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Chapter 190 Betrayal Everywhere

Chapter 190 Betrayal everywhere

Shen Fei saw that Hou Guoning's loyalty had only increased a little, and he knew that this general who had been betrayed and lost everything would not be so easy to invest more loyalty and trust.

However, it doesn't matter.

As time goes by.

Moreover, to be honest, as the number of heroes in the territory increases, it is obvious that Shen Fei cannot be as familiar with every hero as he was at the beginning.

As Li Tingyu said before, power is a pyramid.

Being at the top of the pyramid, he only needs to establish a relatively stable and strong relationship with the people on the lower level, which is actually enough.

Not to mention recruiting eight heroes at once this time.

Even those recruited before, some have not actually entered the second level of the power pyramid.

For example, Xu Tai.

Therefore, Shen Fei has no intention of quickly increasing Hou Guoning's loyalty. It is enough if he can maintain it above ninety.

He looked at the second person at this moment.

This time it was a bright spot.

Because, this is really a very elegant woman.

She is also a military heroine, but this one is not like Valerie. Although she is petite, she is full of heroic appearance, which makes people think of the word "women are not inferior to men" at the first time. Instead, she is full of a kind of The unique feminine smell is the smell of smoking, hugging your breasts, and looking down from a high place.

If you add a black silk cheongsam, the flavor will be even stronger.

"It seems that you will be my boss in the future."

The woman stretched out her hand, touched her pocket, then looked at Shen Fei and asked something that did not surprise Shen Fei at all.

"Do you have any cigarettes? Cigarettes, tobacco, anything."

"Unfortunately, our current productivity is still very low." When Shen Fei said this, he looked at her and saw that although she was a little disappointed, she didn't look too uncomfortable. He felt relieved and smiled, " But you're lucky, I happened to have a few bags with me when I traveled through time."

Then, with a wave of his hand, several packs of cigarettes flew directly from the warehouse.

Shen Fei does not smoke, but he once made a large purchase of some things and put them in the warehouse. In order to prevent himself from being trapped in the small world in the future and developing the habit of smoking, he did store some things.

The woman took it, first read the words on it, then skillfully took out one, pinched it with both hands, and picked out the flames. She took a slow breath, then slowly spit it out, and said in a voice: "Chi Yanyun, fire I am a person with superpowers. I come from a civilization that has just entered the era of interstellar immigration. I am the commander of the Second Legion of the Rebel Army. Also, 40% of my body has undergone mechanical transformation. If there is no corresponding technology here to repair and alleviate the rejection reaction, then I probably won’t survive for half a year. Let me tell you in advance, I don’t want to become a skeleton.”

"You call yourself a rebel?"

Shen Fei didn't pay attention to the last sentence, but instead noticed what he was interested in.

There are many good names for an army that seeks to overthrow an existing ruling class.

Even if it is the rebel army, it sounds better than the rebel army.

Because being rebellious and disobeying the normal rules means being contrary to reality, it has a strong derogatory connotation.

Otherwise, adolescence would be called the rebellious period.

"This is the name given to us by the federation, but it is also true." Chi Yanyun's eyes seemed a little melancholy, "Moreover, I didn't know until I was about to die that we were not only rebellious, but also rebellious and stupid."

Shen Fei said nothing.

He is already checking this person's system information.

It turned out that what the other party said was indeed correct.

The civilization she lives in is a civilization that has just entered the interstellar immigration period. Under normal circumstances, it should continue to develop and grow towards interstellar civilization. However, sadly, her world has more than one civilization. Some other civilizations entered the starry sky first, and their technology and strength were more powerful than them.

Therefore, after careful consideration, the top federal officials decided to surrender.

However, the news broke out.

It triggered crazy condemnation from countless people.

Afterwards, it was revealed that many people among the top federal officials had already made contact with other civilizations and obtained immigration qualifications.

Countless people believe that they and the entire civilization have been sold to the enemy by the top federal officials.

Thus, the rebel army was born.

As a talented commander in the federal army, Chi Yanyun also joined the rebel army. She was unwilling to surrender without a fight, and her talent was indeed powerful. Not only did she grow rapidly among the rebel army, she also grew up in the shortest time. Within a short period of time, he won the rebellion war and seized the rights of the federation.


In the face of other civilizations, the Federation controlled by the rebels suffered a complete defeat.

Therefore, in Chi Yanyun's final understanding, the word "rebellion" is really not wrong at all.

Everything she did, everything they did, was like a young passionate boy who rebelled against his parents' opinions, and finally proved his mistake with a tragic failure in the cruel reality.

"Soldiers only need to do what soldiers should do, which is to obey orders."

This sentence is what Chi Yanyun left in the system information comment.

And her heroic talent also surprised Shen Fei.

[Epic-level talent: All territorial offensive weapons, equipment, and props used by territorial members outside the territory have a 15% chance of experiencing 100% to 200% additional critical damage. 】

This is a hero talent that is very similar to the talent of a force-type hero! However, one can only be used within the territory, while the other can only be used outside the territory.

All territorial weapons, equipment, and offensive props?

With the word "territory" mentioned, I'm afraid that what I make myself may not be able to be used, but aerial cannons, epic equipment, and equipment made from the workshop can definitely activate this talent.

Even though the critical hit probability and critical hit damage cannot be compared with the legendary leaders, it is not weak at all.

This made Shen Fei realize that his previous understanding of the hero's talent might have been too shallow.

This is definitely an extremely special power bestowed by the lord system.

It's like Vallie's magical aura, but it's more silent and more powerful than that.

"The level of the lord system is really high." Shen Fei could only sigh in the end.

When all the remaining heroes are recruited, I am afraid that the hero talents alone will increase the strength of his territory by a large margin.

"Don't worry about mechanical transformation." Shen Fei came back to his senses from the system information and looked at Chi Yanyun in front of him and said, "Although I don't have a mechanical expert here, there is an alchemist master who can transform everything in your body. All the mechanical transformations will be changed to alchemy equipment. In this way, you don’t have to worry about rejection reactions in the future. Your personal strength in the future can be directed towards the extraordinary path of a fire-type equipment magician."

With just a cursory glance, he could understand that the so-called fire power in the opponent's body actually had a homogeneous meaning of magic.

This is also the most appropriate supernatural power for most superpowers.

Kuang Tianzhi is now also researching in this direction, but he is researching a power called "arcanist", which is consistent with his abilities.

Although the heroes' training ground does not have a mentor, it can also play a certain role in pointing the way forward for the heroes.

At this moment, after Chi Yanyun was silent for a moment, he took off the half-smoked cigarette and extinguished it directly on the palm of his hand. He straightened his body, raised his palm and saluted Shen Fei with a military salute in his world.

"I will absolutely obey orders and will risk my life to bring you victory in all orders!" Chi Yanyun said.

It was only at this moment that she seemed to let go of the arrogance that should have been engraved in her bones, and only a true soldier and a true warrior remained.

Shen Fei didn't say any more unnecessary words.

Just nodded.

Because the other party's loyalty that suddenly increased to ninety-five points is enough to illustrate the other party's determination.

Perhaps at this moment, the rebellious "adolescence" finally matures and moves toward reality.

Shen Fei looked at the last "person".

Not only him, but everyone present looked at him in the same way.

Without him, this person's appearance is really too special.

But at this moment, the black flame burning faintly in the skull suddenly jumped.

A sound like a whine in the air suddenly sounded in the air.

"Fataou Teret, the undead general, was the Marshal of the Mubarak Empire during his lifetime."

It is too simple to introduce simply, but it seems to tell all the key points.

Shen Fei directly checks the system information.

The first thing I saw was that he only had eighty-one points of loyalty.

It seemed that he had never seen such low initial loyalty.

But soon, he knew the reason.

This undead knight named Fatau comes from a fantasy world. Under the spell of a powerful necromancer, a crisis similar to the undead disaster broke out in that world. As the marshal of the most powerful empire in the world, , Fataw, died in a battle and turned into an undead.

Originally, he was supposed to be the enemy of all living beings.

However, under the powerful power of his life, Fataw recalled everything when he was still alive and found himself.

Later, he led a group of undead under his control to help the living and win the war.

However, there is no place for him in the world of the living.

He died again.

Died at the hands of the living.

"Betrayal is really everywhere in countless worlds." Shen Fei finally sighed like this.

The three heroes recruited this time were all related to betrayal.

Even if Chi Yanyun is not the betrayed, he can still be regarded as the betrayer.

I am hesitating whether to write a background story for the hero behind me. I think I will give a brief introduction, and the length will not be short (_)

(End of chapter)

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