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Chapter 212: Down the mountain to collect rent

"Elder Huang, what are your plans?" Hearing this, the gambler asked in a low voice.

She now hates Fang Xiangyue and his group so much in her heart. If it weren't for them, she wouldn't be in the current situation. 藲忿尛螞网

"It's not your turn to ask what this elder wants to do." Elder Huang glanced at her coldly, "This time, because of your wrong decision-making, the guild suffered heavy losses. The sect spirit stones you went to will be deducted. Do you have any objection?"

"No." When the person who started the game heard this, he lowered his head as if his father had died.

As a cultivator, spiritual stones are so important. If she can't earn spiritual stones through other methods, she won't be able to make any progress!

After waiting for the others to go out, Elder Huang quickly left as well.

Xianhe Peak caused her to suffer such a big loss. She was too lazy to care about it before. This time, no matter what, she must make Lying Pingfeng disappear completely!

Besides, Fang Xiangyue, since he got a middle-grade spiritual stone, he has returned to a life of idleness.

Any ambitions such as making a movie were immediately forgotten.

In addition to practicing her spiritual and spiritual power every day, for the rest of the time, because of Nangong Mu Le, she could just lie down and open her mouth, not to mention how comfortable she was.

I couldn't help but sigh in my heart, it would be great if life could go on like this.

Time passed by without me noticing, and in a blink of an eye it was the day when I went down to collect rent once a month in June.

These rents are used to pay the sect as rent fees. Although Fang Xiangyue is rich now, he is not generous enough to use his own money to fill the hole for that old pickle.

So, on this day, under Nangong Mu Le's service, she dressed up and led a group of people down the mountain.

Originally, she didn't want to take so many people with her, but she couldn't stand the pressure from everyone. She thought that they had not been to the foot of the mountain yet, so she took them away together.

There are seven peaks at the outer gate of Xingyu Palace. The town under each peak is where it shelters. The city owner needs to pay taxes regularly every month.

In addition, some of the shops and markets are also owned by the mountain and can be visited to collect rent.

The taxes on the city lord's side are easy to deal with. After all, the city lords are often very wealthy and give money readily.

What is more troublesome are the tenants of shops and markets.

Dealing with ordinary people in the market requires some patience and small tricks, but don't underestimate the wisdom of ordinary people. Those twists and turns are no less than those of superiors.

Generally speaking, the forces at the junction of the two peaks are more difficult to deal with. Most people don't want to get involved, so they fall under the management of the peak.

At first, Fang Xiangyue's idea was that business on the border should be better than in other places, after all, the audience would be larger.

Just like international trade, exports, etc., it is definitely more profitable.

Unexpectedly, when I arrived, I discovered that everyone here was wearing very...shabby clothes!

Yes, not only was he dressed shabbily, but his appearance was also shabby. He looked depressed and looked like he was living a very bad life.

"I've met the little immortal master."

Seeing Fang Xiangyue coming, all the people greeted him feebly, with numb and embarrassed expressions on their faces.

Seeing this, Fang Xiangyue couldn't help but frown slightly.

"Well, rent..."

"Hey, Lao Geng, go back quickly, your baby's illness has relapsed again."

Just when Fang Xiangyue opened his mouth to talk about the rent, suddenly a middle-aged woman in linen clothes ran over in a hurry.

"What!" Upon hearing this, the woman at the stall immediately changed her expression, apologized to Fang Xiangyue, and ran away in a hurry.

"It's so pitiful. Their girl has been ill for several years, and her family is almost empty."

"Who doesn't feel sorry for the people here? They only earn so little money every day, which is just enough for the family, but they end up having to use it to pay rent, eh..."

"The rent has been paid this time, and I don't know how long I will have to wait for the pair of shoes I promised to buy for my children."


As soon as the two left, sighs and sighs from the people could be heard everywhere.

"Miss, why do I feel that their life is not very good?" At this time, Yu Mengbai couldn't help but said with pity on his face, "We have already collected a lot of rent from the city lord, why don't we just leave it here?


"Forget it, it's impossible to forget it." Fang Xiangyue frowned slightly, his face also looking very ugly.

To be honest, as an orphan, Fang Xiangyue has natural sympathy for the disadvantaged.

In addition, she originally planned to be an idle fish in this life, just muddle along, and she didn't have much obsession with money.

So, he sighed and said, "I won't collect rent from you for the time being this month. I'll give you a break. I'll come back next month."

"Thank you, little fairy, you are such a good person!!"

Hearing this, all the people knelt down and kowtowed to Fang Xiangyue, crying with gratitude.

Fang Nuo and the others were moved by this scene, and the eyes they looked at Fang Xiangyue were filled with even more heartfelt reverence.

The current master is really nice, they like her so much!

The attitude of the people also made Fang Xiangyue feel guilty. After briefly appeasing him, he took the people in a flying boat and left quickly.

As a result, as soon as they left, the expressions of the people who were still grimacing immediately changed, and they all stood up and looked in the direction they left.

"How is it? Is the person gone?"

"Let's go, let's go!"

"Great, I fooled another one, hahaha..."

After the confirmed person left, the people in the audience suddenly changed from their previous decadence and burst into cheers.

"Before, I was worried that this new disciple would be more difficult to deal with. I didn't expect that he would be as stupid as the old pickle fairy master, and he could easily cheat him into a miserable situation."

"How about it? Our acting skills haven't deteriorated, right?"

The two people who just said that their child was seriously ill also turned out of the alley, looking proud and energetic, but they didn't look at all depressed.

What's more, many people took off their clothes on the spot. It turned out that the seemingly tattered and worn-out coats were actually covered with fine silk and satin!

"No, no, you did a great job!" When other people saw it, they immediately praised one after another, "We almost believed it, hahaha..."

"Is it really that funny?"

Unexpectedly, at this moment, a cold and familiar voice came faintly.

The expressions of all the people who were laughing suddenly froze, and their laughter suddenly stopped.

Turning his head mechanically, he saw Fang Xiangyue standing behind him, looking at them with a half-smile.

She laughed angrily, "Good guy, this is the national drama star. It would be a pity not to become an actor!"

"You...you are really going too far. You dare to lie to us!" Yu Mengbai was so angry that his face turned red. Fortunately, he had sympathized with them just now and interceded for them!

You really fed the dog with all your heart!

Provide you with the life-saving help of the great god Li Momo! The fake daughter only wants to be a salted fish. The fastest update. In order that you can check the fastest update of this book next time, please be sure to save the bookmark!

Chapter 212: Going down the mountain to collect rent, all drama lovers can read it for free.

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