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Chapter 171: Unify the Six Regions in Advance

Suddenly, a rich aroma began to permeate the entire city.

It seemed that because the corpses and the smell of blood were buried, the atmosphere gradually became more relaxed, and everyone's voices gradually became noisier.

"My stomach was churning just now, and I thought I wouldn't be able to eat for several days, but I didn't expect this meat to be so delicious."

"Tch, it's really useless. I was calm the whole time just now."

"Fuck you, did you think I didn't see you retching?"

"To be honest, I felt like I was in a different world before, as if I was still on earth, more like I was playing a virtual reality game, but it was not until just now that I finally felt like I was in a different world.


"Who says it isn't? There are more than a thousand people! I feel like I will never forget it in my life."

"Boss, wasn't he a fruit king before? His murderous aura cannot be compared to that of a king who runs a slaughterhouse."

"Nonsense, didn't you listen to what the boss said and you've been killed for a month?"

"Oh, it's not easy for the boss to be ranked number one in the world."


It was different from the usual lively, exciting and exciting discussion atmosphere. This time, everyone's hearts were somewhat heavy, not only because of this bloody execution, but also because Shen Fei directly

Revealed the true side of the lord's life.

It's not just digging some resources, opening a few treasure chests, or killing a few wild monsters, it's that simple.

Instead, it is full of fighting, full of killing, full of blood and cruelty.

To be honest, there were indeed many people who felt that killing so many people in one go was too much. They were all intelligent beings, and even if they were taken as prisoners and labor force, it would be better than killing them like this.

After all, before crossing over, we lived in an environment that emphasized equality, but after crossing over, we were directly under a peaceful order, and our respect for life did not change much.

But facing Shen Fei's words, facing the indifference of looking directly at the mountain of corpses and sea of ​​blood.

Even if I still have such thoughts, I don't dare to say them out.

I don't even have the courage to make any rebuttal.

I just feel that the world's number one lord has almost broken away from the identity of "the same time traveler" and has become a king sitting on the throne, possessing an irresistible majesty.

However, this is the thought of ordinary lords.

The high-ranking lords had completely different ideas.

At this time, Lu Feifei also received a piece of roasted meat and ran back to Meng Yu's group of lords. Her face turned red, but the remaining excitement could still be seen.

"How about it, I just said, the boss is so domineering!" She was obviously still thinking about it, "When the boss put away his smile just now, did he feel out of breath? Not many emperors in ancient times.

Who can have such power!"


Meng Yu also held a plate of meat in his hand, and he seemed to be reminiscing about it.

What they really focused on was not the bloody scenes. After all, they had experienced many battles, whether with other lords or with wild monsters.

When I came here today, what impressed me most was Shen Fei's unparalleled dominance.

Especially the moment when I put away my smile.

He really felt like he was holding his breath subconsciously.

The so-called "when the emperor is angry, millions of corpses will be laid down" is nothing more than this.

So much so that the gesture of casually killing the lord later felt like it was the right thing to do.

But if you want to follow such a character.

That’s absolutely cool!

As an enemy, people will see mountains of corpses and seas of blood, and fall into great despair, but as thighs, they are so strong that people feel extremely safe, and it is hard to imagine that such a character will also feel aggrieved.

The enemy shows no mercy, has a clear bottom line, and is powerful. He does not need to be afraid of his subordinates, and he will not be stingy with rewards for his subordinates...

To describe it in one sentence, it means being able to stride forward as a winner!

"Even if you travel to troubled times, you will definitely become a hero and even make great achievements." Meng Yu finally sighed.

"Yeah, right? I feel so safe!" Lu Feifei took a big bite of the delicious food, as if she wanted to imitate her majesty.

It's a pity that he doesn't look dignified at all. Instead, he looks cute and feigned.

Everyone couldn't help laughing when they looked at it.

The two days of getting along made them all have a good impression of this beautiful, youthful and lively girl lord, and when they thought about the female lord in their own district, they could only sigh silently.

It's not that there are no female lords, but it is obvious that female lords suffer more in the disorder and chaos. Most of them who can survive to this day are as tough and awe-inspiring as the non-aligned ones in the East District.

After staying here for a while, they were even reluctant to go back.

At this time, Lu Feifei was stunned for a moment, and her expression became respectful.

Only after a moment, she suppressed her excitement and said to the others: "Come with me, the boss wants to see you."

Just this sentence made the smiles disappear from everyone's faces, and some people even started to break into cold sweats.

Although they had thought that they would face the world number one directly, and even had the urge to follow him, after what they had experienced just now, it was impossible to say that they were not nervous.

But no matter what, no one dares to delay.

At that moment, each of them began to sort out their image, and then followed Lu Feifei and walked towards the Lord's Mansion.

The closer you get, the more nervous you become.

A second-generation rich man like Meng Yu had met many important people in the eyes of ordinary people in his previous life, but no matter whether he was a high-ranking official or a rich man, he was not as good as the person he was about to meet.

That is a ruler comparable to an emperor!

However, when I walked into the lord's mansion, the first thing I felt was the aroma that hit my nostrils.

It's mouth-watering.

After walking in, sure enough, there was a long table in the hall, and several maids who looked and dressed exactly the same were serving delicacies in a steady stream.

In addition to roasted snake, there are obviously many other things.

And each one exudes strong extraordinary power, and when mixed with the fragrance, it becomes even more extraordinary.

But what really caught everyone's attention at this moment was the man sitting on the main seat!

Although there was a faint smile on his face at this time and his demeanor was not serious, it still brought a lot of pressure to everyone.

Until Li Tingyu, who was sitting next to Shen Fei, chuckled and said, "Everyone, take a seat. You are in for a treat. Many of these delicacies are the master's private collection."

"I can't tell you that I'm hiding it privately." Shen Fei shook his head, seeming to sense everyone's emotions, and comforted him, "Don't be nervous, I'm really not a murderer. All the lords I know well can testify to this."

"Of course you are not!"

Lu Feifei's voice rose a little, showing her excitement. She was the first to choose a good seat and sat on the other side of Li Tingyu, her face flushed with excitement.

It was only then that everyone discovered that Lu Feifei even copied Li Tingyu's clothes.

This is a true fan.

It seemed that because Lu Feifei's performance had reduced some pressure, more than 20 people in the group took their seats one after another. Meng Yu, Huo Rigeng and others took the initiative to find seats closer to her.

Others, who lacked confidence or were more nervous, sat silently at the back.

They were all a little afraid that Shen Fei would look over.

Seeing that everyone was seated, Shen Fei picked up a piece of meat and put it into his bowl, then slowly said: "I have nothing else to do with calling you here. I plan to send troops to various districts to clear out those who are too unscrupulous. Lord."

Just this sentence made everyone's hearts tremble.

But thinking that I had already been examined, I felt a little relieved.

Huo Rigeng was the first to express his opinion: "There won't be any problems in the Eastern District. We don't even need to send troops. As long as you give an order, all the lords can party for review. However, I guess we don't have many such people left in the Eastern District." Lord."

If there really was one, he would have escaped during the war.

Moreover, the fighting in their eastern district was more brutal.

There are three alliances, one is strong and the other is weak.

The difference in strength is not that big.

"This faction still needs to be sent. It is not just as simple as clearing out some lords, but more importantly, maintaining order." Shen Fei's expression did not change, and he just said directly, "I am ready to unify the six major regions in advance."

Everyone was stunned again.

Unify the six regions!

Although he knew that this day would come sooner or later, before the lord system had even started to merge regions, this person actually prepared to unify in advance.

But, can you refuse?

Are you qualified to refuse?

Meng Yu was the first to react this time. He knew that the world's number one had already expressed his stance, and it was their turn to express his stance.

"The Southwest District will support the unified action of the Dark Night Alliance." Meng Yu took the lead and continued, "There is really no need to delay the current situation. Even if you don't say it, I am ready to apply to join the Dark Night Kingdom on behalf of the entire Southwest District. After all, the development here has confirmed the advantages of unified order."

After saying this, the others finally came to their senses and spoke one after another.

"We, the Burning Sky Alliance, have long wanted to join."

"We don't have any problems in the Southeast District."

"It's the same as the Northeast District."


For a moment, there was a feeling of scrambling.

Judging from this scene, Shen Fei's main purpose today has been achieved.

However, there was not much joy on his face.

Because it's no surprise.

With powerful force and powerful means, even the most ambitious people will have to despair in the face of reality. Even those unscrupulous lords who were killed will definitely kneel down and hug them if they are given the chance to surrender. thigh.

But since this step is so simple, the next step is to implement some slightly more difficult things.

"Although there is no formal integration of regions at the lord system level, since there is no prohibition on communication between different regions, substantial unity can be formed. Therefore, I will regard the entire kingdom region as my own scope of authority. Carry out unified management." Shen Fei continued, "Let Tingyu explain the specific implementation to you."

(End of chapter)

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