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Chapter 887 Stargate

Wang Yue looked at his alien girlfriend with some pity, and reminded him seriously, "I highly doubt that your deep sleep 200 million years ago was actually a trap. I actually don't understand why you need to

Where is Sleeping? Since you have fought the enemy in that place, your follow-up personnel from the Scorpio Galaxy will definitely come to check it out, and as the earth is the source of life in the galaxy, your teammates cannot let it go."

Xuan Mo is a talented military commander, but she is still a rookie, or worse than a rookie, in terms of tactics. After hearing Wang Yue's analysis, she felt a little incredible. After all, she is a commander-in-chief!

Although the expedition she led was actually insignificant among the many battles in the Scorpio Galaxy, there were more than 200,000 soldiers together. Is it necessary to let so many people die just to harm her?

Xuan Mo didn't believe it, and Wen Dao was unsure, "You mean, my tragic victory in that war was caused intentionally by someone?"

Although Wang Yue didn't want to expose this cruel reality, in order to make Xuan Mo face this problem, he could only say it cruelly. After all, only if he knew what happened back then might be a conspiracy, Xuan Mo would be useless

Those who retreat, stand with the people on earth.

Wang Yue looked at Xuan Mo's disbelieving eyes and said word by word, "That's for sure. Who did you threaten? That's why they attacked you. Otherwise, to you, this is just

A small trouble, does it require you, the marshal, to go on an expedition in person?"

Wang Yue's words were like a heavy hammer, hitting Xuan Mo's heart. Although she still couldn't believe the fact, she subconsciously felt that Wang Yue's analysis was reasonable.

After all, since the Scorpio Galaxy can reach here, why did she strip away her mental power and sacrifice her body?

You must know that without physical storage, mental power will continue to decrease as time goes by, and it may disappear between heaven and earth inadvertently.

Now it seems that the elder who persuaded her to strip away her spiritual power also did so on purpose.

Xuan Mo didn't need to think too much, she knew who betrayed her, it was the great elder she had always trusted, which dealt her a fatal blow.

She is a soldier of the Scorpio Galaxy. She is used to facing the enemy with her chest and leaving her back to her own people. How could she be like the great elder whom she trusted so much that he actually killed her?

What is it for?

Did his personal guards in the battle team, as well as the 200,000 soldiers and researchers on the battleship, die in vain?

Xuan Mo thought of the more than 200,000 soldiers and researchers, and also thought of her own business. No matter what the conspiracy was, she needed to tell the people of the Scorpio Galaxy about the victory that year. This was her mission and responsibility.

Thinking of this, Xuan Mo made a decision. She raised her head, looked at Wang Yue seriously, and said word by word, "A Yue, let's go find the Star Gate, okay?"

Wang Yue saw what Xuan Mo was thinking, and he didn't stop him. He just wanted to win Xuan Mo's heart to his side. Otherwise, he was really afraid that after opening the star gate, Xuan Mo would just leave without

Take him to the Scorpio Galaxy.

But looking at Xuan Mo's expression now, she seems to be very disappointed with the Scorpio Galaxy, or in other words, with the leadership of the Scorpio Galaxy. Then there is a high probability that Xuan Mo will stay on Earth, which is a bit regretful.

Although I can't go to the Scorpio Galaxy, considering the existence of Xuan Mo, there is almost endless life. How can the earth's technology reach the level of aliens?

The most important thing is that the discovery of the possibility of an interstellar gate on the earth also let Wang Yue know that his previous plan to study abroad in extraterrestrial places might be realized.

After all, the Scorpio Galaxy can come to Earth at any time. As an international student, there is still a chance.

Moreover, Wang Yue's long-cherished idea of ​​building a base on the moon has been realized here, laying a solid foundation for him to build a base on the moon in the future.

He also learned how to use mental power. In the future, before he has mastered martial arts and spells, he will have the ability to maintain quality. He has no regrets.

Even if the Stargate is one-way and he can never return to Earth, there is no need to regret it.

Of course, it would be great if he could learn some black technology in the Scorpio Galaxy. After all, he might go to other science fiction worlds in the future. After he learns it, it would not be out of date to go to a science fiction world.

If he can't get it, it doesn't matter. Anyway, the technology he got in Qing Yunian's world can already be terraformed.

Thinking of this, Wang Yue no longer hesitated and said seriously, "We will go to Changping Mountain early tomorrow morning to see if we can find the Star Gate. If we find it, we will come back to get the key."

After hearing Wang Yue's arrangement, Xuan Mo felt that it made sense. After all, wearing that stone would be troublesome and would cause unnecessary trouble. If he found the Star Gate and then stole the key, it would actually be okay.


Wang Yue and Xuan Mo came to Changping Mountain together to try to find the Star Gate. After searching for a long time, they found nothing except vegetation and stones. After all, it was really difficult for them to find it in such a big mountain.

Fortunately, the two of them had good physical strength. They climbed over a mountain together and looked at the lush forest. Wang Yue became depressed. The forest was too big. Even if there were some caves where the Star Gate could be put down, it still couldn't be seen!

Xuan Mo frowned. She didn't know why, but her mental power couldn't find the location of the Star Gate at all. There seemed to be a force that made her mental power shrink a bit. This let her know that the Star Gate must be there.

Here, otherwise this situation would not be possible.

Just when the two were struggling, someone in the jungle suddenly heard a scream, "Zombies! There are zombies here!"

When Xuan Mo heard the man's cry, he subconsciously used his mental power to check. When he saw those people clearly, he wanted to rush over, but was pulled back by Wang Yue.

This chapter is not finished yet, please click on the next page to continue reading the exciting content! She stopped, turned around and frowned at Wang Yue and asked, "These people must have been affected by the Star Gate or gold stones. These people are haunted."

The place should be where the Stargate is."

Wang Yue shook his head and said seriously, "Listen to the voices inside, it seems that there are many people in the forest. Maybe the news that Jinshi was found in Changping Mountain was revealed. We hid it and waited until they found it.

Just go over there, why bother to conflict with these people?"

When Xuan Mo heard what Wang Yue said, she nodded. She thought this was okay. As long as she followed the traces of these people or listened to their conversations, she would know where she met these weirdos. It would be better than having them everywhere.

Searching is much better.

Now that she was ready to become a fisherman, Xuan Mo was no longer as professional as Wang Yue. She followed Wang Yue decisively, and Wang Yue held her little hand and kept shuttling through the bushes, always maintaining a position not far away from the group of people.

It's strange to say that there are so many weirdos here, but no one calls the police or attracts the attention of the relevant departments. It's just ridiculous.

You know, this place is very close to the city, so you should have some free time, right?

However, this was none of Wang Yue's business. He and Xuan Mo followed this group of people and soon found a cave.

But there was a group of mysterious weirdos in the cave. Those weirdos were very agile and their numbers were very large. In a short time, they dispersed the group of people that Wang Yue and Xuan Mo were following.

Wang Yue did not help them, and hid in the tree with Xuan Mo without moving, just watching the group of people evacuate from under their feet.

There was a person who looked like the person in charge who retreated. When he retreated near Wang Yue, he took out his mobile phone and made a call.

After the call was connected, the person in charge said in a very urgent voice, "Mr. Yi, there are a group of weirdos in Changping Mountain... There are still few in the woods, but there seems to be a lot hidden in a cave. We people are no match at all.

I suspect that those weirdos are all influenced by gold and stone, and our goal is right."

Wang Yue immediately understood the implication of this man's words. He felt that he only had a few daggers this time and could not deal with these weirdos, so he wanted to ask for help from outside.

Everyone who could be called a boss responded well. Mr. Yi on the other side of the phone was silent for a while, and then said in a deep voice, "The gunshots were too loud. There are many resorts near Changping Mountain. It's not suitable to touch people. Nothing else."

Is there a solution?"

The person in charge was silent for a while, then gritted his teeth and said, "Next time, prepare some big Internet cafes and send more people over to net all these weirdos. Then we will be safe. They move too fast."


After hearing what the person in charge said, Mr. Yi still didn't understand that he wanted to back off today. However, he felt that he had gained something today. After all, he discovered these weirdos. Even if there were no gold and stones in this place, there were other treasures.


Thinking of this, Mr. Yi waited for a few seconds before continuing, "Then follow your plan and find the gold stone for me as soon as possible, or find out the secret of the cave. The military has probably already obtained the piece.

We have started researching, but if the research exceeds ours, we will have no meaning."

The person in charge knew this very well, so after learning that the gold stone had been taken away by the military, they decisively sent people to Changping Mountain.

Therefore, there was not much time left for them, so the person in charge quickly promised to go out and prepare before heading into the mountain again immediately.

Xuan Mo and Wang Yue had stronger mental powers and more sensitive senses. Of course they could hear their conversation clearly. After these people had left, Xuan Mo frowned and asked Wang Yue, "Their method probably won't work at all."

It’s very time consuming.”

Wang Yue knew that Xuan Mo couldn't wait any longer, so he didn't hesitate. If a fisherman has done his job, he would be a fool to wait any longer. He immediately made a decision, "Let's go in and explore together, and look inside some weird people's caves."

What on earth is there?”

What Xuan Mo was waiting for was Wang Yue's words. After hearing this, she immediately said, "Okay, let's go together."

When Wang Yue heard that Xuan Mo emphasized that we should be together, he knew what the alien meant. He nodded, and when the voices of the group could no longer be heard, he took the lead and walked towards the cave.

Just as he walked, he took out the long piece of cloth wrapped in cloth from his back. With a slight shake of his hand, he shook the cloth away, revealing a cold long sword.

Xuan Mo glanced at Wang Yue's sword unexpectedly. She had always been curious about what was behind Wang Yue, but because it was Wang Yue, she didn't use her mental power to detect it. She thought Wang Yue had prepared some communication equipment or mountain climbing equipment.

I never thought it was just a sword.

You must know that swords have long been eliminated in their Scorpio galaxy. After all, how can this thing be used with spiritual power? She was a little confused about Wang Yue's behavior, and even felt that Wang Yue's sword was not easy to use with an axe.

It was just that Xuan Mo had just despised him for a while. After a monster appeared in front of their door, he saw the sword in Wang Yue's hand and swung it with a sword energy, splitting the man in half.

Let her be stunned.

This sword energy was even sharper than the mental power Xuan Mo used himself. This made Xuan Mo a little surprised. What was this!

Regardless of whether Xuan Mo was surprised or not, when those weirdos saw that their companions were easily chopped off by Wang Yue, they all stopped in their tracks when they originally wanted to surround Wang Yue and Xuan Mo.

They seemed to have high IQs. They knew that Wang Yue and Xuan Mo were stronger than the group of people who came in just now, so they all shrank back and did not dare to move forward.

Wang Yue was no match for me, so I stepped forward. He took two steps forward with his sword, getting closer to those weirdos.

In fact, he didn't plan to kill these people here. The reason why he used his sword energy to kill the weirdo was just to see if these weirdos would be afraid.

This chapter is not finished yet, please click on the next page to continue reading the exciting content! If you are not afraid, it proves that the gold stone or the star gate will have an impact on people's intelligence, and Wang Yue will hesitate to follow it.


After all, although he has the ability to go back in time, he is not sure whether becoming a fool is a danger. If he is unlucky and fails to trigger the skill, wouldn't he die here?

If this group of weirdos were afraid, then it was because the killing he had just done had served as a warning. After suppressing these weirdos, he could follow the traces left by these weirdos to find the cave where they were.

Of course, Wang Yue feels that Stargate should have no impact on intelligence.

In fact, just as Wang Yue had guessed, those weirdos were really frightened when they saw Wang Yue coming forward menacingly.

Seeing Wang Yue walking towards them, they all stepped back, and then slowly turned into running. Although some changed directions, most of them ran towards the direction they came from.

Seeing this scene, Wang Yue nodded with satisfaction, and then said to the stunned Xuan Mo, "Mo Mo, let's follow them. With their guidance, we can find their hiding place soon."

Xuan Mo woke up like a dream. Only now did she know why Wang Yue suddenly and violently struck him just now. His emotion was to frighten these weirdos.

This also made her like it very much. She liked this earthling's decisiveness in killing and his courage and strategy. After all, ordinary people could not match her.

However, this was not the time to think too much. Seeing that Wang Yue couldn't wait for her answer, Xuan Mo ran away with the weirdo first, and quickly followed him.

The two of them followed the weird people and quickly came to a cave. They looked at the weird people and got in one by one.

Looking at the invisible hole, Xuan Mo hesitated a little, and she said in a tangled voice, "Wang Yue, go in now or wait?"

Wang Yue saw that Xuan Mo didn't want to go in, but was worried about him. After all, he couldn't use his mental power to observe the dark environment, which made him happy.

His alien girlfriend had learned to care about people and was no longer just a cold ice cube. The more he thought about it, the more beautiful he became. He casually snapped his fingers, and a flame condensed from his hand. This was very special.

He said proudly, "If you are afraid of the dark, I will provide lighting."

Xuan Mo had known for a long time that Wang Yue had other trump cards in his hand, so she didn't ask too much. Now she saw that Wang Yue had used it in front of her, which meant that he didn't intend to hide it from her anymore, which made her even happier.


However, she didn't know how to express it, and she was afraid that Wang Yue would consume something to make him angry, so she said urgently, "No, I'm not afraid of the dark, as long as you are not afraid."

Wang Yue looked at Xuan Mo's arrogant look, extinguished the flames, took Xuan Mo's little hand, and the two walked side by side towards the cave. He thought those weirdos could only watch them go in.

Unexpectedly, the weirdo who was hiding far away just now pounced on him fiercely after he pulled Xuan Mo into the cave. It seemed that he was determined to fight to the death.

Wang Yue has long been mentally prepared. After all, no matter what kind of animal it is, home is their last resort. When you break into their home, they will fight tooth and nail even if they know they can't defeat you.

So he held Xuan Mo's little hand, not only to take advantage, but also to quickly pull Xuan Mo behind him to protect him when these weirdos rushed up.

What Wang Yue didn't expect was that when he came in, these monsters didn't rush over. They only rushed over after he extinguished the flames and took Xuan Mo's little hand. This made him a little surprised.

Is it possible that these monsters are afraid of fire?

But at this time, there was no time to think too much. Facing these fierce weirdos, Wang Yue showed no mercy. He would kill one, two, and a pair. He was just as straightforward as the first weirdo he had just killed. The only difference was that

, he now no longer uses sword energy, but uses sword moves to continuously slash the monsters surrounding him, making it impossible for those monsters to pass his level.

Xuan Mo originally wanted to help, but when she saw this scene, she simply stopped. She just watched Wang Yue beat the monsters, and felt a sense of protection. This feeling made her, the marshal of the Scorpio Galaxy, feel...

It's weird, uh, weirdly comfortable.

It's just that Xuan Mo was a marshal after all. She was moved, but she didn't look at Wang Yue's performance in a nymphomaniacal manner. She just watched for a while and then began to look at the cave.

This cave gave Xuan Mo a familiar feeling, much like the traces left by their construction of the Stargate in the Scorpio Galaxy. This made her very excited. She must have found the right place.

Just when Xuan Mo was looking at it casually, there was a place that suddenly emitted a terrifying golden light. Through this layer of golden light, you could see that the blood of the dead weirdo on the ground was flowing towards him, as if attracted by some force.

The golden light flows away from where it originates.

After a while, the golden light finally dimmed as if it was full. At the same time, Xuan Mo felt the cave light up, and a blue light shone from behind her.

She quickly turned around and looked around, and saw a light blue light gate appearing on a step not far away. If that wasn't a star gate, what else could it be?

This chapter has been completed!
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