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Chapter 236: What on earth is this?

These masterminds, mostly women, do have some miraculous methods.

That's information, and the ability to get close to others.

Whether it was Sha Xiong before, He Ming now, or even some people with good strength and status in many places, most of them could not resist their active approach.

Even some monsters are like this.

They may be the first to take advantage of this simple human power in this relatively simple world.

Normally speaking, this force that has no name yet, but only carries the title of "Concubine Controller's Disciple", might really have a chance to become a behemoth in this world.

But it's a pity.

They are about to encounter a group of aliens who are not simple at all and are even bombarded by the information age.

At this moment, this woman who was still secretly proud also received a message from her sister.

It was transmitted by an inconspicuous insect.

Only a few words could be written on the top of the mere few inches of land.

"Big changes! Big changes like never before!"

The woman's expression couldn't help but change slightly.

What's the meaning?

Where's the big change?

Ganquan City?

But how is this possible? The only person in Ganquan City worth caring about is a person who is about to die of old age. Even if this person is still in his prime, with their strength, they can still easily get rid of him.

The reason why they are still here is just because they have a bigger goal.

——Fairy Si Qing.

That's right, these women, or the people behind these women, have only one biggest target in this operation, Fairy Si Qing, who is rumored to be Wu Zu's biological daughter.

Even the rumored treasure underground in Ganquan City was just incidental.

Therefore, there must be no problem in Ganquan City.

But the information on this piece of paper is really too little.

The woman felt a little uneasy in her heart. She pressed close to He Ming and said, "Brother, since we have arrived, let's speed up. Arriving earlier will help those people feel at ease."

He Ming turned his head and glanced at her.

At this moment, he did somewhat believe in this woman's identity as a "concubine's son".

Because along the way, the other party's admiration and admiration for Concubine Yu, especially Wu Zu, even showed that he was even better than him, a disciple of Wu Zu.

But, speed it up?

He Ming had no objection.

Although he didn't care much about the life and death of the people in Ganquan City, he had actually abided by Wu Zu's will for more than a hundred years, and he had actually formed a habit.

So, the two of them accelerated again.

But what they don't know is that from very early on, there have been many pairs of eyes around them, watching them all the time.

Even the conversation between the two included the small note received by the woman.

However, he just stared and didn't take any action.

Because this is Shen Fei's instruction.

"A disciple of the Martial Ancestor and a member of the mastermind behind the scenes?" Shen Fei's original words were indifferent, "Just keep an eye on him, there is no need to do anything special."

When the advantage is in me, the more I do, the more I lose. The most correct approach is to remain unchanged and adapt to changes.

What's more, he still keeps a close eye on him.

Everything is under control.

So, nothing really needs to be done.

At this moment, He Ming and this woman, who has never said her name so far, are facing the first impact of their narrow and pitiful worldview!

The two stood blankly on a sand dune, staring ahead in stunned silence.

Under the sky full of wind and sand, an extremely tall city wall, as tall as a mountain, stood in the desert.

what is that?

Desert hallucination?

Or is it that they have taken the wrong path, and this is not a sweet spring city at all, but another mysterious city hidden in the desert?

That’s not right!

He Ming came here more than once, and the woman next to him even more so. They can be sure that this is the location of Ganquan City!


What on earth is this!

"Hey, Hero Heming?" At this time, a voice suddenly came from the distance.

He Ming and the woman both turned their heads and looked over with stiff expressions.

I found a group of people wrapped in windbreakers specially made for the desert, riding on sand beasts.

The first person had taken off his mask and revealed his face.

It’s Fu Yu!

He Ming had a vague impression that he had seen this man several times before when he supported Ganquan City. This man did not seem to be from Ganquan City, but he would arrive every time and expressed his utmost admiration for him in his words.

This is also the reason why He Minghui has a little impression.

But I only have a little impression.

He was just a little leader in the desert, so of course he didn't care.

But at this moment, he actually took the initiative to greet him.

Even the woman next to him followed closely.

Because they really want to know what is happening here, what is going on with this extremely huge city in front of them, which is so huge that they can hardly believe it.

Especially that woman!

She had been here in person more than ten days ago, and at that time, the scene in front of her did not exist here at all!

A dozen days, a city like this?

She now finally understood the meaning of the writing on the note.

This is actually a big change, almost like a big change in a dream!

This even made her completely unable to maintain her expression at the moment.

Where is the gentle and weak look from before?

But fortunately, He Ming no longer has time to pay attention to her.

"Is it Fu Yu?" He Ming shouted from a distance, speeding up in vain, and rushed directly in front of Fu Yu, "Is it Fu Yu? Fu Yu near Ganquan City?"

"I didn't expect that Hero He Ming would still remember me?" Fu Yu was immediately overjoyed, "Yes, I am Fu Yu."

No matter what He Ming thinks in his heart, his actions in the past are indeed worthy of the title of "hero".

His admirers are also countless.

Fu Yu is one of them.

However, He Ming seemed to feel that it was not safe enough. After all, even more incredible things had already appeared in front of him.

Fortunately, he suddenly remembered something.

"I remember that one of your fingers is missing." He Ming stared at Fu Yu in front of him with a slightly questioning look, "Can you let me take a look?"

Since Zhenqi can display various methods that were unbelievable in the past.

Then, let him hallucinate.

Or he could have someone pretend to be someone he knows, which seems not impossible.

However, Fu Yu suddenly felt a little embarrassed.

"That...He Ming Da Xia." He still stretched out his palm, "My finger has already grown."


He Ming had been practicing sword-holding for hundreds of years, and the composure he had cultivated was on the verge of collapse at this moment.

He even wanted to pull out his sword and chop down all the people in front of him!

They are all monsters! Nothing in this world is real!

Fu Yu seemed to have seen He Ming's somewhat distorted expression, and Fu Yu also understood that all of this seemed too magical and unbelievable.

After all, if you haven't seen with your own eyes how his fingers grew and how this city was born, it's normal for you to be unable to accept it all at once.

However, Fu Yu suddenly came to his senses and hurriedly said what he had newly learned: "Master He Ming, as long as anything really exists, it is no longer impossible. You see, this huge city is not impossible."

It has been put in front of us, and my fingers have indeed grown, so no matter how unacceptable it is, we can only accept it."

These words are what Kuang Tianzhi recently promoted to the indigenous people.

It is also to enable the indigenous people to adapt to the new era as soon as possible.

Also accept the knowledge that "nothing is impossible for a king" as soon as possible.

But now that Fu Yu suddenly took it out, I have to say that it still played some role.

Although He Ming still couldn't accept what he was seeing, and even questioned whether it was his hallucination, he did not make an impulsive move to draw his sword and strike.

He just gritted his teeth and kept a stern face. For the first time in his life, he completely ignored the image of being a "disciple of the Martial Ancestor" and asked word by word: "What on earth is going on?"

"First of all, this is indeed Ganquan City." Fu Yu knew that he should keep the story short at this time, "Then, the current Ganquan City is no longer managed by Sha City Lord, we have a new lord, whether it is this city that surrounds the old Ganquan City

The new Ganquan City, my fingers, and all the things that may sound more incredible to you are all brought by the Lord."

Such short words are indeed effective.

However, the reason why it is effective is that it throws all the complicated, incredible, and unacceptable things to the "lord".

That is Shen Fei.

This can also prove from another aspect that Kuang Tianzhi's training of these "natives" was correct.

However, for He Ming, it is still difficult to accept.

Ganquan City changed to a "city lord" or "lord", which is not a big deal at all. However, why did the changed lord build such a city in the desert in such a short period of time rather than living in a fertile land?

The Qingcheng of the Qing Dynasty is even bigger and more spectacular?

If it were so easy to build a city in the desert, there would not be such a far-reaching and inspiring story that the first generation city lord led all his clansmen and worked hard to build Ganquan City for decades.

Not to mention, broken and missing fingers can still grow back.

Even under the Martial Ancestor, there is still a one-armed disciple!

So far it’s still one-armed!

If fingers can grow, can arms also grow?


At this time, the woman next to He Ming spoke.

After all, she was the one who could try to control a straight man like He Ming who was devoted to practicing swordsmanship step by step without changing her expression. At this time, she was equally shocked, but she had already thought of various explanations.

Guess directly:

"Is this just a show, supplemented by some kind of magical power, to deceive the monsters?"

This chapter has been completed!
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