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Chapter 218: New World Reward Mode

Shen Fei is also full of expectations for heading to the new world.

This is different from previous local civilizations facing the current world.

At that time, my own strength was not strong enough, the indigenous civilization was full of mysteries and unknowns, and I was still forced to contact them, so I was somewhat worried and unconfident.

But now, with its powerful territory and rich heritage, the kingdom can also be called a "behemoth", and the number of citizens in the entire kingdom is approaching the tens of millions level.

The most important thing is that going to the new world is a proactive decision.

After getting ready, step onto the stage majesticly.

At this moment, Shen Fei's mood was as if he could finally leave his profession and go down the mountain to experience the colorful world. He was a high-spirited young hero.

And Shen Fei is not the only one who feels this way.

At his order, the entire kingdom began to take action. The six legions were divided into two, with one half continuing to garrison the six major areas and assisting in cleaning up the center of the forest. The other half were all stationed in the Dark Night Alliance's City No. 1, and at the same time all kinds of Military supplies, including equipment, equipment, food, clothing, medical supplies, etc., all began to be stored towards City No. 1.

Every lord who participated was extremely excited.

Although these lords have come to this world and become lords for almost two months, they were mostly ordinary people before traveling through time. Apart from having fun online and enjoying themselves in fantasy works, who can really experience it or even participate in it? In the midst of such a huge event.

Invading the new world.

There is a vast sky ahead, and unknown wonders are waiting for every lord.

Finally, after everything was ready, Shen Fei arrived at the place where he was ready to build the Altar of the Heavens.

It's not far from the center of gray fog in City No. 1.

It happens to be in a place that is easy to attack and difficult to defend.

Moreover, it has been surrounded layer by layer by the kingdom's territory, and tens of thousands of royal regiments have completely surrounded it.

It is not only to prevent something from rushing out of the space-time door after it is opened, but also to prevent lords or subjects from sneaking in.

"Are you all ready?" Shen Fei looked at the large piece of flat land in front of him and asked.

"Everything is ready." Li Tingyu replied, her eyes also filled with expectation.

Even though she was the emperor's daughter of the Immortal Dynasty in the past, with a noble status and powerful strength, she also had no experience of traveling to all the heavens and worlds like this.

This may not be as spectacular as her past battles in the demonic realm, but the concept is completely different.

And Shen Fei no longer hesitated.

I passed the panel directly, selected the Altar of the Heavens, which could only build one, and started construction.

Millions of source crystals and a large amount of metal resources were consumed.

Yes, the construction of the Altar of the Heavens requires millions of source crystals!

This is actually the main reason why Shen Fei waited an extra day. Naturally, the money will not be paid by him, but will be spent from the treasury. Even so, he still has to wait an extra day to raise it.

At this moment, azure light directly covered the land in front of him.

There were also eager and excited eyes among the orderly troops around them.

Many lords have joined the legion. They are the only lords among the lords of the kingdom who are qualified to participate in the journey to the heavens first. After this period of military reform and training, these lords also have some soldiers. His temperament, otherwise, he would probably be so excited that he would start shouting.

The construction speed is very fast.

Just a moment later, the blue light faded away, and what appeared in front of everyone's eyes was a huge altar that was more than twice the size of an ordinary altar, with a simple and desolate atmosphere.

Moreover, it is not bronze color, but sparkling white silver!

at the same time.

The prompt sound of the lord system appears in the ears of all lords in the entire kingdom.

[The altar of the heavens has been established, and the kingdom’s journey to the heavens has officially begun. 】

[The new world is called: Great Wilderness World]

[No matter how huge the world is, it cannot support the growth rate of the lords. Only the infinite heavens are the real stage for the lords. There are countless powerful enemies, countless rich treasures, and countless splendid civilizations there.

, where the lord will definitely become a leader, and will also be changed by the lord.】

[Note 1: For every bronze altar built in the new world, the king will receive a gold treasure chest. 】

[Note 2: Every time a bronze altar is built in the new world, the kingdom will receive a collective reward. 】

[Note 3: For every thirty-six bronze altars built in the new world, the king will receive a diamond treasure chest. ]

[Note 4: For every thirty-six bronze altars built in the new world, the kingdom will receive a generous collective reward. ]

[Note 5: The minimum distance in the vertical plane between the altar and the altar shall not be less than one thousand kilometers. 】

[Note 6: When no more altars can be built in the new world, the king and the kingdom will receive generous rewards based on the number of activated altars occupied by the kingdom. 】

Shen Fei read the entire system prompts word for word.

At the beginning, I didn't feel anything special.

I thought it was just a milestone reminder.

However, when those six comments appeared, Shen Fei couldn't help but take a slight breath.

This reward... is so generous!

Even if only one bronze altar can be built within a thousand kilometers, this is a huge extraordinary world! ap

Even based on the area of ​​the Earth in the past, the Earth's equator was a full 40,000 kilometers long!

There are hundreds of them all over the world.

Isn't that a treasure chest with hundreds of gold, and maybe a double-digit diamond treasure chest?

However, the last comment six also made Shen Fei realize that maybe not just their kingdom could come to this world.

In this case, the reward is actually quite reasonable.

In other words, an unknown number of kingdoms are brought into the world. In the early stage, they will continuously develop land and seize the construction of altars, and then start to fight with each other, fight, destroy and build cities, occupy each other's altars, until all the kingdoms in the world are occupied.

After all the altars are built, the final reward will be obtained based on the number of altars that are finally occupied.

Shen Fei estimates that this final reward will be extremely generous.

Otherwise, it would not be enough for the lords and kingdoms to compete with each other.

Moreover, this style of rewarding based on quantity rather than specific goals is similar to the initial exploration area reward.

If this could take over the entire world and all the altars...

It seems completely unreasonable to only give diamond treasure chests.

When Shen Fei thought of this, his eyes became a little hot.

There are no higher-level rewards on top of the diamond treasure chest. We don't know yet, but Shen Fei believes that there should be some.

Because at present, except for the legendary subjects who are the most powerful race in the big world, most of the other legendary rewards are not the best things in the big world.

For example, Yan Dan Furnace.

It seems to be very strong, but after all, it is only created by a dozen immortals. Even if this "immortal" is the level of "immortal" in Li Tingyu's world, then since there is an "immortal world", there are more than a dozen immortals.

Not to mention strength.

Even if it is not a setting of "after ascension, pigs are worse than dogs", the road to extraordinary evolution never ends, and there are definitely beings in these big worlds who are far more powerful than "regular immortals".

The treasures in those people's hands must be stronger than the legendary items currently obtained.

Therefore, Shen Fei is bound to win some of the rewards for Note 6 at this moment!

"My Lord." Li Tingyu, who was standing next to Shen Fei, suddenly said softly, "If the kingdoms heading to this world are the same ones from our current world, then our early advantage will be huge and important, and it will determine whether we can Take control of the situation before other kingdoms enter and win more rewards."

Shen Fei nodded, if this is the case, then it is indeed the truth.

Because currently, except for them, the other kingdoms may not even be able to capture all the bronze altars in the area.

Even if you want to surround that level 7 boss with numbers, it's not that easy.

The monsters in the center of the kingdom are even more difficult.

It will probably take quite some time until the rest of the kingdoms also enter this new world.

This period of time is their opportunity!

At this time, Shen Fei suddenly reacted and looked at Li Tingyu with some surprise.

"You can also hear system messages?"

Li Tingyu had been standing with him just now, and there was little chance to get information from the other lords.

Unless you use mind reading?

However, Li Tingyu nodded directly and said: "I was also a little surprised, but I did hear the news just now. Maybe it has something to do with the family acquisition system."

"The dependent system also has this function." Shen Fei's expression was a little strange.

Except that there is no territory and no buildings, this is not much different from a lord.

But Shen Fei didn't think much about it.

Looking at the silver altar in front of him, the altar of the heavens, his eyes couldn't help but feel a touch of fire.

His original desire for the new world was a large amount of resources, a splendid civilization, and countless monsters and ferocious beasts. These things could keep his own strength, the world of his territory, and even the strength of the kingdom increasing at a high speed.

Just this can make him full of expectations.

And now the sudden appearance of system rewards that are even bigger than world event rewards has instantly doubled this expectation several times!

This is true even for him, not to mention the other lords.

At this time, all the lords on the scene were so excited that their faces turned red and they could not control themselves. If it were not for the existence of military discipline, they would have already made loud noises, shouted, and vented their emotions. In City No. 1 not far away, There have been waves of shouts, and the regional channel and the kingdom channel are frantically refreshing information.

If it were not for limiting the number of speeches within a certain period of time, no information would be clear at all in this situation.

But even without looking, Shen Fei could guess what everyone was talking about.

It’s nothing more than occupying territory, grabbing treasure chests, and grabbing rewards!

"Get ready to open the door!" Shen Fei raised his hand and waved.

This chapter has been completed!
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