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Chapter 181: Captured Epic Treasure

Chapter 181 The captured epic treasure

After Yu Guang put down his initial ambition to conquer the entire district and even other districts, he quickly found the direction he wanted to take.

His subjects are inherently good at fighting.

And during this process, he gradually began to enjoy fighting, especially enjoying the increasingly powerful extraordinary power.

After learning about the situation of the Dark Night Alliance Legion, he immediately had the idea of ​​joining the future Kingdom Legion.

After all, epic-level citizens may sound powerful, but they only have such a number, so how can they have the courage to control thousands or even tens of thousands of people?

Moreover, it is easier to extract and become stronger in the legion!

Therefore, these words are indeed true.

On the contrary, Meng Yu was silent at this time.

Because he has realized that the unification of the kingdom has formed an unstoppable trend, and the situation in the future will be very different from that of the past month. Yu Guang has already thought about his own path, and he also has to think about his own path.

own path.

So, is his path really to stay in the East District and become a leader?

Meng Yu fell into thinking.

But he wasn't the only one thinking about it.

At this time, the other lords who had dispersed, including all the lords in the entire region, also became excited after seeing the news of the arrival of the Dark Night Alliance legions and the news that the Dark Night Alliance had delivered to the entire region.

They also had to choose their own path.

Some are nervous, some are relaxed, and some are anxious and panicked.

Obviously, Zhang Shiyan was panicked.

He now looked back and thought about Meng Yu and Yu Guang's words. The more he thought about it, the more he felt something was wrong, especially since he did not know the news that Shi Ge was dead. At this moment, he rushed to the Lord's Mansion and turned on the channel to see Shi Ge's name.

Sure enough it has disappeared!

Not only that, but the many voices in the regional channel also made him nervous and uneasy.

"It's really amazing. I've never seen such a powerful army before!"

"Good guys, can you imagine all the different types of territorial citizens with all the orders and prohibitions?"

"It's more than just issuing orders and prohibitions! The front row is full of big guys, the back row is covered with firepower, and they have quick reactions. I really doubt there is a reconnaissance team hiding!"

"The equipment is also very powerful! Everyone wears armor and can fly. They are invincible!"

"The one who leads the team is really awesome, a sixth-level legendary leader!"

"These legendary level citizens alone can be killed."

"It's a vote, it's a slap in the face, the head of our alliance has been controlled!"

"Damn it, our alliance leader's name has disappeared! Damn it! There are many other people whose names have disappeared!"


Zhang Shiyan saw what the last person said, and he remembered that this person was from Shi Ge's alliance.

The ranking list was immediately opened.

Sure enough, the leader of that alliance, a lord who also had epic subjects, has disappeared!

How could a lord with epic-level subjects die so easily? He must have been eliminated by this legion!

Zhang Shiyan's head was pounded, and he felt boundless fear surrounding him.

And just as he thought, wars were happening in some parts of the region.

The territorial citizens with psychic power will start the trial, and then directly scout the team to carry out encirclement and suppression. After the territory is completely disappeared, all the other territory's citizens will be controlled.

Not all of these territorial residents will be killed, but will also be subject to review.

After it is determined to be harmless, it can be released and incorporated into the indigenous people for unified management.

After the names in the channel disappeared one after another, and there were even the voices of many lords dying, all the lords in the area realized that the legions of the Dark Night Alliance came not only to conquer, but also to kill.

And under the deliberate propaganda of some guilty-minded people, the entire district channel fell into a huge panic.

Until Meng Yu spoke up.

"The Dark Night Alliance will use powerful lords with psychic power to review. All those who have brutally killed other lords, or have anti-human tendencies, will not be retained. This is the leader of the Dark Night Alliance, the number one lord in the world, the boss of Shen Fei You can try to resist the order, but just do it on your own."

These words directly pushed the panic in the area to its peak.

Some lords who thought they had nothing to do with them were diving silently. Therefore, the entire area was filled with guilty-minded people, and some of the lords were yelling at them.

But Meng Yu didn't care about this.

Li Tingyu didn't care either.

Shen Fei didn't even care!

Since it is a forceful conquest, how can we not give people a chance to resist?

If you don't resist, you will always have illusions.

It's best to join forces and then be ruthlessly killed. Only then can it be considered a true conquest!

As for whether such a method will force the rest of the people away, let’s not mention that neither the territory nor the lords have moved yet. Even if they are able to move in the future, there will still be a large number of lords flocking to the Kingdom of Dark Night.

Without him, the Dark Night Kingdom will definitely be the most powerful lord kingdom in the world!

Therefore, this unification is destined to be full of strength and blood.

And the Southwest District where Meng Yu is located is just a microcosm of the five major regions.

In the following time, the lords of all five districts felt as if they had spent an extremely long time.

The storms in just a few days were even greater than in the past month!

First, many alliances and lords announced their surrender and joined the Kingdom of Dark Night.

Then came the legion generals, blocking all the lords' retreat, and then began to review and push forward.

Lords who pass the review will not commit any crime, and will only be restricted from leaving. Those who fail the review will be killed without mercy!

In the end, as people gradually became aware of the censorship standards, some lords who thought they could not pass the review gathered together and tried to fight to the death.

The Southwest District was led by Zhang Shiyan.

He didn't want to fight the Dark Night Army to the end. He wasn't overestimating his capabilities. Instead, he wanted to rip off a blockade from a weak area and escape to other areas.

To this end, we even specially selected a place where there were no such level 6 citizens, and used level 5 heroes as the vanguard to charge forward.

For a moment, he almost broke out of the siege.

However, as a territorial citizen picked up the communicator and asked for support, ripples suddenly appeared in the air one after another.

Densely packed laser cannons fell from high altitude!

Like fire from heaven wiping out the world!

But each shot was extremely accurate, and all of them hit the people and lords who broke through the encirclement. Even the fourth level could not resist a few shots. As for the fifth level, they struggled to be reduced to ashes in the concentrated fire.

The whole process was clearly seen by some onlookers.

Only boundless fear emerged in my heart.

"What kind of weapon is that?"

"Looks like a laser cannon."

"The attack like Cyclops can not only be fired in one shot, but can also be activated for a long time!"

"The earth has melted, it's terrifying!"

"It's over, it's all over, Zhang Shiyan died miserably."

"Bah, this is a deserved death, that guy is not a good person!"

"Good kill! With Boss Shen Fei here, we are finally safe."


Facts have proved that Shen Fei and Li Tingyu's judgment was extremely correct. After suppressing the rebels and thoroughly demonstrating their strength, the remaining people all became honest.

They even began to criticize the slain lords, and each one of them began to praise and brag about Shen Fei.

Of course, the current bragging is probably caused by panic-stricken speculators.

But it doesn't matter.

The same was true for the people in the northwest region at the beginning.

Looking at it now, I don’t know how many of them truly admire Shen Fei.

As Shen Fei once said, adding carrots and sticks is the eternal truth.

It was not until five days later that all five major areas were finally cleaned.

The final statistical data was also compiled by Li Tingyu to Shen Fei.

"There are a total of 11,321 lords in the five regions. There are no legendary lords among them. There are 32 lords with epic level lords and 270 rare level lords. However, Most of the people in the territory are only second and third level, the number of fourth level is very rare, and there are only three fifth level units left." When Li Tingyu submitted the written report, she was also giving a summary introduction to Shen Fei.

It is worth mentioning that besides them, there was one more person in the study at this time.

It’s Sheng Xin!

At this time, Sheng Xin had undergone earth-shaking changes from when they had just met before!

Although the body shape is still lean and the figure is extremely petite, only about 1.4 meters, which does not look like an 18-year-old adult at all, but the skin is fair and smooth, the appearance is delicate and delicate, and even the originally withered hair is extremely smooth , jet black, and still has the slightest bit of the tortured and deformed appearance it had before.

She is a complete beauty.

To be honest, Shen Fei was a little surprised when he first saw Sheng Xin after recovery.

In terms of appearance alone, let alone her current childish and petite figure, even if she grows up in the future, she should not be able to compare with Li Tingyu, but her pair of amber-clear eyes, placed on such an appearance, does have a certain A thrilling feeling of amazement.

After being cured just now, Sheng Xin was not in a hurry to go to the training ground to practice. Instead, she first made a request to participate in the construction of the territory.

So, Shen Fei allowed her to come and observe.

But at this time, Li Tingyu is still solely responsible for all unification matters.

While listening to Li Tingyu's report, Shen Fei flipped through the information above and suddenly raised his eyebrows.

"We actually captured four pieces of epic-level equipment and two epic-level spiritual plants?"

"Yes, these things did not disappear when the lord was killed." Hearing this, Li Tingyu also showed a smile on her face, "In addition to the thunder armor captured before, there is also a Stigmata Scepter that is also very good. Suitable for you, Lord."

Shen Fei happened to turn to the page of the Stigmata Scepter at this time, but at first glance, he was somewhat attracted to it.

(End of chapter)

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