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Chapter 885 I choose the cheerleaders

Sure enough, Lu Yuchen's attention was diverted when he heard Wang Yue mention his comrades from the Thunder Team. These people had been holding back for him for a year. They could only play StarCraft secretly and did not dare to go online for fear of being exposed.

Caught by someone else.

Now, finally, Lu Yuchen was admitted to college and received the admission notice. The entire team rushed to Xichuan and joined Wang Yue and Xuan Mo.

The people of the Thunder Team are full of enthusiasm and are ready to let Wang Yue and Xuan Mo lead them back to the world and win the interstellar trophy once again.

Lu Yuchen thought of his brothers and immediately forgot about those enthusiastic seniors. After all, for boys who love to play games, how can a girlfriend be more important than games?

So, he said excitedly, "They came by train and won't arrive until tomorrow. They specifically told me to take a look at the location you chose. If you're not satisfied, it won't work."

Wang Yue has a black line on his forehead. The game company he runs allows these people to get paid to play games. Where can you find such a good thing? This is enough to take care of these brothers from Thunder Team, but in the end, these people dare to mention

Opinion, isn’t this looking for trouble?

However, Wang Yue looked at Lu Yuchen's exaggerated expression and knew that this guy was probably just talking nonsense. Of course, he also felt a bit grateful, but he just had to look at the real situation. Otherwise, he would not be at ease.


Besides, if a few words can get Wang Yue to improve his conditions a little bit, that would be good too.

You must know that Wang Yue is equivalent to providing a job to these Thunder Team people in disguise, and the salary is three times that of their original Internet cafe. Except for Arale, the owner of the Internet cafe, everyone else basically makes money with blood. How could it be possible?

What's the objection?

However, Wang Yue did not expose Lu Yuchen's little trick. He took Xuan Mo's little hand and walked towards the dormitory arranged outside the school. As he walked, he said casually, "

I’ll provide you with a place to play for free, provide you with free food and lodging, and get a salary, where can you find such a beautiful thing?”

Xuan Mo didn't know that Wang Yue was joking. She nodded seriously and said seriously, "It's illegal to get something for nothing. Wang Yue has already given me three times the salary. What shouldn't you be asking for?"

Lu Yuchen knew that with this sister here, he had no room for bargaining. He glanced at Wang Yue resentfully, then stretched out a finger and said resentfully, "I don't have any other requirements. Didn't you say that our team has a special

Are you a cheerleader? I just hope that I can choose the girl who will be a cheerleader, otherwise, she will definitely not be able to pass my test."

Wang Yue didn't expect that his uncle, who had no blood relationship with Xuan Mo, could be so lustful, so he said seriously, "You have to discuss this with your sister. Xuan Mo said she will be responsible for this."

, I have already agreed."

When Lu Yuchen heard what Wang Yue said, he gave in decisively. He was afraid that Xuan Mo would go home and complain, so he suddenly became very serious and said, "We are here for competition, what kind of cheerleading team do you want? You just heard wrong,

That's not what I said."

Xuan Mo rolled his eyes at Lu Yuchen, and then said coldly, "Train well when you come, Wang Yue has prepared a surprise for you."

Lu Yuchen was a little curious, weren't we just training and playing games together, what else was there to be surprised about? He suddenly thought of something, and asked with some surprise, "Don't you arrange the training room and accommodation together? Then

It’s just perfect.”

Wang Yue had a black line on his forehead. Lu Yuchen treated himself like a pig this time. The training room and accommodation are in the same place. If the restaurant is also in the same place, doesn't it mean that he can stay at home?

Did everyone gain weight quickly?

Wang Yue thought that the plan with Xuan Mo would not make Lu Yuchen and his group have such poor physical fitness, so he said casually, "It's pretty much what you thought. You'll know when you get there."

Lu Yuchen thought he had guessed it right, so he grabbed his luggage with great anticipation and rushed towards the address Wang Yue said. You must know that for games and for otakus, the most wanted days are to eat, play and sleep.

Then eat, and then form a cycle.


With excitement, Lu Yuchen and Wang Yue Xuanmo came to the place arranged by Wang Yue. After Lu Yuchen opened it, he realized that he seemed to have misunderstood. There were no computers here at all, and it was not a place for team training.

In other words, this is a place for training, but it is for physical training. Simply put, it is a place for physical exercise.

As for the computer used for playing Star Wars, don't think about it. I have seen a few consoles, but I have never seen a monitor at all, which surprised Lu Yuchen.

After walking around for a while, Lawrence Lu felt a little disappointed and said depressedly, "This is a place for physical exercise. It's not a place for us to train at all. Have we come to the wrong place?"

When Xuan Mo heard what Lu Yuchen said, he said coldly, "Exercising your body is part of the training. You must have a strong body so that you can perform the task."

Lu Yuchen actually likes sports, but he really can't stand it when he is asked to exercise every day. Seeing that there are equipment similar to astronaut training here, he feels like his legs are weak. His old sister is preparing

Do they train like real astronauts?

It's just a game, why should it be so serious?

Is it possible that all supermen are like this?

In fact, he was not the only one to feel this way. When Lu Yuchen's good friend Ala Lei came with his team members, she actually felt the same as him after learning that he had to undergo high-intensity physical training every day.

Their mood lasted until Wang Yue's customized equipment arrived, and then their attention was diverted one by one, and they became very excited as if they had been given a shot of blood.

This chapter is not over yet, please click on the next page to continue reading! Of course Wang Yue could not use such low-level equipment. He did not hide his clumsiness at all this time. He directly took out the brain wave technology he had mastered and produced a batch of

Using brainwave-controlled equipment, prepare to train the brainwave control abilities of Thunder Team members first, so as to prepare for his and Xuanmo's subsequent plans.


The reason why Wang Yue did this was to prepare to launch a brain wave game, so that he could use this to relieve Xuan Mo's depression. However, he was afraid that other members of the Thunder Team would delay, so he asked the Thunder Team to start training in advance. Even this game was created by him and

Xuan Mo co-produced it, which is Xuan Mo’s favorite interstellar game.

The reason for this arrangement is that the game company will officially launch the brainwave game in a month.

As soon as this cross-generational game came into the public eye, it quickly occupied a huge game market and attracted the attention of global gamers. Everyone enthusiastically devoted themselves to brainwave games.

With the help of artificial intelligence, this game is like fighting in a real universe, which immediately attracted fans of the original interstellar game.

Wang Yue saw that the time was almost ripe, so he took the opportunity to launch a competitive version of the game. The Thunder Team was also the first to announce that it would enter the game and prepare to participate in the competitive competition of this game.

Because the Thunder team received training and had the presence of Wang Yue and Xuan Mo, after other teams joined after hearing the news, they suddenly occupied the first place in the team rankings, and even won the championship in the subsequent leagues.



Lu Yuchen and other members of the Thunder team were still excited about this championship, but Wang Yue and Xuan Mo were more interested in some of the players from each team who performed exceptionally well.

The reason why Wang Yue launched the brain wave game Interstellar is because Xuan Mo advocated that it is best to combine spaceships with brain wave control, so that they can better control the spacecraft in the complex space. After all, there are really no hand movements.

The brain moves very quickly.

It's just that not all people can achieve what Xuan Mo wants through brain wave control, so Wang Yue launched this competitive game to screen some people who have very sophisticated control over brain wave use and invite them to join his universe.

Discovery team.

It's just that what makes Wang Yue and Xuan Mo a little disappointed is that not everyone is interested in their invitation. More people just like to play games rather than go on any space adventure.

Fortunately, Wang Yue's actions unexpectedly attracted the attention of District Seven. They happened to have a computer expert with paralyzed legs. He performed well in the competitive league and was invited by Wang Yue. After learning about Wang Yue's

After receiving the bid, he reported it decisively.

As a result, it didn't take long for the spaceship project that Wang Yue and Xuan Mo were responsible for to receive a large number of guests who conducted a rigorous inspection of Wang Yue and Xuan Mo's project.

Originally, this project belonged to Chengdu Aircraft, which was also a well-known military industrial enterprise and belonged to the military's sphere of influence. The other party originally didn't care much about it. After all, the plan proposed by Wang Yue seemed feasible.

It's just that sometimes there are many things that haven't been seen before, and they don't think they can be realized quickly. It has only been a year, and the spaceship has not been built yet. Wang Yue has begun planning to train people and let them

Somewhat caught off guard.

Therefore, when District 7 inspected Wang Yue's project, the military also paid attention to it. After learning about Wang Yue's plan, they decisively screened the entire army and quickly found enough people.

Let Xuan Mo train.

Xuan Momo is very interested in training soldiers. She feels that these soldiers are much more comfortable than Lu Yuchen and others last year, and they will not be like Lu Yuchen who always puts forward various opinions and annoys her.

Each of these soldiers obeyed the orders obediently, and all the training required by Xuan Nuo was exceeded. It didn't take long for enough astronauts who could be controlled by brain waves to be trained for the spacecraft.

Because of this incident, Cheng Fei also accelerated the progress of Wang Yue and Xuan Mo's spaceship. It didn't take long to build the spaceship. However, before the ignition started, everyone was not sure. Wang Yue's design

Is it really possible? Therefore, the personnel who went on this expedition were treated with the highest standards.

Some key people in Chengfei think it may be possible. After all, they all know that Wang Yue's girlfriend is an alien. Suddenly these black technologies come out. They all think it is the information given by Xuan Mo. You are all looking forward to this spaceship.

Is it really possible? Although I feel nervous, I am not worried.

While waiting for the ignition test, a large number of people came to watch. Wang Yue and Xuan Mo didn't care at all. They entered the spacecraft together with the best selected crew members.

Of course, what surprised Wang Yue was that among the best crew members were Lu Yuchen and Arale. They were not keen on physical training at first, but after hearing that Wang Yue was planning to take them to fly a real spaceship, they trained

Very proactive.

Arale even changed from a little fat guy to a lean man, which shows how hard he trained.

In fact, the entire team is like this, but the other members did not pass the selection, and unfortunately missed their first space expedition.


Of course, there were no surprises. The spacecraft started normally. After igniting, it slowly rose into the sky. The speed was very fast. It broke through the sky in the blink of an eye. It soon got rid of gravity and came into space.


After circling the Earth in space, the spacecraft entered the atmosphere again and landed steadily at the airport. The ground crew waiting below couldn't help but cheer after seeing this scene, and some even

People were moved to tears.

You know, this is the first domestic aircraft that can fly in space and come back stably. In the past, astronauts would sit in a specific container and use parachutes to cushion them before they could return to the ground.

It is far behind foreign research.

But the two alien staff were very disdainful. After all, they had seen many of the lowest-level spacecraft flying in space, and there was really nothing to be proud of. After all, this kind of spacecraft could only be used for fun in the solar system.

That's it, it's basically impossible to fly out of the Milky Way.

That's because the galaxy they originally belong to is much more technologically advanced than the Earth. They all have higher technology and can travel quickly between the stars, so they look down on the spacecraft studied by Wang Yue.

But when they saw that Xuan Mo, a man with obviously stronger mental power, was watching the flight process seriously, the two alien experimenters didn't say much.

But for people on earth, this historic breakthrough is already remarkable, so it is a matter of great pride and can be celebrated by the whole world.

This simple test flight immediately enabled domestic aviation technology to achieve steady overtaking in a corner, leaving foreign aerospace development far behind. The sense of pride increased countless times.

It is a little regrettable that the spacecraft designed by Wang Yue does not have any advanced weapons, so it can only be used as an exploration spacecraft. If it encounters any danger, the ship may be destroyed and people will die.

Even so, the visiting technicians were very excited. After all, they finally flew out, right?


Wang Yue and Xuan Mo didn't care what others thought. Since the spacecraft had been successful, they wanted to go to the moon to take a look. After all, there must be special locators for so many aliens to easily locate their arrival on the earth.

If this kind of locator were on Earth, in modern times with dense population, it would be impossible to hide it. Just like a detector from a certain country, it would always be fished out by our fishermen.

So Xuan Mo guessed that the alien positioning communication tool was most likely on the moon. She wanted to find this communication tool and use it to modify it. Maybe she could contact Skynet or the Scorpio Galaxy.

Wang Yue also had his own ideas. He had also been to the moon once, but he had used extraordinary abilities to discover a palace on the moon.

With the use of technology, he has only done it once, but has never explored the moon in detail.

In the real world, Wang Yue has the idea of ​​building a base on the moon, so how to build a base on the moon is what Wang Yue is eager to know and learn. What better way to learn quickly than to build it personally?


After Wang Yue and Xuan Mo communicated with Chengfei's technicians, they asked Chengfei to slowly build the second spaceship. Instead, the two of them took a large amount of engineering equipment and took the spaceship together, easily arriving.

On the moon.

After arriving on the moon, Wang Yue and Xuan Mo took separate actions. He began to prepare for the construction of a base, while Xuan Mo began to take a small spacecraft and search the moon inch by inch.


More than a year later, the second spaceship has been built, and Wang Yue used the first spaceship to transport materials to and from the earth many times, and built a spaceship on the moon.

A simple base allows astronauts or scientists here to conduct experiments just like on earth.

The moment the base was successfully built, Chinese people all over the world were very proud. I know that the North American Alliance only dug a few pieces of soil on the moon back then, and still does not have the ability to build a base on the moon.

But now my family has successfully built a base, and it can even use spaceships to safely transport scientists to the moon for research. That is many times more powerful than a space station floating in the sky.

Everyone is looking forward to the continuous expansion of the space station and slowly turning into a city.

The only thing that everyone didn't understand was that Wang Yue retired after the construction was successful and returned to Earth with Xuan Mo.

Wang Yue came back because he just wanted to have the experience of building a base. When he builds it himself, he can save a lot of trouble. Now that he has learned it, of course he doesn't want to continue working like an old scalper.

The reason why Xuan Mo returned to Earth was because she had searched almost every piece of land on the moon for more than a year and could not find the positioning communicator she was looking for. This made her very disappointed. It seemed that she wanted to return.

Scorpio Galaxy can only wait slowly.

Wang Yue and Xuan Mo didn't know that their low-key behavior of retiring after success had actually made many people admire them and increased their popularity. After all, not everyone would quit at this time.

This chapter has been completed!
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