a more powerful means of transportation. He first asked the shopping guide lady to drive all the way north, and then asked in anticipation.

He said, "Do you know how to make a better means of transportation?"

When Xuan Mo heard what Wang Yue said, he looked at Wang Yue indifferently, and then said dissatisfiedly, "I just know how to use it, why do I need to learn how to do it?"

After listening to Xuan Mo's words, the shopping guide didn't press the wrong pedal this time. She just subconsciously increased the accelerator and the car went faster. She felt that these two children were stupid and were talking nonsense.

Wang Yue felt that what Xuan Mo said made sense. Just like everyone eats eggs, there is no need to study how hens lay eggs.

Wang Yue, who was a little embarrassed, subconsciously looked out the window, but he felt a little strange at this casual glance. Because he saw a car in the rearview mirror, it seemed that it had not been long since they left the 4S shop.

I followed him, and I am still following him now.

You must know that Wang Yue and Xuan Mo didn't have any destination, so they just asked a young lady to drive around casually. It was too blatant for the car to follow them like this.

But Wang Yue was a little suspicious. He and Xuan Mo were just two middle school students in the car, so there was no need to follow him. He asked the shopping guide suspiciously, "Miss, have you offended someone?"

The shopping guide who was complaining while driving was stunned for a moment after hearing Wang Yue's question, and asked suspiciously, "Brother, what do you mean? I'm just an ordinary office worker."

Wang Yue turned around again and looked at the black car that was chasing after him. Looking at the serious face of the co-pilot wearing sunglasses, he always felt that that person's target was the people in this car.

He hesitated for a while, and then asked seriously, "There is a car behind us. It has been following us for a long time. Could it be that your boyfriend misunderstood it?"

The shopping guide glanced at the rearview mirror and murmured in confusion, "I don't have a boyfriend! Is it possible that someone admires me?"

Wang Yue twitched the corner of his mouth, he did not expect to meet a narcissistic person, but the words of the shopping guide girl made him immediately rule out the problem of the shopping guide girl.

However, excluding the shopping guide, it would only be him and Xuan Mo. Wang Yue frowned and thought, it probably wouldn't be him. After all, he had been in a coma for more than half a year and couldn't show anything strange.

It shouldn't be noticeable.

As for the matter of wooling, Big Penguin has always done a better job of keeping it a secret. He has never betrayed him once in so many urban worlds, and it shouldn't be the case in this world.

The only possibility is that it is Xuan Mo. Could it be that some other mysterious organization discovered Xuan Mo's special ability? Isn't it just that the speed is too fast?

This alien has only been here a few days, right?

Is it possible that Xuan Mo has shown something unusual in the past few days?

Wang Yue couldn't figure it out, so he simply said to Xuan Mo directly, "Xuan Mo, it seems that the car behind you may be coming towards you."

Seeing that Wang Yue was speaking so seriously, Xuan Mo turned her head and glanced back. The information about the car came into view, and then she said coldly, "I haven't seen it before!"

Wang Yue frowned when he saw this situation. Xuan Mo had never seen the other party, but the other party found Xuan Mo. This was not a match of strength. Could it be that the other party was more powerful than Xuan Mo?

Just when Wang Yue was suspicious, the car following him suddenly turned away. He waited suspiciously for a few minutes, but did not find the car following him, so he said to the shopping guide, "Turn around and go back from the car just now."

Turn at the intersection."

The young lady did not hesitate. Her driving skills were also very good. After making a U-turn at this intersection, she was ready to do as Wang Yue said. However, she was a girl after all. She vaguely knew that the boy wanted to follow him, and she was also afraid of it.

Not feeling safe, he said hesitantly, "But it's been so long, we may not be able to find each other!"

At this time, Wang Yue had already opened the backpack he was traveling with, took out his notebook, and said indifferently, "Just drive, I will show you the way in a moment."

The young lady is also a very sensible person. After hearing Wang Yue's rather cold tone, she just drove the car obediently and said nothing more. After all, it is the uncle who is rich. Such a rich boy should not have a good background.

If it's bad, there probably won't be any problems.

After Wang Yue waited for the computer to turn on, he quickly tapped the keyboard and soon controlled the nearby camera. The black car also successfully entered Wang Yue's monitoring range.

Xuan Mo had been watching Wang Yue's movements and found that Wang Yue could easily control nearby cameras through a computer. She glanced at Wang Yue in surprise. She didn't expect that there are still people learning this ancient computer technology.

So proficient, you have to know these things, they are all instructing the artificial intelligence to do it.

But Xuan Mo immediately thought that this was a more backward Earth, so she could only look up to the sky and sigh. She then thought that if Wang Yue could hack into a top computer, couldn't he also try to contact Skynet? She asked tentatively, "You

How is your computer level?"

Wang Yue didn't know why Xuan Mo asked this. He was concentrating on controlling the cameras along the way and said casually, "Part of the tip of the pyramid."

When Xuan Mo heard what Wang Yue said, he frowned and asked, "What is a pyramid?"

Wang Yue unexpectedly raised his head and glanced at Xuan Mo. Thinking that this woman was an alien, he said helplessly, "That's an ancient Egyptian building. I mean, my skills are among the best in the world."


Xuan Mo raised his eyebrows and asked seriously, "Can you control satellites?"

Wang Yue's hand on the keyboard paused for a moment, and then started typing quickly again. He glanced at the shopping guide who was driving nervously and found that she was concentrating on driving at the moment. She probably didn't notice what Xuan Mo was saying, so she

He quickly whispered to Xuan Mo, "Even if I can, I can't tell anyone about this."

Xuan Mo was silent for a while, roughly savoring what Wang Yue said. After a while, she said seriously, "Teach me how to use the computer sometime."

Wang Yue felt very uncomfortable when he heard the tone of this command, but when he thought that he hadn't learned the skills yet, he endured it and said calmly, "Okay, but when will you teach me your abilities?"

Xuan Mo seemed to understand what Wang Yue meant. Considering that using her mental power to connect to the computer would consume a lot of her energy, she felt that Wang Yue's technology was still useful, so she said calmly, "What you want to learn is to improve your mental energy."

I can teach you how to use your mental power and mental power."

Of course, Wang Yue also understood what Xuan Mo meant. He sent Xuan Mo a car and taught Xuan Mo hacking skills, so the two were even. After thinking about it, he suddenly became excited, and he later found out

Later, I finally understood what the ability Xuan Mo used was to use mental power and improve mental power.

Wang Yue remembered that in some worlds there was a saying that mental power was actually the power of thoughts. He was very interested in this power and wanted to teach Xuan Mo hacking techniques and learn them quickly.

With Wang Yue's guidance, he quickly found the black car in a factory under construction. He guided the young lady to park the car far away, and then asked the young lady to wait. He and Xuan Mo got off together

Got the car.

Wang Yue didn't know Xuan Mo's skills. Considering that he didn't have much energy and magic power now, and was only slightly beyond the level of top special forces soldiers, he couldn't judge Xuan Mo's skills.

Wang Yue felt that in this world, with the current level and looking back in time, he could basically save his life. He didn't want Xuan Mo to take risks. It wasn't that he was worried about Xuan Mo, but that he hadn't learned yet.

Find out how to improve the opponent's mental power and how to use it.

As Wang Yue walked towards the factory, he said to Xuan Mo seriously, "Why don't you wait outside? I'm just going to find out what the people following us want to do?"

Xuan Mo glanced at Wang Yue and said sarcastically, "Although your physical condition is top-notch among humans, it is still too poor. You haven't taught me your hacking skills yet. I don't want you to die here."


Wang Yue twitched the corner of his mouth. He felt like he was bursting with tears. After experiencing so many worlds, he actually experienced the feeling of being protected. It was given by a woman with a strong boyfriend. He didn't know what to do.


This chapter has been completed!
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