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Chapter 116: Training to Enhance Combat

"Yan Guangyong!" The alliance leader suddenly increased his voice and stared at Yan Guangyong, "I have a difficult task for you!"

His face trembled violently, and his face looked as ugly as the death of his family members.

No, are you planning to touch such a behemoth?

"I order you to lead an envoy across the border and request to become a subsidiary alliance of the Dark Night Alliance on behalf of our Burning Sky Alliance!"

Yes, this is the decision of the leader of the Burning Sky Alliance.

Even though the name sounds loud, it's not stupid either.

Right now, there is no so-called barrier between districts. Except for the fact that there are no communication channels, people can travel freely. There is not even a specific boundary line.

And the sphere of influence of their Burning Sky Alliance is nearby!

If this happens in the future, they will bear the brunt.

Maybe it’s too late to surrender!

It's impossible to survive a fight. Now before the fight breaks out, surrender first!

After hearing such an order, not only Yan Guangyong, but the rest of the people felt as if the roller coaster had finally stopped. They breathed a sigh of relief, dripping with cold sweat, and felt better than eating a big mouthful of ice cream in the dog days of summer.

"Yes! I promise to complete the mission!" Yan Guangyong said loudly.

As long as he doesn't provoke the neighbor next door, he can do anything.

"You have all heard it, and you all give me unconditional support!" The alliance leader glanced at the others again, "If this thing comes to pass, you all must remember my kindness. Thighs like this mean that we are close.

, be farther away, there is no chance of hugging, and also, keep an eye on me, don’t allow the rest of the alliance to come near the border!"


"The leader is wise."

"Don't worry, Alliance Leader, I'll give you whatever you want!"

"As long as you can hold your thighs, whatever you give will be taken back from others sooner or later!"


The originally serious and tense atmosphere in the conference hall suddenly became relaxed.

If you can't fight, surrender. Many things will become easier as long as you don't be stubborn.

After all, there are only a few people who are stubborn.

By the time Shen Fei received the news that the people from the Western District of the Dark Night Forest next door wanted to become an affiliated alliance, it was already the third day of the second world event.

"What's the situation on the other side of the border now?" Shen Fei asked.

Although the lord system divided these lords into different districts, according to the information Shen Fei had received before, the border lines did not prevent the lords from communicating with each other.

There is just an empty buffer area where no lord exists.

After he knew about it at the time, he made some preparations specifically for the safety of the lords on the border.

"During the last event, some small-scale conflicts broke out. Some weak lords crossed the border in search of prey. The Lord ordered the alliance members at the border to organize protection. After the rescue, there were no problems.

Now that the Lord's reputation is resounding throughout the world, no one dares to come." Li Tingyu said with a smile, "After this world event, the reputation of the region should also be resounding throughout the world, and people from other regions will come to seek refuge.


"Indeed." Shen Fei nodded.

Even if the lord system has never merged districts, since there is no barrier to hinder it, as time goes by, the contact between districts will definitely deepen.

Even if a district is large enough and has abundant resources, the growth rate of its residents will also continue to accelerate as time goes by.

This also means that outward expansion is necessary.

It doesn’t depend on whether you have the ambition to expand, but if you don’t expand, your development will completely stagnate, and then you will be surpassed by other crazy expansion lords! Then you will become the target of annexation by expansion.

But even so, facing this first time for other alliances to vote, Shen Fei did not agree hastily. Instead, after thinking carefully, he shook his head.

"Send a member of the alliance to negotiate and order them to restrain their lords and not allow them to cross the open area at will." Shen Fei said, "As for the affiliated alliance, we will wait for the follow-up and will not make relevant considerations for the time being."

"Yes." Li Tingyu smiled and nodded.

She actually thought so in her heart.

the reason is simple.

Without knowing what changes the lord system will have in the relationship between districts and between alliances, this so-called affiliation is not very restrictive.

If you want this subordinate relationship to have substantial effectiveness, you must arrange for manpower and even troops to go there.

But at present, this region is still in the stage of rapid development, manpower is tight, and the resources in this region are not scarce, so there is no need to extend our hands to other regions.

In this case, the so-called "affiliation" is just an empty name.

Shen Fei took this into consideration.

Of course, there is no need to refuse outright. If the other party is causing trouble on the border, then you have to go even if you don't want to go. Therefore, Shen Fei's order is mainly to warn and appease.

Shen Fei's instructions were quickly transmitted back.

The Burning Sky Alliance once again held an alliance meeting. It has to be said that the lords who can survive in such a harsh environment are somewhat capable, and they can roughly guess Shen Fei's thoughts based on the replies.

"This period of time is the so-called inspection period." A lord said helplessly, "Not only must we abide by the order, but we must also do our best to prevent the rest of the alliance from crossing the open area of ​​​​the border. We must not use the other party's name to cause trouble. It is really a shame. Li Zi, both verbal and practical, have been taken advantage of, and they have not given us any advantage. I guess that even if we really become a subsidiary alliance in the future, I am afraid that we will have to do it honestly. It is not easy to do things like becoming kings of fiefdoms."

Everyone who spoke was speechless.

I just feel depressed and helpless.

So I went back to the original feeling.

Why didn't I come to the next area?

At this time, Shen Fei didn't know the reaction from the next door area. Even if he knew, he probably would just smile.

He temporarily focused his main energy on the altar in the center of the gray fog.

His strength had actually been raised to level six as early as the first day after the second world event started.

After all, it has been a while since I became Level 5.

However, after two days of intensive battles, he was basically certain that it would be difficult for him to level up again just by relying on the level four wild monsters in the gray mist.

Originally, extraction was only about extracting the most essential parts of wild monster corpses. After being rated as level six by the system, unlike the previous "upgrades" where he had no feeling at all, this time, Shen Fei could clearly feel that he This body has undergone a complete transformation.

If before, I just mastered extraordinary power and my body exceeded the limits of the human body, now, I feel a little bit "not human".

For example, an average person holding a knife can't even scratch his skin, and there doesn't seem to be much muscle in his body, but without using extraordinary energy, he can already arm-wrestle with a fifth-level interstellar extraordinary human - Interstellar Extraordinary human beings have undergone powerful transformations!

Coupled with the powerful soul power, his thinking was extremely clear, and his sight, hearing, smell, and senses were all enhanced to inhuman levels.

Even with his eyes closed, he could clearly see every movement of grass within a hundred meters around him.

According to Li Tingyu, in terms of realm alone at this time, he is probably equivalent to the fourth realm of immortality and the perfect level of returning to the spirit realm in her past world, which means that spiritual power fills every part of the body and returns to the origin of spiritual energy. Even a drop of blood is transcendental and contains magical power - this has broken away from the level of the bottom immortal cultivator. He can be regarded as a little master wherever he goes. Even if he is placed in the immortal dynasty, there are still some. Qualified to hold important positions in a county.

After hearing this, Shen Fei was not shocked, but was very happy.

After all, Li Tingyu's extraordinary level in the past world was not low, and it had only been a long time since he entered the extraordinary realm.

What really bothered him was that he found that the extraction effect of level four wild monsters was almost non-existent for him at this moment.

Not only because the amount is too small, but also because the amount has been reduced.

It's like the physical requirements have increased again. When extracting a level four wild monster, the actual use for him is less than a quarter of what he used before.

"Level 6 should be a hurdle for a lord. If you want to advance further, it is difficult to accumulate low-level wild monsters. However, all the level 5 and 6 wild monsters in the gray mist have been swallowed up by the altar, and there are no high-level monsters." You can farm wild monsters." Shen Fei felt a little resentful.

"The master's strength has actually improved very quickly. Maybe we can take advantage of this period of time to settle down and accumulate some abilities and means." Li Tingyu suggested.

After spending some time with Shen Fei, she became more and more aware of Shen Fei's temperament.

When Shen Fei is dissatisfied with something, instead of giving some meaningless comfort, it is better to give him some reasonable suggestions.

That's it at this time.

After Shen Fei thought for a moment, he quickly nodded and said:

"Shadow and Lu Jian are about to reach level six. If we are going to attack the big boss guarding the altar, I should prepare some offensive means and go to the training ground."

Since it is difficult to continue to improve your level in a short period of time, you can only work on your abilities.

Shadow and Lu Jian, don't they rely on their powerful abilities to achieve leapfrog combat?

Shen Fei doesn't expect to reach their level, but as long as he puts in a little effort in this area, his strength can be greatly improved from what it is now.

So this time, Shen Fei was looking for a new mentor.

"Has a strong and complete combat system, especially the thunder system, and is good at teaching others."

As the illusions around him materialized, Shen Fei discovered that he had arrived at the top of a high mountain, and in front of him stood an old man wearing a straw hat, hunched over, and with his hands behind his back. He looked particularly old. There is even a sense of being on the verge of death.

"You're here, don't waste your time." Before Shen Fei could speak, the old man said with his toothless mouth that was obviously leaking, "Just call me Lao Du, I am the twenty-seventh member of Lei Xiaoshan The Great Heavenly Master is best at thunder, and other spells, such as wind and fire, are also slightly involved. You can learn whatever you want."

(End of chapter)

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