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Chapter 968

Chapter 968 Present and Future

Author: Uncle Sanwa

Chapter 968 Present and Future

Wang Yue couldn't continue to poke scars, but he was really curious, so he couldn't help but continue to ask, "What about you now? Do you still like Yu Tu?"

Qiao Jingjing rolled her eyes at Wang Yue. She didn't expect this person to be so interested in this. Could it be that he was jealous? She looked at Wang Yue deeply, and then explained patiently, "We haven't seen each other for many years. I

I don’t know if you like it or not? But I’m curious, how did you and Yu Tu meet?”

Wang Yue was a little distracted when he was looked at by Qiao Jingjing just now. He looked at Qiao Jingjing's pretty face in front of him, turned around quickly, and said with some melancholy, "To be honest, Yingzi and I have already prepared for the college entrance examination.

Tsinghua University was ready, and Senior Brother Yu happened to see the space shuttle developed by Yingzi and I, so he went to the capital with my mentor to meet with us, which prompted Nanjing University to issue a notice in advance."

After listening to Wang Yue's explanation, Qiao Jingjing probably understood how Wang Yue met Yu Tu, but Wang Yue's strength was much stronger than that of Yu Tu back then.

You know, although Yu Tu's grades were very good at the beginning, he didn't have time to develop a space shuttle. He also needed to study hard and could only play basketball occasionally.

To put it in one sentence, Yu Tu is a genius and Wang Yue is also a genius, but there is still a gap between geniuses.

Facing the more talented Wang Yue, she was obviously more interested, and said with some surprise, "You developed a space shuttle in high school? Can it really fly into space?"

Wang Yue saw that Qiao Jingjing was interested in this, so he quickly put the leg close to Qiao Jingjing away and put it on his other leg to avoid embarrassment.

Then, he coughed lightly and quickly explained, "As you know, Yingzi likes aerospace and thinks that one day she can land on the moon. I am not doing this to fulfill her dream."

Qiao Jingjing saw that Wang Yue deliberately mentioned Yingzi, and of course she understood what Wang Yue meant. She had no intention of poaching, it just made her feel a little awkward.

You must know that since she became famous, no matter where she goes, she is praised by the stars, but here with Wang Yue, she is not as attractive as a little girl with no long hair.

Therefore, Qiao Jingjing, probably out of pride, asked persistently, "With our aerospace level, even if we can land on the moon, only trained personnel will go up. I'm afraid you scientific researchers will be out of luck. What do you think of Yingzi's dream?"

When can it be realized?"

Wang Yue seemed to have a sour taste in Qiao Jingjing's words? He sighed very much. Among women, no matter how good they are, they all like to compare themselves. It's that damn desire to win.

Just like a joke Wang Yue heard, it was about a woman who sighed to one of her best friends, "I feel that I am the happiest person in the world. I have a happy family, a decent job, and a beautiful best friend."


After hearing her sigh, her best friend said sadly, "Yes, you are indeed the happiest person in the world. I am just a little behind you."

After hearing this, the woman, although her vanity was satisfied, was still very curious. Do you know that she thinks her best friend is also very happy?

Of course, it's only a little bit worse than her.

So, she asked doubtfully, "Really? What's wrong with you?"

Her best friend looked at this woman and sighed, "I have one less beautiful best friend than you."

This joke is to tell everyone that no matter what time, do not discuss another woman in front of a woman. If her desire to win is aroused, you will only be in trouble.

Although Wang Yue never thought about taking it all, he didn't want to get into trouble, so he quickly changed the topic and talked about the project he was researching with Yu Tu.

After all, in this project, Wang Yue himself acted as the savior and successfully saved Yu Tu's plan, which is also a matter of pride.

After hearing Wang Yue's description, Qiao Jingjing asked with some confusion, "Why don't we study the moon, which is so close, but study Jupiter instead? Isn't this a waste of resources?"

Wang Yue's purpose is very simple, which is to prepare for wandering the earth in the future, but he cannot explain the reason.

As for Yu Tu's thoughts, Wang Yue didn't know, so he shrugged and said indifferently, "You have to ask Yu Tu about this. He doesn't know about the brain-twitching research project, and he asked me for help."

Yes. I helped them solve the problem of the high specific impulse engine. As a result, the idea in the institute was the same as yours. They felt that this project was too far away. Although it was the first in the world, it was not as good as our moon landing plan.


Although Qiao Jingjing also felt that landing on the moon was more practical, it didn't mean she had to give up on Jupiter. She didn't understand why, so she naturally asked in confusion, "Is there any conflict between the two plans? We can study it together."

Wang Yue thought of Yu Tu's helplessness, sighed helplessly, and then said leisurely, "Money is needed everywhere, and our aerospace industry requires a lot of money. The Jupiter Project and the Moon Project are the problems of the future and the present.

I think Yu Tu focuses on the future, but the prudent people in the institute feel that it is better to use the limited funds to develop the present."

After hearing Wang Yue's explanation, Qiao Jingjing understood what was going on. She was still a little confused and asked, "How much will your Jupiter project cost?"

Wang Yue really never thought about this problem. Anyway, he was not short of money at all, so he made a rough estimate and said flatly, "At least one billion. This is just the price of a satellite orbiting Jupiter.

If we continue to research, we will have to invest a lot more.”

Qiao Jingjing was a little surprised when she heard this number. Although she was very profitable, she also felt that this project was too expensive, so she asked in disbelief, "Didn't you say that this project is a cooperation between your company and the research institute? Could it be that

Is your company prepared to spend so much money in vain and invest in a vague future?"

Wang Yue heard a bit of admiration from Qiao Jingjing's words, which made him feel very proud, so he said as a matter of course, "Isn't the money earned meant to be spent? When it is used in aerospace, I think it's worth it."

It’s worth it, you know, aerospace is the most romantic profession.”

Listening to Wang Yue's majestic words, Qiao Jingjing unconsciously felt that Wang Yue seemed to have a halo of charm and became very dazzling.

So when she was talking to Wang Yue, she felt more curious than a little girl. As they chatted, they soon arrived at Qiao Jingjing's house and started a new round of training.

Nowadays, Qiao Jingjing's skills have improved significantly. When she fights with someone, she will first consider the opponent's skills and then estimate her own damage before considering whether to engage in a team battle.

In this way, the two people and the artificial intelligence took turns to challenge each other until the evening. It was not until they were about to eat in the evening that they heard a knock on the door, and then they realized that a long time had passed.

Wang Yue thought it was Xiaozhu who had brought dinner, so he ended the battle in a hurry. He was going to go back after eating.

Qiao Jingjing was devastated. When she saw that Wang Yue actually won the last game, she said with some despair, "It must be Xiao Zhu who brought the food. Boss Wang, help open the door. I really can't stand it. I want to

Slow down."

Wang Yue saw that Xiao Zhou's devil training beans had destroyed the opponent's self-confidence. He stood up and prepared to walk to the door. He smiled and comforted him and said, "Starting from tomorrow, the three of us will form a team together, and two will be randomly added."

How about you start playing games individually and you don't have to worry about being abused? Are you a little happier?"

After hearing Wang Yue's words, Qiao Jingjing was revived as if she had been given a shot of chicken blood. She jumped down from the sofa excitedly, passed Wang Yue and ran towards the door. As she ran, she said happily, "I'll drive.

I'll drive, and with you and Xiao Zhou taking me along, I feel like I can win the day tomorrow, but you can't be tired anymore, you are a treasure now."

Wang Yue was already two or three steps away from the door. Unexpectedly, Qiao Jingjing ran past him. He could only stop helplessly and watched Qiao Jingjing open the door.

Of course, he was also afraid that Xiao Zhu would buy too many things, so he didn't go back and just stood there and waited.

Qiao Jingjing had already opened the door, and was still looking at Wang Yue. As she opened the door, she said happily, "Xiao Zhu, where is the yogurt I asked you to buy?"

After opening the door, he looked back and saw the man standing outside the door, and asked in surprise, "Why is it you?"

When Wang Yue listened to Qiao Jingjing's words, he felt that there seemed to be some relationship between him and the person outside the door, which made his gossip soul burn brightly.

However, he was not the kind of person who liked to pry into other people's privacy, so he quickly walked back to the living room, sat on the sofa with his back to the door, his ears perked up, and he listened carefully to what was going on outside.

The person outside the door saw Qiao Jingjing opening the door by herself, and said happily, "I saw your room was lit downstairs, so I came up to take a look."

Qiao Jingjing looked a little unhappy when she saw the arrogant look on her face. She was very dissatisfied and said, "How did you get here?"

The man outside the door shrugged and did not answer Qiao Jingjing's words. He said casually, "It has been so long and your password has not been changed. It seems that you regretted it after breaking up with me."

After hearing this, Qiao Jingjing felt goosebumps all over her body. She said disdainfully, "Su Zhi, please don't be so narcissistic, okay? I'm just too lazy to change. I never thought you would come uninvited."

Besides, I already have a boyfriend, how can I regret it? Don’t think too much."

Su Zhi raised his eyebrows. He thought the woman was acting coquettishly, so he looked at Qiao Jingjing with a hint of provocation and said in a teasing way, "Really? Then call your boyfriend out and have a look. Don't you think so?"

I’m the one who can tell, right?”

Qiao Jingjing was cornered by the other party. She glanced at Wang Yue who was watching on the wall, gritted her teeth, opened the door and said to Su Zhi, "Why don't you come in and take a look, he is at my house right now.


Su Zhi had seen a lot of women's tricks, and he had seen a lot of tricks like refusing to welcome someone, so he thought Qiao Jingjing was inviting him into the house, so he walked in unceremoniously.

It's just that he had just entered the house and wanted to take a look at the furnishings in the room to see if it was still the same as before, so that he could expose this woman's trick.

Just when he glanced around, he found that the room had changed a lot. He also saw the back of the author Wang Yue in the hall, and his face immediately darkened.

He didn't expect that what Qiao Jingjing said was actually true. This woman broke up with him only a short time ago and found another boyfriend. This was so fast that she didn't take him seriously at all.

Thinking of this, Su Zhi suppressed his anger and said in a cold voice, "Excuse me."

After Su Zhi finished speaking, he turned around and walked out the door. As he walked, he was still thinking about waiting for this woman to explain to him.

But when he came to the elevator, there was still no voice from Qiao Jingjing to persuade him to stay. Instead, he heard a heavy door slamming, and he seemed to hear Qiao Jingjing's disdain from the sound.

Qiao Jingjing was really disdainful. After she closed the door and came in, she said to Wang Yue with some embarrassment, "I'm really sorry. I'm sending away an unimportant person in your name. You won't mind, right?"

Wang Yue was thinking about a problem at the moment. Yu Tu happened to meet his ex-girlfriend this afternoon. In the evening, Qiao Jingjing's ex-boyfriend came to his door.

This is too coincidental. If the director didn't arrange it deliberately, then it would be a ghost.

Therefore, Wang Yue had a hunch that he might accidentally dismantle the CP, and he didn't know if he would be scolded?

Moreover, Yu Tu got along well with him, just like a friend. Suddenly, his destined partner was lost, and he didn't know whether he should compensate someone.

Just at this moment, after listening to Qiao Jingjing's explanation, Wang Yue was still thinking about the plan, and waved his hands indifferently and said, "What a big deal, he doesn't know who I am, I always have my back to the door.


When Qiao Jingjing heard what Wang Yue said, she kindly pointed to the full-length mirror on Wang Yue's side, and then said with some embarrassment, "Look over there, if his eyes are more poisonous, he might be able to see your side face.


Wang Yue was stunned for a moment, then turned his head to look at the mirror and found that he could just see the door through the mirror.

Seeing this scene, he said with a bit of laughter and tears, "Don't mention it, I'm so careless. By the way, whose full-length mirror is placed in the middle of the living room? Shouldn't it be placed at the door?"

Qiao Jingjing is used to being despised by Wang Yue, so she didn't care at all about teasing her, and said as a matter of course, "There is another one at the door? Which girl only has one mirror at home? It seems you really don't understand.


Wang Yue thought for a moment, not to mention his previous women, even Qiao Yingzi was more than a mirror, and suddenly felt that Qiao Jingjing's reasons were impeccable.

Qiao Jingjing found that Wang Yue was speechless after being retorted by him, and she secretly thought proudly, "Don't you have a very high IQ? You are still suffering from my mother."

Wang Yue saw Qiao Jingjing's proud look and subconsciously wanted to give her a blow. He pretended to be curious and said, "What day do you think today is? All the ex-boyfriends and ex-girlfriends are gathered together."

When Qiao Jingjing heard what Wang Yue said, her proud look just now disappeared, and she said a little depressed, "Can't you just make me happy for a while? Why did Xia Qing break up with Yu Tu?"

Wang Yue heard what Qiao Jingjing meant. If it were her, she would not break up even if she died, which made him feel a little uncomfortable.

However, thinking about whether he and Qiao Jingjing have any relationship, this kind of reaction is very abnormal. In addition, Qiao Jingjing and Qiao Yingzi are also best friends. Even if he has the lust, it is difficult to attack.

After all, rabbits don’t eat the grass around their nests yet.

In order to prevent himself from thinking wildly, he casually said the information he had learned, "I heard that Yu Tu and his ex-girlfriend broke up because they lived in different places after graduation. I originally believed it.

, after all, I have seen many people break up because of this. But after meeting today, I found that there may be deeper reasons."

When Qiao Jingjing heard what Wang Yue said about Yu Tu, she knew about the relationship between Yu Tu and his girlfriend in their junior year, so she asked curiously, "Separation between two places is serious enough, so what do you mean?"


Wang Yue picked up the teacup on the table and took a slow sip, whetting Qiao Jingjing's appetite, and then said with a smile, "Because their personalities don't get along."

Qiao Jingjing originally wanted to listen to Wang Yue's long speech, but she never wanted to give such a reason for comparison. Isn't this a bad reason often used by one party who takes the initiative to break up when a couple breaks up?

She felt that Wang Yue was fooling her, so she said dissatisfiedly, "If you don't want to say it, don't say it. What's the reason? Nine of the ten couples who broke up said this. After the breakup, they got back together.

There are quite a few more, do you want to slap me in the face?"

Wang Yue was teasing Qiao Jingjing on purpose, but when he saw that the other party was a little annoyed, he said seriously, "Actually, Yu Tu's goal is to have the stars and the sea, as long as he has enough money, but Xia Qing's goal is to have flowers."

There is endless money, so the values ​​​​of the two people are fundamentally different. They will separate sooner or later, but they will separate sooner or later. "

When Qiao Jingjing heard what Wang Yue said, she imagined that Yu Tu had always talked about his dream of aerospace and never said that he wanted to make money. It was really possible that he didn't care much.

It is said that Xia Qing is doing well in the financial circle, and presumably she is more sensitive to money. Based on this calculation, Wang Yue seems to be right.

However, when she saw Wang Yue's exhaustive look, she unconsciously wanted to give him a blow. She immediately retorted, "It's actually very simple. As long as Xia Qing makes more money, she can support Yu Tu's aerospace project."

If your career is great, it would be a perfect match! But this possibility is unlikely. No one would be like Boss Wang who burns too much money and casually sticks to illusory ideals. From this point of view,

, someone really loves Tu."

(End of chapter)

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