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Chapter 965 Wasting My Mother's Feelings

Chapter 965 Waste of my feelings

Author: Uncle Sanwa

Chapter 965 Waste of my feelings

Wang Yue saw Qiao Jingjing walking away from him, and he was relieved. After all, not everyone can resist the temptation of such a ripe peach at such a close distance.

He adjusted his sitting posture, without raising his head, and looked at the interface of his mobile phone. He seemed to be very focused and said, "Xiao Zhou, cast this game on the TV."

After all, Qiao Jingjing was involved in the entertainment industry, so she was well aware of Wang Yue's actions, and she was secretly proud of herself. It seemed that her charm did not need to be reduced.

She was thinking evilly in her heart, if I want you to see my joke, even if I am wasting my feelings with an artificial intelligence, I will make a fool of myself.

Wang Yue didn't know what Qiao Jingjing was thinking. He had already pretended to play the game seriously. His assistant Xiao Zhou also made a cooperative voice, breaking the embarrassment here. The other side of the TV quickly replied, "Okay.

,Boss, I will cast the screen right now."

After Xiao Zhou finished speaking, the screen on the TV began to switch, and soon it switched to Wang Yue's game. You know, Qiao Jingjing's TV has not been matched with Xiao Zhou's mobile phone, but this is not a problem.

Qiao Jingjing saw Wang Yue casually commanding Xiao Zhou to control the switching of the TV. She was first surprised that Xiao Zhou was so powerful and could switch the content on the phone so quickly. Then she thought of a question, this was hers.

at home!

Wang Yue and artificial intelligence Xiao Zhou can actually control the TV in other people's homes at will. This process doesn't even take a second. This is too scary, isn't it?

You know, if other hackers were half as good as Wang Yue and artificial intelligence, she would have to pay attention to her clothes at home.

Thinking of this, Qiao Jingjing asked tentatively, "Are you hackers able to enter other people's homes at will?"

At first, Wang Yue just wanted to divert his attention, but later he became interested in playing. It was a rare opportunity for him to play a game, as if he had returned to the time when he played games in the real world. He just happened to have nothing to do now, so he didn't consciously play it.

Get serious.

After listening to Qiao Jingjing's worried inquiry, Wang Yue was stunned for a while, then understood what she meant, and comforted her casually, "Unplug the network cable and cut off the power supply. No matter how awesome the hacker is, he won't be able to get in, but you can't get in."

Our company's security software can be installed, and without our company's technicians, other companies will definitely not be able to defeat it."

Qiao Jingjing breathed a sigh of relief after hearing this. After all, she is a woman living here, and she is also a female star. If even one undressed photo is accidentally exposed, her film and television career may be over.

She also made up her mind that every time she came back, she would unplug all the network cables and never put computers or mobile phones in the bedroom.

As for Wang Yue's company's security software, she just thought that Wang Yue was bragging about his company and did not consider this option at all.

Putting aside the worries in her heart, Qiao Jingjing looked at the TV screen and paid attention to Wang Yue's game play. Then she discovered a problem. Wang Yue had only been playing for a while, and he was playing too smoothly. What's wrong with this style of play?

So familiar?

Qiao Jingjing recalled it carefully, and then she realized that the video she had just watched had the same characters as it, and the order of outfits was also the same. She asked with some suspicion, "Are you following the example of Zhou Yin?"

How to play?"

Wang Yue nodded, shook his head, and said casually, "I've never played it before, and the commentator happened to explain it through Zhou Yin's vision, so I took note of his equipment order."

Qiao Jingjing imagined the battle scene just now. It seemed that Zhouyin's skills and equipment flashed through a few shots from time to time, but the process didn't even last a second. Can you remember it?

Thinking of that possibility, she said in disbelief, "The pause of the shot lasted less than a second. Do you remember it now? Isn't it faster than taking a screenshot?"

When Wang Yue heard what Qiao Jingjing said, he subconsciously paused while copying the game. He felt that he couldn't hide this matter. After all, he was also a legend of Chunfeng Middle School. A little inquiry would reveal his learning ability.

So, he stopped hiding it and said casually, "Some people are born with good memories. You don't have to feel too inferior."

Qiao Jingjing also graduated from 211 University. She felt that she should have better grades than Wang Yue when she went to the capital. After hearing Wang Yue say that he deserved a beating, she felt that Wang Yue was more narcissistic than Yu Tu back then, so she said dissatisfiedly,

"Hey, you are too narcissistic. You make me feel inferior. After all, I graduated from 211 University. My college entrance examination scores were not low."

Of course Wang Yue knew that Qiao Jingjing's experience was indeed very good, but it was also for ordinary people. He felt that this woman had deliberately seduced him just now, and she had to hit her hard no matter what.

So, he said calmly, "The scores are meaningless to me. Anyway, I get perfect marks. Just like if you can get 211, you can only get that score, but I got full marks because the test paper is so good."

That’s a good point.”

Qiao Jingjing looked at Wang Yue for a while, and then realized that Wang Yue had hit her again. She felt that this seemingly mature man still had such a childish side, so she said speechlessly, "It doesn't matter if you don't brag. After all, you

He is the crown prince of Tongquetai, but you said you had perfect scores, which is wrong. In the past two years, no one has received perfect scores in the college entrance examination."

Wang Yue saw that the girl still didn't believe it, so he said seriously, "I was specially recruited. Nanda was afraid that I would not apply to their school for the college entrance examination, so they sent a special recruitment notice in advance."

Qiao Jingjing immediately thought of Qiao Yingzi, who seemed to have been specially recruited, so she asked tentatively, "You are not specially recruited to follow Xiao Yingzi, are you?"

Is there anything that cannot be admitted? Wang Yue nodded frankly and said casually, "Yes, I am famous for loving beauty but not the country. You should have heard of my high school classmate Fang Yifan.

, if you don’t believe it, you can ask him, he just happened to come to the Magic City recently.”

Qiao Jingjing saw that Wang Yue's words were serious, and it didn't look like he was fooling her. She didn't ask further and looked at the screen again, but she unconsciously compared Wang Yue and Yu Tu in her mind.

She thinks they are both equally handsome, equally good at studying, and equally narcissistic!

After one round, Wang Yue won the victory without any surprise. He didn't know that Qiao Jingjing was distracted, so he threw his phone to Qiao Jingjing, and then said seriously, "According to my judgment, if you want to play in the professional league, you must play against Qiao Jingjing."

You know each hero very well, so when fighting, you will know exactly what skills the opponent may use. I think this is not difficult for you, after all, you are not stupid."

After Qiao Jingjing came to her senses, she curled her lips and wanted to fight back, but knowing that Wang Yue also had good intentions, she nodded and said casually, "You're right. If you know yourself and your enemy, you will never be in danger."

Xiao Zhou waited for Qiao Jingjing to finish speaking, and immediately said, "The boss is right. Let's go one-on-one next. Miss Qiao, you have to play all the heroes and memorize all their skills, and

How to use skills and their scope.”

Qiao Jingjing didn't take it seriously at first, but after hearing this, she was a little stunned and asked in disbelief, "Play it all again?"

Xiao Zhou didn't give her any conditions at all, and immediately took control of Qiao Jingjing's mobile phone and started a one-on-one competition with his own mobile phone, leaving Qiao Jingjing resigned to her fate.

The game process was a miserable one. Qiao Jingjing used all the heroes several times. Of course, she lost completely and never won a single game.

The most ridiculous thing is that after the first round of artificial intelligence, Teacher Xiao Zhou came online and asked seriously, "Miss Qiao, what are Zhao Yun's skills?"

Qiao Jingjing had just been tortured for dozens of games. She thought it was finally over. She never thought of answering questions. She was a little confused and couldn't answer for a while, so she showed a bitter face and looked at Wang Yue as if asking for help.

Wang Yue was playing a game on his mobile phone just now, but when he heard Xiao Zhou's question and answer, he almost couldn't hold back his laughter, and then he raised his head to see Qiao Jingjing's reaction.

When he looked up, he saw Qiao Jingjing looking at him. He shrugged and said helplessly, "Don't look at me. Xiao Zhou is the teacher. The teacher is waiting for you to answer questions."

When Qiao Jingjing saw that Wang Yue didn't help, she looked at Wang Yue with her big eyes in grievance, as if you were being dishonest, and muttered, "You must be bragging when you say that you have a photographic memory!"

Wang Yue would not be fooled, so he smiled and said, "You may not know whether I am bragging or not, but you do have to answer Xiao Zhou's question. If you can't answer it, it may be very troublesome."

Qiao Jingjing was shocked when she heard what Wang Yue said. He quickly said to Xiao Zhou, "I only remembered one skill. What should I do if I don't remember the others?"

Xiao Zhou answered very simply, and his voice made Qiao Jingjing sound a little cold, "Don't worry, let's play another game. You play as Zhao Yun until you remember it."

After hearing this, Qiao Jingjing immediately slumped down on the sofa. She wanted to say that I am a human being, I will be tired, and I need to rest for a while. But Xiao Zhou didn't give her a chance at all, and immediately started a new round.


It wasn't until this moment that Qiao Jingjing really became serious. He saw that Xiao Zhou was stubborn and couldn't reason with her at all. She could only bite the bullet and study the names of each skill carefully, as well as the specific skill effects.

Time passed like this, and they played until Xiao Zhu came back from buying food. Only then did Qiao Jingjing get free. She couldn't wait to throw away her phone, as if it was a bomb about to explode in her hand.

Xiao Zhu looked at Qiao Jingjing's tired look and said with great distress, "Jingjing, if you are tired, just leave it like this for today."

Qiao Jingjing's spirit of not admitting defeat has been lured out, but she feels that being abused alone is boring. While she opened the food and looked at what Xiao Zhu bought, she pretended to be aggrieved and said, "Boss Wang, how about this?"

, my hands hurt if I keep playing, I need to rest. How about we take turns playing with He Xiaozhou? What do you think?"

How could Wang Yue not understand what Qiao Jingjing meant? He also wanted to try fighting with artificial intelligence to see how he was, so he did not refuse and said casually, "Okay, but I think you will lose alone."

It's so embarrassing, you want to find someone to be embarrassed with you, right?"

Qiao Jingjing didn't care when she was seen through. She pushed a plate of high-calorie food to Wang Yue and said flatteringly, "How can you say that? My hands are really tired from playing all morning and I need a proper rest."

Okay? Hey, you can eat this plate, replenish your body, and work hard in the afternoon."

Wang Yue saw a black line on his forehead. He directly exposed Qiao Jingjing's trick and said disdainfully, "Don't think you don't know. You gave it to me because you couldn't eat it yourself."

Qiao Jingjing didn't expect that Wang Yue not only saw through it but also said it. It was so ungrateful, so she said with some dissatisfaction, "If you do this, you won't have a girlfriend. No wonder Xiao Zhou is a straight man, and he learns his feelings from you."


Wang Yue saw that Qiao Jingjing was a little angry, so he couldn't hit Qiao Jingjing anymore. After all, he and she were not that close yet, they could only be regarded as ordinary friends, and they were not in a position to undermine each other.

After eating, they left their things in the dining room and the two of them went to the living room again. Qiao Jingjing looked at the morning game replay on the screen and the urgency of her mistakes. Her relaxed mood suddenly changed.


So, Qiao Jingjing glanced at Wang Yue and said eagerly, "I'll calm down first, and you and Xiao Zhou can have some fun."

Wang Yue did not shirk, and immediately connected with the artificial intelligence. His current brain calculation ability is also very strong, and he defeated Xiao Zhou without any surprise in the first round, leaving Qiao Jingjing stunned.

Qiao Jingjing had already stood beside Wang Yue when Wang Yue started the battle. Now watching the game end, she bent down and looked at the word victory on the screen of Wang Yue's mobile phone in shock, and said with some surprise, "Xiao Zhou

Is it really artificial intelligence and you can win against a computer?”

Wang Yue was speechless. A layman would call a smart program a computer, but he couldn't argue with Qiao Jingjing. In order to keep the girl away from her and prevent him from making a fool of himself by seeing too many beautiful mountains and rivers, he quickly

Explained, "Artificial intelligence is good at calculations. It has never been connected to me and does not know my operating habits, so I can win. It will be difficult to tell after a long time."

Qiao Jingjing doesn't care about that. In her opinion, winning is winning. Even if he wins a game occasionally, it at least proves that Wang Yue's strength is far superior to hers.

But Qiao Jingjing clearly remembered that when Wang Yue first came today, he was not familiar with this game. He still imitated Tiangong Team Zhou Yin and played it. At this young age, he was already able to win against artificial intelligence.

Therefore, Qiao Jingjing didn't even notice that Wang Yue wanted her to stand further away, nor did she notice that her posture was a bit ambiguous at the moment. She just kept urging, "You play one more game and see if you can still win."


Wang Yue did not shirk, he also needed to divert his attention, so after waiting for the artificial intelligence to choose, he immediately chose a restrained one, and fought with the artificial intelligence again. No surprise, he won again, but this time slightly

A little more difficult.

Seeing that Wang Yue had won again, Qiao Jingjing couldn't help but touch Wang Yue's head and said excitedly, "You are so awesome! That's artificial intelligence! How did your brain grow?"

Wang Yue didn't know how to evaluate this layman, and he was speechless with this woman who didn't know how to keep a distance. He said weakly, "Didn't you find that the profession I chose is very strong against the opponent? If it weren't for my restraint, I wouldn't be able to do it at all.

Can't win."

Qiao Jingjing saw Wang Yue's unnaturalness and already knew that she had been too affectionate just now. She pulled back her hand in embarrassment, then pretended to be calm and asked, "Really?"

Wang Yue didn't see whether Qiao Jingjing really didn't believe it. He thought it was better to divert his attention. He didn't argue with Qiao Jingjing. He was ready to speak with the facts, so he decisively started a game with Xiao Zhou. This game

Instead of choosing a counter hero, he chose to be exactly the same as the opponent.

Because there was no target, although Wang Yue tried very hard, there was no accident, and he still lost.

Seeing Wang Yue's defeat, Qiao Jingjing's mood returned to normal and her thinking was on the right track. She asked tentatively, "Objectively speaking, can I go out to play in a group with my current skills?"


Wang Yue saw that Qiao Jingjing was trying to escape, probably because she had been having an affair with him just now, and she wanted to avoid suspicion urgently and wanted him to leave automatically.

This made him suddenly feel abandoned. This feeling was very uncomfortable, so he didn't really want to leave.

So, he pretended to be very casual and said, "You are the spokesperson of my game. There is no requirement for your game level. If you can compete with professional teams, you must reach the upper level among amateur players. Otherwise,

If you do, after the celebration is over, you will still be greeted by rumors. After all, an ordinary person can probably reach that level by practicing urgently and wholeheartedly for a month, so you can't prove that you were practicing as a hero at that time."

Qiao Jingjing didn't know that Wang Yue had seen through her thoughts and thought that Wang Yue was giving her advice. She also thought of the seriousness of the matter and became serious.

You know, she is also a very proud person. If she is asked to live with this doubt in the future, she will definitely not be reconciled. In comparison, who doesn't want to win beauty?

So, she forgot about her previous thought of avoiding suspicion, looked at Wang Yue seriously, and said sincerely, "Boss Wang, what do you think we should do?"

When Wang Yue heard this title, he couldn't help but twitch his lips and said with some dissatisfaction, "Why did you call me Boss Wang?"

Qiao Jingjing was stunned for a moment. She didn't expect Wang Yue to be entangled in this, so she pursed her lips and smiled for a while, and then quickly explained, "Isn't this just to show kindness? Your surname is Wang, and Xiao Zhou calls you boss, so I will call you

Boss Wang."

Wang Yue looked at Qiao Jingjing suspiciously, but he didn't see anything wrong. However, he always felt that this sentence sounded awkward, but he couldn't figure out what was going on.

Since he couldn't figure it out, he stopped worrying about the issue and prepared to continue to work hard to boost Qiao Jingjing's fighting spirit. He said seriously, "Actually, it's easy to dispel other people's doubts."

As expected, Qiao Jingjing's attention was diverted, and she asked like a curious baby, "Then what should I do?"

Wang Yue saw that Qiao Jingjing had taken the bait, so he said seriously, "It's very simple, you fight all the way to the king, and that's it."

(End of chapter)

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