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Chapter 173: The next three directions

No wonder Lu Feifei admires Li Tingyu so much.

With Li Tingyu's abilities, if she really wanted to convince someone, it would be too easy.

After the banquet, Shen Fei thought for a while and left Lu Feifei alone.

At this moment, only Shen Fei, Lu Feifei, and Li Tingyu were left on the table.

Lu Feifei, who was still a little drunk just now, seemed to have suddenly sobered up. Not only was she no longer drunk, but she was even a little uncontrollably excited.

"Do you know why I'm keeping you here?" Shen Fei asked with great interest.

"I can roughly guess it." Lu Feifei showed a sweet and bright smile, "Leader, you have always made clear rewards and punishments. My mission this time is basically completed, because it is my first alliance mission. Even if you are not satisfied, I won’t say anything more, but I just won’t arrange the next time, but if you keep me here now, it can only be a reward.”

"Not bad." Shen Fei nodded, becoming more and more satisfied.

Most of the eight lords with epic level subjects have been completely gathered by him.

There are only a few, one or two, who still seem to be somewhat separated.

It’s also time to pay attention to the lords of rare-level subjects.

"Next, the entire alliance and even the entire region will enter a stage of multi-directional rapid development. This will not be a short-term process, and there will also be countless opportunities in this process." Shen Fei looked at Lu Feifei and said, " I give you three choices. The first one is to stay in the Northwest District. I am going to establish a local civilization management department that will be responsible for managing all the indigenous captives. Counting the Bikong Island who are not captives, there are more than 600,000 people in total. You I have to be responsible for a lot of things, especially production, because I will focus on inspections."

Lu Feifei listened very carefully.

Not only was he serious, but his heart was beating faster involuntarily.

The first choice turned out to be to manage 600,000 indigenous people!

Six hundred thousand people!

Lu Feifei, who had only been a monitor in college at most, could not imagine what that scene would be like.

This is still just the first choice. If it can be put forward side by side with this choice, it cannot be worse!

"The second option is to leave the Northwest District and choose an area to become a representative of the Royal Court. You have heard clearly what you have to do before. Supervision is one aspect, but more importantly, management and supervision, especially resources and wild monsters. On the other hand, the challenges are great and the benefits are great, but I will not only send my subjects to protect you, but also send an A-22 clone to assist you."

Lu Feifei was thoughtful.

It is indeed very challenging to choose this.

The lords are undoubtedly more difficult to deal with than the natives.

In fact, if it weren't for the fact that she performed very well in the reception task this time, Shen Fei would not have given this task to her at all.

Those who have epic-level citizens, are powerful, and dare to fight and kill are more suitable.

For example, Fang Pingping and Wang Zhan.

In each of the six regions, he was prepared to send one or even several official members of the alliance to go there, which would be both a test and a test.

"The third option." When Shen Fei mentioned the third option, he narrowed his eyes slightly, "That is the diplomatic field. I plan to let people explore other areas outside the Dark Night Forest, so I plan to send the lord to Going there is not an envoy, it is mainly for investigation. Of course, I also shoulder the responsibility of opening trade channels. The more channels I open, the more credit I will get. Of course, I will also try to ensure safety as much as possible."

When she heard this third choice, Lu Feifei's eyes shrank slightly.

The unification of the kingdom has just begun. Has the boss already set his sights outside the kingdom?


Since their strength is so strong, they should indeed take the initiative.

Even if there is no need to conquer by force, you can still derive benefits by relying on trade methods.

"In the diplomatic field, isn't Sister Jiayi in charge now?" Lu Feifei was a little embarrassed.

"Hu Jiayi? She is responsible for liaison and propaganda. She is more like a spokesperson, but she is not responsible for sending envoys." Shen Fei shook his head, "After the kingdom is unified, I will set up a propaganda department to select lords from other regions and hand them over. Hu Jiayi, so that she can control the channel public opinion of the entire kingdom, publish information in a timely manner, and influence public opinion, she will be very busy by then."

In fact, there will still be a lot of troubles if we directly unify the kingdoms without merging the regions at the lord system level.

The trade aspect is one.

Because the Alliance flag cannot be inserted into the territory of other regions, the trade center cannot be built there.

This is why there is one alliance in each district.

In this way, if two trade centers are to be built on the border, only the isolation zone between regions will require physical transportation.

In addition, communication is also a troublesome place.

There is no so-called kingdom channel, and there is a lack of communication between the lords of the regions, which will easily lead to estrangement.

There are also transmission restrictions, city building restrictions, etc.

It can only be said that if Shen Fei wants to unify the entire Dark Night Forest, he can only rely on small world cheats, use the small world as a hub to strengthen connections, and at the same time use the army to strengthen his rule.

But even so, early unification can still bring huge benefits.

So even if it was troublesome, Shen Fei still made such a decision as long as he could overcome the trouble.

Later, Lu Feifei asked some other questions.

Shen Fei answered them all one by one.

He doesn't dislike his subordinates knowing the details of the task. Rather, it shows that he attaches more importance to the task. If he just agrees without asking, then he will worry about the other party not doing well.

In the end, Lu Feifei made a decision nervously.

"I choose the first one!"


Shen Fei nodded and didn't react. He just stood up and left.

Lu Feifei suddenly held Li Tingyu's arm pitifully.

"Sister Li, did I make the wrong choice?"

"You." Li Tingyu stretched out her finger and tapped Lu Feifei's forehead, "You are such a naughty little person."

"I just feel that my abilities are not enough. I still need to learn more from Sister Li." Lu Feifei said coquettishly.

Of these three choices, the first one is the easiest and most beautiful, but it is also the most difficult to achieve results.

The second one is the most challenging, and the benefits are definitely not small.

As for the last one, it is the most dangerous and contains many unknowns, but it is also the easiest to achieve great achievements.

If we can really make some moves in areas outside the Dark Night Forest, especially opening up trade channels, then the credit will definitely be considerable.

But the reason why Lu Feifei chose the first one was very simple. She just wanted to stay in the Northwest District and ask Li Tingyu for advice from time to time.

However, these three choices given by Shen Fei also represent the three key directions in the next area.

That is the use and management of indigenous people, the unification and control of other areas, and the investigation and exploration outside the forest.

Lu Feifei chose the first one, and the other two directions also had to be arranged by other people.

Or even arrange more than one.

As the strength of the alliance increases and the Kingdom of Dark Night unifies, all the lords will encounter greater and greater challenges. Some will always stand out, while some will disappear from the crowd. The initial conditions can determine the innate advantages. , but it cannot determine the distant future.

Including Shen Fei himself, the same is actually true.

To put it bluntly, his innate advantages are just a few hundred million points greater than those of other lords in the same world.

Not long after returning to the territory, Li Tingyu also returned.

This time, she entered the study room of the Lord's Mansion directly, because Shen Fei was also waiting for her here.

"Have you finished giving private lessons to your little crush?" Shen Fei joked.

"What Lu Feifei truly admires is you, my lord." Li Tingyu pursed her lips and smiled, "What I value most is not her ability, but her loyalty."

"Oh?" Shen Fei became curious, "She doesn't look like the kind of girl who likes domineering presidents."

He believes that the image he projects to the outside world is mostly domineering and cold. After all, almost all of his early power came from powerful force.

"Maybe it's because your dominance saved her once."

Following Li Tingyu's explanation, Shen Fei realized that this girl had been targeted by several male lords as early as when she first started exploring.

After all, the appearance is here.

But just when those lords were about to take action, the news that Shen Fei seriously killed the lords spread throughout the region, and even the news that Li Tingyu was able to hypnotize and interrogate.

As a result, most of the lords who originally had their eyes on her were intimidated.

For the rest, with her rare level subjects, there is no need to be afraid.

This is why Lu Feifei tried her best to hide herself at first, but after realizing Shen Fei's style, she began to express herself with all her strength.

I'm afraid that at that time, like Lu Feifei, there were many lords in the region who were frightened by Shen Fei and Li Tingyu and escaped with their lives.

Especially after learning about the tragic situation in other districts, more and more ordinary lords began to appreciate what Shen Fei had done at that time.

To a certain extent, this has become an important foundation for Shenfei to win the "popular support" of the entire region.

"It seems that even after unifying the entire forest, the Northwest District is still my most core force." Shen Fei thought thoughtfully, "To a certain extent, this place is similar to my 'hometown' in this world. , However, the degree of this is not easy to control.”

"Actually, there is no need for any preferential treatment." Li Tingyu immediately understood what Shen Fei meant and reminded softly, "Just relying on the base of lords and the advantages established in the early stage, the Northwest District will inevitably become a Kingdom Center.”

"That's right." Shen Fei nodded.

After thinking for a moment, he suddenly stretched out his hand and rubbed the bridge of his nose.

Although with his current physical condition, he would not show fatigue, but as his power grows, there are indeed more and more things to think about.

This chapter has been completed!
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